module Network.Gitit.Plugin.ClaferWiki (plugin) where
import Network.Gitit.Interface
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Trans.State
import Data.List
import Data.List.Split
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.String.Utils (replace)
import Network.BSD (getHostName)
import System.Directory (createDirectoryIfMissing, doesFileExist)
import System.Process (readProcessWithExitCode)
import Language.Clafer
import Language.Clafer.Css as Css
import Language.Clafer.Generator.Html (highlightErrors)
import Prelude
plugin :: Plugin
plugin = mkPageTransformM claferWiki
claferWiki :: Pandoc -> PluginM Pandoc
claferWiki pandoc = do
liftIO $ do
createDirectoryIfMissing True "static/clafer/"
createDirectoryIfMissing True "static/css/"
cssExist <- doesFileExist "static/css/clafer.css"
unless cssExist $ writeFile "static/css/clafer.css" css
serverURL <- liftIO $ getHostName
pageName <- getPageName
config <- askConfig
serverPort = show $ portNumber config
allCompilationResults = compileFragments fragments claferModes
htmlCode = extractOutput allCompilationResults Html
htmlCodeFragments = splitOn "\n<!-- # FRAGMENT /-->\n" htmlCode
stats = maybe "No model." statistics $ extractCompilerResult allCompilationResults Html
dotGraph = maybe "" outputCode $ extractCompilerResult allCompilationResults Graph
dotCVLGraph = maybe "" outputCode $ extractCompilerResult allCompilationResults CVLGraph
(_, svgGraphWithoutRefs, _) <- liftIO $ readProcessWithExitCode "dot" [ "-Tsvg" ] dotGraph
(_, svgGraphWithRefs, _) <- liftIO $ readProcessWithExitCode "dot" [ "-Tsvg" ] $ changeTransparentToLightGray dotGraph
(_, svgCVLGraph, _) <- liftIO $ readProcessWithExitCode "dot" [ "-Tsvg" ] dotCVLGraph
initialWikiEnv = WikiEnv {
we_fileName = pageName,
we_serverURL = serverURL,
we_serverPort = serverPort,
we_htmlCodeFragments = htmlCodeFragments,
we_stats = stats,
we_graphNo = 0,
we_svgGraphWithRefs = svgGraphWithRefs,
we_svgGraphWithoutRefs = svgGraphWithoutRefs,
we_svgCVLGraph = svgCVLGraph
newPandoc = evalState (bottomUpM replaceClaferWikiBlocks pandoc) initialWikiEnv
liftIO $ writeFile ("static/clafer/" ++ pageName ++ ".cfr") completeModel
liftIO $ writeFile ("static/clafer/" ++ pageName ++ ".html") $ selfContained htmlCode
return $ newPandoc
fragments :: [ String ]
fragments = queryWith addFragment pandoc
claferModes :: [ ClaferMode ]
claferModes = nub $ queryWith addMode pandoc
fragmentedModel = intercalate "//# FRAGMENT\n" fragments
completeModel = intercalate "\n" fragments
addFragment :: Block -> [String]
addFragment (CodeBlock (_, [ "clafer" ], _) code) = [ code ++ "\n" ]
addFragment _ = []
addMode :: Block -> [ClaferMode]
addMode (CodeBlock (_, [ "clafer" ], _) _) = [Html]
addMode (CodeBlock (_, [ "clafer", "graph" ], _) _) = [Graph]
addMode (CodeBlock (_, [ "clafer", "summary" ], _) _) = [Graph]
addMode (CodeBlock (_, [ "clafer", "cvlGraph" ], _) _) = [CVLGraph]
addMode (CodeBlock (_, [ "clafer", "cvlgraph" ], _) _) = [CVLGraph]
addMode _ = []
extractCompilerResult :: Either [ClaferErr] (Map.Map ClaferMode CompilerResult) -> ClaferMode -> Maybe CompilerResult
extractCompilerResult result claferMode = either (const Nothing) (Map.lookup claferMode) result
extractOutput :: Either [ClaferErr] (Map.Map ClaferMode CompilerResult) -> ClaferMode -> String
extractOutput (Right compilerResultMap) claferMode =
case (Map.lookup claferMode compilerResultMap) of
Just CompilerResult{ outputCode } -> outputCode
Just NoCompilerResult{ reason } -> "Error: No " ++ show claferMode ++ " output. Reason:" ++ reason
Nothing -> "Error: No " ++ show claferMode ++ " output."
extractOutput (Left err) _ = highlightErrors fragmentedModel err
selfContained htmlCode =
concat [
data WikiEnv = WikiEnv {
we_fileName :: String,
we_serverURL :: String,
we_serverPort :: String,
we_htmlCodeFragments :: [ String ],
we_stats :: String,
we_graphNo :: Int,
we_svgGraphWithRefs :: String,
we_svgGraphWithoutRefs :: String,
we_svgCVLGraph :: String
replaceClaferWikiBlocks :: Block -> State WikiEnv Block
replaceClaferWikiBlocks (CodeBlock (_, [ "clafer" ], _) _) = do
wikiEnv <- get
let (fragment:fragments) = we_htmlCodeFragments wikiEnv
put $ wikiEnv { we_htmlCodeFragments = fragments }
return $ RawBlock "html" ("<div class=\"code\">" ++ fragment ++ "</div>")
replaceClaferWikiBlocks (CodeBlock (_, [ "clafer", "links" ], _) _) = do
fileName <- gets we_fileName
return $ RawBlock "html" $ renderLinks fileName
replaceClaferWikiBlocks (CodeBlock (_, [ "clafer", "stats" ], _) _) = do
stats <- gets we_stats
return $ RawBlock "html" $ renderStats stats
replaceClaferWikiBlocks (CodeBlock (_, [ "clafer", "graph" ], _) _) = do
wikiEnv <- get
graphNo <- gets we_graphNo
svgGraphWithRefs <- gets we_svgGraphWithRefs
svgGraphWithoutRefs <- gets we_svgGraphWithoutRefs
put $ wikiEnv { we_graphNo = graphNo + 1 }
return $ RawBlock "html" $ renderGraphWithToggle svgGraphWithoutRefs svgGraphWithRefs graphNo
replaceClaferWikiBlocks (CodeBlock (_, [ "clafer", "cvlGraph" ], _) _) = do
svgCVLGraph <- gets we_svgCVLGraph
return $ RawBlock "html" $ renderGraph svgCVLGraph
replaceClaferWikiBlocks (CodeBlock (_, [ "clafer", "cvlgraph" ], _) _) = do
svgCVLGraph <- gets we_svgCVLGraph
return $ RawBlock "html" $ renderGraph svgCVLGraph
replaceClaferWikiBlocks (CodeBlock (_, [ "clafer", "summary" ], _) _) = do
wikiEnv <- get
fileName <- gets we_fileName
stats <- gets we_stats
graphNo <- gets we_graphNo
svgGraphWithRefs <- gets we_svgGraphWithRefs
svgGraphWithoutRefs <- gets we_svgGraphWithoutRefs
put $ wikiEnv { we_graphNo = graphNo + 1 }
return $ RawBlock "html" $ renderSummary fileName stats svgGraphWithoutRefs svgGraphWithRefs graphNo
replaceClaferWikiBlocks (CodeBlock (_, [ "clafer", "mooviz" ], _) _) = do
wikiEnv <- get
return $ renderAnalyzeWithClaferMooViz (we_fileName wikiEnv) (we_serverURL wikiEnv) (we_serverPort wikiEnv)
replaceClaferWikiBlocks (CodeBlock (_, [ "clafer", "config" ], _) _) = do
wikiEnv <- get
return $ renderConfigureWithClaferConfigurator (we_fileName wikiEnv) (we_serverURL wikiEnv) (we_serverPort wikiEnv)
replaceClaferWikiBlocks (CodeBlock (_, [ "clafer", "ide" ], _) _) = do
wikiEnv <- get
return $ renderAddOpenInIDE (we_fileName wikiEnv) (we_serverURL wikiEnv) (we_serverPort wikiEnv)
replaceClaferWikiBlocks block = return block
renderLinks :: String -> String
renderLinks fileName =
"<div><b>Module Downloads:</b> | <a href=\"/clafer/" ++
fileName ++
".cfr\">[.cfr]</a> | <a href=\"/clafer/" ++
fileName ++
".html\">[.html]</a> |</div><br>\n"
renderStats :: String -> String
renderStats stats =
"<div><b>Module Statistics:</b> \n| " ++
(intercalate " | " $ lines stats ) ++
" |</div><br>\n"
renderGraphWithToggle :: String -> String -> Int -> String
renderGraphWithToggle svgGraphWithoutRefs svgGraphWithRefs graphNo = unlines [
"<div id=\"" ++ renderGraphId False graphNo ++ "\" style=\"display:block;width:100%;border:solid lightgray 1px;overflow-x:auto;\" ondblclick=\"" ++ renderShowRefs graphNo ++ "\">",
"<div id=\"" ++ renderGraphId True graphNo ++ "\" style=\"display:none;width:100%;border:solid lightgray 1px;overflow-x:auto;\" ondblclick=\"" ++ renderHideRefs graphNo ++ "\">",
"</div>" ]
renderGraph :: String -> String
renderGraph svgGraph = unlines [
"<div style=\"display:block;width:100%;border:solid lightgray 1px;overflow-x:auto;\">",
"</div>" ]
renderShowRefs :: Int -> String
renderShowRefs graphNo =
"var gwr=document.getElementById('" ++ renderGraphId True graphNo ++ "');'block'; gwr.scrollLeft=this.scrollLeft;'none';"
renderHideRefs :: Int -> String
renderHideRefs graphNo =
"var gwor=document.getElementById('" ++ renderGraphId False graphNo ++ "');'block'; gwor.scrollLeft=this.scrollLeft;'none';"
renderGraphId :: Bool -> Int -> String
renderGraphId True graphNo = "graphWithRefs" ++ show graphNo
renderGraphId False graphNo = "graphWithoutRefs" ++ show graphNo
renderSummary :: String -> String -> String -> String -> Int -> String
renderSummary fileName stats svgGraphWithoutRefs svgGraphWithRefs graphNo =
renderGraphWithToggle svgGraphWithoutRefs svgGraphWithRefs graphNo ++
renderStats stats ++
renderLinks fileName
compileFragments :: [ String ] -> [ ClaferMode ] -> Either [ClaferErr] (Map.Map ClaferMode CompilerResult)
compileFragments fragments claferModes =
runClafer defaultClaferArgs{
show_references=False } $ do
mapM_ addModuleFragment fragments
iModule <- desugar Nothing
compile iModule
renderAnalyzeWithClaferMooViz :: String -> String -> String -> Block
renderAnalyzeWithClaferMooViz fileName serverURL serverPort =
RawBlock "html" (unlines [
"<div>" ++
"<a href=\"http://" ++ serverURL ++ ":8092/?claferFileURL=http://" ++ serverURL ++ ":" ++ serverPort ++ "/clafer/" ++
fileName ++
".cfr\" target=\"_blank\" " ++
"style=\"background-color: #ccc;color: white;text-decoration: none;padding: 1px 5px 1px 5px;\" >" ++
"Analyze with ClaferMooVisualizer" ++
renderConfigureWithClaferConfigurator :: String -> String -> String -> Block
renderConfigureWithClaferConfigurator fileName serverURL serverPort =
RawBlock "html" (unlines [
"<div>" ++
"<a href=\"http://" ++ serverURL ++ ":8093/?claferFileURL=http://" ++ serverURL ++ ":" ++ serverPort ++ "/clafer/" ++
fileName ++
".cfr\" target=\"_blank\" " ++
"style=\"background-color: #ccc;color: white;text-decoration: none;padding: 1px 5px 1px 5px;\" >" ++
"Configure with ClaferConfigurator" ++
renderAddOpenInIDE :: String -> String -> String -> Block
renderAddOpenInIDE fileName serverURL serverPort =
RawBlock "html" (unlines [
"<div>" ++
"<a href=\"http://" ++ serverURL ++ ":8094/?claferFileURL=http://" ++ serverURL ++ ":" ++ serverPort ++ "/clafer/" ++
fileName ++
".cfr\" target=\"_blank\" " ++
"style=\"background-color: #ccc;color: white;text-decoration: none;padding: 1px 5px 1px 5px;\" >" ++
"Open in ClaferIDE" ++
getPageName:: PluginM String
getPageName = replace " " "_" . replace "/" "_" . pgPageName . ctxLayout <$> getContext
changeTransparentToLightGray :: String -> String
changeTransparentToLightGray = replace "color=transparent" "color=lightgray"