module Language.Clafer.Intermediate.SimpleScopeAnalyzer (simpleScopeAnalysis) where
import Language.Clafer.Common
import Control.Lens hiding (elements, assign)
import Data.Graph
import Data.List
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Ord
import Data.Ratio
import Language.Clafer.Intermediate.Intclafer
import Prelude hiding (exp)
isReference :: IClafer -> Bool
isReference = _isOverlapping . _super
isConcrete :: IClafer -> Bool
isConcrete = not . isReference
isSuperest :: [IClafer] -> IClafer -> Bool
isSuperest clafers clafer = isNothing $ directSuper clafers clafer
simpleScopeAnalysis :: IModule -> [(String, Integer)]
simpleScopeAnalysis IModule{_mDecls = decls'} =
[(a, b) | (a, b) <- finalAnalysis, isReferenceOrSuper a, b /= 1]
finalAnalysis = Map.toList $ foldl analyzeComponent supersAndRefsAnalysis connectedComponents
isReferenceOrSuper uid' =
isConcrete clafer || isReference clafer || isSuperest clafers clafer
clafer = findClafer uid'
isConcrete' uid' = isConcrete $ findClafer uid'
upperCards u =
Map.findWithDefault (error $ "No upper cardinality for clafer named \"" ++ u ++ "\".") u upperCardsMap
upperCardsMap = Map.fromList [(_uid c, snd $ fromJust $ _card c) | c <- clafers]
supersAnalysis = foldl (analyzeSupers clafers) Map.empty decls'
supersAndRefsAnalysis = foldl (analyzeRefs clafers) supersAnalysis decls'
constraintAnalysis = analyzeConstraints constraints upperCards
(subclaferMap, parentMap) = analyzeHierarchy clafers
connectedComponents = analyzeDependencies clafers
clafers = concatMap findClafers decls'
constraints = concatMap findConstraints decls'
findClafer uid' = fromJust $ find (isEqClaferId uid') clafers
lowerOrUpperFixedCard analysis' clafer =
maximum [cardLb, cardUb, lowFromConstraints, oneForStar, targetScopeForStar ]
Just (cardLb, cardUb) = _card clafer
oneForStar = if (cardLb == 0 && cardUb == 1) then 1 else 0
targetScopeForStar = if (isReference clafer && cardUb == 1)
then case (directSuper clafers clafer) of
(Just targetClafer) -> Map.findWithDefault 0 (_uid targetClafer) analysis'
Nothing -> 0
else 0
lowFromConstraints = Map.findWithDefault 0 (_uid clafer) constraintAnalysis
analyzeComponent analysis' component =
case flattenSCC component of
[uid'] -> analyzeSingleton uid' analysis'
uids ->
foldr analyzeSingleton assume uids
assume = foldr (`Map.insert` 1) analysis' uids
analyzeSingleton uid' analysis'' = analyze analysis'' $ findClafer uid'
analyze :: Map String Integer -> IClafer -> Map String Integer
analyze analysis' clafer =
Map.insertWith max (_uid clafer) scope analysis'
| _isAbstract clafer = sum subclaferScopes
| otherwise = parentScope * (lowerOrUpperFixedCard analysis' clafer)
subclaferScopes = map (findOrError " subclafer scope not found" analysis') $ filter isConcrete' subclafers
parentScope =
case parentMaybe of
Just parent'' -> findOrError " parent scope not found" analysis' parent''
Nothing -> rootScope
subclafers = Map.findWithDefault [] (_uid clafer) subclaferMap
parentMaybe = Map.lookup (_uid clafer) parentMap
rootScope = 1
findOrError message m key = Map.findWithDefault (error $ key ++ message) key m
analyzeSupers :: [IClafer] -> Map String Integer -> IElement -> Map String Integer
analyzeSupers clafers analysis (IEClafer clafer) =
foldl (analyzeSupers clafers) analysis' (_elements clafer)
(Just (cardLb, cardUb)) = _card clafer
lowerOrFixedUpperBound = maximum [1, cardLb, cardUb ]
analysis' = if (isReference clafer)
then analysis
else case (directSuper clafers clafer) of
(Just c) -> Map.alter (incLB lowerOrFixedUpperBound) (_uid c) analysis
Nothing -> analysis
incLB lb' Nothing = Just lb'
incLB lb' (Just lb) = Just (lb + lb')
analyzeSupers _ analysis _ = analysis
analyzeRefs :: [IClafer] -> Map String Integer -> IElement -> Map String Integer
analyzeRefs clafers analysis (IEClafer clafer) =
foldl (analyzeRefs clafers) analysis' (_elements clafer)
(Just (cardLb, cardUb)) = _card clafer
lowerOrFixedUpperBound = maximum [1, cardLb, cardUb]
analysis' = if (isReference clafer)
then case (directSuper clafers clafer) of
(Just c) -> Map.alter (maxLB lowerOrFixedUpperBound) (_uid c) analysis
Nothing -> analysis
else analysis
maxLB lb' Nothing = Just lb'
maxLB lb' (Just lb) = Just (max lb lb')
analyzeRefs _ analysis _ = analysis
analyzeConstraints :: [PExp] -> (String -> Integer) -> Map String Integer
analyzeConstraints constraints upperCards =
foldr analyzeConstraint Map.empty $ filter isOneOrSomeConstraint constraints
isOneOrSomeConstraint PExp{_exp = IDeclPExp{_quant = quant'}} =
case quant' of
IOne -> True
ISome -> True
_ -> False
isOneOrSomeConstraint _ = False
analyzeConstraint PExp{_exp = IDeclPExp{_oDecls = [], _bpexp = bpexp'}} analysis =
foldr atLeastOne analysis path'
path' = dropThisAndParent $ unfoldJoins bpexp'
atLeastOne = Map.insertWith max `flip` 1
analyzeConstraint PExp{_exp = IDeclPExp{_oDecls = decls'}} analysis =
foldr analyzeDecl analysis decls'
analyzeConstraint _ analysis = analysis
analyzeDecl IDecl{_isDisj = isDisj', _decls = decls', _body = body'} analysis =
foldr (uncurry insert') analysis $ zip path' scores
path' = dropThisAndParent $ unfoldJoins body'
minScope = if isDisj' then fromIntegral $ length decls' else 1
insert' = Map.insertWith max
scores = assign path' minScope
assign [] _ = [1]
assign (p : ps) score =
pScore : ps'
ps' = assign ps score
psScore = product $ ps'
pDesireScore = ceiling (score % psScore)
pMaxScore = upperCards p
pScore = min' pDesireScore pMaxScore
min' a b = if b == 1 then a else min a b
dropThisAndParent = dropWhile (== "parent") . dropWhile (== "this")
analyzeDependencies :: [IClafer] -> [SCC String]
analyzeDependencies clafers = connComponents
connComponents = stronglyConnComp [(key, key, depends) | (key, depends) <- dependencyGraph]
dependencies = concatMap (dependency clafers) clafers
dependencyGraph = Map.toList $ Map.fromListWith (++) [(a, [b]) | (a, b) <- dependencies]
dependency :: [IClafer] -> IClafer -> [(String, String)]
dependency clafers clafer =
selfDependency : (maybeToList superDependency ++ childDependencies)
selfDependency = (_uid clafer, _uid clafer)
| isReference clafer = Nothing
| otherwise =
super' <- directSuper clafers clafer
return (_uid super', _uid clafer)
childDependencies = [(_uid child, _uid clafer) | child <- childClafers clafer]
analyzeHierarchy :: [IClafer] -> (Map String [String], Map String String)
analyzeHierarchy clafers =
foldl hierarchy (Map.empty, Map.empty) clafers
hierarchy (subclaferMap, parentMap) clafer = (subclaferMap', parentMap')
subclaferMap' =
case super' of
Just super'' -> Map.insertWith (++) (_uid super'') [_uid clafer] subclaferMap
Nothing -> subclaferMap
super' = directSuper clafers clafer
parentMap' = foldr (flip Map.insert $ _uid clafer) parentMap (map _uid $ childClafers clafer)
directSuper :: [IClafer] -> IClafer -> Maybe IClafer
directSuper clafers clafer =
second $ findHierarchy getSuper clafers clafer
second [] = Nothing
second [_] = Nothing
second (_:x:_) = Just x
findClafers :: IElement -> [IClafer]
findClafers (IEClafer clafer) = clafer : concatMap findClafers (_elements clafer)
findClafers _ = []
findConstraints :: IElement -> [PExp]
findConstraints IEConstraint{_cpexp = c} = [c]
findConstraints (IEClafer clafer) = concatMap findConstraints (_elements clafer)
findConstraints _ = []
childClafers :: IClafer -> [IClafer]
childClafers clafer = clafer ^.. elements.traversed.iClafer
unfoldJoins :: PExp -> [String]
unfoldJoins pexp =
fromMaybe [] $ unfoldJoins' pexp
unfoldJoins' PExp{_exp = (IFunExp "." args)} =
return $ args >>= unfoldJoins
unfoldJoins' PExp{_exp = IClaferId{_sident = sident'}} =
return $ [sident']
unfoldJoins' _ =
fail "not a join"