{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards   #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns    #-}

-- | Utilities for converting Core Type/Term to Netlist datatypes
module CLaSH.Netlist.Util where

import           Control.Lens            ((.=),(<<%=))
import qualified Control.Lens            as Lens
import qualified Control.Monad           as Monad
import           Data.Either             (partitionEithers)
import           Data.Maybe              (catMaybes,fromMaybe)
import           Data.Text.Lazy          (pack)
import           Unbound.LocallyNameless (Embed, Fresh, bind, embed, makeName,
                                          name2Integer, name2String, unbind,
                                          unembed, unrec)

import           CLaSH.Core.DataCon      (DataCon (..))
import           CLaSH.Core.FreeVars     (termFreeIds, typeFreeVars)
import           CLaSH.Core.Pretty       (showDoc)
import           CLaSH.Core.Subst        (substTys)
import           CLaSH.Core.Term         (LetBinding, Term (..), TmName)
import           CLaSH.Core.TyCon        (TyCon (..), tyConDataCons)
import           CLaSH.Core.Type         (Type (..), TypeView (..),
                                          splitTyConAppM, tyView)
import           CLaSH.Core.Util         (collectBndrs, termType)
import           CLaSH.Core.Var          (Id, Var (..), modifyVarName)
import           CLaSH.Netlist.Id
import           CLaSH.Netlist.Types
import           CLaSH.Util

-- | Split a normalized term into: a list of arguments, a list of let-bindings,
-- and a variable reference that is the body of the let-binding. Returns a
-- String containing the error is the term was not in a normalized form.
splitNormalized :: (Fresh m,Functor m)
                => Term
                -> m (Either String ([Id],[LetBinding],Id))
splitNormalized expr = do
  (args,letExpr) <- fmap (first partitionEithers) $ collectBndrs expr
  case letExpr of
    Letrec b
      | (tmArgs,[]) <- args -> do
          (xes,e) <- unbind b
          case e of
            Var t v -> return $! Right (tmArgs,unrec xes,Id v (embed t))
            _ -> return $! Left ($(curLoc) ++ "Not in normal form: res not simple var")
      | otherwise -> return $! Left ($(curLoc) ++ "Not in normal form: tyArgs")
    _ -> return $! Left ($(curLoc) ++ "Not in normal from: no Letrec: " ++ showDoc expr)

-- | Converts a Core type to a HWType given a function that translates certain
-- builtin types. Errors if the Core type is not translatable.
unsafeCoreTypeToHWType :: (Type -> Maybe (Either String HWType))
                       -> Type
                       -> HWType
unsafeCoreTypeToHWType builtInTranslation = either error id . coreTypeToHWType builtInTranslation

-- | Converts a Core type to a HWType within the NetlistMonad
unsafeCoreTypeToHWTypeM :: Type
                        -> NetlistMonad HWType
unsafeCoreTypeToHWTypeM ty = unsafeCoreTypeToHWType <$> Lens.use typeTranslator <*> pure ty

-- | Returns the name of the clock corresponding to a type
synchronizedClk :: Type
                -> Maybe Identifier
synchronizedClk ty
  | not . null . typeFreeVars $ ty = Nothing
  | Just (tyCon,args) <- splitTyConAppM ty
  = case name2String (tyConName tyCon) of
      "CLaSH.Signal.Signal"    -> Just (pack "clk")
      "CLaSH.Sized.Vector.Vec" -> synchronizedClk (args!!1)
      "CLaSH.Signal.SignalP"   -> Just (pack "clk")
      _                        -> Nothing
  | otherwise
  = Nothing

-- | Converts a Core type to a HWType given a function that translates certain
-- builtin types. Returns a string containing the error message when the Core
-- type is not translatable.
coreTypeToHWType :: (Type -> Maybe (Either String HWType))
                 -> Type
                 -> Either String HWType
coreTypeToHWType builtInTranslation ty =
    (case tyView ty of
       TyConApp tc args -> mkADT builtInTranslation (showDoc ty) tc args
       _                -> Left $ "Can't translate non tycon-type: " ++ showDoc ty)
    (builtInTranslation ty)

-- | Converts an algebraic Core type (split into a TyCon and its argument) to a HWType.
mkADT :: (Type -> Maybe (Either String HWType)) -- ^ Hardcoded Type -> HWType translator
      -> String -- ^ String representation of the Core type for error messages
      -> TyCon -- ^ The TyCon
      -> [Type] -- ^ Its applied arguments
      -> Either String HWType
mkADT _ tyString tc args
  | isRecursiveTy tc
  = Left $ $(curLoc) ++ "Can't translate recursive type: " ++ tyString

mkADT builtInTranslation _ tc args = case tyConDataCons tc of
  []  -> return Void
  dcs -> do
    let tcName       = pack . name2String $ tyConName tc
        argTyss      = map dcArgTys dcs
        argTVss      = map dcUnivTyVars dcs
        argSubts     = map (`zip` args) argTVss
        substArgTyss = zipWith (\s tys -> map (substTys s) tys) argSubts argTyss
    argHTyss         <- mapM (mapM (coreTypeToHWType builtInTranslation)) substArgTyss
    case (dcs,argHTyss) of
      (_:[],[elemTys@(_:_)]) -> return $ Product tcName elemTys
      (_   ,concat -> [])    -> return $ Sum tcName $ map (pack . name2String . dcName) dcs
      (_   ,elemHTys)        -> return $ SP tcName
                                      $ zipWith (\dc tys ->
                                                  ( pack . name2String $ dcName dc
                                                  , tys
                                                ) dcs elemHTys

-- | Simple check if a TyCon is recursively defined.
isRecursiveTy :: TyCon -> Bool
isRecursiveTy tc = case tyConDataCons tc of
    []  -> False
    dcs -> let argTyss      = map dcArgTys dcs
               argTycons    = (map fst . catMaybes) $ (concatMap . map) splitTyConAppM argTyss
           in tc `elem` argTycons

-- | Determines if a Core type is translatable to a HWType given a function that
-- translates certain builtin types.
representableType :: (Type -> Maybe (Either String HWType))
                  -> Type
                  -> Bool
representableType builtInTranslation = either (const False) (const True) . coreTypeToHWType builtInTranslation

-- | Determines the bitsize of a type
typeSize :: HWType
         -> Int
typeSize Void = 0
typeSize Bool = 1
typeSize (Clock _) = 1
typeSize (Reset _) = 1
typeSize Integer = 32
typeSize (Signed i) = i
typeSize (Unsigned i) = i
typeSize (Vector n el) = n * typeSize el
typeSize t@(SP _ cons) = conSize t +
  maximum (map (sum . map typeSize . snd) cons)
typeSize (Sum _ dcs) = ceiling . logBase (2 :: Float) . fromIntegral $ length dcs
typeSize (Product _ tys) = sum $ map typeSize tys
typeSize _ = 0

-- | Determines the bitsize of the constructor of a type
conSize :: HWType
        -> Int
conSize (SP _ cons) = ceiling . logBase (2 :: Float) . fromIntegral $ length cons
conSize t           = typeSize t

-- | Gives the length of length-indexed types
typeLength :: HWType
           -> Int
typeLength (Vector n _) = n
typeLength _            = 0

-- | Gives the HWType corresponding to a term. Returns an error if the term has
-- a Core type that is not translatable to a HWType.
termHWType :: Term
           -> NetlistMonad HWType
termHWType e = unsafeCoreTypeToHWTypeM =<< termType e

-- | Turns a Core variable reference to a Netlist expression. Errors if the term
-- is not a variable.
varToExpr :: Term
          -> Expr
varToExpr (Var _ var) = Identifier (mkBasicId . pack $ name2String var) Nothing
varToExpr _           = error "not a var"

-- | Uniquely rename all the variables and their references in a normalized
-- term
mkUniqueNormalized :: ([Id],[LetBinding],Id)
                   -> NetlistMonad ([Id],[LetBinding],TmName)
mkUniqueNormalized (args,binds,res) = do
  let args' = zipWith (\n s -> modifyVarName (`appendToName` s) n)
                args ["_i" ++ show i | i <- [(1::Integer)..]]
  let res1  = appendToName (varName res) "_o"
  let bndrs = map fst binds
  let exprs = map (unembed . snd) binds
  let usesOutput = concatMap (filter (== varName res) . termFreeIds) exprs
  let (res2,extraBndr) = case usesOutput of
                            [] -> (res1,[] :: [(Id, Embed Term)])
                            _  -> let res3 = appendToName (varName res) "_o_sig"
                                  in (res3,[(Id res1 (varType res),embed $ Var (unembed $ varType res) res3)])
  bndrs' <- mapM (mkUnique (varName res,res2)) bndrs
  let repl = zip args args' ++ zip bndrs bndrs'
  exprs' <- fmap (map embed) $ Monad.foldM subsBndrs exprs repl
  return (args',zip bndrs' exprs' ++ extraBndr,res1)

    mkUnique :: (TmName,TmName) -> Id -> NetlistMonad Id
    mkUnique (find,repl) v = if find == varName v
      then return $ modifyVarName (const repl) v
      else do
        varCnt <- varCount <<%= (+1)
        let v' = modifyVarName (`appendToName` ('_' : show varCnt)) v
        return v'

    subsBndrs :: [Term] -> (Id,Id) -> NetlistMonad [Term]
    subsBndrs es (f,r) = mapM (subsBndr f r) es

    subsBndr :: Id -> Id -> Term -> NetlistMonad Term
    subsBndr f r e = case e of
      Var t v | v == varName f -> return . Var t $ varName r
      App e1 e2                -> App <$> subsBndr f r e1
                                      <*> subsBndr f r e2
      Case scrut ty alts       -> Case <$> subsBndr f r scrut
                                       <*> pure ty
                                       <*> mapM ( return
                                                . uncurry bind
                                                <=< secondM (subsBndr f r)
                                                <=< unbind
                                                ) alts
      _ -> return e

-- | Append a string to a name
appendToName :: TmName
             -> String
             -> TmName
appendToName n s = makeName (name2String n ++ s) (name2Integer n)

-- | Preserve the Netlist '_varEnv' and '_varCount' when executing a monadic action
preserveVarEnv :: NetlistMonad a
                  -> NetlistMonad a
preserveVarEnv action = do
  vCnt <- Lens.use varCount
  vEnv <- Lens.use varEnv
  val  <- action
  varCount .= vCnt
  varEnv   .= vEnv
  return val