module Text.CSL.Pickle.Hexpat where
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
import Data.ByteString.Lazy.UTF8 ( toString )
import Data.Maybe
import Text.XML.Expat.Tree hiding ( mkText, getText, getChildren )
import Text.XML.Expat.Format
import Text.XML.Expat.Proc
type Content = UNode String
type Attr = (String, String)
showXML :: Content -> String
showXML = toString . format
getText :: [Content] -> Maybe String
getText [] = Nothing
getText (c:xs)
| Text x <- c = Just (x ++ getAllText xs)
| otherwise = Nothing
getAllText :: [Content] -> String
getAllText [] = []
getAllText (c:xs)
| Text cd <- c = cd ++ getAllText xs
| otherwise = []
dropFirstElem :: [Content] -> [Content]
dropFirstElem [] = []
dropFirstElem (x:xs)
| Text {} <- x = dropFirstElem xs
| otherwise = xs
dropText :: [Content] -> [Content]
dropText [] = []
dropText a@(c:cs)
| Text _ <- c = dropText cs
| otherwise = a
getChildren :: Content -> [Content]
getChildren c
| Element _ _ x <- c = x
| otherwise = []
getElemName :: Content -> Maybe String
getElemName c
| Element x _ _ <- c = Just x
| otherwise = Nothing
getAttName :: Attr -> String
getAttName = reverse . takeWhile (/= ':') . reverse . fst
getAttrl :: Content -> [Attr]
getAttrl c
| Element _ x _ <- c = x
| otherwise = []
getAttrVal :: [Content] -> String
getAttrVal at
| Text cd : _ <- at = cd
| otherwise = []
mkText :: String -> Content
mkText = Text
mkName :: String -> String
mkName = id
mkElement :: String -> [Attr] -> [Content] -> Content
mkElement n a c = Element n a c
mkAttribute :: String -> String -> Attr
mkAttribute n v = (n, v)
attrToCont :: Attr -> Content
attrToCont = Text . snd
qualifiedName :: String -> String
qualifiedName = id
onlyElems' :: [Content] -> [Content]
onlyElems' = onlyElems
parseXML' :: L.ByteString -> [Content]
parseXML' s
= case parse defaultParseOptions s of
(_, Just e) -> error $ "error while reading the XML file: " ++ show e
(x, Nothing) -> return x