module CHR.Data.FastSeq
  ( FastSeq((:++:),(::+:),(:+::))
  , Seq
  , isEmpty, null
  , empty
  , size
  , singleton
  , toList, fromList
  , map
  , union, unions
  , firstNotEmpty

import           Prelude hiding (null,map)
import           Data.Monoid
-- import qualified Data.ListLike as LL
import qualified Data.List as L
import qualified CHR.Utils as U

-- Fast sequence, i.e. delayed concat 'trick'

infixr 5 :++:, :+::
infixl 5 ::+:

data FastSeq a
  = !(FastSeq a) :++: !(FastSeq a)
  |          !a  :+:: !(FastSeq a)
  | !(FastSeq a) ::+:          !a
  | FSeq    !a
  | FSeqL   ![a]
  | FSeqNil

type Seq a = FastSeq a

empty :: FastSeq a
empty = FSeqNil

-- Instances

instance Monoid (FastSeq a) where
  mempty  = empty
  mappend = union
  mconcat = unions

instance LL.FoldableLL (FastSeq a) a where
  foldl op e seq = 

instance LL.ListLike (FastSeq a) a where

-- Observations

isEmpty, null :: FastSeq a -> Bool
isEmpty FSeqNil      = True
isEmpty (FSeqL x   ) = L.null x
isEmpty (FSeq  _   ) = False
isEmpty (x1 :++: x2) = isEmpty x1 && isEmpty x2
isEmpty (x1 :+:: x2) = False
isEmpty (x1 ::+: x2) = False
-- isEmpty sq           = L.null $ toList sq

null = isEmpty

size :: FastSeq a -> Int
size FSeqNil      = 0
size (FSeqL x   ) = length x
size (FSeq  _   ) = 1
size (x1 :++: x2) = size x1 + size x2
size (x1 :+:: x2) = 1 + size x2
size (x1 ::+: x2) = size x1 + 1

-- Construction

singleton :: a -> FastSeq a
singleton = FSeq

-- Deconstruction

-- | View as head and tail, if possible
viewMbCons :: FastSeq a -> Maybe (a, FastSeq a)
viewMbCons FSeqNil         = Nothing
viewMbCons (FSeq  x)       = Just (x, FSeqNil)
viewMbCons (FSeqL (h:t))   = Just (h, FSeqL t)
viewMbCons (FSeqL []   )   = Nothing
viewMbCons (h  :+:: t )    = Just (h, t)
viewMbCons (i  ::+: l )    = maybe (Just (l, FSeqNil)) (\(h,t) -> Just (h, t ::+: l)) $ viewMbCons i
viewMbCons (s1 :++: s2)    = maybe (viewMbCons s2) (\(h,t) -> Just (h, t :++: s2)) $ viewMbCons s1

-- | View as init and last, if possible
viewMbSnoc :: FastSeq a -> Maybe (FastSeq a, a)
viewMbSnoc FSeqNil         = Nothing
viewMbSnoc (FSeqL (h:t))   = Just (h, FSeqL t)
viewMbSnoc (FSeqL []   )   = Nothing
viewMbSnoc (h  :+:: t )    = Just (h, t)
viewMbSnoc (i  ::+: l )    = maybe (Just (l, FSeqNil)) (\(h,t) -> Just (h, t ::+: l)) $ viewMbSnoc i
viewMbSnoc (s1 :++: s2)    = maybe (viewMbSnoc s2) (\(h,t) -> Just (h, t :++: s2)) $ viewMbSnoc s1

-- Conversion

fromList :: [a] -> FastSeq a
fromList [] = FSeqNil
fromList l  = FSeqL l

toList :: FastSeq a -> [a]
toList s
  = a s []
  where a FSeqNil      l = l
        a (FSeq  x   ) l = x : l
        a (FSeqL x   ) l = x L.++ l
        a (x1 :++: x2) l = a x1 (a x2 l)
        a (x1 :+:: x2) l = x1 : a x2 l
        a (x1 ::+: x2) l = a x1 (x2 : l)

-- Map, ...

map :: (a->b) -> FastSeq a -> FastSeq b
map f FSeqNil      = FSeqNil
map f (FSeq  x   ) = FSeq $ f x
map f (FSeqL x   ) = FSeqL $ f x
map f (x1 :++: x2) = map f x1 :++: map f x2
map f (x1 :+:: x2) =     f x1 :+:: map f x2
map f (x1 ::+: x2) = map f x1 ::+:     f x2

-- Union

union :: FastSeq a -> FastSeq a -> FastSeq a
union FSeqNil FSeqNil = FSeqNil
union FSeqNil s2      = s2
union s1      FSeqNil = s1
union s1      s2      = s1 :++: s2

unions :: [FastSeq a] -> FastSeq a
unions [s] =                           s
unions  s  = L.foldr ( (:++:)) FSeqNil s

-- Misc

firstNotEmpty :: [FastSeq x] -> FastSeq x
firstNotEmpty = U.maybeHd empty id . filter (not . isEmpty)