{- Copyright (C) 2012-2014 Kacper Bak, Jimmy Liang, Michal Antkiewicz Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. -} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable, NamedFieldPuns #-} module Main where import Prelude hiding (writeFile, readFile, print, putStrLn) import qualified Data.Map as Map import qualified Data.List as List import Data.List.Split import Data.Maybe import Control.Monad.State import System.IO import System.Process import System.Exit import System.Timeout import System.FilePath (dropExtension,takeBaseName) import System.Process (readProcessWithExitCode) import Paths_clafer import Language.Clafer import Language.ClaferT import Language.Clafer.Css import Language.Clafer.ClaferArgs import Language.Clafer.JSONMetaData import Language.Clafer.QNameUID import Language.Clafer.Intermediate.Intclafer import Language.Clafer.Generator.Html (highlightErrors) import Language.Clafer.Generator.Graph (genSimpleGraph) putStrV :: VerbosityL -> String -> IO () putStrV v s = if v > 1 then putStrLn s else return () run :: VerbosityL -> ClaferArgs -> InputModel -> IO () run _ args' input = do result <- runClaferT args' $ do addFragments $ fragments input parse compile fs <- save args' when (validate args') $ forM_ fs (liftIO . runValidate args' ) if Html `elem` (mode args') then htmlCatch result args' input else return () result `cth` handleErrs where cth (Left err) f = f err cth (Right r) _ = return r addFragments [] = return () addFragments (x:xs) = addModuleFragment x >> addFragments xs fragments model = map unlines $ fragments' $ lines model fragments' [] = [] fragments' ("//# FRAGMENT":xs) = fragments' xs fragments' model = takeWhile (/= "//# FRAGMENT") model : fragments' (dropWhile (/= "//# FRAGMENT") model) -- htmlCatch :: Either ClaferErr CompilerResult -> ClaferArgs -> String -> IO(CompilerResult) htmlCatch (Right r) _ _ = return r htmlCatch (Left err) args'' model = do let f = (dropExtension $ file args'') ++ ".html" let result = (if (self_contained args'') then header ++ "" ++ "\n\n
\n" else "") ++ highlightErrors model err ++
                                                               (if (self_contained args'') then "\n
\n" else "") liftIO $ if console_output args'' then putStrLn result else writeFile f result handleErrs = mapM_ handleErr handleErr (ClaferErr mesg) = do putStrLn "\nError...\n" putStrLn mesg exitFailure -- We only use one fragment. Fragment id and position is not useful to us. We -- only care about the position relative to handleErr (ParseErr ErrPos{modelPos = Pos l c} mesg) = do putStrLn $ "\nParse failed at line " ++ show l ++ " column " ++ show c ++ "..." putStrLn mesg exitFailure handleErr (SemanticErr ErrPos{modelPos = Pos l c} mesg) = do putStrLn $ "\nCompile error at line " ++ show l ++ " column " ++ show c ++ "..." putStrLn mesg exitFailure save :: MonadIO m => ClaferArgs -> ClaferT m [ String ] save args'= do resultsMap <- generate let results = snd $ List.unzip $ Map.toList resultsMap -- print stats only once when (not $ no_stats args') $ liftIO $ printStats results -- save the outputs (iModule, _, _) <- getIr forM results $ saveResult iModule resultsMap where -- saveResult :: MonadIO m => CompilerResult -> IModule -> (Map.Map ClaferMode CompilerResult) -> ClaferT m String saveResult iModule' resultsMap' result@CompilerResult { extension } = do result' <- if (add_graph args') && (Html `elem` (mode args') && ("dot" `List.isSuffixOf` (extension))) then do ast' <- getAst (_, graph, _) <- liftIO $ readProcessWithExitCode "dot" ["-Tsvg"] $ genSimpleGraph ast' iModule' (takeBaseName $ file args') (show_references args') return $ summary graph result else return result let f = dropExtension $ file args' let f' = f ++ "." ++ extension liftIO $ if console_output args' then putStrLn (outputCode result') else writeFile f' (outputCode result') liftIO $ when (alloy_mapping args') $ writeFile (f ++ ".map") $ show (mappingToAlloy result') let qNameMaps :: QNameMaps qNameMaps = deriveQNameMaps iModule' liftIO $ when (meta_data args') $ writeFile (f ++ ".cfr-map") $ generateJSONnameUIDMap qNameMaps liftIO $ when (meta_data args' && inScopeModes) $ writeFile (f ++ ".cfr-scope") $ generateJSONScopes qNameMaps $ getScopesList resultsMap' return f' saveResult _ _ NoCompilerResult { reason } = do liftIO $ putStrLn reason return "" printStats :: [CompilerResult] -> IO () printStats [] = putStrLn "No compiler output." printStats (r:rs) = case r of CompilerResult { statistics } -> putStrLn statistics (NoCompilerResult _) -> printStats rs inScopeModes :: Bool inScopeModes = Alloy `elem` mode args' || Alloy42 `elem` mode args' || Choco `elem` mode args' getScopesList :: (Map.Map ClaferMode CompilerResult) -> [(UID, Integer)] getScopesList resultsMap = let alloyResult = Map.lookup Alloy resultsMap alloy42Result = Map.lookup Alloy42 resultsMap chocoResult = Map.lookup Choco resultsMap in if (isNothing alloyResult) then if (isNothing alloy42Result) then if (isNothing chocoResult) then [] else scopesList $ fromJust chocoResult else scopesList $ fromJust alloy42Result else scopesList $ fromJust alloyResult summary :: String -> CompilerResult -> CompilerResult summary graph result = result{outputCode=unlines $ summary' graph ("
" ++ statistics result ++ "
") (lines $ outputCode result)} summary' :: String -> String -> [String] -> [String] summary' _ _ [] = [] summary' graph stats ("":xs) = graph:stats:summary' graph stats xs summary' graph stats ("":xs) = stats:summary' graph stats xs summary' graph stats ("":xs) = graph:summary' graph stats xs summary' graph stats ("":xs) = graph:summary' graph stats xs summary' graph stats (x:xs) = x:summary' graph stats xs conPutStrLn :: ClaferArgs -> String -> IO () conPutStrLn args' s = when (not $ console_output args') $ putStrLn s runValidate :: ClaferArgs -> String -> IO () runValidate args' fo = do let path = (tooldir args') ++ "/" liftIO $ putStrLn ("Validating '" ++ fo ++"'") let modes = mode args' when (Xml `elem` modes && "xml" `List.isSuffixOf` fo) $ do writeFile "ClaferIR.xsd" claferIRXSD voidf $ system $ "java -classpath " ++ path ++ " XsdCheck ClaferIR.xsd " ++ fo when (Alloy `elem` modes && "als41" `List.isSuffixOf` fo) $ do voidf $ system $ validateAlloy path "4" ++ fo when (Alloy42 `elem` modes && "als" `List.isSuffixOf` fo) $ do voidf $ system $ validateAlloy path "4.2" ++ fo when (Clafer `elem` modes && "des.cfr" `List.isSuffixOf` fo) $ do voidf $ system $ "../dist/build/clafer/clafer -s -m=clafer " ++ fo validateAlloy :: String -> String -> String validateAlloy path version = "java -cp " ++ path ++ "alloy" ++ version ++ ".jar edu.mit.csail.sdg.alloy4whole.ExampleUsingTheCompiler " main :: IO () main = do (args', model) <- mainArgs let timeInSec = (timeout_analysis args') * 10^(6::Integer) if timeInSec > 0 then timeout timeInSec $ start 2 args' model else Just `liftM` start 2 args' model return () start :: VerbosityL -> ClaferArgs -> InputModel-> IO () start v args' model = if schema args' then putStrLn claferIRXSD else if ecore2clafer args' then runEcore2Clafer (file args') $ (tooldir args') else run v args' model runEcore2Clafer :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO () runEcore2Clafer ecoreFile toolPath | null ecoreFile = do putStrLn "Error: Provide a file name of an ECore model." | otherwise = do putStrLn $ "Converting " ++ ecoreFile ++ " into Clafer" voidf $ system $ "java -jar " ++ toolPath ++ "/ecore2clafer.jar " ++ ecoreFile