{-| Copyright : (C) 2020 QBayLogic License : BSD2 (see the file LICENSE) Maintainer : QBayLogic B.V. Blackbox implementations for "Clash.Sized.Internal.*.toInteger#". -} {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-} module Clash.Primitives.Sized.ToInteger ( bvToIntegerVerilog , bvToIntegerVHDL , indexToIntegerVerilog , indexToIntegerVHDL , signedToIntegerVerilog , signedToIntegerVHDL , unsignedToIntegerVerilog , unsignedToIntegerVHDL ) where import qualified Control.Lens as Lens import Control.Monad (when) import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO) import Data.Text.Lazy (pack) import System.IO (hPutStrLn, stderr) import Text.Trifecta.Result (Result(Success)) #if MIN_VERSION_ghc(9,0,0) import GHC.Driver.Session (unsafeGlobalDynFlags) import GHC.Utils.Error (mkPlainWarnMsg, pprLocErrMsg) import GHC.Utils.Outputable (blankLine, empty, int, integer, showSDocUnsafe, text, ($$), ($+$), (<+>)) import qualified GHC.Utils.Outputable as Outputable import GHC.Types.SrcLoc (isGoodSrcSpan) #else import DynFlags (unsafeGlobalDynFlags) import ErrUtils (mkPlainWarnMsg, pprLocErrMsg) import Outputable (blankLine, empty, int, integer, showSDocUnsafe, text, ($$), ($+$), (<+>)) import qualified Outputable import SrcLoc (isGoodSrcSpan) #endif import Clash.Annotations.Primitive (HDL (Verilog,VHDL)) import Clash.Core.Type (Type (LitTy), LitTy (NumTy)) import Clash.Netlist.BlackBox.Parser (runParse) import Clash.Netlist.BlackBox.Types (BlackBoxFunction, BlackBoxMeta (bbKind), TemplateKind (TExpr), emptyBlackBoxMeta) import Clash.Netlist.Types (BlackBox (BBTemplate), HWType (..), curCompNm, intWidth) import Clash.Util (clogBase) bvToIntegerVerilog, bvToIntegerVHDL, indexToIntegerVerilog, indexToIntegerVHDL, signedToIntegerVerilog, signedToIntegerVHDL, unsignedToIntegerVerilog, unsignedToIntegerVHDL :: BlackBoxFunction bvToIntegerVerilog = toIntegerBB Verilog (BitVector 0) bvToIntegerVHDL = toIntegerBB VHDL (BitVector 0) indexToIntegerVerilog = toIntegerBB Verilog (Index 0) indexToIntegerVHDL = toIntegerBB VHDL (Index 0) signedToIntegerVerilog = toIntegerBB Verilog (Signed 0) signedToIntegerVHDL = toIntegerBB VHDL (Signed 0) unsignedToIntegerVerilog = toIntegerBB Verilog (Unsigned 0) unsignedToIntegerVHDL = toIntegerBB VHDL (Unsigned 0) toIntegerBB :: HDL -> HWType -> BlackBoxFunction toIntegerBB hdl hty _isD _primName args _ty = do case args of (Right (LitTy (NumTy i)):_) -> do iw <- Lens.use intWidth let i1 = width i when (fromInteger i1 > iw) $ do (_,sp) <- Lens.use curCompNm let srcInfo1 | isGoodSrcSpan sp = srcInfo | otherwise = empty warnMsg1 = mkPlainWarnMsg unsafeGlobalDynFlags sp (warnMsg i1 iw $+$ blankLine $+$ srcInfo1) liftIO (hPutStrLn stderr (showSDocUnsafe (pprLocErrMsg warnMsg1))) _ -> return () return ((meta,) <$> bb) where meta = emptyBlackBoxMeta{bbKind=TExpr} bb = BBTemplate <$> case runParse (pack bbText) of Success t -> Right t _ -> Left "internal error: parse fail" bbText = case hdl of VHDL -> case hty of BitVector {} -> "~IF~SIZE[~TYP[1]]~THENsigned(std_logic_vector(resize(unsigned(~ARG[1]),~SIZE[~TYPO])))~ELSEto_signed(0,64)~FI" Index {} -> "~IF~SIZE[~TYP[0]]~THENsigned(std_logic_vector(resize(~ARG[0],~SIZE[~TYPO])))~ELSEto_signed(0,64)~FI" Signed {} -> "~IF~SIZE[~TYP[0]]~THENresize(~ARG[0],~SIZE[~TYPO])~ELSEto_signed(0,64)~FI" Unsigned {} -> "~IF~SIZE[~TYP[0]]~THENsigned(std_logic_vector(resize(~ARG[0],~SIZE[~TYPO])))~ELSEto_signed(0,64)~FI" _ -> error "internal error" _ -> case hty of BitVector {} -> "~IF~SIZE[~TYP[1]]~THEN~IF~CMPLE[~SIZE[~TYPO]][~SIZE[~TYP[1]]]~THEN$unsigned(~VAR[bv][1][0+:~SIZE[~TYPO]])~ELSE$unsigned({{(~SIZE[~TYPO]-~SIZE[~TYP[1]]) {1'b0}},~VAR[bv][1]})~FI~ELSE~SIZE[~TYPO]'sd0~FI" Index {} -> "~IF~SIZE[~TYP[0]]~THEN~IF~CMPLE[~SIZE[~TYPO]][~SIZE[~TYP[0]]]~THEN$unsigned(~VAR[i][0][0+:~SIZE[~TYPO]])~ELSE$unsigned({{(~SIZE[~TYPO]-~SIZE[~TYP[0]]) {1'b0}},~VAR[i][0]})~FI~ELSE~SIZE[~TYPO]'sd0~FI" Signed {} -> "~IF~SIZE[~TYP[0]]~THEN~IF~CMPLE[~SIZE[~TYPO]][~SIZE[~TYP[0]]]~THEN$signed(~VAR[i][0][0+:~SIZE[~TYPO]])~ELSE$signed({{(~SIZE[~TYPO]-~SIZE[~TYP[0]]) {1'b0}},~VAR[i][0]})~FI~ELSE~SIZE[~TYPO]'sd0~FI" Unsigned {} -> "~IF~SIZE[~TYP[0]]~THEN~IF~CMPLE[~SIZE[~TYPO]][~SIZE[~TYP[0]]]~THEN$unsigned(~VAR[i][0][0+:~SIZE[~TYPO]])~ELSE$unsigned({{(~SIZE[~TYPO]-~SIZE[~TYP[0]]) {1'b0}},~VAR[i][0]})~FI~ELSE~SIZE[~TYPO]'sd0~FI" _ -> error "internal error" tyName = case hty of BitVector {} -> text "BitVector" Index {} -> text "Index" Signed {} -> text "Signed" Unsigned {} -> text "Unsigned" _ -> error "internal error" width i = case hty of Index {} -> maybe 0 toInteger (clogBase 2 i) _ -> i warnMsg i iw = tyName Outputable.<> text ".toInteger: Integer width," <+> int iw Outputable.<> text ", is smaller than" <+> tyName <+> text "width," <+> integer i Outputable.<> text ". Dropping MSBs." $+$ text "Are you using 'fromIntegral' to convert between types?" <+> text "Use 'bitCoerce' instead." srcInfo = text "NB: The source location of the error is not exact, only indicative, as it is acquired after optimisations." $$ text "The actual location of the error can be in a function that is inlined." $$ text "To prevent inlining of those functions, annotate them with a NOINLINE pragma."