{-| Copyright : (C) 2020-2021, QBayLogic B.V. License : BSD2 (see the file LICENSE) Maintainer : QBayLogic B.V. Check whether a term is work free or not. This is used by transformations / evaluation to check whether it is possible to perform changes without duplicating work in the result, e.g. inlining. -} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskellQuotes #-} module Clash.Rewrite.WorkFree ( isWorkFree , isWorkFreeClockOrResetOrEnable , isWorkFreeIsh , isConstant , isConstantNotClockReset ) where import Control.Lens (Lens') import Control.Monad.Extra (allM, andM, eitherM) import Control.Monad.State.Class (MonadState) import qualified Data.Text.Extra as Text import GHC.Stack (HasCallStack) import Clash.Core.HasFreeVars import Clash.Core.FreeVars import Clash.Core.HasType import Clash.Core.Pretty (showPpr) import Clash.Core.Term import Clash.Core.TyCon (TyConMap) import Clash.Core.Type (isPolyFunTy) import Clash.Core.Util import Clash.Core.Var (Id, isLocalId) import Clash.Core.VarEnv (VarEnv, lookupVarEnv) import Clash.Driver.Types (BindingMap, Binding(..)) import Clash.Normalize.Primitives (removedArg) import Clash.Util (makeCachedU) -- | Determines whether a global binder is work free. Errors if binder does -- not exist. isWorkFreeBinder :: (HasCallStack, MonadState s m) => Lens' s (VarEnv Bool) -> BindingMap -> Id -> m Bool isWorkFreeBinder cache bndrs bndr = makeCachedU bndr cache $ case lookupVarEnv bndr bndrs of Nothing -> error ("isWorkFreeBinder: couldn't find binder: " ++ showPpr bndr) Just (bindingTerm -> t) -> if bndr `globalIdOccursIn` t then pure False else isWorkFree cache bndrs t {-# INLINABLE isWorkFree #-} -- | Determine whether a term does any work, i.e. adds to the size of the -- circuit. This function requires a cache (specified as a lens) to store the -- result for querying work info of global binders. -- isWorkFree :: forall s m . (HasCallStack, MonadState s m) => Lens' s (VarEnv Bool) -> BindingMap -> Term -> m Bool isWorkFree cache bndrs = go True where -- If we are in the outermost level of a term (i.e. not checking a subterm) -- then a term is work free if it simply refers to a local variable. This -- does not apply to subterms, as we do not want to count expressions like -- -- f[LocalId] x[LocalId] -- -- as being work free, as the term bound to f may introduce work. -- go :: HasCallStack => Bool -> Term -> m Bool go isOutermost (collectArgs -> (fun, args)) = case fun of Var i -- We only allow polymorphic / function typed variables to be inlined -- if they are locally scoped, and the term is only a variable. -- -- TODO This could be improved later by passing an InScopeSet to -- isWorkFree with all the local FVs of the term being checked. PE -- would need to be changed to know the FVs of global binders first. -- | isPolyFunTy (coreTypeOf i) -> pure (isLocalId i && isOutermost && null args) | isLocalId i -> pure True | otherwise -> andM [isWorkFreeBinder cache bndrs i, allM goArg args] Data _ -> allM goArg args Literal _ -> pure True Prim pr -> case primWorkInfo pr of -- We can ignore arguments because the primitive outputs a constant -- regardless of their values. WorkConstant -> pure True WorkNever -> allM goArg args WorkIdentity _ _ -> allM goArg args WorkVariable -> pure (all isConstantArg args) WorkAlways -> pure False Lam _ e -> andM [go False e, allM goArg args] TyLam _ e -> andM [go False e, allM goArg args] Let (NonRec _ x) e -> andM [go False e, go False x, allM goArg args] Let (Rec bs) e -> andM [go False e, allM (go False . snd) bs, allM goArg args] Case s _ [(_, a)] -> andM [go False s, go False a, allM goArg args] Case e _ _ -> andM [go False e, allM goArg args] Cast e _ _ -> andM [go False e, allM goArg args] -- (Ty)App's and Ticks are removed by collectArgs Tick _ _ -> error "isWorkFree: unexpected Tick" App {} -> error "isWorkFree: unexpected App" TyApp {} -> error "isWorkFree: unexpected TyApp" goArg e = eitherM (go False) (pure . const True) (pure e) isConstantArg = either isConstant (const True) -- | Determine if a term represents a constant isConstant :: Term -> Bool isConstant e = case collectArgs e of (Data _, args) -> all (either isConstant (const True)) args (Prim _, args) -> all (either isConstant (const True)) args (Lam _ _, _) -> isClosed e (Literal _,_) -> True _ -> False isConstantNotClockReset :: TyConMap -> Term -> Bool isConstantNotClockReset tcm e | isClockOrReset tcm eTy = case fst (collectArgs e) of Prim pr -> primName pr == Text.showt 'removedArg _ -> False | otherwise = isConstant e where eTy = inferCoreTypeOf tcm e -- TODO: Remove function after using WorkInfo in 'isWorkFreeIsh' isWorkFreeClockOrResetOrEnable :: TyConMap -> Term -> Maybe Bool isWorkFreeClockOrResetOrEnable tcm e = let eTy = inferCoreTypeOf tcm e in if isClockOrReset tcm eTy || isEnable tcm eTy then case collectArgs e of (Prim p,_) -> Just (primName p == Text.showt 'removedArg) (Var _, []) -> Just True (Data _, [_dom, Left (stripTicks -> Data _)]) -> Just True -- For Enable True/False (Literal _,_) -> Just True _ -> Just False else Nothing -- | A conservative version of 'isWorkFree'. Is used to determine in 'bindConstantVar' -- to determine whether an expression can be "bound" (locally inlined). While -- binding workfree expressions won't result in extra work for the circuit, it -- might very well cause extra work for Clash. In fact, using 'isWorkFree' in -- 'bindConstantVar' makes Clash two orders of magnitude slower for some of our -- test cases. -- -- In effect, this function is a version of 'isConstant' that also considers -- references to clocks and resets constant. This allows us to bind -- HiddenClock(ResetEnable) constructs, allowing Clash to constant spec -- subconstants - most notably KnownDomain. Doing that enables Clash to -- eliminate any case-constructs on it. isWorkFreeIsh :: TyConMap -> Term -> Bool isWorkFreeIsh tcm e = case isWorkFreeClockOrResetOrEnable tcm e of Just b -> b Nothing -> case collectArgs e of (Data _, args) -> all isWorkFreeIshArg args (Prim pInfo, args) -> case primWorkInfo pInfo of WorkAlways -> False -- Things like clock or reset generator always -- perform work WorkVariable -> all isConstantArg args _ -> all isWorkFreeIshArg args (Lam _ _, _) -> isClosed e (Literal _,_) -> True _ -> False where isWorkFreeIshArg = either (isWorkFreeIsh tcm) (const True) isConstantArg = either isConstant (const True)