{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {- Copyright (C) 2012 Kacper Bak, Jimmy Liang Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. -} module Language.Clafer.Intermediate.ResolverName where import Control.Applicative import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.Error import Control.Monad.Maybe import Control.Monad.State import Data.Maybe import Data.Function import Data.List import Language.ClaferT import Language.Clafer.Common import Language.Clafer.Intermediate.Intclafer import qualified Language.Clafer.Intermediate.Intclafer as I -- | this environment is created for each clafer data SEnv = SEnv { clafers :: [IClafer], -- (constant) top level clafers context :: Maybe IClafer, -- context of a constraint subClafers :: [(IClafer, [IClafer])], -- descendans (BFS) ancClafers :: [(IClafer, [IClafer])], -- ancesors (BFS) bindings :: [([String], [IClafer])], -- local names resPath :: [IClafer], -- path to the current clafer genv :: GEnv, -- (constant) aClafers :: [(IClafer, [IClafer])], -- (constant) abstract clafers (BFS) cClafers :: [(IClafer, [IClafer])] -- (constant) all concrete clafers (BFS) } deriving Show -- | How a given name was resolved data HowResolved = -- | "this", "parent", "children" Special -- | primitive type: integer, string | TypeSpecial -- | local variable (in constraints) | Binding -- | clafer's descendant | Subclafers -- | resolved by a reference | Reference -- | clafer's ancestor | Ancestor -- | abstract clafer | AbsClafer -- | non-abstract top-level clafer | TopClafer deriving (Eq, Show) type Resolve = Either ClaferSErr -- initialize the cache (env) defSEnv :: GEnv -> [IElement] -> SEnv defSEnv genv' declarations = env {aClafers = rCl aClafers', cClafers = rCl cClafers'} where env = SEnv (toClafers declarations) Nothing [] [] [] [] genv' [] [] rCl cs = bfs toNodeDeep $ map (\c -> env{context = Just c, resPath = [c]}) cs (aClafers', cClafers') = partition _isAbstract $ clafers env checkDuplicateSiblings :: IModule -> Resolve [IElement] checkDuplicateSiblings tree = let duplicate = checkDuplicateSiblings' $ _mDecls tree in if (isJust duplicate) then let Just(name,pos') = duplicate in throwError $ SemanticErr pos' $ ("Duplicate name: " ++ name) --error else return $ _mDecls tree checkDuplicateSiblings' :: [IElement] -> Maybe (String,Span) checkDuplicateSiblings' tree =if (isJust check) then check else checkForJust $ map checkDuplicateSiblings' elementsList where check = checkListDuplicates $ map (\c -> (_ident c, _cinPos c)) $ map (\(IEClafer eclafer) -> eclafer) $ filter isIEClafer tree elementsList = map (\c -> _elements c) $ map (\(IEClafer eclafer) -> eclafer) $ filter isIEClafer tree checkForJust :: [Maybe (String,Span)] -> Maybe (String,Span) checkForJust [] = Nothing checkForJust (h:rest) = if (isJust h) then h else checkForJust rest checkListDuplicates :: [(String, Span)] -> Maybe (String,Span) checkListDuplicates list = checkListDuplicates' $ sortBy (compare `on` fst) list checkListDuplicates' :: [(String,Span)] -> Maybe (String,Span) checkListDuplicates' [] = Nothing checkListDuplicates' (_:[]) = Nothing checkListDuplicates' ((a,b):(c,d):rest) = if a == c then Just (a,b) else checkListDuplicates' ((c,d):rest) isIEClafer :: IElement -> Bool isIEClafer (IEClafer _) = True isIEClafer _ = False resolveModuleNames :: (IModule, GEnv) -> Resolve IModule resolveModuleNames (imodule, genv') = do decls' <- checkDuplicateSiblings imodule mDecls' <- mapM (resolveElement (defSEnv genv' decls')) decls' return $ imodule{_mDecls = mDecls'} resolveClafer :: SEnv -> IClafer -> Resolve IClafer resolveClafer env clafer = do elements' <- mapM (resolveElement env'{subClafers = subClafers', ancClafers = ancClafers'}) $ _elements clafer return $ clafer {_elements = elements'} where env' = env {context = Just clafer, resPath = clafer : resPath env} subClafers' = tail $ bfs toNodeDeep [env'{resPath = [clafer]}] ancClafers' = (init $ tails $ resPath env) >>= (mkAncestorList env) mkAncestorList :: SEnv -> [IClafer] -> [(IClafer, [IClafer])] mkAncestorList env rp = bfs toNodeDeep [env{context = Just $ head rp, resPath = rp}] resolveElement :: SEnv -> IElement -> Resolve IElement resolveElement env x = case x of IEClafer clafer -> IEClafer <$> resolveClafer env clafer IEConstraint isHard' pexp -> IEConstraint isHard' <$> resolvePExp env pexp IEGoal isMaximize' pexp -> IEGoal isMaximize' <$> resolvePExp env pexp resolvePExp :: SEnv -> PExp -> Resolve PExp resolvePExp env pexp = do exp' <- resolveIExp (_inPos pexp) env $ Language.Clafer.Intermediate.Intclafer._exp pexp return $ pexp {Language.Clafer.Intermediate.Intclafer._exp = exp'} resolveIExp :: Span -> SEnv -> IExp -> Resolve IExp resolveIExp pos' env x = case x of IDeclPExp quant' decls' pexp -> do let (decls'', env') = runState (runErrorT $ (mapM (ErrorT . processDecl) decls')) env IDeclPExp quant' <$> decls'' <*> resolvePExp env' pexp IFunExp op' exps' -> if op' == iJoin then resNav else IFunExp op' <$> mapM res exps' IInt _ -> return x IDouble _ -> return x IStr _ -> return x IClaferId _ _ _ -> resNav where res = resolvePExp env resNav = fst <$> resolveNav pos' env x True liftError :: Monad m => Either e a -> ErrorT e m a liftError = ErrorT . return processDecl :: MonadState SEnv m => IDecl -> m (Resolve IDecl) processDecl decl = runErrorT $ do env <- lift $ get (body', path) <- liftError $ resolveNav (_inPos $ _body decl) env (I._exp $ _body decl) True lift $ modify (\e -> e { bindings = (_decls decl, path) : bindings e }) return $ decl {_body = pExpDefPidPos body'} resolveNav :: Span -> SEnv -> IExp -> Bool -> Resolve (IExp, [IClafer]) resolveNav pos' env x isFirst = case x of IFunExp _ (pexp0:pexp:_) -> do (exp0', path) <- resolveNav (_inPos pexp0) env (I._exp pexp0) True (exp', path') <- resolveNav (_inPos pexp) env {context = listToMaybe path, resPath = path} (I._exp pexp) False return (IFunExp iJoin [pexp0{I._exp=exp0'}, pexp{I._exp=exp'}], path') IClaferId modName' id' _ -> out where out | isFirst = mkPath env <$> resolveName pos' env id' | otherwise = mkPath' modName' <$> resolveImmName pos' env id' y -> throwError $ SemanticErr pos' $ "Cannot resolve nav of " ++ show y -- depending on how resolved construct a path mkPath :: SEnv -> (HowResolved, String, [IClafer]) -> (IExp, [IClafer]) mkPath env (howResolved, id', path) = case howResolved of Binding -> (mkLClaferId id' True, path) Special -> (specIExp, path) TypeSpecial -> (mkLClaferId id' True, path) Subclafers -> (toNav $ tail $ reverse $ map _uid path, path) Ancestor -> (toNav' $ adjustAncestor (reverse $ map _uid $ resPath env) (reverse $ map _uid path), path) _ -> (toNav' $ reverse $ map _uid path, path) where toNav = foldl (\exp' id'' -> IFunExp iJoin [pExpDefPidPos exp', mkPLClaferId id'' False]) (mkLClaferId this True) specIExp = if id' /= this then toNav [id'] else mkLClaferId id' True toNav' :: [String] -> IExp toNav' p = (mkIFunExp iJoin $ map (\c -> mkLClaferId c False) p) :: IExp adjustAncestor :: [String] -> [String] -> [String] adjustAncestor cPath rPath = this : parents ++ (fromJust $ stripPrefix prefix rPath) where parents = replicate (length $ fromJust $ stripPrefix prefix cPath) parent prefix = fst $ unzip $ takeWhile (uncurry (==)) $ zip cPath rPath mkPath' :: String -> (HowResolved, String, [IClafer]) -> (IExp, [IClafer]) mkPath' modName' (howResolved, id', path) = case howResolved of Reference -> (toNav' ["ref", id'], path) _ -> (IClaferId modName' id' False, path) -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- resolveName :: Span -> SEnv -> String -> Resolve (HowResolved, String, [IClafer]) resolveName pos' env id' = resolve env id' [resolveSpecial, resolveBind, resolveDescendants, resolveAncestor pos', resolveTopLevel pos', resolveNone pos'] resolveImmName :: Span -> SEnv -> String -> Resolve (HowResolved, String, [IClafer]) resolveImmName pos' env id' = resolve env id' [resolveSpecial, resolveChildren pos', resolveReference pos', resolveNone pos'] -- when one strategy fails, we want to move to the next one resolve :: (Monad f, Functor f) => SEnv -> String -> [SEnv -> String -> f (Maybe b)] -> f b resolve env id' fs = fromJust <$> (runMaybeT $ msum $ map (\x -> MaybeT $ x env id') fs) -- reports error if clafer not found resolveNone :: Span -> SEnv -> String -> Resolve t resolveNone pos' env id' = throwError $ SemanticErr pos' $ "resolver: " ++ id' ++ " not found" ++ " within " ++ (showPath $ map _uid $ resPath env) -- checks if ident is one of special identifiers resolveSpecial :: SEnv -> String -> Resolve (Maybe (HowResolved, String, [IClafer])) resolveSpecial env id' | id' `elem` [this, children, ref] = return $ Just (Special, id', resPath env) | id' == parent = return $ Just (Special, id', tail $ resPath env) | isPrimitive id' = return $ Just (TypeSpecial, id', []) | otherwise = return Nothing -- checks if ident is bound locally resolveBind :: SEnv -> String -> Resolve (Maybe (HowResolved, String, [IClafer])) resolveBind env id' = return $ find (\bs -> id' `elem` fst bs) (bindings env) >>= (\x -> Just (Binding, id', snd x)) -- searches for a name in all subclafers (BFS) resolveDescendants :: SEnv -> String -> Resolve (Maybe (HowResolved, String, [IClafer])) resolveDescendants env id' = return $ (context env) >> (findFirst id' $ subClafers env) >>= (toMTriple Subclafers) -- searches for a name in immediate subclafers (BFS) resolveChildren :: Span -> SEnv -> String -> Resolve (Maybe (HowResolved, String, [IClafer])) resolveChildren pos' env id' = resolveChildren' pos' env id' allInhChildren Subclafers -- searches for a name by dereferencing clafer resolveReference :: Span -> SEnv -> String -> Resolve (Maybe (HowResolved, String, [IClafer])) resolveReference pos' env id' = resolveChildren' pos' env id' allChildren Reference resolveChildren' :: Span -> SEnv -> String -> (SEnv -> [IClafer]) -> HowResolved -> Either ClaferSErr (Maybe (HowResolved, String, [IClafer])) resolveChildren' pos' env id' f label = runMaybeT $ do liftMaybe $ context env u <- MaybeT $ findUnique pos' id' $ map (\x -> (x, [x,fromJust $ context env])) $ f env liftMaybe $ toMTriple label u liftMaybe :: Maybe a -> MaybeT (Either ClaferSErr) a liftMaybe = MaybeT . return resolveAncestor :: Span -> SEnv -> String -> Resolve (Maybe (HowResolved, String, [IClafer])) resolveAncestor pos' env id' = runMaybeT $ do liftMaybe $ context env u <- MaybeT $ findUnique pos' id' $ ancClafers env liftMaybe $ toMTriple Ancestor u -- searches for a feature starting from local root (BFS) and then continues with -- other declarations resolveTopLevel :: Span -> SEnv -> String -> Resolve (Maybe (HowResolved, String, [IClafer])) resolveTopLevel pos' env id' = runMaybeT $ foldr1 mplus $ map (\(cs, hr) -> MaybeT (findUnique pos' id' cs) >>= (liftMaybe . toMTriple hr)) [(aClafers env, AbsClafer), (cClafers env, TopClafer)] toNodeDeep :: SEnv -> ((IClafer, [IClafer]), [SEnv]) -- ((curr. clafer, resolution path), remaining children to traverse) toNodeDeep env | length (clafer `elemIndices` resPath env) > 1 = (result, []) -- cut bfs recusion in case clafer repeats | otherwise = (result, map (\c -> env {context = Just c, resPath = c : resPath env}) $ allInhChildren env) where result = (clafer, resPath env) clafer = fromJust $ context env -- return children and inherited children but no children of reference targets allInhChildren :: SEnv -> [IClafer] allInhChildren = selectChildren getSuperNoArr -- return all children including inherited children children of reference targets allChildren :: SEnv -> [IClafer] allChildren = selectChildren getSuper selectChildren :: (IClafer -> String) -> SEnv -> [IClafer] selectChildren f env = getSubclafers $ concat $ mapHierarchy _elements f (sClafers $ genv env) (fromJust $ context env) findUnique :: Span -> String -> [(IClafer, [IClafer])] -> Resolve (Maybe (String, [IClafer])) findUnique pos' x xs = case filterPaths x $ nub xs of [] -> return $ Nothing [elem'] -> return $ Just $ (_uid $ fst elem', snd elem') xs' -> throwError $ SemanticErr pos' $ "clafer " ++ show x ++ " " ++ errMsg where xs'' = map ((map _uid).snd) xs' errMsg = (if isNamespaceConflict xs'' then "cannot be defined because the name should be unique in the same namespace.\n" else "is not unique. ") ++ "Available paths:\n" ++ (xs'' >>= showPath) findFirst :: String -> [(IClafer, [IClafer])] -> Maybe (String, [IClafer]) findFirst x xs = case filterPaths x $ nub xs of [] -> Nothing (ele:_) -> Just $ (_uid $ fst ele, snd ele) showPath :: [String] -> String showPath xs = (intercalate "." $ reverse xs) ++ "\n" isNamespaceConflict :: [[String]] -> Bool isNamespaceConflict (xs:ys:_) = tail xs == tail ys isNamespaceConflict x = error $ "isNamespaceConflict must be given a list" ++ " of at least two elements, but was given " ++ show x filterPaths :: String -> [(IClafer, [IClafer])] -> [(IClafer, [IClafer])] filterPaths x xs = filter (((==) x)._ident.fst) xs