module Language.Clafer.Intermediate.Desugarer where
import Language.Clafer.Common
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Language.Clafer.Front.AbsClafer
import Language.Clafer.Intermediate.Intclafer
desugarModule :: Maybe String -> Module -> IModule
desugarModule mURL (Module _ declarations) = IModule
(fromMaybe "" mURL)
(declarations >>= desugarEnums >>= desugarDeclaration)
sugarModule :: IModule -> Module
sugarModule x = Module noSpan $ map sugarDeclaration $ _mDecls x
desugarEnums :: Declaration -> [Declaration]
desugarEnums (EnumDecl (Span p1 p2) id' enumids) = absEnum : map mkEnum enumids
p2' = case enumids of
((EnumIdIdent (Span (Pos y' x') _) _):_) -> Pos y' (x'3)
[] -> p2
oneToOne pos' = (CardInterval noSpan $
NCard noSpan (PosInteger (pos', "1")) (ExIntegerNum noSpan $ PosInteger (pos', "1")))
absEnum = let
s1 = Span p1 p2'
ElementDecl s1 $
Subclafer s1 $
Clafer s1 (Abstract s1) (GCardEmpty s1) id' (SuperEmpty s1) (ReferenceEmpty s1) (CardEmpty s1) (InitEmpty s1) (ElementsList s1 [])
mkEnum (EnumIdIdent s2 eId) =
ElementDecl s2 $
Subclafer s2 $
Clafer s2 (AbstractEmpty s2) (GCardEmpty s2) eId ((SuperSome s2) (ClaferId s2 $ Path s2 [ModIdIdent s2 id'])) (ReferenceEmpty s2) (oneToOne (0, 0)) (InitEmpty s2) (ElementsList s2 [])
desugarEnums x = [x]
desugarDeclaration :: Declaration -> [IElement]
desugarDeclaration (ElementDecl _ element) = desugarElement element
desugarDeclaration _ = error "Desugarer.desugarDeclaration: enum declarations should have already been converted to clafers. BUG."
sugarDeclaration :: IElement -> Declaration
sugarDeclaration (IEClafer clafer) = ElementDecl (_cinPos clafer) $ Subclafer (_cinPos clafer) $ sugarClafer clafer
sugarDeclaration (IEConstraint True constraint) =
ElementDecl (_inPos constraint) $ Subconstraint (_inPos constraint) $ sugarConstraint constraint
sugarDeclaration (IEConstraint False softconstraint) =
ElementDecl (_inPos softconstraint) $ Subsoftconstraint (_inPos softconstraint) $ sugarSoftConstraint softconstraint
sugarDeclaration (IEGoal _ goal) = ElementDecl (_inPos goal) $ Subgoal (_inPos goal) $ sugarGoal goal
desugarClafer :: Clafer -> [IElement]
desugarClafer claf@(Clafer s abstract gcrd' id' super' reference' crd' init' elements') =
case (super', reference') of
(SuperSome ss setExp, ReferenceEmpty _) -> if isPrimitive $ getPExpClaferIdent setExp
then desugarClafer (Clafer s abstract gcrd' id' (SuperEmpty s) (ReferenceSet ss setExp) crd' init' elements')
else desugarClafer' claf
(SuperSome _ setExp, ReferenceSet _ _) -> if isPrimitive $ getPExpClaferIdent setExp
then error "Desugarer: cannot rewrite : with primitive type into -> because a reference is also present. Using : with primitive types is discouraged."
else desugarClafer' claf
(SuperSome _ setExp, ReferenceBag _ _) -> if isPrimitive $ getPExpClaferIdent setExp
then error "Desugarer: cannot rewrite : with primitive type into -> because a reference is also present. Using : with primitive types is discouraged."
else desugarClafer' claf
_ -> desugarClafer' claf
desugarClafer' (Clafer s'' abstract'' gcrd'' id'' super'' reference'' crd'' init'' elements'') =
(IEClafer $ IClafer s'' (desugarAbstract abstract'') (desugarGCard gcrd'') (transIdent id'')
"" "" (desugarSuper super'') (desugarReference reference'') (desugarCard crd'') (0, 1)
(desugarElements elements'')) : (desugarInit id'' init'')
getPExpClaferIdent :: SetExp -> String
getPExpClaferIdent (ClaferId _ (Path _ [ (ModIdIdent _ (PosIdent (_, ident'))) ] )) = ident'
getPExpClaferIdent _ = error "Desugarer:getPExpClaferIdent not given a ClaferId PExp"
sugarClafer :: IClafer -> Clafer
sugarClafer (IClafer s abstract gcard' _ uid' _ super' reference' crd' _ elements') =
Clafer s (sugarAbstract abstract) (sugarGCard gcard') (mkIdent uid')
(sugarSuper super') (sugarReference reference') (sugarCard crd') (InitEmpty s) (sugarElements elements')
desugarSuper :: Super -> Maybe PExp
desugarSuper (SuperEmpty _) = Nothing
desugarSuper (SuperSome _ (ClaferId _ (Path _ [ (ModIdIdent _ (PosIdent (_, "clafer"))) ] ))) = Nothing
desugarSuper (SuperSome _ setexp) = Just $ desugarSetExp setexp
desugarReference :: Reference -> Maybe IReference
desugarReference (ReferenceEmpty _) = Nothing
desugarReference (ReferenceSet _ setexp) = Just $ IReference True $ desugarSetExp setexp
desugarReference (ReferenceBag _ setexp) = Just $ IReference False $ desugarSetExp setexp
desugarInit :: PosIdent -> Init -> [IElement]
desugarInit _ (InitEmpty _) = []
desugarInit id' (InitSome s inithow exp') = [ IEConstraint (desugarInitHow inithow) (pExpDefPid s implIExp) ]
cId :: PExp
cId = mkPLClaferId (snd $ getIdent id') False Nothing
assignIExp :: IExp
assignIExp = (IFunExp "=" [cId, desugarExp exp'])
implIExp :: IExp
implIExp = (IFunExp "=>" [ pExpDefPid s $ IDeclPExp ISome [] cId, pExpDefPid s assignIExp ])
getIdent (PosIdent y) = y
desugarInitHow :: InitHow -> Bool
desugarInitHow (InitConstant _) = True
desugarInitHow (InitDefault _ )= False
desugarName :: Name -> IExp
desugarName (Path _ path) =
IClaferId (concatMap ((++ modSep).desugarModId) (init path))
(desugarModId $ last path) True Nothing
desugarModId :: ModId -> Result
desugarModId (ModIdIdent _ id') = transIdent id'
sugarModId :: String -> ModId
sugarModId modid = ModIdIdent noSpan $ mkIdent modid
sugarSuper :: Maybe PExp -> Super
sugarSuper Nothing = SuperEmpty noSpan
sugarSuper (Just pexp'@(PExp _ _ _ (IClaferId _ _ _ _))) = SuperSome noSpan (sugarSetExp pexp')
sugarSuper (Just pexp') = error $ "Function sugarSuper from Desugarer expects a PExp (IClaferId) but instead was given: " ++ show pexp'
sugarReference :: Maybe IReference -> Reference
sugarReference Nothing = ReferenceEmpty noSpan
sugarReference (Just (IReference True pexp')) = ReferenceSet noSpan (sugarSetExp pexp')
sugarReference (Just (IReference False pexp')) = ReferenceBag noSpan (sugarSetExp pexp')
sugarInitHow :: Bool -> InitHow
sugarInitHow True = InitConstant noSpan
sugarInitHow False = InitDefault noSpan
desugarConstraint :: Constraint -> PExp
desugarConstraint (Constraint _ exps') = desugarPath $ desugarExp $
(if length exps' > 1 then foldl1 (EAnd noSpan) else head) exps'
desugarSoftConstraint :: SoftConstraint -> PExp
desugarSoftConstraint (SoftConstraint _ exps') = desugarPath $ desugarExp $
(if length exps' > 1 then foldl1 (EAnd noSpan) else head) exps'
desugarGoal :: Goal -> PExp
desugarGoal (Goal s exps') = desugarPath $ desugarExp $
(if length exps' > 1 then foldl1 (EAnd s) else head) exps'
sugarConstraint :: PExp -> Constraint
sugarConstraint pexp = Constraint (_inPos pexp) $ map sugarExp [pexp]
sugarSoftConstraint :: PExp -> SoftConstraint
sugarSoftConstraint pexp = SoftConstraint (_inPos pexp) $ map sugarExp [pexp]
sugarGoal :: PExp -> Goal
sugarGoal pexp = Goal (_inPos pexp) $ map sugarExp [pexp]
desugarAbstract :: Abstract -> Bool
desugarAbstract (AbstractEmpty _) = False
desugarAbstract (Abstract _) = True
sugarAbstract :: Bool -> Abstract
sugarAbstract False = AbstractEmpty noSpan
sugarAbstract True = Abstract noSpan
desugarElements :: Elements -> [IElement]
desugarElements (ElementsEmpty _) = []
desugarElements (ElementsList _ es) = es >>= desugarElement
sugarElements :: [IElement] -> Elements
sugarElements x = ElementsList noSpan $ map sugarElement x
desugarElement :: Element -> [IElement]
desugarElement x = case x of
Subclafer _ claf -> (desugarClafer claf)
ClaferUse s name crd es -> desugarClafer $ Clafer s
(AbstractEmpty s) (GCardEmpty s) (mkIdent $ _sident $ desugarName name)
(SuperSome s (ClaferId s name)) (ReferenceEmpty s) crd (InitEmpty s) es
Subconstraint _ constraint ->
[IEConstraint True $ desugarConstraint constraint]
Subsoftconstraint _ softconstraint ->
[IEConstraint False $ desugarSoftConstraint softconstraint]
Subgoal _ goal -> [IEGoal True $ desugarGoal goal]
sugarElement :: IElement -> Element
sugarElement x = case x of
IEClafer claf -> Subclafer noSpan $ sugarClafer claf
IEConstraint True constraint -> Subconstraint noSpan $ sugarConstraint constraint
IEConstraint False softconstraint -> Subsoftconstraint noSpan $ sugarSoftConstraint softconstraint
IEGoal _ goal -> Subgoal noSpan $ sugarGoal goal
desugarGCard :: GCard -> Maybe IGCard
desugarGCard x = case x of
GCardEmpty _ -> Nothing
GCardXor _ -> Just $ IGCard True (1, 1)
GCardOr _ -> Just $ IGCard True (1, 1)
GCardMux _ -> Just $ IGCard True (0, 1)
GCardOpt _ -> Just $ IGCard True (0, 1)
GCardInterval _ ncard ->
Just $ IGCard (isOptionalDef ncard) $ desugarNCard ncard
isOptionalDef :: NCard -> Bool
isOptionalDef (NCard _ m n) = ((0::Integer) == mkInteger m) && (not $ isExIntegerAst n)
isExIntegerAst :: ExInteger -> Bool
isExIntegerAst (ExIntegerAst _) = True
isExIntegerAst _ = False
sugarGCard :: Maybe IGCard -> GCard
sugarGCard x = case x of
Nothing -> GCardEmpty noSpan
Just (IGCard _ (i, ex)) -> GCardInterval noSpan $ NCard noSpan (PosInteger ((0, 0), show i)) (sugarExInteger ex)
desugarCard :: Card -> Maybe Interval
desugarCard x = case x of
CardEmpty _ -> Nothing
CardLone _ -> Just (0, 1)
CardSome _ -> Just (1, 1)
CardAny _ -> Just (0, 1)
CardNum _ n -> Just (mkInteger n, mkInteger n)
CardInterval _ ncard -> Just $ desugarNCard ncard
desugarNCard :: NCard -> (Integer, Integer)
desugarNCard (NCard _ i ex) = (mkInteger i, desugarExInteger ex)
desugarExInteger :: ExInteger -> Integer
desugarExInteger (ExIntegerAst _) = 1
desugarExInteger (ExIntegerNum _ n) = mkInteger n
sugarCard :: Maybe Interval -> Card
sugarCard x = case x of
Nothing -> CardEmpty noSpan
Just (i, ex) ->
CardInterval noSpan $ NCard noSpan (PosInteger ((0, 0), show i)) (sugarExInteger ex)
sugarExInteger :: Integer -> ExInteger
sugarExInteger n = if n == 1 then ExIntegerAst noSpan else (ExIntegerNum noSpan $ PosInteger ((0, 0), show n))
desugarExp :: Exp -> PExp
desugarExp x = pExpDefPid (getSpan x) $ desugarExp' x
desugarExp' :: Exp -> IExp
desugarExp' x = case x of
DeclAllDisj _ decl exp' ->
IDeclPExp IAll [desugarDecl True decl] (dpe exp')
DeclAll _ decl exp' -> IDeclPExp IAll [desugarDecl False decl] (dpe exp')
DeclQuantDisj _ quant' decl exp' ->
IDeclPExp (desugarQuant quant') [desugarDecl True decl] (dpe exp')
DeclQuant _ quant' decl exp' ->
IDeclPExp (desugarQuant quant') [desugarDecl False decl] (dpe exp')
EIff _ exp0 exp' -> dop iIff [exp0, exp']
EImplies _ exp0 exp' -> dop iImpl [exp0, exp']
EImpliesElse _ exp0 exp1 exp' -> dop iIfThenElse [exp0, exp1, exp']
EOr _ exp0 exp' -> dop iOr [exp0, exp']
EXor _ exp0 exp' -> dop iXor [exp0, exp']
EAnd _ exp0 exp' -> dop iAnd [exp0, exp']
ENeg _ exp' -> dop iNot [exp']
QuantExp _ quant' exp' ->
IDeclPExp (desugarQuant quant') [] (desugarExp exp')
ELt _ exp0 exp' -> dop iLt [exp0, exp']
EGt _ exp0 exp' -> dop iGt [exp0, exp']
EEq _ exp0 exp' -> dop iEq [exp0, exp']
ELte _ exp0 exp' -> dop iLte [exp0, exp']
EGte _ exp0 exp' -> dop iGte [exp0, exp']
ENeq _ exp0 exp' -> dop iNeq [exp0, exp']
EIn _ exp0 exp' -> dop iIn [exp0, exp']
ENin _ exp0 exp' -> dop iNin [exp0, exp']
EAdd _ exp0 exp' -> dop iPlus [exp0, exp']
ESub _ exp0 exp' -> dop iSub [exp0, exp']
EMul _ exp0 exp' -> dop iMul [exp0, exp']
EDiv _ exp0 exp' -> dop iDiv [exp0, exp']
ERem _ exp0 exp' -> dop iRem [exp0, exp']
ECSetExp _ exp' -> dop iCSet [exp']
ESumSetExp _ exp' -> dop iSumSet [exp']
EProdSetExp _ exp' -> dop iProdSet [exp']
EMinExp _ exp' -> dop iMin [exp']
EGMax _ exp' -> dop iGMax [exp']
EGMin _ exp' -> dop iGMin [exp']
EInt _ n -> IInt $ mkInteger n
EDouble _ (PosDouble n) -> IDouble $ read $ snd n
EStr _ (PosString str) -> IStr $ snd str
ESetExp _ sexp -> desugarSetExp' sexp
dop = desugarOp desugarExp
dpe = desugarPath.desugarExp
desugarOp :: (a -> PExp) -> String -> [a] -> IExp
desugarOp f op' exps' =
if (op' == iIfThenElse)
then IFunExp op' $ (desugarPath $ head mappedList) : (map reducePExp $ tail mappedList)
else IFunExp op' $ map (trans.f) exps'
mappedList = map f exps'
trans = if op' `elem` ([iNot, iIfThenElse] ++ logBinOps)
then desugarPath else id
desugarSetExp :: SetExp -> PExp
desugarSetExp x = pExpDefPid (getSpan x) $ desugarSetExp' x
desugarSetExp' :: SetExp -> IExp
desugarSetExp' x = case x of
Union _ exp0 exp' -> dop iUnion [exp0, exp']
UnionCom _ exp0 exp' -> dop iUnion [exp0, exp']
Difference _ exp0 exp' -> dop iDifference [exp0, exp']
Intersection _ exp0 exp' -> dop iIntersection [exp0, exp']
Domain _ exp0 exp' -> dop iDomain [exp0, exp']
Range _ exp0 exp' -> dop iRange [exp0, exp']
Join _ exp0 exp' -> dop iJoin [exp0, exp']
ClaferId _ name -> desugarName name
dop = desugarOp desugarSetExp
sugarExp :: PExp -> Exp
sugarExp x = sugarExp' $ _exp x
sugarExp' :: IExp -> Exp
sugarExp' x = case x of
IDeclPExp quant' [] pexp -> QuantExp noSpan (sugarQuant quant') (sugarExp pexp)
IDeclPExp IAll (decl@(IDecl True _ _):[]) pexp ->
DeclAllDisj noSpan (sugarDecl decl) (sugarExp pexp)
IDeclPExp IAll (decl@(IDecl False _ _):[]) pexp ->
DeclAll noSpan (sugarDecl decl) (sugarExp pexp)
IDeclPExp quant' (decl@(IDecl True _ _):[]) pexp ->
DeclQuantDisj noSpan (sugarQuant quant') (sugarDecl decl) (sugarExp pexp)
IDeclPExp quant' (decl@(IDecl False _ _):[]) pexp ->
DeclQuant noSpan (sugarQuant quant') (sugarDecl decl) (sugarExp pexp)
IFunExp op' exps' ->
if op' `elem` unOps then (sugarUnOp op') (exps''!!0)
else if op' `elem` setBinOps then (ESetExp noSpan $ sugarSetExp' x)
else if op' `elem` binOps then (sugarOp op') (exps''!!0) (exps''!!1)
else (sugarTerOp op') (exps''!!0) (exps''!!1) (exps''!!2)
exps'' = map sugarExp exps'
IInt n -> EInt noSpan $ PosInteger ((0, 0), show n)
IDouble n -> EDouble noSpan $ PosDouble ((0, 0), show n)
IStr str -> EStr noSpan $ PosString ((0, 0), str)
IClaferId _ _ _ _ -> ESetExp noSpan $ sugarSetExp' x
_ -> error "Function sugarExp' from Desugarer was given an invalid argument"
sugarUnOp op''
| op'' == iNot = ENeg noSpan
| op'' == iCSet = ECSetExp noSpan
| op'' == iMin = EMinExp noSpan
| op'' == iGMax = EGMax noSpan
| op'' == iGMin = EGMin noSpan
| op'' == iSumSet = ESumSetExp noSpan
| op'' == iProdSet = EProdSetExp noSpan
| otherwise = error $ show op'' ++ "is not an op"
sugarOp op''
| op'' == iIff = EIff noSpan
| op'' == iImpl = EImplies noSpan
| op'' == iOr = EOr noSpan
| op'' == iXor = EXor noSpan
| op'' == iAnd = EAnd noSpan
| op'' == iLt = ELt noSpan
| op'' == iGt = EGt noSpan
| op'' == iEq = EEq noSpan
| op'' == iLte = ELte noSpan
| op'' == iGte = EGte noSpan
| op'' == iNeq = ENeq noSpan
| op'' == iIn = EIn noSpan
| op'' == iNin = ENin noSpan
| op'' == iPlus = EAdd noSpan
| op'' == iSub = ESub noSpan
| op'' == iMul = EMul noSpan
| op'' == iDiv = EDiv noSpan
| op'' == iRem = ERem noSpan
| otherwise = error $ show op'' ++ "is not an op"
sugarTerOp op''
| op'' == iIfThenElse = EImpliesElse noSpan
| otherwise = error $ show op'' ++ "is not an op"
sugarSetExp :: PExp -> SetExp
sugarSetExp x = sugarSetExp' $ _exp x
sugarSetExp' :: IExp -> SetExp
sugarSetExp' (IFunExp op' exps') = (sugarOp op') (exps''!!0) (exps''!!1)
exps'' = map sugarSetExp exps'
sugarOp op''
| op'' == iUnion = Union noSpan
| op'' == iDifference = Difference noSpan
| op'' == iIntersection = Intersection noSpan
| op'' == iDomain = Domain noSpan
| op'' == iRange = Range noSpan
| op'' == iJoin = Join noSpan
| otherwise = error "Invalid argument given to function sygarSetExp' in Desugarer"
sugarSetExp' (IClaferId "" id' _ _) = ClaferId noSpan $ Path noSpan [ModIdIdent noSpan $ mkIdent id']
sugarSetExp' (IClaferId modName' id' _ _) = ClaferId noSpan $ Path noSpan $ (sugarModId modName') : [sugarModId id']
sugarSetExp' _ = error "IDecelPexp, IInt, IDobule, and IStr can not be sugared into a setExp!"
desugarPath :: PExp -> PExp
desugarPath (PExp iType' pid' pos' x) = reducePExp $ PExp iType' pid' pos' result
| isSetExp x = IDeclPExp ISome [] (pExpDefPid pos' x)
| isNegSome x = IDeclPExp INo [] $ _bpexp $ _exp $ head $ _exps x
| otherwise = x
isNegSome (IFunExp op' [PExp _ _ _ (IDeclPExp ISome [] _)]) = op' == iNot
isNegSome _ = False
isSetExp :: IExp -> Bool
isSetExp (IClaferId _ _ _ _) = True
isSetExp (IFunExp op' _) = op' `elem` setBinOps
isSetExp _ = False
reducePExp :: PExp -> PExp
reducePExp (PExp t pid' pos' x) = PExp t pid' pos' $ reduceIExp x
reduceIExp :: IExp -> IExp
reduceIExp (IDeclPExp quant' decls' pexp) = IDeclPExp quant' decls' $ reducePExp pexp
reduceIExp (IFunExp op' exps') = redNav $ IFunExp op' $ map redExps exps'
(redNav, redExps) = if op' == iJoin then (reduceNav, id) else (id, reducePExp)
reduceIExp x = x
reduceNav :: IExp -> IExp
reduceNav x@(IFunExp op' exps'@((PExp _ _ _ iexp@(IFunExp _ (pexp0:pexp:_))):pPexp:_)) =
if op' == iJoin && isParent pPexp && isClaferName pexp
then reduceNav $ _exp pexp0
else x{_exps = (head exps'){_exp = reduceIExp iexp} :
tail exps'}
reduceNav x = x
desugarDecl :: Bool -> Decl -> IDecl
desugarDecl isDisj' (Decl _ locids exp') =
IDecl isDisj' (map desugarLocId locids) (desugarSetExp exp')
sugarDecl :: IDecl -> Decl
sugarDecl (IDecl _ locids exp') =
Decl noSpan (map sugarLocId locids) (sugarSetExp exp')
desugarLocId :: LocId -> String
desugarLocId (LocIdIdent _ id') = transIdent id'
sugarLocId :: String -> LocId
sugarLocId x = LocIdIdent noSpan $ mkIdent x
desugarQuant :: Quant -> IQuant
desugarQuant (QuantNo _) = INo
desugarQuant (QuantNot _) = INo
desugarQuant (QuantLone _) = ILone
desugarQuant (QuantOne _) = IOne
desugarQuant (QuantSome _) = ISome
sugarQuant :: IQuant -> Quant
sugarQuant INo = QuantNo noSpan
sugarQuant ILone = QuantLone noSpan
sugarQuant IOne = QuantOne noSpan
sugarQuant ISome = QuantSome noSpan
sugarQuant IAll = error "sugarQaunt was called on IAll, this is not allowed!"