module Language.Clafer.Generator.Choco (genCModule) where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Lens.Plated hiding (rewrite)
import Control.Monad
import Data.Data.Lens
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Ord
import Prelude hiding (exp)
import Language.Clafer.Common
import Language.Clafer.Intermediate.Intclafer
import Language.Clafer.Front.LexClafer
genCModule :: (IModule, GEnv) -> [(UID, Integer)] -> [Token] -> Result
genCModule (imodule@IModule{_mDecls}, genv') scopes otherTokens' =
++ "\n"
++ (genClafers =<< _mDecls)
++ (genSuperRefConstraintAssertGoal "root" =<< _mDecls)
++ genChocoEscapes
uidIClaferMap' = uidClaferMap genv'
genClafers :: IElement -> String
genClafers (IEClafer (c@IClafer{_uid, _gcard, _elements}))
= _uid
++ genClaferNesting c
++ prop "withGroupCard" (genCard $ _interval <$> _gcard)
++ ";\n"
++ (genClafers =<< _elements)
genClafers _ = ""
genClaferNesting (IClafer{_isAbstract=True, _uid, _parentUID="root"})
= " = Abstract(\"" ++ _uid ++ "\")"
genClaferNesting (IClafer{_isAbstract=True, _uid, _parentUID})
= " = " ++ _parentUID ++ ".addAbstractChild(\"" ++ _uid ++ "\")"
genClaferNesting (IClafer{_isAbstract=False, _uid, _card, _parentUID="root"})
= " = Clafer(\"" ++ _uid ++ "\")"
++ prop "withCard" (genCard _card)
genClaferNesting (IClafer{_isAbstract=False, _uid, _card, _parentUID})
= " = "
++ _parentUID
++ ".addChild(\"" ++ _uid ++ "\")"
++ prop "withCard" (genCard _card)
prop name value =
case value of
Just value' -> "." ++ name ++ "(" ++ value' ++ ")"
Nothing -> ""
claferWithUid u = fromMaybe (error $ "claferWithUid: \"" ++ u ++ "\" is not a clafer") $ findIClafer uidIClaferMap' u
superOf u =
case _super $ claferWithUid u of
Just (PExp{_exp = IClaferId{_sident}})
| _sident == baseClafer -> Nothing
| isPrimitive _sident -> Nothing
| otherwise -> Just _sident
_ -> Nothing
genCard :: Maybe Interval -> Maybe String
genCard (Just (0, 1)) = Nothing
genCard (Just (low, 1)) = return $ show low
genCard (Just (low, high)) = return $ show low ++ ", " ++ show high
genCard _ = Nothing
genScopes :: Result
genScopes =
(if null scopeMap then "" else "scope({" ++ intercalate ", " scopeMap ++ "});\n")
++ "defaultScope(1);\n"
++ "intRange(-" ++ show largestPositiveInt ++ ", " ++ show (largestPositiveInt 1) ++ ");\n"
++ "stringLength(" ++ show longestString ++ ");\n"
largestPositiveInt :: Integer
largestPositiveInt = 2 ^ (bitwidth 1)
scopeMap = [uid' ++ ":" ++ show scope | (uid', scope) <- scopes, uid' /= "int"]
genChocoEscapes :: String
genChocoEscapes = concatMap printChocoEscape otherTokens'
printChocoEscape (PT _ (T_PosChoco code)) = let
code' = fromJust $ stripPrefix "[choco|" code
take (length code' 2) code'
printChocoEscape _ = ""
exprs :: [IExp]
exprs = universeOn biplate imodule
stringLength :: IExp -> Maybe Int
stringLength (IStr string) = Just $ length string
stringLength _ = Nothing
longestString :: Int
longestString = maximum $ 16 : mapMaybe stringLength exprs
genSuperRefConstraintAssertGoal :: String -> IElement -> Result
genSuperRefConstraintAssertGoal _ IEClafer{_iClafer=IClafer{_uid, _super=Nothing, _reference=Nothing, _elements}}
= genSuperRefConstraintAssertGoal _uid =<< _elements
genSuperRefConstraintAssertGoal _ (IEClafer c@IClafer{_uid, _card, _super, _reference, _elements})
= _uid
++ prop "extending" (superOf _uid)
++ (case (getReference c, _reference, _card) of
([target], Just (IReference True _), Just (lb, ub)) -> if lb > 1 || ub > 1 || lb == 1 || ub == 1
then ".refToUnique(" ++ genTarget target ++ ")"
else ".refTo(" ++ genTarget target ++ ")"
([target], Just (IReference _ _), _) -> ".refTo(" ++ genTarget target ++ ")"
_ -> "")
++ ";\n"
++ (genSuperRefConstraintAssertGoal _uid =<< _elements)
genTarget "integer" = "Int"
genTarget "int" = "Int"
genTarget target = target
genSuperRefConstraintAssertGoal "root" (IEConstraint True pexp) = "Constraint(" ++ genConstraintPExp pexp ++ ");\n"
genSuperRefConstraintAssertGoal pUID (IEConstraint True pexp) = pUID ++ ".addConstraint(" ++ genConstraintPExp pexp ++ ");\n"
genSuperRefConstraintAssertGoal _ (IEConstraint False pexp) = "assert(" ++ genConstraintPExp pexp ++ ");\n"
genSuperRefConstraintAssertGoal _ (IEGoal True PExp{_exp=IFunExp _ [pexp]}) = "max(" ++ genConstraintPExp pexp ++ ");\n"
genSuperRefConstraintAssertGoal _ (IEGoal False PExp{_exp=IFunExp _ [pexp]}) = "min(" ++ genConstraintPExp pexp ++ ");\n"
genSuperRefConstraintAssertGoal _ _ = ""
rewrite :: PExp -> PExp
rewrite p1@PExp{_iType = Just _, _exp = IFunExp "." [p2, p3@PExp{_exp = IFunExp "." _}]} =
p1{_exp = IFunExp "." [p3{_iType = _iType p4, _exp = IFunExp "." [p2, p4]}, p5]}
PExp{_exp = IFunExp "." [p4, p5]} = rewrite p3
rewrite p1@PExp{_exp = IFunExp{_op = "-", _exps = [PExp{_exp = IInt i}]}} =
p1{_exp = IInt (i)}
rewrite p = p
genConstraintPExp :: PExp -> String
genConstraintPExp = genConstraintExp . _exp . rewrite
genConstraintExp :: IExp -> String
genConstraintExp (IDeclPExp quant' [] body') =
mapQuant quant' ++ "(" ++ genConstraintPExp body' ++ ")"
genConstraintExp (IDeclPExp quant' decls' body') =
mapQuant quant' ++ "([" ++ intercalate ", " (map genDecl decls') ++ "], " ++ genConstraintPExp body' ++ ")"
genDecl (IDecl isDisj' locals body'') =
(if isDisj' then "disjDecl" else "decl") ++ "([" ++ intercalate ", " (map genLocal locals) ++ "], " ++ genConstraintPExp body'' ++ ")"
genLocal local =
local ++ " = local(\"" ++ local ++ "\")"
genConstraintExp (IFunExp "." [e1, PExp{_exp = IClaferId{_sident = "dref"}}]) =
"joinRef(" ++ genConstraintPExp e1 ++ ")"
genConstraintExp (IFunExp "." [e1, PExp{_exp = IClaferId{_sident = "parent"}}]) =
"joinParent(" ++ genConstraintPExp e1 ++ ")"
genConstraintExp (IFunExp "." [e1, PExp{_exp = IClaferId{_sident}}]) =
"join(" ++ genConstraintPExp e1 ++ ", " ++ _sident ++ ")"
genConstraintExp (IFunExp "." [_, _]) =
error "Did not rewrite all joins to left joins."
genConstraintExp (IFunExp "-" [arg]) =
"minus(" ++ genConstraintPExp arg ++ ")"
genConstraintExp (IFunExp "-" [arg1, arg2]) =
"sub(" ++ genConstraintPExp arg1 ++ ", " ++ genConstraintPExp arg2 ++ ")"
genConstraintExp (IFunExp "sum" args')
| [arg] <- args', PExp{_exp = IFunExp{_exps = [a, PExp{_exp = IClaferId{_sident = "dref"}}]}} <- rewrite arg =
"sum(" ++ genConstraintPExp a ++ ")"
| [arg] <- args' =
"sum(" ++ genConstraintPExp arg ++ ")"
| otherwise = error $ "[bug] Choco.genConstraintExp: Unexpected sum argument: " ++ show args'
genConstraintExp (IFunExp "product" args')
| [arg] <- args', PExp{_exp = IFunExp{_exps = [a, PExp{_exp = IClaferId{_sident = "dref"}}]}} <- rewrite arg =
"product(" ++ genConstraintPExp a ++ ")"
| otherwise = error "Choco: Unexpected product argument."
genConstraintExp (IFunExp "+" args') =
(if _iType (head args') == Just TString then "concat" else "add") ++
"(" ++ intercalate ", " (map genConstraintPExp args') ++ ")"
genConstraintExp (IFunExp op' args') =
mapFunc op' ++ "(" ++ intercalate ", " (map genConstraintPExp args') ++ ")"
genConstraintExp IClaferId{_sident = "this"} = "$this()"
genConstraintExp IClaferId{_sident}
| isJust $ findIClafer uidIClaferMap' _sident = "global(" ++ _sident ++ ")"
| otherwise = _sident
genConstraintExp (IInt val) = "constant(" ++ show val ++ ")"
genConstraintExp (IStr val) = "constant(" ++ show val ++ ")"
genConstraintExp (IDouble val) = "constant(" ++ show val ++ ")"
genConstraintExp (IReal val) = "constant(" ++ show val ++ ")"
mapQuant INo = "none"
mapQuant ISome = "some"
mapQuant IAll = "all"
mapQuant IOne = "one"
mapQuant ILone = "lone"
mapFunc "!" = "not"
mapFunc "#" = "card"
mapFunc "min" = "minimum"
mapFunc "max" = "maximum"
mapFunc "<=>" = "ifOnlyIf"
mapFunc "=>" = "implies"
mapFunc "||" = "or"
mapFunc "xor" = "xor"
mapFunc "&&" = "and"
mapFunc "<" = "lessThan"
mapFunc ">" = "greaterThan"
mapFunc "=" = "equal"
mapFunc "<=" = "lessThanEqual"
mapFunc ">=" = "greaterThanEqual"
mapFunc "!=" = "notEqual"
mapFunc "in" = "$in"
mapFunc "not in" = "notIn"
mapFunc "+" = "add"
mapFunc "*" = "mul"
mapFunc "/" = "div"
mapFunc "%" = "mod"
mapFunc "++" = "union"
mapFunc "--" = "diff"
mapFunc "**" = "inter"
mapFunc "ifthenelse" = "ifThenElse"
mapFunc op' = error $ "Choco: Unknown op: " ++ op'
bitwidth = fromMaybe 4 $ lookup "int" scopes :: Integer