{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} {- Copyright (C) 2015 Michal Antkiewicz Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. -} module Suite.TypeSystem (tg_Test_Suite_TypeSystem) where import Language.Clafer import Language.ClaferT import Language.Clafer.Common import Language.Clafer.Intermediate.Intclafer import Language.Clafer.Intermediate.TypeSystem import Functions import qualified Data.Map as M import Data.Maybe (isJust) import Data.StringMap import Test.Tasty import Test.Tasty.HUnit import Test.Tasty.TH tg_Test_Suite_TypeSystem :: TestTree tg_Test_Suite_TypeSystem = $(testGroupGenerator) model :: String model = unlines [ "abstract A" -- c0_A , " abstract as -> A *" -- c0_as , "abstract B : A" -- c0_B , " as : as -> B *" -- c1_as , "b : B" -- c0_b , " [ as = b ]" , " [ as.ref = b ]" ] case_TypeSystemTest :: Assertion case_TypeSystemTest = case compileOneFragment defaultClaferArgs{keep_unused=True} model of Left errors -> assertFailure $ show errors Right compilerResultMap -> case M.lookup Alloy compilerResultMap of Nothing -> assertFailure "No Alloy result in the result map" Just compilerResult -> let um' :: StringMap IClafer um' = uidIClaferMap $ claferEnv compilerResult root_TClafer = getTClaferByUID um' "root" clafer_TClafer = getTClaferByUID um' "clafer" c0_A_TClafer = getTClaferByUID um' "c0_A" c0_A_TClaferR = Just $ TClafer [ "c0_A" ] c0_A_TMap = getDrefTMapByUID um' "c0_A" c0_as_TMap = getDrefTMapByUID um' "c0_as" c0_as_TMapR = Just (TMap {_so = TClafer {_hi = ["c0_as"]}, _ta = TClafer {_hi = ["c0_A"]}}) c0_B_TClafer = getTClaferByUID um' "c0_B" c0_B_TClaferR = Just $ TClafer [ "c0_B", "c0_A" ] c1_as_TClafer = getTClaferByUID um' "c1_as" c1_as_TClaferR = Just $ TClafer [ "c1_as", "c0_as" ] c1_as_TMap = getDrefTMapByUID um' "c1_as" c1_as_TMapR = Just (TMap {_so = TClafer {_hi = ["c1_as","c0_as"]}, _ta = TClafer {_hi = [ "c0_B", "c0_A" ]}}) c0_b_TClafer = getTClaferByUID um' "c0_b" c0_b_TClaferR = Just $ TClafer [ "c0_b", "c0_B", "c0_A" ] in do (isJust $ findIClafer um' "c0_A") @? ("Clafer c0_A not found" ++ show um') root_TClafer == Just rootTClafer @? ("Incorrect class type for 'root':\ngot '" ++ show root_TClafer ++ "'\ninstead of '" ++ show rootTClafer ++ "'") clafer_TClafer == Just claferTClafer @? ("Incorrect class type for 'clafer':\ngot '" ++ show clafer_TClafer ++ "'\ninstead of '" ++ show claferTClafer ++ "'") c0_A_TClafer == c0_A_TClaferR @? ("Incorrect class type for 'c0_A':\ngot '" ++ show c0_A_TClafer ++ "'\ninstead of '" ++ show c0_A_TClaferR ++ "'") c0_A_TMap == Nothing @? ("Incorrect map type for 'c0_A':\ngot '" ++ show c0_A_TMap ++ "'\nbut it is \nt a reference.") c0_as_TMap == c0_as_TMapR @? ("Incorrect map type for 'c0_as':\ngot '" ++ show c0_as_TMap ++ "'\ninstead of '" ++ show c0_as_TMapR ++ "'") c0_B_TClafer == c0_B_TClaferR @? ("Incorrect class type for 'c0_B':\ngot '" ++ show c0_B_TClafer ++ "'\ninstead of '" ++ show c0_B_TClaferR ++ "'") c1_as_TClafer == c1_as_TClaferR @? ("Incorrect class type for 'c1_as':\ngot '" ++ show c1_as_TClafer ++ "'\ninstead of '" ++ show c1_as_TClaferR ++ "'") c1_as_TMap == c1_as_TMapR @? ("Incorrect map type for 'c1_as':\ngot '" ++ show c1_as_TMap ++ "'\ninstead of '" ++ show c1_as_TMapR ++ "'") c0_b_TClafer == c0_b_TClaferR @? ("Incorrect class type for 'c0_b':\ngot '" ++ show c0_b_TClafer ++ "'\ninstead of '" ++ show c0_b_TClaferR ++ "'")