{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-} {-# LANGUAGE BlockArguments #-} {-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-} {-# LANGUAGE Arrows #-} -- | A set of examples of more complicated and problematic Churros. -- module Churro.Test.Examples where import Data.Map (fromList) import Data.List import Prelude hiding (id, (.)) import Control.Churro -- $setup -- -- >>> import System.Timeout (timeout) -- >>> import Control.Monad (forever) -- >>> import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay) -- ** Tests -- | Checks that the IO nature of the churros doesn't duplicate operations. -- Actions within a pipeline should only occur once no matter how the -- pipeline is composed. -- -- >>> runWaitChan linear -- Debugging [l1]: 1 -- Debugging [l2]: 1 -- Debugging [r1]: 1 -- Debugging [r2]: 1 -- 1 -- linear :: Transport t => Churro t Void Void linear = sourceList [1::Int] >>> ((processDebug "l1" >>> processDebug "l2") >>> processDebug "r1" >>> processDebug "r2") >>> sinkPrint -- | A more complicated pipeline exampe involving maps. -- -- >>> runWaitChan pipeline -- (fromList [(0,0),(1,1)],fromList [(1,1),(2,2)]) -- (fromList [(1,1),(2,2)],fromList [(2,2),(3,3)]) pipeline :: ChurroChan Void Void pipeline = sourceList (take 3 maps) >>> withPrevious >>> takeC (10 :: Int) >>> sinkPrint where maps = map fromList $ zipWith zip updates updates updates = map (take 2) (tails [0 :: Int ..]) -- | Consumers terminaiting should kill sources from producing. -- -- This can fail in the following scenarios if cancellation isn't implemented correctly: -- -- >>> timeout 1500000 $ runWaitChan $ sourceList [1..5] >>> delay 1 >>> takeC 1 >>> sinkPrint -- 1 -- Just () -- -- Cancells infinite producer with inbuilt delays: -- -- >>> timeout 1500000 $ runWaitChan $ sourceIO (\cb -> forever (cb 1 >> threadDelay 100000)) >>> takeC 1 >>> sinkPrint -- 1 -- Just () -- -- Cancells upstream infinite producer with no inbuilt delay: -- -- >>> timeout 2500000 $ runWaitChan $ sourceList [1..] >>> delay 1 >>> takeC 1 >>> sinkPrint -- 1 -- Just () -- -- Note that the timeout here has to be sufficient for a thread switch to occor and the -- action be cancelled! See what happens if the timeout is only 1.5s: -- -- >>> timeout 1500000 $ runWaitChan $ sourceList [1..] >>> delay 1 >>> takeC 1 >>> sinkPrint -- 1 -- Nothing -- -- What should happen is that the Category instance composition of: -- -- ... delay 1 >>> takeC 1 ... -- ^^^ PRE ^^^^ ^^^ POST ^^^ -- -- When POST terminates it should cancel the computation in PRE. -- -- Failures may be caused by one of the following: -- -- * Nested Async actions don't cascade on cancellation (incorrect finally clauses) -- * The associativity laws of Category are broken, meaning that cancellation doesn't behave as it should. -- * Producer blocks cancellation from being requested -- * Chan is blocked preventing indicating termination to consumers -- * Infinite source is causing issues (ruled out with this test example) -- -- This is currently working, but tests here should check that the implementation -- isn't broken.