name: cjk version: synopsis: Data about Chinese, Japanese and Korean characters and languages description: A Haskell interface to the most important information from the Unicode Unihan character database and CC-CEDICT free Chinese-English dictionary. . Contributions of data from more sources are very welcome! homepage: license: BSD3 license-file: LICENSE author: Max Bolingbroke maintainer: Max Bolingbroke category: Text build-type: Simple cabal-version: >=1.8 data-files: data/cedict_1_0_ts_utf-8_mdbg.txt data/Unihan/*.txt library exposed-modules: CJK.Data.Unihan.DictionaryLikeData CJK.Data.Unihan.NumericValues CJK.Data.Unihan.RadicalStrokeCounts CJK.Data.Unihan.Readings CJK.Data.Unihan.Variants CJK.Data.CEDICT CJK.Data.Hangul CJK.Data.Jyutping CJK.Data.KoreanYale CJK.Data.Pinyin CJK.Data.QuocNgu CJK.Data.Types other-modules: CJK.Data.Internal CJK.Utilities -- I don't think I should have to put this here, but if I don't then any executables -- linking against the cjk library will fail to find symbols exported by this module Paths_cjk build-depends: base >=4.5 && < 5 , containers >=0.4.2 , bytestring >=0.9 , text >=0.11 , text-icu >= , attoparsec >=0.10.3 test-suite tests type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 hs-source-dirs: tests main-is: Tests.hs build-depends: base , cjk source-repository head type: git location: