{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, StandaloneDeriving, DeriveDataTypeable #-} {- Copyright (C) 2012-2014 Jimmy Liang, Michal Antkiewicz Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. -} module Language.Clafer.IG.ClaferIG ( claferIGVersion, IGArgs(..), ClaferIGEnv(..), getClaferEnv, getClaferIGArgs, getConstraints, getClaferModel, getInfo, getStrMap, ClaferIGT(..), Instance(..), Counterexample(..), runClaferIGT, getAlloyModel, solve, getClafers, getGlobalScope, getBitwidth, setGlobalScope, getScopes, getScope, getQNameMaps, valueOfScope, increaseScope, setScope, setAlloyScope, next, setUnsatCoreMinimization, setBitwidth, quit, reload, findRemovable, fst3, getlineNumMap, strictReadFile, sigToClaferName) where import Language.Clafer import Language.Clafer.QNameUID import Language.ClaferT import Language.Clafer.Intermediate.Intclafer import qualified Language.Clafer.Intermediate.Analysis as Analysis import Language.Clafer.IG.AlloyIGInterface (AlloyIGT) import qualified Language.Clafer.IG.AlloyIGInterface as AlloyIG import Language.Clafer.IG.ClaferModel import Language.Clafer.IG.Constraints import Language.Clafer.IG.Solution import Language.Clafer.IG.Sugarer import Control.Applicative import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.Error import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict import Data.List import Data.Monoid import Data.Tuple (swap) import Data.Map as Map hiding (map, null) import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq import Data.Maybe import Data.Data import System.Console.Haskeline.MonadException import Paths_claferIG (version) import Data.Version (showVersion) claferIGVersion :: String claferIGVersion = "ClaferIG " ++ showVersion Paths_claferIG.version data IGArgs = IGArgs { all :: Maybe Integer, saveDir :: Maybe FilePath, claferModelFile :: FilePath, alloySolution :: Bool, bitwidth :: Integer, maxInt :: Integer, useUids :: Bool, addTypes :: Bool, json :: Bool, flatten_inheritance_comp :: Bool, no_layout_comp :: Bool, check_duplicates_comp :: Bool, skip_resolver_comp :: Bool, scope_strategy_comp :: ScopeStrategy } deriving (Show, Data, Typeable) newtype ClaferIGT m a = ClaferIGT (StateT ClaferIGEnv (AlloyIGT m) a) deriving (Applicative, Functor, Monad, MonadIO) deriving instance MonadException m => MonadException (ClaferIGT m) instance MonadTrans ClaferIGT where lift = ClaferIGT . lift . lift fetch :: Monad m => ClaferIGT m ClaferIGEnv fetch = ClaferIGT get fetches :: Monad m => (ClaferIGEnv -> a) -> ClaferIGT m a fetches = ClaferIGT . gets set :: Monad m => ClaferIGEnv -> ClaferIGT m () set = ClaferIGT . put runClaferIGT :: MonadIO m => IGArgs -> ClaferIGT m a -> m (Either ClaferErrs a) runClaferIGT args run = AlloyIG.runAlloyIGT $ runErrorT $ do env <- (ErrorT $ load args) `catchError` (\x -> lift AlloyIG.sendQuitCommand >> throwError x) lift $ evalStateT (unwrap run) env where unwrap (ClaferIGT c) = c data ClaferIGEnv = ClaferIGEnv{ claferEnv'::ClaferEnv, claferIGArgs :: IGArgs, constraints:: [Constraint], claferModel:: String, qNameMaps :: QNameMaps, info :: Analysis.Info, strMap :: Map Int String, lineNumMap :: Map Integer String } data Instance = Instance {modelInstance::ClaferModel, alloyModelInstance::String} | UnsatCore {unsatConstraints::[Constraint], counterexample::Maybe Counterexample} | NoInstance data Counterexample = Counterexample {removedConstraints::[Constraint], counterexampleInstance::ClaferModel, counterexampleAlloyInstance::String} getClaferEnv :: Monad m => ClaferIGT m ClaferEnv getClaferEnv = fetches claferEnv' getlineNumMap :: Monad m => ClaferIGT m (Map Integer String) getlineNumMap = fetches lineNumMap getClaferIGArgs :: Monad m => ClaferIGT m IGArgs getClaferIGArgs = fetches claferIGArgs getConstraints :: Monad m => ClaferIGT m [ Constraint ] getConstraints = fetches constraints getClaferModel :: Monad m => ClaferIGT m String getClaferModel = fetches claferModel getStrMap :: Monad m => ClaferIGT m (Map Int String) getStrMap = fetches strMap getInfo :: Monad m => ClaferIGT m Analysis.Info getInfo = fetches info load :: MonadIO m => IGArgs -> AlloyIGT m (Either ClaferErrs ClaferIGEnv) load igArgs = runErrorT $ do claferModel <- liftIO $ strictReadFile claferFile' (claferEnv', alloyModel, mapping, sMap) <- ErrorT $ return $ callClaferTranslator claferModel let ir = fst3 $ fromJust $ cIr claferEnv' let constraints = parseConstraints claferModel ir mapping lift $ AlloyIG.sendLoadCommand alloyModel lift $ AlloyIG.sendSetBitwidthCommand bitwidth' let qNameMaps = deriveQNameMaps ir let info = Analysis.gatherInfo ir let irTrace = editMap $ irModuleTrace claferEnv' return $ ClaferIGEnv claferEnv' igArgs constraints claferModel qNameMaps info sMap irTrace where editMap :: (Map.Map Span [Ir]) -> (Map.Map Integer String) -- Map Line Number to Clafer Name editMap = fromList . removeConstraints . Data.List.foldr (\(num, ir) acc -> case (getIClafer ir) of Just (IClafer _ _ _ _ uid' _ _ _ _) -> (num, uid') : acc _ -> acc) [] . tail . (Data.List.foldr (\x acc -> case x of ((Span (Pos l1 _) (Pos l2 _)), irs) -> (zip [l1..l2] (replicate (fromIntegral $ l2 - l1 + 1) irs)) ++ acc ((PosSpan _ (Pos l1 _) (Pos l2 _)), irs) -> (zip [l1..l2] (replicate (fromIntegral $ l2 - l1 + 1) irs)) ++ acc ((Span (PosPos _ l1 _) (Pos l2 _)), irs) -> (zip [l1..l2] (replicate (fromIntegral $ l2 - l1 + 1) irs)) ++ acc ((Span (Pos l1 _) (PosPos _ l2 _)), irs) -> (zip [l1..l2] (replicate (fromIntegral $ l2 - l1 + 1) irs)) ++ acc ((Span (PosPos _ l1 _) (PosPos _ l2 _)), irs) -> (zip [l1..l2] (replicate (fromIntegral $ l2 - l1 + 1) irs)) ++ acc ((PosSpan _ (PosPos _ l1 _) (Pos l2 _)), irs) -> (zip [l1..l2] (replicate (fromIntegral $ l2 - l1 + 1) irs)) ++ acc ((PosSpan _ (Pos l1 _) (PosPos _ l2 _)), irs) -> (zip [l1..l2] (replicate (fromIntegral $ l2 - l1 + 1) irs)) ++ acc ((PosSpan _ (PosPos _ l1 _) (PosPos _ l2 _)), irs) -> (zip [l1..l2] (replicate (fromIntegral $ l2 - l1 + 1) irs)) ++ acc) []) . toList getIClafer :: [Ir] -> Maybe IClafer getIClafer [] = Nothing getIClafer ((IRClafer c):_) = Just c getIClafer (_:rs) = getIClafer rs removeConstraints :: [(Integer, String)] -> [(Integer, String)] removeConstraints = map swap . reverse . toList . fromList . reverse . map swap callClaferTranslator code = mapLeft ClaferErrs $ runClafer claferArgs $ do addModuleFragment code parse compile results <- generate let (Just alloyResult) = Map.lookup Alloy results return (claferEnv alloyResult, outputCode alloyResult, mappingToAlloy alloyResult, stringMap alloyResult) mapLeft f (Left l) = Left $ f l mapLeft _ (Right r) = Right r claferArgs = defaultClaferArgs{keep_unused = True, no_stats = True, skip_goals = True ,flatten_inheritance = flatten_inheritance_comp igArgs, no_layout = no_layout_comp igArgs, check_duplicates = check_duplicates_comp igArgs, skip_resolver = skip_resolver_comp igArgs, scope_strategy = scope_strategy_comp igArgs} claferFile' = claferModelFile igArgs bitwidth' = bitwidth igArgs strictReadFile :: FilePath -> IO String strictReadFile filePath = do contents <- readFile filePath -- readFile is lazy. Force it to evaluate by mapping over everything doing nothing mapM_ return contents return contents getAlloyModel :: MonadIO m => ClaferIGT m String getAlloyModel = ClaferIGT $ lift AlloyIG.getAlloyModel solve :: MonadIO m => ClaferIGT m () solve = ClaferIGT $ lift AlloyIG.sendResolveCommand getClafers :: MonadIO m => ClaferIGT m [String] getClafers = do sigs <- ClaferIGT $ lift AlloyIG.getSigs return $ map sigToClaferName sigs getGlobalScope :: MonadIO m => ClaferIGT m Integer getGlobalScope = ClaferIGT $ lift AlloyIG.getGlobalScope getBitwidth :: MonadIO m => ClaferIGT m Integer getBitwidth = do claferIGArgs' <- getClaferIGArgs return $ bitwidth claferIGArgs' setGlobalScope :: MonadIO m => Integer -> ClaferIGT m () setGlobalScope scope = ClaferIGT $ lift $ AlloyIG.sendSetGlobalScopeCommand scope getScopes :: MonadIO m => ClaferIGT m [ (String, Integer) ] getScopes = ClaferIGT $ lift AlloyIG.getScopes getScope :: MonadIO m => QName -> ClaferIGT m ([String]) getScope qName = do qNameMaps' <- fetches qNameMaps return $ getUIDs qNameMaps' qName getQNameMaps :: MonadIO m => ClaferIGT m (QNameMaps) getQNameMaps = fetches qNameMaps valueOfScope :: MonadIO m => String -> ClaferIGT m Integer valueOfScope sigName = ClaferIGT $ lift $ AlloyIG.getScope sigName increaseScope :: MonadIO m => Integer -> (String, Integer) -> ClaferIGT m (Either String ()) increaseScope increment (sigName, value) = setAlloyScope (value + increment) sigName setScope :: MonadIO m => Integer -> (String, Integer) -> ClaferIGT m (Either String ()) setScope value (sigName, _) = setAlloyScope value sigName setAlloyScope :: MonadIO m => Integer -> String -> ClaferIGT m (Either String ()) setAlloyScope value sigName = do subset <- ClaferIGT $ lift $ AlloyIG.sendSetScopeCommand sigName value runErrorT $ maybe (return ()) throwError $ sigToClaferName <$> subset next :: MonadIO m => ClaferIGT m Instance next = do env <- getClaferEnv claferIGArgs' <- getClaferIGArgs let useUids' = useUids claferIGArgs' addTypes' = addTypes claferIGArgs' constraints' <- getConstraints info' <- getInfo xmlSolution <- ClaferIGT $ lift AlloyIG.sendNextCommand sMap <- getStrMap case xmlSolution of Just xml -> return $ Instance (xmlToModel useUids' addTypes' info' xml sMap) xml Nothing -> do ClaferIGT $ lift AlloyIG.sendSaveStateCommand -- Generating counterexample modifies the state. If we ever want to -- rerun the original model, we need to restore the state. AlloyIG.UnsatCore core <- ClaferIGT $ lift AlloyIG.sendUnsatCoreCommand c <- counterexample env core useUids' addTypes' info' constraints' sMap ClaferIGT $ lift AlloyIG.sendRestoreStateCommand return c where counterexample env' originalCore useUids'' addTypes'' info'' constraints' sMap = counterexample' env' originalCore [] useUids'' addTypes'' info'' constraints' sMap where counterexample' env'' core removed useUids''' addTypes''' info''' constraints'' sMap' = case msum $ findRemovable env'' core constraints'' of Just remove -> do ClaferIGT $ lift $ AlloyIG.sendRemoveConstraintCommand $ range remove ClaferIGT $ lift AlloyIG.sendResolveCommand xmlSolution <- ClaferIGT $ lift AlloyIG.sendNextCommand case xmlSolution of Just xml -> return $ UnsatCore (catMaybes $ findRemovable env'' core constraints'') (Just $ Counterexample (reverse $ remove : removed) (xmlToModel useUids''' addTypes''' info''' xml sMap') xml) Nothing -> do AlloyIG.UnsatCore core' <- ClaferIGT $ lift AlloyIG.sendUnsatCoreCommand counterexample' env'' core' (remove : removed) useUids''' addTypes''' info''' constraints' sMap' Nothing -> -- It is possible that none of the constraints are removable return NoInstance xmlToModel :: Bool -> Bool -> Analysis.Info -> String -> (Map Int String) -> ClaferModel xmlToModel useUids' addTypes' info' xml sMap = (sugarClaferModel useUids' addTypes' (Just info') $ buildClaferModel $ parseSolution xml) sMap reload :: MonadIO m => ClaferIGT m (Either ClaferErrs ()) reload = runErrorT $ do globalScope <- lift $ getGlobalScope claferIGArgs' <- lift $ getClaferIGArgs env <- ErrorT $ ClaferIGT $ lift $ load claferIGArgs' lift $ set env lift $ setGlobalScope globalScope setUnsatCoreMinimization :: MonadIO m => Integer -> ClaferIGT m () setUnsatCoreMinimization level = ClaferIGT $ lift $ AlloyIG.sendSetUnsatCoreMinimizationCommand level setBitwidth :: MonadIO m => Integer -> ClaferIGT m () setBitwidth bitwidth' = do claferIGArgs' <- getClaferIGArgs igEnv <- fetch set igEnv{claferIGArgs = claferIGArgs'{bitwidth=bitwidth'}} ClaferIGT $ lift $ AlloyIG.sendSetBitwidthCommand bitwidth' quit :: MonadIO m => ClaferIGT m () quit = ClaferIGT $ lift AlloyIG.sendQuitCommand sigToClaferName :: String -> String sigToClaferName n = case snd $ break ('_' ==) n of [] -> n x -> tail x findRemovable :: ClaferEnv -> [Span] -> [Constraint] -> [Maybe Constraint] findRemovable env core constraints' = let absIDs = foldMapIR getId $ fst3 $ fromJust $ cIr env in Data.List.filter (removeAbsZero absIDs ) $ map (\c -> find ((== c) . range) constraints') core where removeAbsZero :: (Seq.Seq String) -> Maybe Constraint -> Bool removeAbsZero absIDs (Just (UpperCardinalityConstraint _ (ClaferInfo uID (Cardinality 0 (Just 0))))) = ((Seq.elemIndexL uID absIDs)==Nothing) removeAbsZero _ _ = True getId :: Ir -> (Seq.Seq String) getId (IRClafer (IClafer _ True _ uID _ _ _ _ _)) = Seq.singleton uID getId _ = mempty fst3 :: (IModule, GEnv, Bool) -> IModule fst3 (imod, _, _) = imod