{-| Copyright : (C) 2012-2016, University of Twente License : BSD2 (see the file LICENSE) Maintainer : Christiaan Baaij Smart constructor and destructor functions for CoreHW -} {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} {-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-} module Clash.Core.Util where import Control.Concurrent.Supply (Supply, freshId) import qualified Control.Lens as Lens import Control.Monad.Trans.Except (Except, throwE) import Data.Coerce (coerce) import qualified Data.IntSet as IntSet import qualified Data.HashSet as HashSet import Data.List (foldl', mapAccumR, elemIndices, nub) import Data.Maybe (fromJust, mapMaybe, catMaybes) import qualified Data.Text as T import Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc (line) #if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,11,0) import Data.Semigroup #endif import Clash.Core.DataCon (DataCon (MkData), dcType, dcUnivTyVars, dcExtTyVars, dcArgTys) import Clash.Core.FreeVars (termFreeVarsX, tyFVsOfTypes, typeFreeVars) import Clash.Core.Literal (literalType) import Clash.Core.Name (Name (..), OccName, mkUnsafeInternalName, mkUnsafeSystemName) import Clash.Core.Pretty (ppr, showPpr) import Clash.Core.Subst (extendTvSubst, mkSubst, mkTvSubst, substTy, substTyWith, substTyInVar, extendTvSubstList) import Clash.Core.Term (LetBinding, Pat (..), PrimInfo (..), Term (..), Alt, WorkInfo (..), TickInfo (..), collectArgs) import Clash.Core.Type (Kind, LitTy (..), Type (..), TypeView (..), coreView, coreView1, isFunTy, isPolyFunCoreTy, mkFunTy, splitFunTy, tyView, undefinedTy, isTypeFamilyApplication) import Clash.Core.TyCon (TyConMap, tyConDataCons) import Clash.Core.TysPrim (typeNatKind) import Clash.Core.Var (Id, TyVar, Var (..), isLocalId, mkLocalId, mkTyVar) import Clash.Core.VarEnv (InScopeSet, VarEnv, emptyVarEnv, extendInScopeSet, extendVarEnv, lookupVarEnv, mkInScopeSet, uniqAway, extendInScopeSetList, unionInScope, mkVarSet, unionVarSet, unitVarSet, emptyVarSet) import Clash.Unique import Clash.Util -- | Type environment/context type Gamma = VarEnv Type -- | Kind environment/context type Delta = VarEnv Kind -- | Given the left and right side of an equation, normalize it such that -- equations of the following forms: -- -- * 5 ~ n + 2 -- * 5 ~ 2 + n -- * n + 2 ~ 5 -- * 2 + n ~ 5 -- -- are returned as (5, 2, n) normalizeAdd :: (Type, Type) -> Maybe (Integer, Integer, Type) normalizeAdd (a, b) = do (n, rhs) <- lhsLit a b case tyView rhs of TyConApp (nameOcc -> "GHC.TypeNats.+") [left, right] -> do (m, o) <- lhsLit left right return (n, m, o) _ -> Nothing where lhsLit x (LitTy (NumTy n)) = Just (n, x) lhsLit (LitTy (NumTy n)) y = Just (n, y) lhsLit _ _ = Nothing -- | Data type that indicates what kind of solution (if any) was found data TypeEqSolution = Solution (TyVar, Type) -- ^ Solution was found. Variable equals some integer. | AbsurdSolution -- ^ A solution was found, but it involved negative naturals. | NoSolution -- ^ Given type wasn't an equation, or it was unsolvable. deriving (Show, Eq) catSolutions :: [TypeEqSolution] -> [(TyVar, Type)] catSolutions = mapMaybe getSol where getSol (Solution s) = Just s getSol _ = Nothing -- | Solve given equations and return all non-absurd solutions solveNonAbsurds :: TyConMap -> [(Type, Type)] -> [(TyVar, Type)] solveNonAbsurds _tcm [] = [] solveNonAbsurds tcm (eq:eqs) = solved ++ solveNonAbsurds tcm eqs where solvers = [pure . solveAdd, solveEq tcm] solved = catSolutions (concat [s eq | s <- solvers]) -- | Solve simple equalities such as: -- -- * a ~ 3 -- * 3 ~ a -- * SomeType a b ~ SomeType 3 5 -- * SomeType 3 5 ~ SomeType a b -- * SomeType a 5 ~ SomeType 3 b -- solveEq :: TyConMap -> (Type, Type) -> [TypeEqSolution] solveEq tcm (coreView tcm -> left, coreView tcm -> right) = case (left, right) of (VarTy tyVar, ConstTy {}) -> -- a ~ 3 [Solution (tyVar, right)] (ConstTy {}, VarTy tyVar) -> -- 3 ~ a [Solution (tyVar, left)] (ConstTy {}, ConstTy {}) -> -- Int /= Char if left /= right then [AbsurdSolution] else [] (LitTy {}, LitTy {}) -> -- 3 /= 5 if left /= right then [AbsurdSolution] else [] _ -> -- The call to 'coreView' at the start of 'solveEq' should have reduced -- all solvable type families. If we encounter one here that means the -- type family is stuck (and that we shouldn't compare it to anything!). if any (isTypeFamilyApplication tcm) [left, right] then [] else case (tyView left, tyView right) of (TyConApp leftNm leftTys, TyConApp rightNm rightTys) -> -- SomeType a b ~ SomeType 3 5 (or other way around) if leftNm == rightNm then concat (map (solveEq tcm) (zip leftTys rightTys)) else [AbsurdSolution] _ -> [] -- | Solve equations supported by @normalizeAdd@. See documentation of -- @TypeEqSolution@ to understand the return value. solveAdd :: (Type, Type) -> TypeEqSolution solveAdd ab = case normalizeAdd ab of Just (n, m, VarTy tyVar) -> if n >= 0 && m >= 0 && n - m >= 0 then Solution (tyVar, (LitTy (NumTy (n - m)))) else AbsurdSolution _ -> NoSolution -- | If type is an equation, return LHS and RHS. typeEq :: TyConMap -> Type -> Maybe (Type, Type) typeEq tcm ty = case tyView (coreView tcm ty) of TyConApp (nameOcc -> "GHC.Prim.~#") [_, _, left, right] -> Just (coreView tcm left, coreView tcm right) _ -> Nothing -- | Get constraint equations altEqs :: TyConMap -> Alt -> [(Type, Type)] altEqs tcm (pat, _term) = catMaybes (map (typeEq tcm . varType) (snd (patIds pat))) -- | Tests for unreachable alternative due to types being "absurd". See -- @isAbsurdEq@ for more info. isAbsurdAlt :: TyConMap -> Alt -> Bool isAbsurdAlt tcm alt = any (isAbsurdEq tcm) (altEqs tcm alt) -- | Determines if an "equation" obtained through @altEqs@ or @typeEq@ is -- absurd. That is, it tests if two types that are definitely not equal are -- asserted to be equal OR if the computation of the types yield some absurd -- (intermediate) result such as -1. isAbsurdEq :: TyConMap -> (Type, Type) -> Bool isAbsurdEq tcm ((left0, right0)) = case (coreView tcm left0, coreView tcm right0) of (solveAdd -> AbsurdSolution) -> True lr -> any (==AbsurdSolution) (solveEq tcm lr) -- Safely substitute global type variables in a list of potentially -- shadowing type variables. substGlobalsInExistentials :: HasCallStack => InScopeSet -- ^ Variables in scope -> [TyVar] -- ^ List of existentials to apply the substitution for -> [(TyVar, Type)] -- ^ Substitutions -> [TyVar] substGlobalsInExistentials is exts substs0 = result -- TODO: Is is actually possible that existentials shadow each other? If they -- TODO: can't, we can remove this function where iss = scanl extendInScopeSet is exts substs1 = map (\is_ -> extendTvSubstList (mkSubst is_) substs0) iss result = zipWith substTyInVar substs1 exts -- | Safely substitute type variables in a list of existentials. This function -- will account for cases where existentials shadow each other. substInExistentialsList :: HasCallStack => InScopeSet -- ^ Variables in scope -> [TyVar] -- ^ List of existentials to apply the substitution for -> [(TyVar, Type)] -- ^ Substitutions -> [TyVar] substInExistentialsList is exts substs = foldl (substInExistentials is) exts substs -- | Safely substitute a type variable in a list of existentials. This function -- will account for cases where existentials shadow each other. substInExistentials :: HasCallStack => InScopeSet -- ^ Variables in scope -> [TyVar] -- ^ List of existentials to apply the substitution for -> (TyVar, Type) -- ^ Substitution -> [TyVar] substInExistentials is exts subst@(typeVar, _type) = -- TODO: Is is actually possible that existentials shadow each other? If they -- TODO: can't, we can remove this function case elemIndices typeVar exts of [] -> -- We're not replacing any of the existentials, but a global variable substGlobalsInExistentials is exts [subst] (last -> i) -> -- We're replacing an existential. That means we're not touching any -- variables that were introduced before it. For all variables after it, -- it is as we would replace global variables in them. take (i+1) exts ++ substGlobalsInExistentials is (drop (i+1) exts) [subst] -- | Determine the type of a term termType :: TyConMap -> Term -> Type termType m e = case e of Var t -> varType t Data dc -> dcType dc Literal l -> literalType l Prim _ t -> primType t Lam v e' -> mkFunTy (varType v) (termType m e') TyLam tv e' -> ForAllTy tv (termType m e') App _ _ -> case collectArgs e of (fun, args) -> applyTypeToArgs e m (termType m fun) args TyApp _ _ -> case collectArgs e of (fun, args) -> applyTypeToArgs e m (termType m fun) args Letrec _ e' -> termType m e' Case _ ty _ -> ty Cast _ _ ty2 -> ty2 Tick _ e' -> termType m e' -- | Split a (Type)Abstraction in the bound variables and the abstracted term collectBndrs :: Term -> ([Either Id TyVar], Term) collectBndrs = go [] where go bs (Lam v e') = go (Left v:bs) e' go bs (TyLam tv e') = go (Right tv:bs) e' go bs e' = (reverse bs,e') -- | Get the result type of a polymorphic function given a list of arguments applyTypeToArgs :: Term -> TyConMap -> Type -> [Either Term Type] -> Type applyTypeToArgs e m opTy args = go opTy args where go opTy' [] = opTy' go opTy' (Right ty:args') = goTyArgs opTy' [ty] args' go opTy' (Left _:args') = case splitFunTy m opTy' of Just (_,resTy) -> go resTy args' _ -> error $ unlines ["applyTypeToArgs:" ,"Expression: " ++ showPpr e ,"Type: " ++ showPpr opTy ,"Args: " ++ unlines (map (either showPpr showPpr) args) ] goTyArgs opTy' revTys (Right ty:args') = goTyArgs opTy' (ty:revTys) args' goTyArgs opTy' revTys args' = go (piResultTys m opTy' (reverse revTys)) args' -- | Like 'piResultTyMaybe', but errors out when a type application is not -- valid. -- -- Do not iterate 'piResultTy', because it's inefficient to substitute one -- variable at a time; instead use 'piResultTys' piResultTy :: TyConMap -> Type -> Type -> Type piResultTy m ty arg = case piResultTyMaybe m ty arg of Just res -> res Nothing -> pprPanic "piResultTy" (ppr ty <> line <> ppr arg) -- | Like 'piResultTys' but for a single argument. -- -- Do not iterate 'piResultTyMaybe', because it's inefficient to substitute one -- variable at a time; instead use 'piResultTys' piResultTyMaybe :: TyConMap -> Type -> Type -> Maybe Type piResultTyMaybe m ty arg | Just ty' <- coreView1 m ty = piResultTyMaybe m ty' arg | FunTy _ res <- tyView ty = Just res | ForAllTy tv res <- ty = let emptySubst = mkSubst (mkInScopeSet (tyFVsOfTypes [arg,res])) in Just (substTy (extendTvSubst emptySubst tv arg) res) | otherwise = Nothing -- | @(piResultTys f_ty [ty1, ..., tyn])@ give sthe type of @(f ty1 .. tyn)@ -- where @f :: f_ty@ -- -- 'piResultTys' is interesting because: -- -- 1. 'f_ty' may have more foralls than there are args -- 2. Less obviously, it may have fewer foralls -- -- Fore case 2. think of: -- -- piResultTys (forall a . a) [forall b.b, Int] -- -- This really can happen, such as situations involving 'undefined's type: -- -- undefined :: forall a. a -- -- undefined (forall b. b -> b) Int -- -- This term should have the type @(Int -> Int)@, but notice that there are -- more type args than foralls in 'undefined's type. -- -- For efficiency reasons, when there are no foralls, we simply drop arrows from -- a function type/kind. piResultTys :: TyConMap -> Type -> [Type] -> Type piResultTys _ ty [] = ty piResultTys m ty origArgs@(arg:args) | Just ty' <- coreView1 m ty = piResultTys m ty' origArgs | FunTy _ res <- tyView ty = piResultTys m res args | ForAllTy tv res <- ty = go (extendVarEnv tv arg emptyVarEnv) res args | otherwise = pprPanic "piResultTys1" (ppr ty <> line <> ppr origArgs) where inScope = mkInScopeSet (tyFVsOfTypes (ty:origArgs)) go env ty' [] = substTy (mkTvSubst inScope env) ty' go env ty' allArgs@(arg':args') | Just ty'' <- coreView1 m ty' = go env ty'' allArgs | FunTy _ res <- tyView ty' = go env res args' | ForAllTy tv res <- ty' = go (extendVarEnv tv arg' env) res args' | VarTy tv <- ty' , Just ty'' <- lookupVarEnv tv env -- Deals with (piResultTys (forall a.a) [forall b.b, Int]) = piResultTys m ty'' allArgs | otherwise = pprPanic "piResultTys2" (ppr ty' <> line <> ppr origArgs <> line <> ppr allArgs) -- | Get the list of term-binders out of a DataType pattern patIds :: Pat -> ([TyVar],[Id]) patIds (DataPat _ tvs ids) = (tvs,ids) patIds _ = ([],[]) patVars :: Pat -> [Var a] patVars (DataPat _ tvs ids) = coerce tvs ++ coerce ids patVars _ = [] -- | Abstract a term over a list of term and type variables mkAbstraction :: Term -> [Either Id TyVar] -> Term mkAbstraction = foldr (either Lam TyLam) -- | Abstract a term over a list of term variables mkTyLams :: Term -> [TyVar] -> Term mkTyLams tm = mkAbstraction tm . map Right -- | Abstract a term over a list of type variables mkLams :: Term -> [Id] -> Term mkLams tm = mkAbstraction tm . map Left -- | Apply a list of types and terms to a term mkApps :: Term -> [Either Term Type] -> Term mkApps = foldl' (\e a -> either (App e) (TyApp e) a) -- | Apply a list of terms to a term mkTmApps :: Term -> [Term] -> Term mkTmApps = foldl' App -- | Apply a list of types to a term mkTyApps :: Term -> [Type] -> Term mkTyApps = foldl' TyApp mkTicks :: Term -> [TickInfo] -> Term mkTicks tm ticks = foldl' (\e s -> Tick s e) tm (nub ticks) -- | Does a term have a function type? isFun :: TyConMap -> Term -> Bool isFun m t = isFunTy m (termType m t) -- | Does a term have a function or polymorphic type? isPolyFun :: TyConMap -> Term -> Bool isPolyFun m t = isPolyFunCoreTy m (termType m t) -- | Is a term a term-abstraction? isLam :: Term -> Bool isLam (Lam {}) = True isLam _ = False -- | Is a term a recursive let-binding? isLet :: Term -> Bool isLet (Letrec {}) = True isLet _ = False -- | Is a term a variable reference? isVar :: Term -> Bool isVar (Var {}) = True isVar _ = False isLocalVar :: Term -> Bool isLocalVar (Var v) = isLocalId v isLocalVar _ = False -- | Is a term a datatype constructor? isCon :: Term -> Bool isCon (Data {}) = True isCon _ = False -- | Is a term a primitive? isPrim :: Term -> Bool isPrim (Prim {}) = True isPrim _ = False -- | Make variable reference out of term variable idToVar :: Id -> Term idToVar i@(Id {}) = Var i idToVar tv = error $ $(curLoc) ++ "idToVar: tyVar: " ++ showPpr tv -- | Make a term variable out of a variable reference varToId :: Term -> Id varToId (Var i) = i varToId e = error $ $(curLoc) ++ "varToId: not a var: " ++ showPpr e termSize :: Term -> Word termSize (Var {}) = 1 termSize (Data {}) = 1 termSize (Literal {}) = 1 termSize (Prim {}) = 1 termSize (Lam _ e) = termSize e + 1 termSize (TyLam _ e) = termSize e termSize (App e1 e2) = termSize e1 + termSize e2 termSize (TyApp e _) = termSize e termSize (Cast e _ _) = termSize e termSize (Tick _ e) = termSize e termSize (Letrec bndrs e) = sum (bodySz:bndrSzs) where bndrSzs = map (termSize . snd) bndrs bodySz = termSize e termSize (Case subj _ alts) = sum (subjSz:altSzs) where subjSz = termSize subj altSzs = map (termSize . snd) alts -- | Create a vector of supplied elements mkVec :: DataCon -- ^ The Nil constructor -> DataCon -- ^ The Cons (:>) constructor -> Type -- ^ Element type -> Integer -- ^ Length of the vector -> [Term] -- ^ Elements to put in the vector -> Term mkVec nilCon consCon resTy = go where go _ [] = mkApps (Data nilCon) [Right (LitTy (NumTy 0)) ,Right resTy ,Left (primCo nilCoTy) ] go n (x:xs) = mkApps (Data consCon) [Right (LitTy (NumTy n)) ,Right resTy ,Right (LitTy (NumTy (n-1))) ,Left (primCo (consCoTy n)) ,Left x ,Left (go (n-1) xs)] nilCoTy = head (fromJust $! dataConInstArgTys nilCon [(LitTy (NumTy 0)) ,resTy]) consCoTy n = head (fromJust $! dataConInstArgTys consCon [(LitTy (NumTy n)) ,resTy ,(LitTy (NumTy (n-1)))]) -- | Append elements to the supplied vector appendToVec :: DataCon -- ^ The Cons (:>) constructor -> Type -- ^ Element type -> Term -- ^ The vector to append the elements to -> Integer -- ^ Length of the vector -> [Term] -- ^ Elements to append -> Term appendToVec consCon resTy vec = go where go _ [] = vec go n (x:xs) = mkApps (Data consCon) [Right (LitTy (NumTy n)) ,Right resTy ,Right (LitTy (NumTy (n-1))) ,Left (primCo (consCoTy n)) ,Left x ,Left (go (n-1) xs)] consCoTy n = head (fromJust $! dataConInstArgTys consCon [(LitTy (NumTy n)) ,resTy ,(LitTy (NumTy (n-1)))]) availableUniques :: Term -> [Unique] availableUniques t = [ n | n <- [0..] , n `IntSet.notMember` avoid ] where avoid = Lens.foldMapOf termFreeVarsX (\a i -> IntSet.insert (varUniq a) i) t IntSet.empty -- | Create let-bindings with case-statements that select elements out of a -- vector. Returns both the variables to which element-selections are bound -- and the let-bindings extractElems :: Supply -- ^ Unique supply -> InScopeSet -- ^ (Superset of) in scope variables -> DataCon -- ^ The Cons (:>) constructor -> Type -- ^ The element type -> Char -- ^ Char to append to the bound variable names -> Integer -- ^ Length of the vector -> Term -- ^ The vector -> (Supply, [(Term,[LetBinding])]) extractElems supply inScope consCon resTy s maxN vec = first fst (go maxN (supply,inScope) vec) where go :: Integer -> (Supply,InScopeSet) -> Term -> ((Supply,InScopeSet),[(Term,[LetBinding])]) go 0 uniqs _ = (uniqs,[]) go n uniqs0 e = (uniqs3,(elNVar,[(elNId, lhs),(restNId, rhs)]):restVs) where tys = [(LitTy (NumTy n)),resTy,(LitTy (NumTy (n-1)))] (Just idTys) = dataConInstArgTys consCon tys restTy = last idTys (uniqs1,mTV) = mkUniqSystemTyVar uniqs0 ("m",typeNatKind) (uniqs2,[elNId,restNId,co,el,rest]) = mapAccumR mkUniqSystemId uniqs1 $ zip ["el" `T.append` (s `T.cons` T.pack (show (maxN-n))) ,"rest" `T.append` (s `T.cons` T.pack (show (maxN-n))) ,"_co_" ,"el" ,"rest" ] (resTy:restTy:idTys) elNVar = Var elNId pat = DataPat consCon [mTV] [co,el,rest] lhs = Case e resTy [(pat,Var el)] rhs = Case e restTy [(pat,Var rest)] (uniqs3,restVs) = go (n-1) uniqs2 (Var restNId) -- | Create let-bindings with case-statements that select elements out of a -- tree. Returns both the variables to which element-selections are bound -- and the let-bindings extractTElems :: Supply -- ^ Unique supply -> InScopeSet -- ^ (Superset of) in scope variables -> DataCon -- ^ The 'LR' constructor -> DataCon -- ^ The 'BR' constructor -> Type -- ^ The element type -> Char -- ^ Char to append to the bound variable names -> Integer -- ^ Depth of the tree -> Term -- ^ The tree -> (Supply,([Term],[LetBinding])) extractTElems supply inScope lrCon brCon resTy s maxN tree = first fst (go maxN [0..(2^(maxN+1))-2] [0..(2^maxN - 1)] (supply,inScope) tree) where go :: Integer -> [Int] -> [Int] -> (Supply,InScopeSet) -> Term -> ((Supply,InScopeSet),([Term],[LetBinding])) go 0 _ ks uniqs0 e = (uniqs1,([elNVar],[(elNId, rhs)])) where tys = [LitTy (NumTy 0),resTy] (Just idTys) = dataConInstArgTys lrCon tys (uniqs1,[elNId,co,el]) = mapAccumR mkUniqSystemId uniqs0 $ zip [ "el" `T.append` (s `T.cons` T.pack (show (head ks))) , "_co_" , "el" ] (resTy:idTys) elNVar = Var elNId pat = DataPat lrCon [] [co,el] rhs = Case e resTy [(pat,Var el)] go n bs ks uniqs0 e = (uniqs4 ,(lVars ++ rVars,(ltNId, ltRhs): (rtNId, rtRhs): (lBinds ++ rBinds))) where tys = [LitTy (NumTy n),resTy,LitTy (NumTy (n-1))] (Just idTys) = dataConInstArgTys brCon tys (uniqs1,mTV) = mkUniqSystemTyVar uniqs0 ("m",typeNatKind) (b0:bL,b1:bR) = splitAt (length bs `div` 2) bs brTy = last idTys (uniqs2,[ltNId,rtNId,co,lt,rt]) = mapAccumR mkUniqSystemId uniqs1 $ zip ["lt" `T.append` (s `T.cons` T.pack (show b0)) ,"rt" `T.append` (s `T.cons` T.pack (show b1)) ,"_co_" ,"lt" ,"rt" ] (brTy:brTy:idTys) ltVar = Var ltNId rtVar = Var rtNId pat = DataPat brCon [mTV] [co,lt,rt] ltRhs = Case e brTy [(pat,Var lt)] rtRhs = Case e brTy [(pat,Var rt)] (kL,kR) = splitAt (length ks `div` 2) ks (uniqs3,(lVars,lBinds)) = go (n-1) bL kL uniqs2 ltVar (uniqs4,(rVars,rBinds)) = go (n-1) bR kR uniqs3 rtVar -- | Create a vector of supplied elements mkRTree :: DataCon -- ^ The LR constructor -> DataCon -- ^ The BR constructor -> Type -- ^ Element type -> Integer -- ^ Depth of the tree -> [Term] -- ^ Elements to put in the tree -> Term mkRTree lrCon brCon resTy = go where go _ [x] = mkApps (Data lrCon) [Right (LitTy (NumTy 0)) ,Right resTy ,Left (primCo lrCoTy) ,Left x ] go n xs = let (xsL,xsR) = splitAt (length xs `div` 2) xs in mkApps (Data brCon) [Right (LitTy (NumTy n)) ,Right resTy ,Right (LitTy (NumTy (n-1))) ,Left (primCo (brCoTy n)) ,Left (go (n-1) xsL) ,Left (go (n-1) xsR)] lrCoTy = head (fromJust $! dataConInstArgTys lrCon [(LitTy (NumTy 0)) ,resTy]) brCoTy n = head (fromJust $! dataConInstArgTys brCon [(LitTy (NumTy n)) ,resTy ,(LitTy (NumTy (n-1)))]) -- | Determine whether a type is isomorphic to "Clash.Signal.Internal.Signal" -- -- It is i.e.: -- -- * Signal clk a -- * (Signal clk a, Signal clk b) -- * Vec n (Signal clk a) -- * data Wrap = W (Signal clk' Int) -- * etc. -- -- This also includes BiSignals, i.e.: -- -- * BiSignalIn High System Int -- * etc. -- isSignalType :: TyConMap -> Type -> Bool isSignalType tcm ty = go HashSet.empty ty where go tcSeen (tyView -> TyConApp tcNm args) = case nameOcc tcNm of "Clash.Signal.Internal.Signal" -> True "Clash.Signal.BiSignal.BiSignalIn" -> True "Clash.Signal.Internal.BiSignalOut" -> True _ | tcNm `HashSet.member` tcSeen -> False -- Do not follow rec types | otherwise -> case lookupUniqMap tcNm tcm of Just tc -> let dcs = tyConDataCons tc dcInsArgTys = concat $ mapMaybe (`dataConInstArgTys` args) dcs tcSeen' = HashSet.insert tcNm tcSeen in any (go tcSeen') dcInsArgTys Nothing -> traceIf True ($(curLoc) ++ "isSignalType: " ++ show tcNm ++ " not found.") False go _ _ = False isClockOrReset :: TyConMap -> Type -> Bool isClockOrReset m (coreView1 m -> Just ty) = isClockOrReset m ty isClockOrReset _ (tyView -> TyConApp tcNm _) = case nameOcc tcNm of "Clash.Signal.Internal.Clock" -> True "Clash.Signal.Internal.Reset" -> True _ -> False isClockOrReset _ _ = False tyNatSize :: TyConMap -> Type -> Except String Integer tyNatSize m (coreView1 m -> Just ty) = tyNatSize m ty tyNatSize _ (LitTy (NumTy i)) = return i tyNatSize _ ty = throwE $ $(curLoc) ++ "Cannot reduce to an integer:\n" ++ showPpr ty mkUniqSystemTyVar :: (Supply, InScopeSet) -> (OccName, Kind) -> ((Supply, InScopeSet), TyVar) mkUniqSystemTyVar (supply,inScope) (nm, ki) = ((supply',extendInScopeSet inScope v'), v') where (u,supply') = freshId supply v = mkTyVar ki (mkUnsafeSystemName nm u) v' = uniqAway inScope v mkUniqSystemId :: (Supply, InScopeSet) -> (OccName, Type) -> ((Supply,InScopeSet), Id) mkUniqSystemId (supply,inScope) (nm, ty) = ((supply',extendInScopeSet inScope v'), v') where (u,supply') = freshId supply v = mkLocalId ty (mkUnsafeSystemName nm u) v' = uniqAway inScope v mkUniqInternalId :: (Supply, InScopeSet) -> (OccName, Type) -> ((Supply,InScopeSet), Id) mkUniqInternalId (supply,inScope) (nm, ty) = ((supply',extendInScopeSet inScope v'), v') where (u,supply') = freshId supply v = mkLocalId ty (mkUnsafeInternalName nm u) v' = uniqAway inScope v -- | Same as @dataConInstArgTys@, but it tries to compute existentials too, -- hence the extra argument @TyConMap@. WARNING: It will return the types -- of non-existentials only dataConInstArgTysE :: HasCallStack => InScopeSet -> TyConMap -> DataCon -> [Type] -> Maybe [Type] dataConInstArgTysE is0 tcm (MkData { dcArgTys, dcExtTyVars, dcUnivTyVars }) inst_tys = do -- TODO: Check if all existentials were solved (they should be, or the wouldn't have -- TODO: been solved in the caseElemExistentials transformation) let is1 = extendInScopeSetList is0 dcExtTyVars is2 = unionInScope is1 (mkInScopeSet (tyFVsOfTypes inst_tys)) subst = extendTvSubstList (mkSubst is2) (zip dcUnivTyVars inst_tys) go (substGlobalsInExistentials is0 dcExtTyVars (zip dcUnivTyVars inst_tys)) (map (substTy subst) dcArgTys) where go :: [TyVar] -- ^ Existentials -> [Type] -- ^ Type arguments -> Maybe [Type] -- ^ Maybe ([type of non-existential]) go exts0 args0 = let eqs = catMaybes (map (typeEq tcm) args0) in case solveNonAbsurds tcm eqs of [] -> Just args0 sols -> go exts1 args1 where exts1 = substInExistentialsList is0 exts0 sols is2 = extendInScopeSetList is0 exts1 subst = extendTvSubstList (mkSubst is2) sols args1 = map (substTy subst) args0 -- | Given a DataCon and a list of types, the type variables of the DataCon -- type are substituted for the list of types. The argument types are returned. -- -- The list of types should be equal to the number of type variables, otherwise -- @Nothing@ is returned. dataConInstArgTys :: DataCon -> [Type] -> Maybe [Type] dataConInstArgTys (MkData { dcArgTys, dcUnivTyVars, dcExtTyVars }) inst_tys = -- TODO: Check if inst_tys do not contain any free variables on call sites. If -- TODO: they do, this function is unsafe to use. let tyvars = dcUnivTyVars ++ dcExtTyVars in if length tyvars == length inst_tys then Just (map (substTyWith tyvars inst_tys) dcArgTys) else Nothing -- | Make a coercion primCo :: Type -> Term primCo ty = Prim "_CO_" (PrimInfo ty WorkNever) -- | Make an undefined term undefinedTm :: Type -> Term undefinedTm = TyApp (Prim "Clash.Transformations.undefined" (PrimInfo undefinedTy WorkNever)) substArgTys :: DataCon -> [Type] -> [Type] substArgTys dc args = let univTVs = dcUnivTyVars dc extTVs = dcExtTyVars dc argsFVs = foldl' unionVarSet emptyVarSet (map (Lens.foldMapOf typeFreeVars unitVarSet) args) is = mkInScopeSet (argsFVs `unionVarSet` mkVarSet extTVs) -- See Note [The substitution invariant] subst = extendTvSubstList (mkSubst is) (univTVs `zipEqual` args) in map (substTy subst) (dcArgTys dc) stripTicks :: Term -> Term stripTicks (Tick _ e) = stripTicks e stripTicks e = e -- | Try to reduce an arbitrary type to a Symbol, and subsequently extract its -- String representation tySym :: TyConMap -> Type -> Except String String tySym m (coreView1 m -> Just ty) = tySym m ty tySym _ (LitTy (SymTy s)) = return s tySym _ ty = throwE $ $(curLoc) ++ "Cannot reduce to a string:\n" ++ showPpr ty