{ module Language.Cimple.Parser ( parseTranslationUnit ) where import Data.Fix (Fix (..)) import Language.Cimple.Ast (AssignOp (..), BinaryOp (..), CommentStyle (..), LiteralType (..), Node, NodeF (..), Scope (..), UnaryOp (..)) import Language.Cimple.Lexer (Alex, AlexPosn (..), Lexeme (..), alexError, alexMonadScan) import Language.Cimple.Tokens (LexemeClass (..)) } -- Conflict between (static) FunctionDecl and (static) ConstDecl. %expect 2 %name parseTranslationUnit TranslationUnit %error {parseError} %errorhandlertype explist %lexer {lexwrap} {L _ Eof _} %monad {Alex} %tokentype {Lexeme String} %token ID_CONST { L _ IdConst _ } ID_FUNC_TYPE { L _ IdFuncType _ } ID_STD_TYPE { L _ IdStdType _ } ID_SUE_TYPE { L _ IdSueType _ } ID_VAR { L _ IdVar _ } break { L _ KwBreak _ } case { L _ KwCase _ } const { L _ KwConst _ } continue { L _ KwContinue _ } default { L _ KwDefault _ } do { L _ KwDo _ } else { L _ KwElse _ } enum { L _ KwEnum _ } extern { L _ KwExtern _ } for { L _ KwFor _ } goto { L _ KwGoto _ } if { L _ KwIf _ } return { L _ KwReturn _ } sizeof { L _ KwSizeof _ } static { L _ KwStatic _ } static_assert { L _ KwStaticAssert _ } struct { L _ KwStruct _ } switch { L _ KwSwitch _ } typedef { L _ KwTypedef _ } union { L _ KwUnion _ } VLA { L _ KwVla _ } void { L _ KwVoid _ } while { L _ KwWhile _ } LIT_CHAR { L _ LitChar _ } LIT_FALSE { L _ LitFalse _ } LIT_TRUE { L _ LitTrue _ } LIT_INTEGER { L _ LitInteger _ } LIT_STRING { L _ LitString _ } LIT_SYS_INCLUDE { L _ LitSysInclude _ } '&' { L _ PctAmpersand _ } '&&' { L _ PctAmpersandAmpersand _ } '&=' { L _ PctAmpersandEq _ } '->' { L _ PctArrow _ } '*' { L _ PctAsterisk _ } '*=' { L _ PctAsteriskEq _ } '^' { L _ PctCaret _ } '^=' { L _ PctCaretEq _ } ':' { L _ PctColon _ } ',' { L _ PctComma _ } '!' { L _ PctEMark _ } '!=' { L _ PctEMarkEq _ } '=' { L _ PctEq _ } '==' { L _ PctEqEq _ } '>' { L _ PctGreater _ } '>=' { L _ PctGreaterEq _ } '>>' { L _ PctGreaterGreater _ } '>>=' { L _ PctGreaterGreaterEq _ } '{' { L _ PctLBrace _ } '[' { L _ PctLBrack _ } '<' { L _ PctLess _ } '<=' { L _ PctLessEq _ } '<<' { L _ PctLessLess _ } '<<=' { L _ PctLessLessEq _ } '(' { L _ PctLParen _ } '-' { L _ PctMinus _ } '-=' { L _ PctMinusEq _ } '--' { L _ PctMinusMinus _ } '%' { L _ PctPercent _ } '%=' { L _ PctPercentEq _ } '.' { L _ PctPeriod _ } '...' { L _ PctEllipsis _ } '|' { L _ PctPipe _ } '|=' { L _ PctPipeEq _ } '||' { L _ PctPipePipe _ } '+' { L _ PctPlus _ } '+=' { L _ PctPlusEq _ } '++' { L _ PctPlusPlus _ } '?' { L _ PctQMark _ } '}' { L _ PctRBrace _ } ']' { L _ PctRBrack _ } ')' { L _ PctRParen _ } ';' { L _ PctSemicolon _ } '/' { L _ PctSlash _ } '/=' { L _ PctSlashEq _ } '~' { L _ PctTilde _ } 'defined' { L _ PpDefined _ } '#define' { L _ PpDefine _ } '#elif' { L _ PpElif _ } '#else' { L _ PpElse _ } '#endif' { L _ PpEndif _ } '#if' { L _ PpIf _ } '#ifdef' { L _ PpIfdef _ } '#ifndef' { L _ PpIfndef _ } '#include' { L _ PpInclude _ } '#undef' { L _ PpUndef _ } '\n' { L _ PpNewline _ } '/**/' { L _ CmtBlock _ } '/*' { L _ CmtStart _ } '/**' { L _ CmtStartDoc _ } '/***' { L _ CmtStartBlock _ } ' * ' { L _ CmtIndent _ } '*/' { L _ CmtEnd _ } 'Copyright' { L _ CmtSpdxCopyright _ } 'License' { L _ CmtSpdxLicense _ } CMT_CODE { L _ CmtCode _ } CMT_WORD { L _ CmtWord _ } CMT_REF { L _ CmtRef _ } %left ',' %right '=' '+=' '-=' '*=' '/=' '%=' '<<=' '>>=' '&=' '^=' '|=' %right '?' ':' %left '||' %left '&&' %left '|' %left '^' %left '&' %left '!=' '==' %left '<' '<=' '>' '>=' %left '<<' '>>' %left '+' '-' %left '*' '/' '%' %right CAST ADDRESS NEG DEREF sizeof '!' '~' '++' '--' %left '->' '.' '(' '[' %% TranslationUnit :: { [StringNode] } TranslationUnit : ToplevelDecls { reverse $1 } | LicenseDecl ToplevelDecls { $1 : reverse $2 } LicenseDecl :: { StringNode } LicenseDecl : '/*' 'License' CMT_WORD '\n' CopyrightDecls '*/' { Fix $ LicenseDecl $3 (reverse $5) } CopyrightDecls :: { [StringNode] } CopyrightDecls : CopyrightDecl { [$1] } | CopyrightDecls CopyrightDecl { $2 : $1 } CopyrightDecl :: { StringNode } CopyrightDecl : ' * ' 'Copyright' CopyrightDates CopyrightOwner '\n' { Fix $ CopyrightDecl (fst $3) (snd $3) $4 } CopyrightDates :: { (StringLexeme, Maybe StringLexeme) } CopyrightDates : LIT_INTEGER { ($1, Nothing) } | LIT_INTEGER '-' LIT_INTEGER { ($1, Just $3) } CopyrightOwner :: { [StringLexeme] } CopyrightOwner : CMT_WORD CommentWords { $1 : reverse $2 } ToplevelDecls :: { [StringNode] } ToplevelDecls : ToplevelDecl { [$1] } | ToplevelDecls ToplevelDecl { $2 : $1 } ToplevelDecl :: { StringNode } ToplevelDecl : AggregateDecl { $1 } | Comment { $1 } | ConstDecl { $1 } | EnumDecl { $1 } | ExternC { $1 } | FunctionDecl { $1 } | PreprocDefine { $1 } | PreprocIfdef(ToplevelDecls) { $1 } | PreprocIf(ToplevelDecls) { $1 } | PreprocInclude { $1 } | PreprocUndef { $1 } | StaticAssert { $1 } | TypedefDecl { $1 } StaticAssert :: { StringNode } StaticAssert : static_assert '(' ConstExpr ',' LIT_STRING ')' ';' { Fix $ StaticAssert $3 $5 } Comment :: { StringNode } Comment : '/*' CommentTokens '*/' { Fix $ Comment Regular $1 (reverse $2) $3 } | '/**' CommentTokens '*/' { Fix $ Comment Doxygen $1 (reverse $2) $3 } | '/***' CommentTokens '*/' { Fix $ Comment Block $1 (reverse $2) $3 } | '/**/' { Fix $ CommentBlock $1 } CommentTokens :: { [StringLexeme] } CommentTokens : CommentToken { [$1] } | CommentTokens CommentToken { $2 : $1 } CommentToken :: { StringLexeme } CommentToken : CommentWord { $1 } | '\n' { $1 } | ' * ' { $1 } CommentWords :: { [StringLexeme] } CommentWords : { [] } | CommentWords CommentWord { $2 : $1 } CommentWord :: { StringLexeme } CommentWord : CMT_WORD { $1 } | CMT_REF { $1 } | CMT_CODE { $1 } | LIT_INTEGER { $1 } | LIT_STRING { $1 } | '.' { $1 } | '?' { $1 } | '!' { $1 } | ',' { $1 } | ';' { $1 } | ':' { $1 } | '(' { $1 } | ')' { $1 } | '<' { $1 } | '>' { $1 } | '/' { $1 } | '+' { $1 } | '-' { $1 } | '=' { $1 } PreprocIfdef(decls) : '#ifdef' ID_CONST decls PreprocElse(decls) '#endif' { Fix $ PreprocIfdef $2 (reverse $3) $4 } | '#ifndef' ID_CONST decls PreprocElse(decls) '#endif' { Fix $ PreprocIfndef $2 (reverse $3) $4 } PreprocIf(decls) : '#if' PreprocConstExpr '\n' decls PreprocElif(decls) '#endif' { Fix $ PreprocIf $2 (reverse $4) $5 } PreprocElif(decls) : PreprocElse(decls) { $1 } | '#elif' PreprocConstExpr '\n' decls PreprocElif(decls) { Fix $ PreprocElif $2 (reverse $4) $5 } PreprocElse(decls) : { Fix $ PreprocElse [] } | '#else' decls { Fix $ PreprocElse (reverse $2) } PreprocInclude :: { StringNode } PreprocInclude : '#include' LIT_STRING { Fix $ PreprocInclude $2 } | '#include' LIT_SYS_INCLUDE { Fix $ PreprocInclude $2 } PreprocDefine :: { StringNode } PreprocDefine : '#define' ID_CONST '\n' { Fix $ PreprocDefine $2 } | '#define' ID_CONST PreprocSafeExpr(ConstExpr) '\n' { Fix $ PreprocDefineConst $2 $3 } | '#define' ID_CONST MacroParamList MacroBody '\n' { Fix $ PreprocDefineMacro $2 $3 $4 } PreprocUndef :: { StringNode } PreprocUndef : '#undef' ID_CONST { Fix $ PreprocUndef $2 } PreprocConstExpr :: { StringNode } PreprocConstExpr : PureExpr(PreprocConstExpr) { $1 } | 'defined' '(' ID_CONST ')' { Fix $ PreprocDefined $3 } MacroParamList :: { [StringNode] } MacroParamList : '(' ')' { [] } | '(' MacroParams ')' { reverse $2 } | '(' MacroParams ',' '...' ')' { reverse $ Fix Ellipsis : $2 } MacroParams :: { [StringNode] } MacroParams : MacroParam { [$1] } | MacroParams ',' MacroParam { $3 : $1 } MacroParam :: { StringNode } MacroParam : ID_VAR { Fix $ MacroParam $1 } MacroBody :: { StringNode } MacroBody : do CompoundStmt while '(' LIT_INTEGER ')' {% macroBodyStmt $2 $5 } | FunctionCall { Fix $ MacroBodyFunCall $1 } ExternC :: { StringNode } ExternC : '#ifdef' ID_CONST extern LIT_STRING '{' '#endif' ToplevelDecls '#ifdef' ID_CONST '}' '#endif' {% externC $2 $4 (reverse $7) $9 } Stmts :: { [StringNode] } Stmts : Stmt { [$1] } | Stmts Stmt { $2 : $1 } Stmt :: { StringNode } Stmt : PreprocIfdef(Stmts) { $1 } | PreprocIf(Stmts) { $1 } | PreprocDefine Stmts PreprocUndef { Fix $ PreprocScopedDefine $1 $2 $3 } | DeclStmt { $1 } | CompoundStmt { $1 } | IfStmt { $1 } | ForStmt { $1 } | WhileStmt { $1 } | DoWhileStmt { $1 } | AssignExpr ';' { $1 } | ExprStmt ';' { $1 } | FunctionCall ';' { $1 } | break ';' { Fix $ Break } | goto ID_CONST ';' { Fix $ Goto $2 } | ID_CONST ':' Stmt { Fix $ Label $1 $3 } | continue ';' { Fix $ Continue } | return ';' { Fix $ Return Nothing } | return Expr ';' { Fix $ Return (Just $2) } | switch '(' Expr ')' '{' SwitchCases '}' { Fix $ SwitchStmt $3 (reverse $6) } | Comment { $1 } IfStmt :: { StringNode } IfStmt : if '(' Expr ')' CompoundStmt { Fix $ IfStmt $3 $5 Nothing } | if '(' Expr ')' CompoundStmt else IfStmt { Fix $ IfStmt $3 $5 (Just $7) } | if '(' Expr ')' CompoundStmt else CompoundStmt { Fix $ IfStmt $3 $5 (Just $7) } ForStmt :: { StringNode } ForStmt : for '(' ForInit Expr ';' ForNext ')' CompoundStmt { Fix $ ForStmt $3 $4 $6 $8 } ForInit :: { StringNode } ForInit : AssignExpr ';' { $1 } | VarDeclStmt { $1 } ForNext :: { StringNode } ForNext : ExprStmt { $1 } | AssignExpr { $1 } WhileStmt :: { StringNode } WhileStmt : while '(' Expr ')' CompoundStmt { Fix $ WhileStmt $3 $5 } DoWhileStmt :: { StringNode } DoWhileStmt : do CompoundStmt while '(' Expr ')' ';' { Fix $ DoWhileStmt $2 $5 } SwitchCases :: { [StringNode] } SwitchCases : SwitchCase { [$1] } | SwitchCases SwitchCase { $2 : $1 } SwitchCase :: { StringNode } SwitchCase : case Expr ':' SwitchCaseBody { Fix $ Case $2 $4 } | default ':' SwitchCaseBody { Fix $ Default $3 } SwitchCaseBody :: { StringNode } SwitchCaseBody : CompoundStmt { $1 } | SwitchCase { $1 } | return Expr ';' { Fix $ Return (Just $2) } DeclStmt :: { StringNode } DeclStmt : VarDeclStmt { $1 } | VLA '(' QualType ',' ID_VAR ',' Expr ')' ';' { Fix $ VLA $3 $5 $7 } VarDeclStmt :: { StringNode } VarDeclStmt : VarDecl '=' InitialiserExpr ';' { Fix $ VarDeclStmt $1 (Just $3) } | VarDecl ';' { Fix $ VarDeclStmt $1 Nothing } VarDecl :: { StringNode } VarDecl : QualType ID_VAR DeclSpecArrays { Fix $ VarDecl $1 $2 $3 } DeclSpecArrays :: { [StringNode] } DeclSpecArrays : { [] } | DeclSpecArrays DeclSpecArray { $2 : $1 } DeclSpecArray :: { StringNode } DeclSpecArray : '[' ']' { Fix $ DeclSpecArray Nothing } | '[' Expr ']' { Fix $ DeclSpecArray (Just $2) } InitialiserExpr :: { StringNode } InitialiserExpr : InitialiserList { Fix $ InitialiserList $1 } | Expr { $1 } InitialiserList :: { [StringNode] } InitialiserList : '{' Initialisers '}' { reverse $2 } | '{' Initialisers ',' '}' { reverse $2 } Initialisers :: { [StringNode] } Initialisers : Initialiser { [$1] } | Initialisers ',' Initialiser { $3 : $1 } Initialiser :: { StringNode } Initialiser : Expr { $1 } | InitialiserList { Fix $ InitialiserList $1 } CompoundStmt :: { StringNode } CompoundStmt : '{' Stmts '}' { Fix $ CompoundStmt (reverse $2) } -- Expressions that are safe for use as macro body without () around it.. PreprocSafeExpr(x) : LiteralExpr { $1 } | '(' x ')' { Fix $ ParenExpr $2 } | '(' QualType ')' x %prec CAST { Fix $ CastExpr $2 $4 } | sizeof '(' x ')' { Fix $ SizeofExpr $3 } | sizeof '(' QualType ')' { Fix $ SizeofType $3 } ConstExpr :: { StringNode } ConstExpr : PureExpr(ConstExpr) { $1 } PureExpr(x) : PreprocSafeExpr(x) { $1 } | x '!=' x { Fix $ BinaryExpr $1 BopNe $3 } | x '==' x { Fix $ BinaryExpr $1 BopEq $3 } | x '||' x { Fix $ BinaryExpr $1 BopOr $3 } | x '^' x { Fix $ BinaryExpr $1 BopBitXor $3 } | x '|' x { Fix $ BinaryExpr $1 BopBitOr $3 } | x '&&' x { Fix $ BinaryExpr $1 BopAnd $3 } | x '&' x { Fix $ BinaryExpr $1 BopBitAnd $3 } | x '/' x { Fix $ BinaryExpr $1 BopDiv $3 } | x '*' x { Fix $ BinaryExpr $1 BopMul $3 } | x '%' x { Fix $ BinaryExpr $1 BopMod $3 } | x '+' x { Fix $ BinaryExpr $1 BopPlus $3 } | x '-' x { Fix $ BinaryExpr $1 BopMinus $3 } | x '<' x { Fix $ BinaryExpr $1 BopLt $3 } | x '<=' x { Fix $ BinaryExpr $1 BopLe $3 } | x '<<' x { Fix $ BinaryExpr $1 BopLsh $3 } | x '>' x { Fix $ BinaryExpr $1 BopGt $3 } | x '>=' x { Fix $ BinaryExpr $1 BopGe $3 } | x '>>' x { Fix $ BinaryExpr $1 BopRsh $3 } | x '?' x ':' x { Fix $ TernaryExpr $1 $3 $5 } | '!' x { Fix $ UnaryExpr UopNot $2 } | '~' x { Fix $ UnaryExpr UopNeg $2 } | '-' x %prec NEG { Fix $ UnaryExpr UopMinus $2 } | '&' x %prec ADDRESS { Fix $ UnaryExpr UopAddress $2 } LiteralExpr :: { StringNode } LiteralExpr : StringLiteralExpr { $1 } | LIT_CHAR { Fix $ LiteralExpr Char $1 } | LIT_INTEGER { Fix $ LiteralExpr Int $1 } | LIT_FALSE { Fix $ LiteralExpr Bool $1 } | LIT_TRUE { Fix $ LiteralExpr Bool $1 } | ID_CONST { Fix $ LiteralExpr ConstId $1 } StringLiteralExpr :: { StringNode } StringLiteralExpr : LIT_STRING { Fix $ LiteralExpr String $1 } | StringLiteralExpr LIT_STRING { $1 } LhsExpr :: { StringNode } LhsExpr : ID_VAR { Fix $ VarExpr $1 } | '*' LhsExpr %prec DEREF { Fix $ UnaryExpr UopDeref $2 } | LhsExpr '.' ID_VAR { Fix $ MemberAccess $1 $3 } | LhsExpr '->' ID_VAR { Fix $ PointerAccess $1 $3 } | LhsExpr '[' Expr ']' { Fix $ ArrayAccess $1 $3 } Expr :: { StringNode } Expr : LhsExpr { $1 } | ExprStmt { $1 } | FunctionCall { $1 } | CompoundExpr { $1 } | PureExpr(Expr) { $1 } -- Allow `(Type){0}` to set struct values to all-zero. CompoundExpr :: { StringNode } CompoundExpr : '(' QualType ')' '{' Expr '}' { Fix $ CompoundExpr $2 $5 } AssignExpr :: { StringNode } AssignExpr : LhsExpr AssignOperator Expr { Fix $ AssignExpr $1 $2 $3 } AssignOperator :: { AssignOp } AssignOperator : '=' { AopEq } | '*=' { AopMul } | '/=' { AopDiv } | '+=' { AopPlus } | '-=' { AopMinus } | '&=' { AopBitAnd } | '|=' { AopBitOr } | '^=' { AopBitXor } | '%=' { AopMod } | '<<=' { AopLsh } | '>>=' { AopRsh } ExprStmt :: { StringNode } ExprStmt : '++' Expr { Fix $ UnaryExpr UopIncr $2 } | '--' Expr { Fix $ UnaryExpr UopDecr $2 } FunctionCall :: { StringNode } FunctionCall : Expr ArgList { Fix $ FunctionCall $1 $2 } ArgList :: { [StringNode] } ArgList : '(' ')' { [] } | '(' Args ')' { reverse $2 } Args :: { [StringNode] } Args : Arg { [$1] } | Args ',' Arg { $3 : $1 } Arg :: { StringNode } Arg : Expr { $1 } | Comment Expr { Fix $ CommentExpr $1 $2 } EnumDecl :: { StringNode } EnumDecl : enum ID_SUE_TYPE EnumeratorList ';' { Fix $ EnumConsts (Just $2) $3 } | enum EnumeratorList ';' { Fix $ EnumConsts Nothing $2 } | typedef enum ID_SUE_TYPE EnumeratorList ID_SUE_TYPE ';' { Fix $ EnumDecl $3 $4 $5 } EnumeratorList :: { [StringNode] } EnumeratorList : '{' Enumerators '}' { reverse $2 } Enumerators :: { [StringNode] } Enumerators : Enumerator { [$1] } | Enumerators Enumerator { $2 : $1 } Enumerator :: { StringNode } Enumerator : EnumeratorName ',' { Fix $ Enumerator $1 Nothing } | EnumeratorName '=' ConstExpr ',' { Fix $ Enumerator $1 (Just $3) } | Comment { $1 } EnumeratorName :: { Lexeme String } EnumeratorName : ID_CONST { $1 } | ID_SUE_TYPE { $1 } AggregateDecl :: { StringNode } AggregateDecl : AggregateType ';' { $1 } | typedef AggregateType ID_SUE_TYPE ';' { Fix $ Typedef $2 $3 } AggregateType :: { StringNode } AggregateType : struct ID_SUE_TYPE '{' MemberDeclList '}' { Fix $ Struct $2 $4 } | union ID_SUE_TYPE '{' MemberDeclList '}' { Fix $ Union $2 $4 } MemberDeclList :: { [StringNode] } MemberDeclList : MemberDecls { reverse $1 } MemberDecls :: { [StringNode] } MemberDecls : MemberDecl { [$1] } | MemberDecls MemberDecl { $2 : $1 } MemberDecl :: { StringNode } MemberDecl : VarDecl ';' { Fix $ MemberDecl $1 Nothing } | VarDecl ':' LIT_INTEGER ';' { Fix $ MemberDecl $1 (Just $3) } | PreprocIfdef(MemberDeclList) { $1 } | Comment { $1 } TypedefDecl :: { StringNode } TypedefDecl : typedef QualType ID_SUE_TYPE ';' { Fix $ Typedef $2 $3 } | typedef FunctionPrototype(ID_FUNC_TYPE) ';' { Fix $ TypedefFunction $2 } QualType :: { StringNode } QualType : LeafType { $1 } | LeafType '*' { tyPointer $1 } | LeafType '*' '*' { tyPointer (tyPointer $1) } | LeafType '*' const { tyConst (tyPointer $1) } | LeafType '*' const '*' { tyPointer (tyConst (tyPointer $1)) } | LeafType const { tyConst $1 } | LeafType const '*' { tyPointer (tyConst $1) } | LeafType const '*' const { tyConst (tyPointer (tyConst $1)) } | LeafType const '*' const '*' { tyPointer (tyConst (tyPointer (tyConst $1))) } | const LeafType { tyConst $2 } | const LeafType '*' { tyPointer (tyConst $2) } | const LeafType '*' const { tyConst (tyPointer (tyConst $2)) } | const LeafType '*' const '*' { tyPointer (tyConst (tyPointer (tyConst $2))) } LeafType :: { StringNode } LeafType : struct ID_SUE_TYPE { Fix $ TyStruct $2 } | void { Fix $ TyStd $1 } | ID_FUNC_TYPE { Fix $ TyFunc $1 } | ID_STD_TYPE { Fix $ TyStd $1 } | ID_SUE_TYPE { Fix $ TyUserDefined $1 } FunctionDecl :: { StringNode } FunctionDecl : FunctionDeclarator { $1 Global } | static FunctionDeclarator { $2 Static } FunctionDeclarator :: { Scope -> StringNode } FunctionDeclarator : FunctionPrototype(ID_VAR) ';' { \s -> Fix $ FunctionDecl s $1 } | FunctionPrototype(ID_VAR) CompoundStmt { \s -> Fix $ FunctionDefn s $1 $2 } FunctionPrototype(id) : QualType id FunctionParamList { Fix $ FunctionPrototype $1 $2 $3 } | QualType id FunctionParamList const { Fix $ FunctionPrototype $1 $2 $3 } FunctionParamList :: { [StringNode] } FunctionParamList : '(' ')' { [] } | '(' void ')' { [Fix $ TyStd $2] } | '(' FunctionParams ')' { reverse $2 } | '(' FunctionParams ',' '...' ')' { reverse $ Fix Ellipsis : $2 } FunctionParams :: { [StringNode] } FunctionParams : VarDecl { [$1] } | FunctionParams ',' VarDecl { $3 : $1 } ConstDecl :: { StringNode } ConstDecl : extern const LeafType ID_VAR ';' { Fix $ ConstDecl $3 $4 } | const LeafType ID_VAR '=' InitialiserExpr ';' { Fix $ ConstDefn Global $2 $3 $5 } | static const LeafType ID_VAR '=' InitialiserExpr ';' { Fix $ ConstDefn Static $3 $4 $6 } { type StringLexeme = Lexeme String type StringNode = Node StringLexeme tyPointer, tyConst :: StringNode -> StringNode tyPointer = Fix . TyPointer tyConst = Fix . TyConst parseError :: Show text => (Lexeme text, [String]) -> Alex a parseError (L (AlexPn _ line col) c t, options) = alexError $ show line <> ":" <> show col <> ": Parse error near " <> show c <> ": " <> show t <> "; expected one of " <> show options lexwrap :: (Lexeme String -> Alex a) -> Alex a lexwrap = (alexMonadScan >>=) externC :: Lexeme String -> Lexeme String -> [StringNode] -> Lexeme String -> Alex StringNode externC (L _ _ "__cplusplus") (L _ _ "\"C\"") decls (L _ _ "__cplusplus") = return $ Fix $ ExternC decls externC _ lang _ _ = alexError $ show lang <> ": extern \"C\" declaration invalid (did you spell __cplusplus right?)" macroBodyStmt :: StringNode -> Lexeme String -> Alex StringNode macroBodyStmt decls (L _ _ "0") = return $ Fix $ MacroBodyStmt decls macroBodyStmt _ cond = alexError $ show cond <> ": macro do-while body must end in 'while (0)'" }