module Language.Clafer
( runCompiler
, addModuleFragment
, compile
, parse
, desugar
, generate
, generateHtml
, runClaferT
, runClafer
, ClaferErr
, getEnv
, putEnv
, CompilerResult(..)
, InputModel
, Token
, Module
, GEnv
, IModule
, ClaferEnv(..)
, getIr
, getAst
, makeEnv
, Pos(..)
, IrTrace(..)
, module Language.Clafer.ClaferArgs
, module Language.Clafer.Front.ErrM
) where
import Control.Lens.Plated
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Data.Lens
import Data.Either
import Data.List
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe
import Data.String.Conversions
import System.Exit
import System.FilePath (dropExtension, takeBaseName)
import System.IO
import System.Process (readProcessWithExitCode, system)
import Language.Clafer.ClaferArgs hiding (Clafer)
import qualified Language.Clafer.ClaferArgs as Mode (ClaferMode (Clafer))
import Language.Clafer.Comments
import Language.Clafer.Common
import qualified Language.Clafer.Css as Css
import Language.Clafer.Front.AbsClafer
import Language.Clafer.Front.ErrM
import Language.Clafer.Front.LayoutResolver
import Language.Clafer.Front.LexClafer
import Language.Clafer.Front.ParClafer
import Language.Clafer.Front.PrintClafer
import Language.Clafer.Generator.Alloy
import Language.Clafer.Generator.Choco
import Language.Clafer.Generator.Concat
import Language.Clafer.Generator.Graph
import Language.Clafer.Generator.Html
import Language.Clafer.Generator.Stats
import Language.Clafer.Intermediate.Desugarer
import Language.Clafer.Intermediate.Intclafer
import Language.Clafer.Intermediate.Resolver
import Language.Clafer.Intermediate.ScopeAnalysis
import Language.Clafer.Intermediate.StringAnalyzer
import Language.Clafer.Intermediate.Tracing
import Language.Clafer.Intermediate.Transformer
import Language.Clafer.JSONMetaData
import Language.Clafer.Optimizer.Optimizer
import Language.Clafer.QNameUID
import Language.ClaferT
type InputModel = String
runCompiler :: Maybe URL -> ClaferArgs -> InputModel -> IO ()
runCompiler mURL args' inputModel =
hSetBuffering stdout LineBuffering
result <- runClaferT args' $
forM_ (fragments inputModel) addModuleFragment
iModule <- desugar mURL
compile iModule
fs <- save args'
when (validate args') $ liftIO $ do
putStrLn $ "[clafer] Validating " ++ file args'
when (validate args') $ liftIO $ do
forM_ fs (runValidate args')
putStrLn "\n"
when (Html `elem` mode args') $
htmlCatch result args' inputModel
result `cth` handleErrs
cth (Left err) f = f err
cth (Right r) _ = return r
fragments model = map unlines $ fragments' $ lines model
fragments' [] = []
fragments' ("//# FRAGMENT":xs) = fragments' $ " " : xs
fragments' model = takeWhile (/= "//# FRAGMENT") model : fragments' (dropWhile (/= "//# FRAGMENT") model)
htmlCatch (Right r) _ _ = return r
htmlCatch (Left err) args'' model =
do let f = dropExtension (file args'') ++ ".html"
let result = (if (self_contained args'')
then Css.header ++ "<style>" ++ Css.css ++ "</style>" ++ "</head>\n<body>\n<pre>\n"
else "")
++ highlightErrors model err ++
(if (self_contained args'')
then "\n</pre>\n</html>"
else "")
liftIO $ if console_output args'' then putStrLn result else writeFile f result
handleErrs = mapM_ handleErr
handleErr (ClaferErr mesg) =
putStrLn "\nError...\n"
putStrLn mesg
handleErr (ParseErr ErrPos{modelPos = Pos l c} mesg) =
putStrLn $ "\nParse failed at line " ++ show l ++ " column " ++ show c ++ "..."
putStrLn mesg
handleErr (SemanticErr ErrPos{modelPos = Pos l c} mesg) =
putStrLn $ "\nCompile error at line " ++ show l ++ " column " ++ show c ++ "..."
putStrLn mesg
save :: MonadIO m => ClaferArgs -> ClaferT m [ String ]
save args'=
resultsMap <- generate
let results = snd $ unzip $ Map.toList resultsMap
unless (no_stats args') $ liftIO $ printStats results
(iModule, _, _) <- getIr
forM results $ saveResult iModule resultsMap
saveResult iModule' resultsMap' result@CompilerResult { extension } = do
result' <- if (add_graph args') && (Html `elem` (mode args') && ("dot" `isSuffixOf` (extension)))
then do
ast' <- getAst
(_, graph, _) <- liftIO $ readProcessWithExitCode "dot" ["-Tsvg"] $ genSimpleGraph ast' iModule' (takeBaseName $ file args') (show_references args')
return $ summary graph result
else return result
let f = dropExtension $ file args'
let f' = f ++ "." ++ extension
liftIO $ if console_output args' then putStrLn (outputCode result') else writeFile f' (outputCode result')
liftIO $ when (alloy_mapping args') $ writeFile (f ++ ".map") $ show (mappingToAlloy result')
qNameMaps :: QNameMaps
qNameMaps = deriveQNameMaps iModule'
liftIO $ when (meta_data args') $ writeFile (f ++ ".cfr-map") $ generateJSONnameUIDMap qNameMaps
liftIO $ when (meta_data args' && inScopeModes) $ writeFile (f ++ ".cfr-scope") $ generateJSONScopes qNameMaps $ getScopesList resultsMap'
return f'
saveResult _ _ NoCompilerResult { reason } = do
liftIO $ putStrLn reason
return ""
printStats :: [CompilerResult] -> IO ()
printStats [] = putStrLn "No compiler output."
printStats (r:rs) = case r of
CompilerResult { statistics } -> putStrLn statistics
(NoCompilerResult _) -> printStats rs
inScopeModes :: Bool
inScopeModes =
Alloy `elem` mode args' ||
Choco `elem` mode args'
getScopesList :: Map.Map ClaferMode CompilerResult -> [(UID, Integer)]
getScopesList resultsMap =
alloyResult = Map.lookup Alloy resultsMap
chocoResult = Map.lookup Choco resultsMap
if (isNothing alloyResult)
then if (isNothing chocoResult)
then []
else scopesList $ fromJust chocoResult
else scopesList $ fromJust alloyResult
summary :: String -> CompilerResult -> CompilerResult
summary graph result = result{outputCode=unlines $ summary' graph ("<pre>" ++ statistics result ++ "</pre>") (lines $ outputCode result)}
summary' :: String -> String -> [String] -> [String]
summary' _ _ [] = []
summary' graph stats ("<!-- # SUMMARY /-->":xs) = graph:stats:summary' graph stats xs
summary' graph stats ("<!-- # STATS /-->":xs) = stats:summary' graph stats xs
summary' graph stats ("<!-- # GRAPH /-->":xs) = graph:summary' graph stats xs
summary' graph stats ("<!-- # CVLGRAPH /-->":xs) = graph:summary' graph stats xs
summary' graph stats (x:xs) = x:summary' graph stats xs
runValidate :: ClaferArgs -> String -> IO ()
runValidate args' fo = do
let path = (tooldir args') ++ "/"
let modes = mode args'
let fo' = "\"" ++ fo ++ "\""
when (Alloy `elem` modes && ".als" `isSuffixOf` fo) $ do
void $ system $ validateAlloy path ++ fo'
when (Choco `elem` modes && ".js" `isSuffixOf` fo) $ do
void $ system $ validateChoco path ++ fo'
when (Graph `elem` modes && ".dot" `isSuffixOf` fo) $ do
liftIO $ putStrLn ("=========== Parsing+Generating " ++ fo ++ " =============")
void $ system $ validateGraph ++ fo'
validateAlloy :: String -> String
validateAlloy path = "java -cp \"" ++ path ++ "alloy4.2.jar\" "
validateChoco :: String -> String
validateChoco path = "java -jar \"" ++ path ++ "chocosolver.jar\" -v --file "
validateGraph :: String
validateGraph = "dot -Tsvg -O "
addModuleFragment :: Monad m => InputModel -> ClaferT m ()
addModuleFragment i =
env <- getEnv
let modelFrags' = modelFrags env ++ [i]
let frags' = frags env ++ [(endPos $ concat modelFrags')]
putEnv env{ modelFrags = modelFrags', frags = frags' }
endPos "" = Pos 1 1
endPos model =
Pos line' column'
input' = lines' model
line' = toInteger $ length input'
column' = 1 + (toInteger $ length $ last input')
lines' "" = [""]
lines' input'' =
line'' : rest'
(line'', rest) = break (== '\n') input''
rest' =
case rest of
"" -> []
('\n' : r) -> lines' r
x -> error $ "linesing " ++ x
liftParseErrs :: Monad m => [Err a] -> ClaferT m [a]
liftParseErrs e =
result <- zipWithM extract [0..] e
case partitionEithers result of
([], ok) -> return ok
(e', _) -> throwErrs e'
extract _ (Ok m) = return $ Right m
extract frgId (Bad p s) =
return $ Left $ ParseErr (ErrFragPos frgId p) s
liftParseErr :: Monad m => Err a -> ClaferT m a
liftParseErr e = head `liftM` liftParseErrs [e]
parse :: Monad m => ClaferT m ()
parse =
env <- getEnv
let completeModel = concat $ modelFrags env
(astErr, otherTokens') <- (parseFrag $ args env) completeModel
ast <- liftParseErr astErr
putEnv env{ cAst = Just ast, astModuleTrace = traceAstModule ast, otherTokens = otherTokens' }
parseFrag :: (Monad m) => ClaferArgs -> String -> ClaferT m (Err Module, [Token])
parseFrag args' inputModel = do
let model' = if (not $ no_layout args') && (new_layout args') then resLayout inputModel else inputModel
let allTokens = myLexer model'
let (parseableTokens, otherTokens') = partition isParseable allTokens
tokens2 <- if not ((new_layout args') || (no_layout args')) then resolveLayout parseableTokens else return parseableTokens
return (pModule tokens2, otherTokens')
isParseable (PT _ (T_PosLineComment _)) = False
isParseable (PT _ (T_PosBlockComment _)) = False
isParseable (PT _ (T_PosAlloy _)) = False
isParseable (PT _ (T_PosChoco _)) = False
isParseable _ = True
desugar :: Monad m => Maybe URL -> ClaferT m IModule
desugar mURL = do
ast' <- getAst
return $ desugarModule mURL ast'
compile :: Monad m => IModule -> ClaferT m ()
compile desugaredMod = do
env <- getEnv
let clafersWithKeyWords = foldMapIR isKeyWord desugaredMod
when (""/=clafersWithKeyWords) $ throwErr (ClaferErr $ ("The model contains clafers with keywords as names in the following places:\n"++) $ clafersWithKeyWords :: CErr Span)
ir <- analyze (args env) desugaredMod
let (imodule, _, _) = ir
let spanList = foldMapIR gt1 imodule
when ((afm $ args env) && spanList/="") $ throwErr (ClaferErr $ ("The model is not an attributed feature model.\nThe following places contain cardinality larger than 1:\n"++) $ spanList :: CErr Span)
putEnv $ env{ cIr = Just ir }
isKeyWord :: Ir -> String
isKeyWord (IRClafer IClafer{_cinPos = (Span (Pos l c) _) ,_ident=i}) = if (i `elem` keywordIdents) then ("Line " ++ show l ++ " column " ++ show c ++ "\n") else ""
isKeyWord _ = ""
gt1 :: Ir -> String
gt1 (IRClafer (IClafer (Span (Pos l c) _) False _ _ _ _ _ _ (Just (_, m)) _ _)) = if (m > 1 || m < 0) then ("Line " ++ show l ++ " column " ++ show c ++ "\n") else ""
gt1 _ = ""
generateHtml :: ClaferEnv -> String
generateHtml env =
let (Just (Module _ decls')) = cAst env;
cargs = args env;
irMap = irModuleTrace env;
comments = if add_comments cargs then getComments $ unlines $ modelFrags env else [];
in (if (self_contained cargs) then Css.header ++ "<style>" ++ Css.css ++ "</style></head>\n<body>\n" else "")
++ (unlines $ genFragments decls' (frags env) irMap comments) ++
(if (self_contained cargs) then "</body>\n</html>" else "")
lne :: Declaration -> Pos
lne (ElementDecl (Span p _) _) = p
lne (EnumDecl (Span p _) _ _) = p
genFragments :: [Declaration] -> [Pos] -> Map.Map Span [Ir] -> [(Span, String)] -> [String]
genFragments [] _ _ comments = printComments comments
genFragments (decl:decls') [] irMap comments = let (comments', c) = printPreComment (getSpan decl) comments in
[c] ++ (cleanOutput $ revertLayout $ printDeclaration decl 0 irMap True $ inDecl decl comments') : (genFragments decls' [] irMap $ afterDecl decl comments')
genFragments (decl:decls') (frg:frgs) irMap comments = if lne decl < frg
then let (comments', c) = printPreComment (getSpan decl) comments in
[c] ++ (cleanOutput $ revertLayout $ printDeclaration decl 0 irMap True $ inDecl decl comments') : (genFragments decls' (frg:frgs) irMap $ afterDecl decl comments')
else "<!-- # FRAGMENT /-->" : genFragments (decl:decls') frgs irMap comments
inDecl :: Declaration -> [(Span, String)] -> [(Span, String)]
inDecl decl comments = let s = getSpan decl in dropWhile (\x -> fst x <= s) comments
afterDecl :: Declaration -> [(Span, String)] -> [(Span, String)]
afterDecl decl comments = let (Span _ (Pos line' _)) = getSpan decl in dropWhile (\(x, _) -> let (Span _ (Pos line'' _)) = x in line'' <= line') comments
printComments [] = []
printComments ((s, comment):cs') = (snd (printComment s [(s, comment)]) ++ "<br>\n"):printComments cs'
iExpBasedChecks :: IModule -> (Bool, Bool)
iExpBasedChecks iModule = (null realLiterals, null productOperators)
iexps :: [ IExp ]
iexps = universeOn biplate iModule
realLiterals = filter isIDouble iexps
productOperators = filter isProductOperator iexps
isIDouble (IDouble _) = True
isIDouble (IReal _) = True
isIDouble _ = False
isProductOperator (IFunExp op' _) = op' == iProdSet
isProductOperator _ = False
iClaferBasedChecks :: IModule -> Bool
iClaferBasedChecks iModule = null $ filter hasReferenceToReal iClafers
iClafers :: [ IClafer ]
iClafers = universeOn biplate iModule
hasReferenceToReal (IClafer{_reference=(Just IReference{_ref=pexp'})}) = any (`elem` [ "real", "double" ]) $ getRefIds pexp'
hasReferenceToReal _ = False
generate :: Monad m => ClaferT m (Map.Map ClaferMode CompilerResult)
generate =
env <- getEnv
ast' <- getAst
(iModule, genv, au) <- getIr
(hasNoRealLiterals, hasNoProductOperator) = iExpBasedChecks iModule
hasNoReferenceToReal = iClaferBasedChecks iModule
cargs = args env
otherTokens' = otherTokens env
modes = mode cargs
stats = showStats au $ statsModule iModule
scopes = getScopeStrategy (scope_strategy cargs) iModule
return $ Map.fromList (
(if (Alloy `elem` modes)
then if (hasNoRealLiterals && hasNoReferenceToReal && hasNoProductOperator)
(imod,strMap) = astrModule iModule
alloyCode = genModule cargs{mode = [Alloy]} (imod, genv) scopes otherTokens'
addCommentStats = if no_stats cargs then const else addStats
[ (Alloy,
CompilerResult {
extension = "als",
outputCode = addCommentStats (fst alloyCode) stats,
statistics = stats,
claferEnv = env,
mappingToAlloy = fromMaybe [] (Just $ snd alloyCode),
stringMap = strMap,
scopesList = scopes
else [ (Alloy,
NoCompilerResult {
reason = "Alloy output unavailable because the model contains: "
++ (if hasNoRealLiterals then "" else "a real number literal, ")
++ (if hasNoReferenceToReal then "" else "a reference to a real, ")
++ (if hasNoProductOperator then "" else "the product operator, ")
else []
++ (if (JSON `elem` modes)
then [ (JSON,
CompilerResult {
extension = "json",
outputCode = concat
[ "{"
, (case gatherObjectivesAndAttributes iModule $ astModuleTrace env of
Nothing -> ""
Just objectives -> "\"objectives\":" ++ (convertString $ encode $ toJSON objectives) ++ ",")
, "\"iModule\":"
, convertString $ encode $ toJSON iModule
, "}"
statistics = stats,
claferEnv = env,
mappingToAlloy = [],
stringMap = Map.empty,
scopesList = []
}) ]
else []
++ (if (Mode.Clafer `elem` modes)
then [ (Mode.Clafer,
CompilerResult {
extension = "des.cfr",
outputCode = printTree $ sugarModule iModule,
statistics = stats,
claferEnv = env,
mappingToAlloy = [],
stringMap = Map.empty,
scopesList = []
}) ]
else []
++ (if (Html `elem` modes)
then [ (Html,
CompilerResult {
extension = "html",
outputCode = generateHtml env,
statistics = stats,
claferEnv = env,
mappingToAlloy = [],
stringMap = Map.empty,
scopesList = []
}) ]
else []
++ (if (Graph `elem` modes)
then [ (Graph,
CompilerResult {
extension = "dot",
outputCode = genSimpleGraph ast' iModule (takeBaseName $ file cargs) (show_references cargs),
statistics = stats,
claferEnv = env,
mappingToAlloy = [],
stringMap = Map.empty,
scopesList = []
}) ]
else []
++ (if (CVLGraph `elem` modes)
then [ (CVLGraph,
CompilerResult {
extension = "",
outputCode = genCVLGraph ast' iModule (takeBaseName $ file cargs),
statistics = stats,
claferEnv = env,
mappingToAlloy = [],
stringMap = Map.empty,
scopesList = []
}) ]
else []
++ (if (Choco `elem` modes)
then if (hasNoRealLiterals && hasNoReferenceToReal)
then [ (Choco,
CompilerResult {
extension = "js",
outputCode = genCModule (iModule, genv) scopes otherTokens',
statistics = stats,
claferEnv = env,
mappingToAlloy = [],
stringMap = Map.empty,
scopesList = scopes
}) ]
else [ (Choco,
NoCompilerResult {
reason = "Choco output unavailable because the model contains: "
++ (if hasNoRealLiterals then "" else "a real number literal, ")
++ (if hasNoReferenceToReal then "" else "a reference to a real, ")
else []
data CompilerResult
= CompilerResult
{ extension :: String
, outputCode :: String
, statistics :: String
, claferEnv :: ClaferEnv
, mappingToAlloy :: [(Span, IrTrace)]
, stringMap :: (Map.Map Int String)
, scopesList :: [(UID, Integer)]
| NoCompilerResult
{ reason :: String
deriving Show
liftError :: (Monad m, Language.ClaferT.Throwable t) => Either t a -> ClaferT m a
liftError = either throwErr return
analyze :: Monad m => ClaferArgs -> IModule -> ClaferT m (IModule, GEnv, Bool)
analyze args' iModule = do
_ <-liftError $ findDupModule args' iModule
au = allUnique iModule
let args'' = args'{skip_resolver = au && (skip_resolver args')}
(rTree, genv) <- liftError $ resolveModule args'' iModule
let tTree = transModule rTree
return (optimizeModule args'' (tTree, genv), genv, au)
addStats :: String -> String -> String
addStats code stats = "/*\n" ++ stats ++ "*/\n" ++ code
showStats :: Bool -> Stats -> String
showStats au (Stats na nr nc nconst ngoals sgl) =
unlines [ "All clafers: " ++ (show (na + nc)) ++ " | Abstract: " ++ (show na) ++ " | Concrete: " ++ (show nc) ++ " | Reference: " ++ (show nr)
, "Constraints: " ++ show nconst
, "Goals: " ++ show ngoals
, "Global scope: " ++ showInterval sgl
, "Can skip name resolver: " ++ if au then "yes" else "no" ]
showInterval :: (Integer, Integer) -> String
showInterval (n, 1) = show n ++ "..*"
showInterval (n, m) = show n ++ ".." ++ show m
gatherObjectivesAndAttributes :: IModule -> Map.Map Span [Ast] -> Maybe ObjectivesAndAttributes
gatherObjectivesAndAttributes iModule astModuleTrace' = let
objectives = (foldl' gatherObjectives [] $ _mDecls iModule)
in if null objectives
then Nothing
else Just $ ObjectivesAndAttributes objectives (map _uid $ filter isIntClafer iClafers)
gatherObjectives :: [String] -> IElement -> [String]
gatherObjectives objs (IEGoal _ cpexp') =
printCPexp (Map.lookup (_inPos cpexp') astModuleTrace')
gatherObjectives objs _ = objs
printCPexp :: Maybe [Ast] -> String
printCPexp (Just [_,_,(AstGoal g)]) = case g of
GoalMinimize _ [e] -> "min " ++ (printTree e)
GoalMaximize _ [e] -> "max " ++ (printTree e)
GoalMinDeprecated _ [e] -> "min " ++ (printTree e)
GoalMaxDeprecated _ [e] -> "max " ++ (printTree e)
g' -> "[BUG]: unexpected goal found!" ++ show g'
printCPexp e = "[BUG]: expression not found!" ++ show e
iClafers :: [ IClafer ]
iClafers = universeOn biplate iModule
isIntClafer (IClafer{_reference=(Just IReference{_ref=pexp'})}) = any (`elem` ["integer", "int"]) $ getRefIds pexp'
isIntClafer _ = False