module Language.Clafer.Optimizer.Optimizer where
import Data.Maybe
import Data.List
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Control.Lens hiding (elements, children, un)
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Data.Lens (biplate)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Language.Clafer.Common
import Language.Clafer.ClaferArgs
import Language.Clafer.Intermediate.Intclafer
import Language.ClaferT (ClaferErr, CErr(..))
optimizeModule :: ClaferArgs -> (IModule, GEnv) -> IModule
optimizeModule args (imodule, genv) =
imodule{_mDecls = em $ rm $ map (optimizeElement (1, 1)) $
markTopModule $ _mDecls imodule}
rm = if keep_unused args then makeZeroUnusedAbs else remUnusedAbs
em = if flatten_inheritance args then flip (curry expModule) genv else id
optimizeElement :: Interval -> IElement -> IElement
optimizeElement interval' x = case x of
IEClafer c -> IEClafer $ optimizeClafer interval' c
IEConstraint _ _ -> x
IEGoal _ _ -> x
optimizeClafer :: Interval -> IClafer -> IClafer
optimizeClafer interval' c = c {_glCard = glCard',
_elements = map (optimizeElement glCard') $ _elements c}
glCard' = multInt (fromJust $ _card c) interval'
multInt :: Interval -> Interval -> Interval
multInt (m, n) (m', n') = (m * m', multExInt n n')
multExInt :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer
multExInt 0 _ = 0
multExInt _ 0 = 0
multExInt m n = if m == 1 || n == 1 then 1 else m * n
makeZeroUnusedAbs :: [IElement] -> [IElement]
makeZeroUnusedAbs decls' = map (\x -> if (x `elem` unusedAbs) then IEClafer (getIClafer x){_card = Just (0, 0)} else x) decls'
unusedAbs = map IEClafer $ findUnusedAbs clafers $ map _uid $
filter (not._isAbstract) clafers
clafers = toClafers decls'
getIClafer (IEClafer c) = c
getIClafer _ = error "Function makeZeroUnusedAbs from Optimizer expected paramter of type IClafer got a differnt IElement"
remUnusedAbs :: [IElement] -> [IElement]
remUnusedAbs decls' = decls' \\ unusedAbs
unusedAbs = map IEClafer $ findUnusedAbs clafers $ map _uid $
filter (not._isAbstract) clafers
clafers = toClafers decls'
findUnusedAbs :: [IClafer] -> [String] -> [IClafer]
findUnusedAbs maybeUsed [] = maybeUsed
findUnusedAbs [] _ = []
findUnusedAbs maybeUsed used = findUnusedAbs maybeUsed' $ getUniqExtended used'
(used', maybeUsed') = partition (\c -> _uid c `elem` used) maybeUsed
getUniqExtended :: [IClafer] -> [String]
getUniqExtended used = nub $ used >>= getExtended
getExtended :: IClafer -> [String]
getExtended c =
sName ++ ((getSubclafers $ _elements c) >>= getExtended)
sName = getSuper c
expModule :: ([IElement], GEnv) -> [IElement]
expModule (decls', genv) = evalState (mapM expElement decls') genv
expClafer :: MonadState GEnv m => IClafer -> m IClafer
expClafer claf = do
super' <- case _super claf of
Nothing -> return Nothing
(Just pexp') -> Just `liftM` expPExp pexp'
elements' <- mapM expElement $ _elements claf
return $ claf {_super = super', _elements = elements'}
expElement :: MonadState GEnv m => IElement -> m IElement
expElement x = case x of
IEClafer claf -> IEClafer `liftM` expClafer claf
IEConstraint isHard' constraint -> IEConstraint isHard' `liftM` expPExp constraint
IEGoal isMaximize' goal -> IEGoal isMaximize' `liftM` expPExp goal
expPExp :: MonadState GEnv m => PExp -> m PExp
expPExp (PExp t pid' pos' exp') = PExp t pid' pos' `liftM` expIExp exp'
expIExp :: MonadState GEnv m => IExp -> m IExp
expIExp x = case x of
IDeclPExp quant' decls' pexp -> do
decls'' <- mapM expDecl decls'
pexp' <- expPExp pexp
return $ IDeclPExp quant' decls'' pexp'
IFunExp op' exps' -> if op' == iJoin
then expNav x else IFunExp op' `liftM` mapM expPExp exps'
IClaferId _ _ _ _ -> expNav x
_ -> return x
expDecl :: MonadState GEnv m => IDecl -> m IDecl
expDecl x = case x of
IDecl disj locids pexp -> IDecl disj locids `liftM` expPExp pexp
expNav :: MonadState GEnv m => IExp -> m IExp
expNav x = do
xs <- split' x return
xs' <- mapM (expNav' "") xs
return $ mkIFunExp iUnion $ map fst xs'
expNav' :: MonadState GEnv m => String -> IExp -> m (IExp, String)
expNav' context (IFunExp _ (p0:p:_)) = do
(exp0', context') <- expNav' context $ _exp p0
(exp', context'') <- expNav' context' $ _exp p
return (IFunExp iJoin [ p0 {_exp = exp0'}
, p {_exp = exp'}], context'')
expNav' context x@(IClaferId modName' id' isTop' bind' ) = do
st <- gets stable
if Map.member id' st
then do
let impls = (Map.!) st id'
let (impls', context') = maybe (impls, "")
(\y -> ([[head y]], head y)) $
find (\z -> context == (head.tail) z) impls
return (mkIFunExp iUnion $ map (\u -> IClaferId modName' u isTop' bind') $
map head impls', context')
else do
return (x, id')
expNav' _ _ = error "Function expNav' from Optimizer expects an argument of type ClaferId or IFunExp but was given another IExp"
split' :: MonadState GEnv m => IExp -> (IExp -> m IExp) -> m [IExp]
split'(IFunExp _ (p:pexp:_)) f =
split' (_exp p) (\s -> f $ IFunExp iJoin
[p {_exp = s}, pexp])
split' (IClaferId modName' id' isTop' bind') f = do
st <- gets stable
mapM f $ map (\y -> IClaferId modName' y isTop' bind') $ maybe [id'] (map head) $ Map.lookup id' st
split' _ _ = error "Function split' from Optimizer expects an argument of type ClaferId or IFunExp but was given another IExp"
allUnique :: IModule -> Bool
allUnique iModule = dontExtend && identsUnique
allClafers :: [ IClafer ]
allClafers = universeOn biplate iModule
dontExtend = null $ concatMap getSuper allClafers
allIdents = map _ident allClafers
identsUnique = (length allIdents) == (length $ nub allIdents)
checkConstraintElement :: [String] -> IElement -> Bool
checkConstraintElement idents x = case x of
IEClafer claf -> and $ map (checkConstraintElement idents) $ _elements claf
IEConstraint _ pexp -> checkConstraintPExp idents pexp
IEGoal _ _ -> True
checkConstraintPExp :: [String] -> PExp -> Bool
checkConstraintPExp idents pexp = checkConstraintIExp idents $ _exp pexp
checkConstraintIExp :: [String] -> IExp -> Bool
checkConstraintIExp idents x = case x of
IDeclPExp _ oDecls' pexp ->
checkConstraintPExp ((oDecls' >>= (checkConstraintIDecl idents)) ++ idents) pexp
IClaferId _ ident' _ _ -> if ident' `elem` (specialNames ++ (rootIdent : idents)) then True
else error $ "optimizer: " ++ ident' ++ " not found"
_ -> True
checkConstraintIDecl :: [String] -> IDecl -> [String]
checkConstraintIDecl idents (IDecl _ decls' pexp)
| checkConstraintPExp idents pexp = decls'
| otherwise = []
findDupModule :: ClaferArgs -> IModule -> Either ClaferErr IModule
findDupModule args iModule = if check_duplicates args && (not $ null dups)
then Left $ ClaferErr $ "--check-duplicates: Duplicate clafer names: " ++ (intercalate ", " dups)
else Right iModule
allClafers :: [ IClafer ]
allClafers = universeOn biplate iModule
dups = findDuplicates allClafers
findDuplicates :: [IClafer] -> [String]
findDuplicates clafers =
map head $ filter (\xs -> 1 < length xs) $ group $ sort $ map _ident clafers
markTopModule :: [IElement] -> [IElement]
markTopModule decls' = map (markTopElement (
specialNames ++ primitiveTypes ++
(map _uid $ toClafers decls'))) decls'
markTopClafer :: [String] -> IClafer -> IClafer
markTopClafer clafers c =
c {_super = markTopPExp clafers <$> _super c,
_elements = map (markTopElement clafers) $ _elements c}
markTopElement :: [String] -> IElement -> IElement
markTopElement clafers x = case x of
IEClafer c -> IEClafer $ markTopClafer clafers c
IEConstraint isHard' pexp -> IEConstraint isHard' $ markTopPExp clafers pexp
IEGoal isMaximize' pexp -> IEGoal isMaximize' $ markTopPExp clafers pexp
markTopPExp :: [String] -> PExp -> PExp
markTopPExp clafers pexp =
pexp {_exp = markTopIExp clafers $ _exp pexp}
markTopIExp :: [String] -> IExp -> IExp
markTopIExp clafers x = case x of
IDeclPExp quant' decl pexp -> IDeclPExp quant' (map (markTopDecl clafers) decl)
(markTopPExp ((decl >>= _decls) ++ clafers) pexp)
IFunExp op' exps' -> IFunExp op' $ map (markTopPExp clafers) exps'
IClaferId modName' sident' _ bind'->
IClaferId modName' sident' (sident' `elem` clafers) bind'
_ -> x
markTopDecl :: [String] -> IDecl -> IDecl
markTopDecl clafers x = case x of
IDecl disj locids pexp -> IDecl disj locids $ markTopPExp clafers pexp