{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-} {-| Copyright : (C) 2012-2016, University of Twente, 2016-2017, Myrtle Software Ltd, 2017 , Google Inc., 2021-2024, QBayLogic B.V. 2022 , Google Inc. License : BSD2 (see the file LICENSE) Maintainer : QBayLogic B.V. Functions to create BlackBox Contexts and fill in BlackBox templates -} {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE MagicHash #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-} {-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} module Clash.Netlist.BlackBox where import Control.Exception (throw) import Control.Lens ((%=)) import qualified Control.Lens as Lens import Control.Monad (when, replicateM, zipWithM) import Control.Monad.Extra (concatMapM) import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO) import Data.Bifunctor (first, second) import Data.Either (lefts, partitionEithers) import Data.Foldable (for_) import qualified Data.HashMap.Lazy as HashMap import qualified Data.IntMap as IntMap import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty (..)) import Data.List (elemIndex, partition) import Data.List.Extra (countEq, mapAccumLM) import Data.Maybe (listToMaybe, fromJust, fromMaybe) import Data.Monoid (Ap(getAp)) import qualified Data.Set as Set import Data.Text.Lazy (fromStrict) import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as Text import Data.Text (unpack) import qualified Data.Text as TextS import Data.Text.Extra import GHC.Stack (HasCallStack, callStack, prettyCallStack) import qualified System.Console.ANSI as ANSI import System.Console.ANSI ( hSetSGR, SGR(SetConsoleIntensity, SetColor), Color(Magenta, Red) , ConsoleIntensity(BoldIntensity), ConsoleLayer(Foreground), ColorIntensity(Vivid)) import System.IO (hPutStrLn, stderr, hFlush, hIsTerminalDevice) import Clash.Annotations.Primitive ( PrimitiveGuard(HasBlackBox, DontTranslate) , PrimitiveWarning(WarnNonSynthesizable, WarnAlways) , extractPrim, HDL(VHDL)) import Clash.Core.DataCon as D (dcTag) import Clash.Core.FreeVars (freeIds) import Clash.Core.HasType import Clash.Core.Literal as C (Literal (..)) import Clash.Core.Name (Name (..), mkUnsafeSystemName) import qualified Clash.Netlist.Id as Id import Clash.Core.Pretty (showPpr) import Clash.Core.Subst (extendIdSubst, mkSubst, substTm) import Clash.Core.Term as C (IsMultiPrim (..), PrimInfo (..), Term (..), WorkInfo (..), collectArgs, collectArgsTicks, collectBndrs, mkApps, PrimUnfolding(..)) import Clash.Core.TermInfo import Clash.Core.Type as C (Type (..), ConstTy (..), TypeView (..), mkFunTy, splitFunTys, tyView) import Clash.Core.TyCon as C (TyConMap, tyConDataCons) import Clash.Core.Util (inverseTopSortLetBindings, splitShouldSplit) import Clash.Core.Var as V (Id, mkLocalId, modifyVarName, varType) import Clash.Core.VarEnv (extendInScopeSet, mkInScopeSet, lookupVarEnv, uniqAway, unitVarSet) import {-# SOURCE #-} Clash.Netlist (genComponent, mkDcApplication, mkDeclarations, mkExpr, mkNetDecl, mkProjection, mkSelection, mkFunApp, mkDeclarations') import qualified Clash.Backend as Backend import qualified Clash.Data.UniqMap as UniqMap import Clash.Debug (debugIsOn) import Clash.Driver.Bool (OverridingBool(..)) import Clash.Driver.Types (ClashOpts(opt_primWarn, opt_color, opt_werror)) import Clash.Netlist.BlackBox.Types as B import Clash.Netlist.BlackBox.Util as B import Clash.Netlist.Types as N import Clash.Netlist.Util as N import Clash.Normalize.Primitives (removedArg) import Clash.Primitives.Types as P import qualified Clash.Primitives.Util as P import Clash.Signal.Internal (ActiveEdge (..)) import Clash.Util import qualified Clash.Util.Interpolate as I -- | Emits (colorized) warning to stderr warn :: ClashOpts -> String -> IO () warn opts msg = do -- TODO: Put in appropriate module useColor <- case opt_color opts of Always -> return True Never -> return False Auto -> hIsTerminalDevice stderr hSetSGR stderr [SetConsoleIntensity BoldIntensity] case opt_werror opts of True -> do when useColor $ hSetSGR stderr [SetColor Foreground Vivid Red] throw (ClashException noSrcSpan msg Nothing) False -> do when useColor $ hSetSGR stderr [SetColor Foreground Vivid Magenta] hPutStrLn stderr $ "[WARNING] " ++ msg hSetSGR stderr [ANSI.Reset] hFlush stderr -- | Generate the context for a BlackBox instantiation. mkBlackBoxContext :: HasCallStack => TextS.Text -- ^ Blackbox function name -> [Id] -- ^ Identifiers binding the primitive/blackbox application -> [Either Term Type] -- ^ Arguments of the primitive/blackbox application -> NetlistMonad (BlackBoxContext,[Declaration]) mkBlackBoxContext bbName resIds args@(lefts -> termArgs) = do -- Make context inputs let resNms = fmap Id.unsafeFromCoreId resIds resNm = fromMaybe (error "mkBlackBoxContext: head") (listToMaybe resNms) resTys <- mapM (unsafeCoreTypeToHWTypeM' $(curLoc) . coreTypeOf) resIds (imps,impDecls) <- unzip <$> zipWithM (mkArgument bbName resNm) [0..] termArgs (funs,funDecls) <- mapAccumLM (addFunction (map coreTypeOf resIds)) IntMap.empty (zip termArgs [0..]) -- Make context result let ress = map (flip Identifier Nothing) resNms lvl <- Lens.use curBBlvl (nm,_) <- Lens.use curCompNm -- Set "context name" to value set by `Clash.Magic.setName`, default to the -- name of the closest binder ctxName1 <- fromMaybe (map Id.toText resNms) . fmap pure <$> Lens.view setName -- Update "context name" with prefixes and suffixes set by -- `Clash.Magic.prefixName` and `Clash.Magic.suffixName` ctxName2 <- mapM affixName ctxName1 return ( Context bbName (zip ress resTys) imps funs [] lvl nm (listToMaybe ctxName2) , concat impDecls ++ concat funDecls ) where addFunction resTys im (arg,i) = do tcm <- Lens.view tcCache if isFun tcm arg then do -- Only try to calculate function plurality when primitive actually -- exists. Here to prevent crashes on __INTERNAL__ primitives. prim <- HashMap.lookup bbName <$> Lens.view primitives funcPlurality <- case extractPrim <$> prim of Just (Just p) -> P.getFunctionPlurality p args resTys i _ -> pure 1 curBBlvl Lens.+= 1 (fs,ds) <- case resIds of (resId:_) -> unzip <$> replicateM funcPlurality (mkFunInput bbName resId arg) _ -> error "internal error: insufficient resIds" curBBlvl Lens.-= 1 let im' = IntMap.insert i fs im return (im', concat ds) else return (im, []) prepareBlackBox :: TextS.Text -> BlackBox -> BlackBoxContext -> NetlistMonad (BlackBox,[Declaration]) prepareBlackBox _pNm templ bbCtx = case verifyBlackBoxContext bbCtx templ of Nothing -> do (t2,decls) <- onBlackBox (fmap (first BBTemplate) . setSym bbCtx) (\bbName bbHash bbFunc -> pure (BBFunction bbName bbHash bbFunc, [])) templ for_ decls goDecl return (t2,decls) Just err0 -> do (_,sp) <- Lens.use curCompNm let err1 = concat [ "Couldn't instantiate blackbox for " , Data.Text.unpack (bbName bbCtx), ". Verification " , "procedure reported:\n\n" ++ err0 ] throw (ClashException sp ($(curLoc) ++ err1) Nothing) where -- Right now we assume that (1) a blackbox doesn't assign to a signal -- declared outside the black box template and (2) all uses of a signal -- within a blackbox are correct for the targeted HDL (i.e. we don't try -- to generate new signals when a signal is used incorrectly). goDecl = \case Assignment i u _ -> declareUse u i CondAssignment i _ _ _ _ -> do -- Currently, all CondAssignment get rendered as `always @*` blocks in -- (System)Verilog. This means when we target these HDL, this is _really_ -- a blocking procedural assignment. SomeBackend b <- Lens.use backend let use = case Backend.hdlKind b of { VHDL -> Cont ; _ -> Proc Blocking } declareUse use i Seq seqs -> for_ seqs goSeq _ -> pure () goSeq = \case AlwaysClocked _ _ seqs -> for_ seqs goSeq Initial seqs -> for_ seqs goSeq AlwaysComb seqs -> for_ seqs goSeq SeqDecl conc -> goDecl conc Branch _ _ alts -> let seqs = concatMap snd alts in for_ seqs goSeq -- | Determine if a term represents a literal isLiteral :: Term -> Bool isLiteral e = case collectArgs e of (Data _, args) -> all (either isLiteral (const True)) args (Prim _, args) -> all (either isLiteral (const True)) args (C.Literal _,_) -> True _ -> False mkArgument :: TextS.Text -- ^ Blackbox function name -> Identifier -- ^ LHS of the original let-binder. Is used as a name hint to generate new -- names in case the argument is a declaration. -> Int -- ^ Argument n (zero-indexed). Used for error message. -> Term -> NetlistMonad ( (Expr,HWType,Bool) , [Declaration] ) mkArgument bbName bndr nArg e = do tcm <- Lens.view tcCache let ty = inferCoreTypeOf tcm e iw <- Lens.view intWidth hwTyM <- fmap stripFiltered <$> N.termHWTypeM e let eTyMsg = "(" ++ showPpr e ++ " :: " ++ showPpr ty ++ ")" ((e',t,l),d) <- case hwTyM of Nothing | (Prim p,_) <- collectArgs e , primName p == showt 'removedArg -> return ((Identifier (Id.unsafeMake (showt 'removedArg)) Nothing, Void Nothing, False), []) | otherwise -> return ((error ($(curLoc) ++ "Forced to evaluate untranslatable type: " ++ eTyMsg), Void Nothing, False), []) Just hwTy -> case collectArgsTicks e of (C.Var v,[],_) -> do return ((Identifier (Id.unsafeFromCoreId v) Nothing,hwTy,False),[]) (C.Literal l,[],_) -> return ((mkLiteral iw l,hwTy,True),[]) (Prim pinfo,args,ticks) -> withTicks ticks $ \tickDecls -> do (e',d) <- mkPrimitive True False Concurrent (NetlistId bndr ty) pinfo args tickDecls case e' of (Identifier _ _) -> return ((e',hwTy,False), d) _ -> return ((e',hwTy,isLiteral e), d) (Data dc, args,_) -> do (exprN,dcDecls) <- mkDcApplication Concurrent [hwTy] (NetlistId bndr ty) dc (lefts args) return ((exprN,hwTy,isLiteral e),dcDecls) (Case scrut ty' [alt],[],_) -> do (projection,decls) <- mkProjection False (NetlistId bndr ty) scrut ty' alt return ((projection,hwTy,False),decls) (Let _bnds _term, [], _ticks) -> do (exprN, letDecls) <- mkExpr False Concurrent (NetlistId bndr ty) e return ((exprN,hwTy,False),letDecls) _ -> do let errMsg = [I.i| Forced to evaluate unexpected function argument: #{eTyMsg} in 'mkArgument' for argument #{nArg} of blackbox #{show bbName}. |] return ((Identifier (error ($(curLoc) ++ errMsg)) Nothing, hwTy, False), []) return ((e',t,l),d) -- | Extract a compiled primitive from a guarded primitive. Emit a warning if -- the guard wants to, or fail entirely. extractPrimWarnOrFail :: HasCallStack => TextS.Text -- ^ Name of primitive -> NetlistMonad CompiledPrimitive extractPrimWarnOrFail nm = do prim <- HashMap.lookup nm <$> Lens.view primitives case prim of Just (HasBlackBox warnings compiledPrim) -> -- See if we need to warn the user if null warnings then return compiledPrim else go warnings compiledPrim Just DontTranslate -> do -- We need to error because we encountered a primitive the user -- explicitly requested not to translate (_,sp) <- Lens.use curCompNm let msg = $(curLoc) ++ "Clash was forced to translate '" ++ unpack nm ++ "', but this value was marked with DontTranslate. Did you forget" ++ " to include a blackbox for one of the constructs using this?" ++ (if debugIsOn then "\n\n" ++ prettyCallStack callStack ++ "\n\n" else []) throw (ClashException sp msg Nothing) Nothing -> do -- Blackbox requested, but no blackbox found at all! (_,sp) <- Lens.use curCompNm let msg = $(curLoc) ++ "No blackbox found for: " ++ unpack nm ++ ". Did you forget to include directories containing " ++ "primitives? You can use '-i/my/prim/dir' to achieve this." ++ (if debugIsOn then "\n\n" ++ prettyCallStack callStack ++ "\n\n" else []) throw (ClashException sp msg Nothing) where go :: [PrimitiveWarning] -> CompiledPrimitive -> NetlistMonad CompiledPrimitive go ((WarnAlways warning):ws) cp = do opts <- Lens.view clashOpts let primWarn = opt_primWarn opts seen <- Set.member nm <$> Lens.use seenPrimitives when (primWarn && not seen) $ liftIO $ warn opts $ "Dubious primitive instantiation for " ++ unpack nm ++ ": " ++ warning ++ " (disable with -fclash-no-prim-warn)" go ws cp go ((WarnNonSynthesizable warning):ws) cp = do isTB <- Lens.use isTestBench if isTB then go ws cp else go ((WarnAlways warning):ws) cp go [] cp = do seenPrimitives %= Set.insert nm return cp mkPrimitive :: Bool -- ^ Put BlackBox expression in parenthesis -> Bool -- ^ Treat BlackBox expression as declaration -> DeclarationType -- ^ Are we concurrent or sequential? -> NetlistId -- ^ Id to assign the result to -> PrimInfo -- ^ Primitive info -> [Either Term Type] -- ^ Arguments -> [Declaration] -- ^ Tick declarations -> NetlistMonad (Expr,[Declaration]) mkPrimitive bbEParen bbEasD declType dst pInfo args tickDecls = go =<< extractPrimWarnOrFail (primName pInfo) where tys = netlistTypes dst ty = fromMaybe (error "mkPrimitive") (listToMaybe tys) go :: CompiledPrimitive -> NetlistMonad (Expr, [Declaration]) go = \case P.BlackBoxHaskell bbName wf _usedArgs multiResult funcName (_fHash, func) -> do bbFunRes <- func bbEasD (primName pInfo) args tys case bbFunRes of Left err -> do -- Blackbox template function returned an error: let err' = unwords [ $(curLoc) ++ "Could not create blackbox" , "template using", show funcName, "for" , show bbName ++ ".", "Function reported: \n\n" , err ] (_,sp) <- Lens.use curCompNm throw (ClashException sp err' Nothing) Right (BlackBoxMeta {..}, bbTemplate) -> -- Blackbox template generation successful. Rerun 'go', but this time -- around with a 'normal' @BlackBox@ go (P.BlackBox bbName wf bbRenderVoid multiResult bbKind () bbOutputUsage bbLibrary bbImports bbFunctionPlurality bbIncludes bbResultNames bbResultInits bbTemplate) -- See 'setupMultiResultPrim' in "Clash.Normalize.Transformations": P.BlackBox {name="c$multiPrimSelect"} -> pure (Noop, []) p@P.BlackBox {multiResult=True, name, template} -> do -- Multi result primitives assign their results to signals -- provided as arguments. Hence, we ignore any declarations -- from 'resBndr1'. tcm <- Lens.view tcCache let (args1, resArgs) = splitMultiPrimArgs (multiPrimInfo' tcm pInfo) args (bbCtx, ctxDcls) <- mkBlackBoxContext (primName pInfo) resArgs args1 (templ, templDecl) <- prepareBlackBox name template bbCtx let bbDecl = N.BlackBoxD name (libraries p) (imports p) (includes p) templ bbCtx return (Noop, ctxDcls ++ templDecl ++ tickDecls ++ [bbDecl]) p@(P.BlackBox {template, name=pNm, kind,outputUsage}) -> case kind of TDecl -> do resM <- resBndr1 True dst case resM of Just (dst',dstNm,dstDecl) -> do (bbCtx,ctxDcls) <- mkBlackBoxContext (primName pInfo) [dst'] args (templ,templDecl) <- prepareBlackBox pNm template bbCtx let bbDecl = N.BlackBoxD pNm (libraries p) (imports p) (includes p) templ bbCtx declareUse outputUsage dstNm return (Identifier dstNm Nothing,dstDecl ++ ctxDcls ++ templDecl ++ tickDecls ++ [bbDecl]) -- Render declarations as a Noop when requested Nothing | RenderVoid <- renderVoid p -> do -- TODO: We should probably 'mkBlackBoxContext' to accept empty lists let dst1 = mkLocalId ty (mkUnsafeSystemName "__VOID_TDECL_NOOP__" 0) (bbCtx,ctxDcls) <- mkBlackBoxContext (primName pInfo) [dst1] args (templ,templDecl) <- prepareBlackBox pNm template bbCtx let bbDecl = N.BlackBoxD pNm (libraries p) (imports p) (includes p) templ bbCtx return (Noop, ctxDcls ++ templDecl ++ tickDecls ++ [bbDecl]) -- Otherwise don't render them Nothing -> return (Noop,[]) TExpr -> do if bbEasD then do resM <- resBndr1 True dst case resM of Just (dst',dstNm,dstDecl) -> do (bbCtx,ctxDcls) <- mkBlackBoxContext (primName pInfo) [dst'] args (bbTempl,templDecl) <- prepareBlackBox pNm template bbCtx let bbE = BlackBoxE pNm (libraries p) (imports p) (includes p) bbTempl bbCtx bbEParen tmpAssgn <- case declType of Concurrent -> contAssign dstNm bbE Sequential -> procAssign Blocking dstNm bbE return (Identifier dstNm Nothing, dstDecl ++ ctxDcls ++ templDecl ++ [tmpAssgn]) -- Render expression as a Noop when requested Nothing | RenderVoid <- renderVoid p -> do -- TODO: We should probably 'mkBlackBoxContext' to accept empty lists let dst1 = mkLocalId ty (mkUnsafeSystemName "__VOID_TEXPRD_NOOP__" 0) (bbCtx,ctxDcls) <- mkBlackBoxContext (primName pInfo) [dst1] args (templ,templDecl) <- prepareBlackBox pNm template bbCtx let bbDecl = N.BlackBoxD pNm (libraries p) (imports p) (includes p) templ bbCtx return (Noop, ctxDcls ++ templDecl ++ tickDecls ++ [bbDecl]) -- Otherwise don't render them Nothing -> return (Identifier (Id.unsafeMake "__VOID_TEXPRD__") Nothing,[]) else do resM <- resBndr1 False dst case resM of Just (dst',_,_) -> do (bbCtx,ctxDcls) <- mkBlackBoxContext (primName pInfo) [dst'] args (bbTempl,templDecl0) <- prepareBlackBox pNm template bbCtx let templDecl1 = case primName pInfo of "Clash.Sized.Internal.BitVector.fromInteger#" | [N.Literal _ (NumLit _), N.Literal _ _, N.Literal _ _] <- extractLiterals bbCtx -> [] "Clash.Sized.Internal.BitVector.fromInteger##" | [N.Literal _ _, N.Literal _ _] <- extractLiterals bbCtx -> [] "Clash.Sized.Internal.Index.fromInteger#" | [N.Literal _ (NumLit _), N.Literal _ _] <- extractLiterals bbCtx -> [] "Clash.Sized.Internal.Signed.fromInteger#" | [N.Literal _ (NumLit _), N.Literal _ _] <- extractLiterals bbCtx -> [] "Clash.Sized.Internal.Unsigned.fromInteger#" | [N.Literal _ (NumLit _), N.Literal _ _] <- extractLiterals bbCtx -> [] _ -> templDecl0 return (BlackBoxE pNm (libraries p) (imports p) (includes p) bbTempl bbCtx bbEParen,ctxDcls ++ templDecl1) -- Render expression as a Noop when requested Nothing | RenderVoid <- renderVoid p -> do -- TODO: We should probably 'mkBlackBoxContext' to accept empty lists let dst1 = mkLocalId ty (mkUnsafeSystemName "__VOID_TEXPRE_NOOP__" 0) (bbCtx,ctxDcls) <- mkBlackBoxContext (primName pInfo) [dst1] args (templ,templDecl) <- prepareBlackBox pNm template bbCtx let bbDecl = N.BlackBoxD pNm (libraries p) (imports p) (includes p) templ bbCtx return (Noop, ctxDcls ++ templDecl ++ tickDecls ++ [bbDecl]) -- Otherwise don't render them Nothing -> return (Identifier (Id.unsafeMake "__VOID__") Nothing,[]) P.Primitive pNm _ _ | pNm == "GHC.Prim.tagToEnum#" -> do hwTy <- N.unsafeCoreTypeToHWTypeM' $(curLoc) ty case args of [Right (ConstTy (TyCon tcN)), Left (C.Literal (IntLiteral i))] -> do tcm <- Lens.view tcCache let dcs = tyConDataCons (UniqMap.find tcN tcm) dc = dcs !! fromInteger i (exprN,dcDecls) <- mkDcApplication declType [hwTy] dst dc [] return (exprN,dcDecls) [Right _, Left scrut] -> do tcm <- Lens.view tcCache let scrutTy = inferCoreTypeOf tcm scrut (scrutExpr,scrutDecls) <- mkExpr False Concurrent (NetlistId (Id.unsafeMake "c$tte_rhs") scrutTy) scrut case scrutExpr of Identifier id_ Nothing -> return (DataTag hwTy (Left id_),scrutDecls) _ -> do scrutHTy <- unsafeCoreTypeToHWTypeM' $(curLoc) scrutTy tmpRhs <- Id.make "c$tte_rhs" let assignTy = case declType of { Concurrent -> Cont ; Sequential -> Proc Blocking } netDecl <- N.mkInit declType assignTy tmpRhs scrutHTy scrutExpr return (DataTag hwTy (Left tmpRhs), netDecl ++ scrutDecls) _ -> error $ $(curLoc) ++ "tagToEnum: " ++ show (map (either showPpr showPpr) args) | pNm == "GHC.Prim.dataToTag#" -> case args of [Right _,Left (Data dc)] -> do iw <- Lens.view intWidth return (N.Literal (Just (Signed iw,iw)) (NumLit $ toInteger $ dcTag dc - 1),[]) [Right _,Left scrut] -> do tcm <- Lens.view tcCache let scrutTy = inferCoreTypeOf tcm scrut scrutHTy <- unsafeCoreTypeToHWTypeM' $(curLoc) scrutTy (scrutExpr,scrutDecls) <- mkExpr False Concurrent (NetlistId (Id.unsafeMake "c$dtt_rhs") scrutTy) scrut case scrutExpr of Identifier id_ Nothing -> return (DataTag scrutHTy (Right id_),scrutDecls) _ -> do tmpRhs <- Id.make "c$dtt_rhs" let assignTy = case declType of { Concurrent -> Cont ; Sequential -> Proc Blocking } netDecl <- N.mkInit declType assignTy tmpRhs scrutHTy scrutExpr return (DataTag scrutHTy (Right tmpRhs),netDecl ++ scrutDecls) _ -> error $ $(curLoc) ++ "dataToTag: " ++ show (map (either showPpr showPpr) args) | pNm == "Clash.Explicit.SimIO.mealyIO" -> do resM <- resBndr1 True dst case resM of Just (_,dstNm,dstDecl) -> do tcm <- Lens.view tcCache mealyDecls <- collectMealy dstNm dst tcm (lefts args) return (Noop, dstDecl ++ mealyDecls) Nothing -> return (Noop,[]) | pNm == "Clash.Explicit.SimIO.bindSimIO#" -> do (expr,decls) <- collectBindIO dst (lefts args) resM <- resBndr True dst case resM of Just (_,dstNms,dstDecl) -> case expr of Noop -> return (Noop,decls) _ -> case dstNms of [dstNm] -> do declareUse (Proc Blocking) dstNm return ( Identifier dstNm Nothing , dstDecl ++ decls ++ [Assignment dstNm (Proc Blocking) expr]) _ -> error $ $(curLoc) ++ "bindSimIO: " ++ show resM _ -> return (Noop,decls) | pNm == "Clash.Explicit.SimIO.apSimIO#" -> do collectAppIO dst (lefts args) [] | pNm == "Clash.Explicit.SimIO.fmapSimIO#" -> do resM <- resBndr1 True dst case resM of Just (_,dstNm,dstDecl) -> case lefts args of (fun0:arg0:_) -> do tcm <- Lens.view tcCache let arg1 = unSimIO tcm arg0 fun1 = case fun0 of Lam b bE -> let is0 = mkInScopeSet (Lens.foldMapOf freeIds unitVarSet fun0) subst = extendIdSubst (mkSubst is0) b arg1 in substTm "mkPrimitive.fmapSimIO" subst bE _ -> mkApps fun0 [Left arg1] (expr,bindDecls) <- mkExpr False Sequential dst fun1 assn <- case expr of Noop -> pure [] _ -> do declareUse (Proc Blocking) dstNm pure [Assignment dstNm (Proc Blocking) expr] return (Identifier dstNm Nothing, dstDecl ++ bindDecls ++ assn) args1 -> error ("internal error: fmapSimIO# has insufficient arguments" <> showPpr args1) Nothing -> case lefts args of (_:arg0:_) -> do (_,bindDecls) <- mkExpr True Sequential dst arg0 return (Noop, bindDecls) args1 -> error ("internal error: fmapSimIO# has insufficient arguments" <> showPpr args1) | pNm == "Clash.Explicit.SimIO.unSimIO#" -> case lefts args of (arg:_) -> mkExpr False Sequential dst arg _ -> error "internal error: insufficient arguments" | pNm == "Clash.Explicit.SimIO.pureSimIO#" -> do (expr,decls) <- case lefts args of (arg:_) -> mkExpr False Sequential dst arg _ -> error "internal error: insufficient arguments" resM <- resBndr True dst case resM of Just (_,dstNms,dstDecl) -> case expr of Noop -> return (Noop,decls) _ -> case dstNms of [dstNm] -> do declareUse (Proc Blocking) dstNm return ( Identifier dstNm Nothing , dstDecl ++ decls ++ [Assignment dstNm (Proc Blocking) expr]) _ -> error "internal error" _ -> return (Noop,decls) | pNm == "GHC.Num.Integer.IS" -> do (expr,decls) <- case lefts args of (arg:_) -> mkExpr False Concurrent dst arg _ -> error "internal error: insufficient arguments" iw <- Lens.view intWidth return (N.DataCon (Signed iw) (DC (Void Nothing,-1)) [expr],decls) | pNm == "GHC.Num.Integer.IP" -> do (expr,decls) <- case lefts args of (arg:_) -> mkExpr False Concurrent dst arg _ -> error "internal error: insufficient arguments" case expr of N.Literal Nothing (NumLit _) -> return (expr,decls) _ -> error "non-constant ByteArray# not supported" | pNm == "GHC.Num.Integer.IN" -> do (expr,decls) <- case lefts args of (arg:_) -> mkExpr False Concurrent dst arg _ -> error "internal error: insufficient arguments" case expr of N.Literal Nothing (NumLit i) -> return (N.Literal Nothing (NumLit (negate i)),decls) _ -> error "non-constant ByteArray# not supported" | pNm == "GHC.Num.Natural.NS" -> do (expr,decls) <- case lefts args of (arg:_) -> mkExpr False Concurrent dst arg _ -> error "internal error: insufficient arguments" iw <- Lens.view intWidth return (N.DataCon (Unsigned iw) (DC (Void Nothing,-1)) [expr],decls) | pNm == "GHC.Num.Integer.NB" -> do (expr,decls) <- case lefts args of (arg:_) -> mkExpr False Concurrent dst arg _ -> error "internal error: insufficient arguments" case expr of N.Literal Nothing (NumLit _) -> return (expr,decls) _ -> error "non-constant ByteArray# not supported" | otherwise -> return (BlackBoxE "" [] [] [] (BBTemplate [Text $ mconcat ["NO_TRANSLATION_FOR:",fromStrict pNm]]) (emptyBBContext pNm) False,[]) -- Do we need to create a new identifier to assign the result? -- -- CoreId: No, this is an original LHS of a let-binder, and already has a -- corresponding NetDecl; unlike NetlistIds, it is not already -- assigned, it will be assigned by the BlackBox/Primitive. -- -- NetlistId: This is a derived (either from an CoreId or other NetlistId) -- identifier created in the NetlistMonad that's already being -- used in an assignment, i.e. we cannot assign it again. -- -- So if it is a declaration BlackBox (indicated by 'mkDec'), -- we will have to create a new NetlistId, create a NetDecl for -- it, and use this new NetlistId for the assignment inside the -- declaration BlackBox -- -- MultiId: This is like a CoreId, but it's split over multiple identifiers -- because it was originally of a product type where the element -- types should not be part of an aggregate type in the generated -- HDL (e.g. Clocks should not be part of an aggregate, because -- tools like verilator don't like it) resBndr :: Bool -- Do we need to create and declare a new identifier in case we're given -- a NetlistId? -> NetlistId -- CoreId/NetlistId/MultiId -> NetlistMonad (Maybe ([Id],[Identifier],[Declaration])) -- Nothing when the binder would have type `Void` resBndr mkDec dst' = do resHwTy <- case tys of (ty1:_) -> unsafeCoreTypeToHWTypeM' $(curLoc) ty1 _ -> error "internal error: insufficient types" if isVoid resHwTy then pure Nothing else case dst' of NetlistId dstL ty' -> case mkDec of False -> do -- TODO: check that it's okay to use `mkUnsafeSystemName` let nm' = mkUnsafeSystemName (Id.toText dstL) 0 id_ = mkLocalId ty' nm' return (Just ([id_],[dstL],[])) True -> do nm2 <- Id.suffix dstL "res" -- TODO: check that it's okay to use `mkUnsafeInternalName` let nm3 = mkUnsafeSystemName (Id.toText nm2) 0 id_ = mkLocalId ty nm3 idDeclM <- mkNetDecl (id_, mkApps (Prim pInfo) args) case idDeclM of [] -> return Nothing [idDecl] -> return (Just ([id_],[nm2],[idDecl])) ids -> error [I.i| Unexpected nested use of multi result primitive. Ids: #{show ids} Multi primitive should only appear on the RHS of a let-binding. Please report this as a bug. |] CoreId dstR -> return (Just ([dstR], [Id.unsafeFromCoreId dstR], [])) MultiId ids -> return (Just (ids, map Id.unsafeFromCoreId ids, [])) -- Like resBndr, but fails on MultiId resBndr1 :: HasCallStack => Bool -> NetlistId -> NetlistMonad (Maybe (Id,Identifier,[Declaration])) resBndr1 mkDec dst' = resBndr mkDec dst' >>= \case Nothing -> pure Nothing Just ([id_],[nm_],decls) -> pure (Just (id_,nm_,decls)) _ -> error "internal error" -- | Turn a 'mealyIO' expression into a two sequential processes, one "initial" -- process for the starting state, and one clocked sequential process. collectMealy :: HasCallStack => Identifier -- ^ Identifier to assign the final result to -> NetlistId -- ^ Id to assign the final result to -> TyConMap -> [Term] -- ^ The arguments to 'mealyIO' -> NetlistMonad [Declaration] collectMealy dstNm dst tcm (kd:clk:mealyFun:mealyInit:mealyIn:_) = do let (lefts -> args0,res0) = collectBndrs mealyFun is0 = mkInScopeSet (Lens.foldMapOf freeIds unitVarSet res0 <> Lens.foldMapOf freeIds unitVarSet mealyInit <> Lens.foldMapOf freeIds unitVarSet mealyIn) -- Given that we're creating a sequential list of statements from the -- let-bindings, make sure that everything is inverse topologically sorted (bs,res) = case res0 of Letrec bsU e | let bsN = inverseTopSortLetBindings bsU -> case e of C.Var resN -> (bsN,resN) _ -> let u = case dst of CoreId u0 -> u0 _ -> uniqAway is0 (mkLocalId (inferCoreTypeOf tcm e) (mkUnsafeSystemName "mealyres" 0)) in (bsN ++ [(u,e)], u) e -> let u = case dst of CoreId u0 -> u0 _ -> uniqAway is0 (mkLocalId (inferCoreTypeOf tcm e) (mkUnsafeSystemName "mealyres" 0)) in ([(u,e)], u) #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 900 args1 = args0 #else -- Drop the 'State# World' argument args1 = init args0 #endif -- Take into account that the state argument is split over multiple -- binders because it contained types that are not allowed to occur in -- a HDL aggregate type mealyInitLength = length (splitShouldSplit tcm [inferCoreTypeOf tcm mealyInit]) (sArgs,iArgs) = splitAt mealyInitLength args1 -- Give all binders a unique name let sBindings = map (,mealyInit) sArgs ++ map (,mealyIn) iArgs ++ bs normE <- mkUniqueNormalized is0 Nothing ([], sBindings, res) case normE of -- We're not expecting any input or output wrappers (_,[],[],_,[],binders0,Just result) -> do let (sBinders,binders1) = splitAt (length sArgs) binders0 (iBinders,binders2) = splitAt (length iArgs) binders1 -- Get all the "original" let-bindings, without the above "mealyres". -- We don't want to make a NetDecl for it. bindersN = case res0 of Letrec _ (C.Var {}) -> binders2 _ -> init binders2 -- Create new net declarations for state-binders, input-binders, and all -- the "original" let-bindings in 'mealyFun' -- -- The first set is only assigned in the always block, so they must be -- 'reg' in Verilog terminology netDeclsSeq <- concatMapM mkNetDecl (sBinders ++ bindersN) -- The second set is assigned using concurrent assignment, so don't need -- to be 'reg' netDeclsInp <- concatMapM mkNetDecl iBinders -- If the 'mealyFun' was not a let-expression with a variable reference -- as a body then we used the LHS of the entire 'mealyIO' expression as -- a new let-binding; otherwise 'mkUniqueNormalized' would not work. -- -- However, 'mkUniqueNormalized' made a new unique name for that LHS, -- which is not what we want. We want to assign the last expression to the -- LHS of 'mealyIO'. let bindersE = case res0 of Letrec _ (C.Var {}) -> binders2 _ -> case dst of -- See above why we do this. CoreId u0 -> init binders2 ++ [(u0,snd (last binders2))] _ -> binders2 seqDecls <- concat <$> mapM (uncurry (mkDeclarations' Sequential)) bindersE -- When the body the let-expression of 'mealyFun' was variable reference, -- or in case we had to create a new identifier because the original LHS -- was not available: then we need to assign (resExpr,resDecls) <- case res0 of Letrec _ (C.Var {}) -> mkExpr False Concurrent dst (C.Var result) _ -> case dst of CoreId {} -> pure (Noop,[]) _ -> mkExpr False Sequential dst (C.Var result) resAssn <- case resExpr of Noop -> pure [] _ -> do assign <- SeqDecl <$> procAssign Blocking dstNm resExpr pure [Seq [AlwaysComb [assign]]] -- Create the declarations for the "initial state" block let sDst = case sBinders of [] -> error "internal error: insufficient sBinders" [(b,_)] -> CoreId b _ -> MultiId (map fst sBinders) (exprInit,initDecls) <- mkExpr False Sequential sDst mealyInit initAssign <- case exprInit of Identifier _ Nothing -> pure [] Noop -> pure [] _ -> case sBinders of ((b,_):_) -> do assn <- procAssign Blocking (Id.unsafeFromCoreId b) exprInit pure [assn] _ -> error "internal error: insufficient sBinders" -- Create the declarations that corresponding to the input let iDst = case iBinders of [] -> error "internal error: insufficient iBinders" [(b,_)] -> CoreId b _ -> MultiId (map fst iBinders) (exprArg,inpDeclsMisc) <- mkExpr False Concurrent iDst mealyIn argAssign <- case iBinders of ((i,_):_) -> do assn <- contAssign (Id.unsafeFromCoreId i) exprArg pure [assn] _ -> error "internal error: insufficient iBinders" -- Split netdecl declarations and other declarations let (netDeclsSeqMisc,seqDeclsOther) = partition isNet (seqDecls ++ resDecls) (netDeclsInit,initDeclsOther) = partition isNet initDecls -- All assignments happens within a sequential block, so the nets need to -- be of type 'reg' in Verilog nomenclature let netDeclsSeq1 = netDeclsSeq ++ netDeclsSeqMisc ++ netDeclsInit -- We run mealy block in the opposite clock edge of the the ambient system -- because we're basically clocked logic; so we need to have our outputs -- ready before the ambient system starts sampling them. The clockGen code -- ensures that the "opposite" edge always comes first. kdTy <- unsafeCoreTypeToHWTypeM $(curLoc) (inferCoreTypeOf tcm kd) let edge = case stripVoid (stripFiltered kdTy) of KnownDomain _ _ Rising _ _ _ -> Falling KnownDomain _ _ Falling _ _ _ -> Rising _ -> error "internal error" (clkExpr,clkDecls) <- mkExpr False Concurrent (NetlistId (Id.unsafeMake "__MEALY_CLK__") (inferCoreTypeOf tcm clk)) clk -- collect the declarations related to the input let netDeclsInp1 = netDeclsInp ++ inpDeclsMisc -- Collate everything return (clkDecls ++ netDeclsSeq1 ++ netDeclsInp1 ++ argAssign ++ [ Seq [Initial (map SeqDecl (initDeclsOther ++ initAssign))] , Seq [AlwaysClocked edge clkExpr (map SeqDecl seqDeclsOther)] ] ++ resAssn) _ -> error "internal error" where isNet NetDecl' {} = True isNet _ = False collectMealy _ _ _ _ = error "internal error" -- | Collect the sequential declarations for 'bindIO' collectBindIO :: NetlistId -> [Term] -> NetlistMonad (Expr,[Declaration]) #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 900 collectBindIO dst (m:Lam x q@e:_) = do #else collectBindIO dst (m:Lam x q@(Lam _ e):_) = do #endif tcm <- Lens.view tcCache (ds0,subst) <- collectAction tcm let qS = substTm "collectBindIO1" subst q case splitNormalized tcm qS of Right (args,bs0,res) -> do let bs = inverseTopSortLetBindings bs0 let is0 = mkInScopeSet (Lens.foldMapOf freeIds unitVarSet qS) normE <- mkUniqueNormalized is0 Nothing (args,bs,res) case normE of (_,_,[],_,[],binders,Just result) -> do ds1 <- concatMapM (uncurry (mkDeclarations' Sequential)) binders netDecls <- concatMapM mkNetDecl binders return (Identifier (Id.unsafeFromCoreId result) Nothing, netDecls ++ ds0 ++ ds1) _ -> error "internal error" _ -> case substTm "collectBindIO2" subst e of Letrec {} -> error "internal error" (collectArgs -> (Prim p,args)) | primName p == "Clash.Explicit.SimIO.bindSimIO#" -> do (expr,ds1) <- collectBindIO dst (lefts args) return (expr, ds0 ++ ds1) eS -> do (expr,ds1) <- mkExpr False Sequential dst eS return (expr, ds0 ++ ds1) where collectAction tcm = case splitNormalized tcm m of Right (args,bs0,res) -> do let bs = inverseTopSortLetBindings bs0 let is0 = mkInScopeSet (Lens.foldMapOf freeIds unitVarSet m) normE <- mkUniqueNormalized is0 Nothing (args,(x,m):bs,res) case normE of (_,_,[],_,[],binders@(b:_),Just result) -> do let binders1 = drop 1 binders ++ [(fst b, C.Var result)] ds1 <- concatMapM (uncurry (mkDeclarations' Sequential)) binders1 netDecls <- concatMapM mkNetDecl binders return (netDecls ++ ds1,extendIdSubst (mkSubst eInScopeSet) x (Var (fst b))) _ -> error "internal error" _ -> do ([x'],s) <- mkUnique (mkSubst eInScopeSet) [x] netDecls <- concatMapM mkNetDecl [(x',m)] ds1 <- mkDeclarations' Sequential x' m return (netDecls ++ ds1,s) eInScopeSet = mkInScopeSet (Lens.foldMapOf freeIds unitVarSet e) collectBindIO _ es = error ("internal error:\n" ++ showPpr es) -- | Collect the sequential declarations for 'appIO' collectAppIO :: NetlistId -> [Term] -> [Term] -> NetlistMonad (Expr,[Declaration]) collectAppIO dst (fun1:arg1:_) rest = case collectArgs fun1 of (Prim (PrimInfo "Clash.Explicit.SimIO.fmapSimIO#" _ _ _ _),(lefts -> (fun0:arg0:_))) -> do tcm <- Lens.view tcCache let argN = map (Left . unSimIO tcm) (arg0:arg1:rest) mkExpr False Sequential dst (mkApps fun0 argN) (Prim (PrimInfo "Clash.Explicit.SimIO.apSimIO#" _ _ _ _),(lefts -> args)) -> do collectAppIO dst args (arg1:rest) _ -> error ("internal error:\n" ++ showPpr (fun1:arg1:rest)) collectAppIO _ es _ = error ("internal error:\n" ++ showPpr es) -- | Unwrap the new-type wrapper for things of type SimIO, this is needed to -- allow applications of the `State# World` token to the underlying IO type. -- -- XXX: this is most likely needed because Ghc2Core that threw away the cast -- that this unwrapping; we should really start to support casts. unSimIO :: TyConMap -> Term -> Term unSimIO tcm arg = let argTy = inferCoreTypeOf tcm arg in case tyView argTy of TyConApp _ [tcArg] -> mkApps (Prim (PrimInfo "Clash.Explicit.SimIO.unSimIO#" (mkFunTy argTy tcArg) WorkNever SingleResult NoUnfolding)) [Left arg] _ -> error ("internal error:\n" ++ showPpr arg) -- | Create an template instantiation text and a partial blackbox content for an -- argument term, given that the term is a function. Errors if the term is not -- a function mkFunInput :: HasCallStack => TextS.Text -- ^ Name of the primitive of which the function in question is an argument. -- Used for error reporting. -> Id -- ^ Identifier binding the encompassing primitive/blackbox application. Used -- as a name hint if 'mkFunInput' needs intermediate signals. -> Term -- ^ The function argument term -> NetlistMonad ((Either BlackBox (Identifier,[Declaration]) ,Usage ,[BlackBoxTemplate] ,[BlackBoxTemplate] ,[((TextS.Text,TextS.Text),BlackBox)] ,BlackBoxContext) ,[Declaration]) mkFunInput parentName resId e = let (appE,args,ticks) = collectArgsTicks e in withTicks ticks $ \tickDecls -> do tcm <- Lens.view tcCache -- TODO: Rewrite this function to use blackbox functions. Right now it -- TODO: generates strings that are later parsed/interpreted again. Silly! templ <- case appE of Prim p -> do bb <- extractPrimWarnOrFail (primName p) case bb of P.BlackBox {..} -> pure (Left (kind,outputUsage,libraries,imports,includes,primName p,template)) P.Primitive pn _ pt -> error $ $(curLoc) ++ "Unexpected blackbox type: " ++ "Primitive " ++ show pn ++ " " ++ show pt P.BlackBoxHaskell{name=pName, multiResult=True} -> -- TODO: dev pointers error [I.i| Encountered multiresult primitive as a direct argument to another primitive. This should not happen. Encountered: #{pName} Please report this as an issue. |] P.BlackBoxHaskell{name=pName, functionName=fName, function=(_, func)} -> do -- Determine result type of this blackbox. If it's not a -- function, simply use its term type. let (_, resTy) = splitFunTys tcm (inferCoreTypeOf tcm e) bbhRes <- func True pName args [resTy] case bbhRes of Left err -> error $ $(curLoc) ++ show fName ++ " yielded an error: " ++ err Right (BlackBoxMeta{..}, template) -> pure $ Left ( bbKind, bbOutputUsage, bbLibrary, bbImports , bbIncludes, pName, template) Data dc -> do let eTy = inferCoreTypeOf tcm e (_,resTy) = splitFunTys tcm eTy resHTyM0 <- coreTypeToHWTypeM resTy let resHTyM1 = (\fHwty -> (stripFiltered fHwty, flattenFiltered fHwty)) <$> resHTyM0 case resHTyM1 of -- Special case where coreTypeToHWTypeM determined a type to -- be completely transparent. Just (_resHTy, [areVoids@(countEq False -> 1)]) -> do let nonVoidArgI = fromJust (elemIndex False areVoids) let arg = Id.unsafeMake (TextS.concat ["~ARG[", showt nonVoidArgI, "]"]) let assign = Assignment (Id.unsafeMake "~RESULT") Cont (Identifier arg Nothing) return (Right ((Id.unsafeMake "", tickDecls ++ [assign]), Cont)) -- Because we filter void constructs, the argument indices and -- the field indices don't necessarily correspond anymore. We -- use the result of coreTypeToHWTypeM to figure out what the -- original indices are. Please see the documentation in -- Clash.Netlist.Util.mkADT for more information. Just (resHTy@(SP _ _), areVoids0) -> do let dcI = dcTag dc - 1 areVoids1 = indexNote ($(curLoc) ++ "No areVoids with index: " ++ show dcI) areVoids0 dcI mkArg i = Id.unsafeMake ("~ARG[" <> showt i <> "]") dcInps = [Identifier (mkArg x) Nothing | x <- originalIndices areVoids1] dcApp = DataCon resHTy (DC (resHTy,dcI)) dcInps dcAss = Assignment (Id.unsafeMake "~RESULT") Cont dcApp return (Right ((Id.unsafeMake "",tickDecls ++ [dcAss]), Cont)) -- CustomSP the same as SP, but with a user-defined bit -- level representation Just (resHTy@(CustomSP {}), areVoids0) -> do let dcI = dcTag dc - 1 areVoids1 = indexNote ($(curLoc) ++ "No areVoids with index: " ++ show dcI) areVoids0 dcI mkArg i = Id.unsafeMake ("~ARG[" <> showt i <> "]") dcInps = [Identifier (mkArg x) Nothing | x <- originalIndices areVoids1] dcApp = DataCon resHTy (DC (resHTy,dcI)) dcInps dcAss = Assignment (Id.unsafeMake "~RESULT") Cont dcApp return (Right ((Id.unsafeMake "",tickDecls ++ [dcAss]), Cont)) -- Like SP, we have to retrieve the index BEFORE filtering voids Just (resHTy@(Product _ _ _), areVoids1:_) -> do let mkArg i = Id.unsafeMake ("~ARG[" <> showt i <> "]") dcInps = [ Identifier (mkArg x) Nothing | x <- originalIndices areVoids1] dcApp = DataCon resHTy (DC (resHTy,0)) dcInps dcAss = Assignment (Id.unsafeMake "~RESULT") Cont dcApp return (Right ((Id.unsafeMake "",tickDecls ++ [dcAss]), Cont)) -- Vectors never have defined areVoids (or all set to False), as -- it would be converted to Void otherwise. We can therefore -- safely ignore it: Just (resHTy@(Vector _ _), _areVoids) -> do let mkArg i = Id.unsafeMake ("~ARG[" <> showt i <> "]") dcInps = [ Identifier (mkArg x) Nothing | x <- [(1::Int)..2] ] dcApp = DataCon resHTy (DC (resHTy,1)) dcInps dcAss = Assignment (Id.unsafeMake "~RESULT") Cont dcApp return (Right ((Id.unsafeMake "",tickDecls ++ [dcAss]), Cont)) -- Sum types OR a Sum type after filtering empty types: Just (resHTy@(Sum _ _), _areVoids) -> do let dcI = dcTag dc - 1 dcApp = DataCon resHTy (DC (resHTy,dcI)) [] dcAss = Assignment (Id.unsafeMake "~RESULT") Cont dcApp return (Right ((Id.unsafeMake "",tickDecls ++ [dcAss]), Cont)) -- Same as Sum, but with user defined bit level representation Just (resHTy@(CustomSum {}), _areVoids) -> do let dcI = dcTag dc - 1 dcApp = DataCon resHTy (DC (resHTy,dcI)) [] dcAss = Assignment (Id.unsafeMake "~RESULT") Cont dcApp return (Right ((Id.unsafeMake "",tickDecls ++ [dcAss]), Cont)) Just (Void {}, _areVoids) -> return (error $ $(curLoc) ++ "Encountered Void in mkFunInput." ++ " This is a bug in Clash.") _ -> error $ $(curLoc) ++ "Cannot make function input for: " ++ showPpr e C.Var fun -> do topAnns <- Lens.use topEntityAnns case lookupVarEnv fun topAnns of Just _ -> error $ $(curLoc) ++ "Cannot make function input for partially applied Synthesize-annotated: " ++ showPpr e _ -> do normalized <- Lens.use bindings case lookupVarEnv fun normalized of Just _ -> do (meta,N.Component compName compInps compOutps _) <- preserveVarEnv $ genComponent fun let ComponentMeta{cmWereVoids} = meta inpAssign (i, t) e' = (Identifier i Nothing, In, t, e') inpVar i = Id.unsafeMake ("~VAR[arg" <> showt i <> "][" <> showt i <> "]") inpVars = [Identifier (inpVar i) Nothing | i <- originalIndices cmWereVoids] inpAssigns = zipWith inpAssign compInps inpVars outpAssigns = case compOutps of [] -> [] -- See issue #2549 [(_,compOutp,_)] -> [ ( Identifier (fst compOutp) Nothing , Out , snd compOutp , Identifier (Id.unsafeMake "~RESULT") Nothing ) ] outps -> error [I.i| Cannot handle multi-result function as an argument to a primitive. Primitive: #{parentName} Argument: #{showPpr fun} :: #{showPpr (varType fun)} Outputs: #{show (map (\(_,x,_) -> x) outps)} Please report this as an issue. |] instLabel <- Id.next compName let portMap = NamedPortMap (outpAssigns ++ inpAssigns) instDecl = InstDecl Entity Nothing [] compName instLabel [] portMap return (Right ((Id.unsafeMake "",tickDecls ++ [instDecl]), Cont)) Nothing -> error $ $(curLoc) ++ "Cannot make function input for: " ++ showPpr e C.Lam {} -> do let is0 = mkInScopeSet (Lens.foldMapOf freeIds unitVarSet appE) either Left (Right . first (second (tickDecls ++))) <$> go is0 0 appE _ -> error $ $(curLoc) ++ "Cannot make function input for: " ++ showPpr e let pNm = case appE of Prim p -> primName p _ -> "__INTERNAL__" (bbCtx,dcls) <- mkBlackBoxContext pNm [resId] args case templ of Left (TDecl,outputUsage,libs,imps,inc,_,templ') -> do (l',templDecl) <- onBlackBox (fmap (first BBTemplate) . setSym bbCtx) (\bbName bbHash bbFunc -> pure $ (BBFunction bbName bbHash bbFunc, [])) templ' return ((Left l',outputUsage,libs,imps,inc,bbCtx),dcls ++ templDecl) Left (TExpr,_,libs,imps,inc,nm,templ') -> do onBlackBox (\t -> do t' <- getAp (prettyBlackBox t) let t'' = Id.unsafeMake (Text.toStrict t') assn = Assignment (Id.unsafeMake "~RESULT") Cont (Identifier t'' Nothing) return ((Right (Id.unsafeMake "",[assn]),Cont,libs,imps,inc,bbCtx),dcls)) (\bbName bbHash (TemplateFunction k g _) -> do let f' bbCtx' = do let assn = Assignment (Id.unsafeMake "~RESULT") Cont (BlackBoxE nm libs imps inc templ' bbCtx' False) p <- getAp (Backend.blockDecl (Id.unsafeMake "") [assn]) return p return ((Left (BBFunction bbName bbHash (TemplateFunction k g f')) ,Cont ,[] ,[] ,[] ,bbCtx ) ,dcls ) ) templ' Right (decl,u) -> return ((Right decl,u,[],[],[],bbCtx),dcls) where goExpr app@(collectArgsTicks -> (C.Var fun,args@(_:_),ticks)) = do tcm <- Lens.view tcCache resTy <- unsafeCoreTypeToHWTypeM' $(curLoc) (inferCoreTypeOf tcm app) let (tmArgs,tyArgs) = partitionEithers args if null tyArgs then withTicks ticks $ \tickDecls -> do resNm <- Id.make "result" appDecls <- mkFunApp resNm fun tmArgs tickDecls let assn = [ Assignment (Id.unsafeMake "~RESULT") Cont (Identifier resNm Nothing) , NetDecl Nothing resNm resTy ] nm <- Id.makeBasic "block" return (Right ((nm,assn++appDecls), Cont)) else do (_,sp) <- Lens.use curCompNm throw (ClashException sp ($(curLoc) ++ "Not in normal form: Var-application with Type arguments:\n\n" ++ showPpr app) Nothing) goExpr e' = do tcm <- Lens.view tcCache let eType = inferCoreTypeOf tcm e' (appExpr,appDecls) <- mkExpr False Concurrent (NetlistId (Id.unsafeMake "c$bb_res") eType) e' let assn = Assignment (Id.unsafeMake "~RESULT") Cont appExpr nm <- if null appDecls then return (Id.unsafeMake "") else Id.makeBasic "block" return (Right ((nm,appDecls ++ [assn]), Cont)) go is0 n (Lam id_ e') = do lvl <- Lens.use curBBlvl let nm = TextS.concat ["~ARGN[",TextS.pack (show lvl),"][",TextS.pack (show n),"]"] v' = uniqAway is0 (modifyVarName (\v -> v {nameOcc = nm}) id_) subst = extendIdSubst (mkSubst is0) id_ (C.Var v') e'' = substTm "mkFunInput.goLam" subst e' is1 = extendInScopeSet is0 v' go is1 (n+(1::Int)) e'' go _ _ (C.Var v) = do let assn = Assignment (Id.unsafeMake "~RESULT") Cont (Identifier (Id.unsafeFromCoreId v) Nothing) return (Right ((Id.unsafeMake "",[assn]), Cont)) go _ _ (Case scrut ty [alt]) = do tcm <- Lens.view tcCache let sTy = inferCoreTypeOf tcm scrut (projection,decls) <- mkProjection False (NetlistId (Id.unsafeMake "c$bb_res") sTy) scrut ty alt let assn = Assignment (Id.unsafeMake "~RESULT") Cont projection nm <- if null decls then return (Id.unsafeMake "") else Id.makeBasic "projection" return (Right ((nm,decls ++ [assn]), Cont)) go _ _ (Case scrut ty (alt:alts@(_:_))) = do resNm <- Id.make "result" resTy <- unsafeCoreTypeToHWTypeM' $(curLoc) ty -- It's safe to use 'mkUnsafeSystemName' here: only the name, not the -- unique, will be used let resId' = NetlistId resNm ty selectionDecls <- mkSelection Concurrent resId' scrut ty (alt :| alts) [] let assn = [ NetDecl' Nothing resNm resTy Nothing , Assignment (Id.unsafeMake "~RESULT") Cont (Identifier resNm Nothing) ] nm <- Id.makeBasic "selection" return (Right ((nm,assn++selectionDecls), Cont)) go is0 _ e'@(Let{}) = do tcm <- Lens.view tcCache let normE = splitNormalized tcm e' (_,[],[],_,[],binders,resultM) <- case normE of Right norm -> mkUniqueNormalized is0 Nothing norm Left err -> error err case resultM of Just result -> do -- TODO: figure out what to do with multires blackboxes here netDecls <- concatMapM mkNetDecl $ binders decls <- concatMapM (uncurry mkDeclarations) binders nm <- Id.makeBasic "fun" let resultId = Id.unsafeFromCoreId result -- TODO: Due to reasons lost in the mists of time, #1265 creates an -- assignement here, whereas it previously wouldn't. With the PR in -- tests break when reverting to the old behavior. In some cases this -- creates "useless" assignments. We should investigate whether we can -- get the old behavior back. let resDecl = Assignment (Id.unsafeMake "~RESULT") Cont (Identifier resultId Nothing) return (Right ((nm,resDecl:netDecls ++ decls), Cont)) Nothing -> return (Right ((Id.unsafeMake "",[]), Cont)) go is0 n (Tick _ e') = go is0 n e' go _ _ e'@(App {}) = goExpr e' go _ _ e'@(C.Data {}) = goExpr e' go _ _ e'@(C.Literal {}) = goExpr e' go _ _ e'@(Cast {}) = goExpr e' go _ _ e'@(Prim {}) = goExpr e' go _ _ e'@(TyApp {}) = goExpr e' go _ _ e'@(Case _ _ []) = error $ $(curLoc) ++ "Cannot make function input for case without alternatives: " ++ show e' go _ _ e'@(TyLam {}) = error $ $(curLoc) ++ "Cannot make function input for TyLam: " ++ show e'