-- Communicating Haskell Processes.
-- Copyright (c) 2008, University of Kent.
-- All rights reserved.
-- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
-- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
-- met:
--  * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
--    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
--  * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
--    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
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--  * Neither the name of the University of Kent nor the names of its
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-- | A module containing the ALT constructs.  An ALT (a term inherited from
-- occam) is a choice between several alternate events.  In CHP, we say that an event
-- must support alting to be a valid choice.  Events that /do/ support alting are:
-- * 'Control.Concurrent.CHP.Monad.skip'
-- * 'Control.Concurrent.CHP.Monad.stop'
-- * 'Control.Concurrent.CHP.Monad.waitFor'
-- * Reading from a channel (including extended reads): that is, calls to 'Control.Concurrent.CHP.Channels.readChannel'
-- and 'Control.Concurrent.CHP.Channels.extReadChannel'
-- * Writing to a channel (including extended writes): that is, calls to 'Control.Concurrent.CHP.Channels.writeChannel'
-- and 'Control.Concurrent.CHP.Channels.extWriteChannel'
-- * Synchronising on a barrier (using 'Control.Concurrent.CHP.Barriers.syncBarrier')
-- * An alting construct (that is, you can nest alts) such as 'alt', 'priAlt' (or
-- the operator versions)
-- * A sequential composition, if the first event supports alting (i.e. is in this
-- list)
-- * A call to 'every', which joins together several items (see the documentation
-- on 'every').
-- Examples of events that do /NOT/ support alting are:
-- * Enrolling and resigning with a barrier
-- * Poisoning a channel
-- * Processes composed in parallel (using 'runParallel', etc)
-- * Any lifted IO event
-- * Creating channels, barriers, etc
-- * Claiming a shared channel (yet...)
-- It is not easily possible to represent this at the type level (while still
-- making CHP easy to use).  Therefore it is left to you to not try to alt
-- over something that does not support it.  Given how much of the library
-- does support alting, that should hopefully be straightforward.
-- Here are some examples of using alting:
-- * Wait for an integer channel, or 1 second to elapse:
-- > liftM Just (readChannel c) <-> (waitFor 1000000 >> return Nothing)
-- * Check if a channel is ready, otherwise return immediately.  Note that you must use the
-- alt operator with priority here, otherwise your skip guard might be chosen,
-- even when the channel is ready.
-- > liftM Just (readChannel c) </> (skip >> return Nothing)
-- * Wait for input from one of two (identically typed) channels
-- > readChannel c0 <-> readChannel c1
-- * Check if a channel is ready; if so send, it on, otherwise return immediately:
-- > (readChannel c >>= writeChannel d) </> skip
-- Note that if you wait for a sequential composition:
-- > (readChannel c >>= writeChannel d) <-> (writeChannel e 6 >> readChannel f)
-- This only waits for the first action in both (reading from channel c, or writing
-- to channel e), not for all of the actions (as, for example, an STM transaction
-- would).
module Control.Concurrent.CHP.Alt (alt, (<->), priAlt, (</>), every, every_, (<&>)) where

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Arrow
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad.Trans
import Data.List
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Monoid
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Unique
import System.IO

import Control.Concurrent.CHP.Base
import Control.Concurrent.CHP.Event
import Control.Concurrent.CHP.Guard
import Control.Concurrent.CHP.Monad
import Control.Concurrent.CHP.Parallel
import Control.Concurrent.CHP.Poison
import Control.Concurrent.CHP.Traces.Base

-- | An alt between several actions, with arbitrary priority.  The first
-- available action is chosen (with an arbitrary choice if many actions are
-- available at the same time), its body run, and its value returned.
alt :: [CHP a] -> CHP a
alt = priAlt

-- | An alt between several actions, with descending priority.  The first
-- available action is chosen (biased towards actions nearest the beginning
-- of the list), its body run, and its value returned.
-- What priority means here is a difficult thing, and in some ways a historical
-- artifact.  We can group the guards into three categories:
-- 1. synchronisation guards (reading from and writing to channels, and synchronising
-- on barriers)
-- 2. time-out guards (such as 'Control.Concurrent.CHP.Monad.waitFor')
-- 3. dummy guards ('Control.Concurrent.CHP.Monad.skip' and 'Control.Concurrent.CHP.Monad.stop')
-- There exists priority when comparing dummy guards to anything else.  So for
-- example,
-- > priAlt [ skip, x ]
-- Will always select the first guard, whereas:
-- > priAlt [ x , skip ]
-- Is an effective way to poll and see if x is ready, otherwise the 'Control.Concurrent.CHP.Monad.skip' will
-- be chosen.  However, there is no priority between synchronisation guards and
-- time-out guards.  So the two lines:
-- > priAlt [ x, y ]
-- > priAlt [ y, x ]
-- May have the same or different behaviour (when x and y are not dummy guards),
-- there is no guarantee either way.  The reason behind this is that if you ask
-- for:
-- > priAlt [ readChannel c, writeChannel d 6 ]
-- And the process at the other end is asking for:
-- > priAlt [ readChannel d, writeChannel c 8 ]
-- Whichever channel is chosen by both processes will not satisfy the priority
-- at one end (if such priority between channels was supported).
priAlt :: [CHP a] -> CHP a
priAlt = unwrapPoison . priAlt' . map wrapPoison

-- | A useful operator to perform an 'alt'.  This operator is associative,
-- and has arbitrary priority.  When you have lots of guards, it is probably easier
-- to use the 'alt' function.  'alt' /may/ be more efficent than
-- foldl1 (\<-\>)
(<->) :: CHP a -> CHP a -> CHP a
(<->) a b = alt [a,b]
-- | A useful operator to perform a 'priAlt'.  This operator is
-- associative, and has descending priority (that is, it is
-- left-biased).  When you have lots of actions, it is probably easier
-- to use the 'priAlt' function.  'priAlt' /may/ be more efficent than
-- foldl1 (\<\/\>)
(</>) :: CHP a -> CHP a -> CHP a
(</>) a b = priAlt [a,b]

infixl </>
infixl <->
infixl <&>

-- | Runs all the given processes in parallel with each other, but only when the
-- choice at the beginning of each item is ready.
-- So for example, if you do:
-- > every [ readChannel c >>= writeChannel d, readChannel e >>= writeChannel f]
-- This will forward values from c and e to d and f respectively in parallel, but
-- only once both channels c and e are ready to be read from.  So f cannot be written
-- to before c is read from (contrast this with what would happen if 'every' were
-- replaced with 'runParallel').
-- This behaviour can be somewhat useful, but 'every' is much more powerful when
-- used as part of an 'alt'.  This code:
-- > alt [ every [ readChannel c, readChannel d]
-- >     , every [ writeChannel e 6, writeChannel f 8] ]
-- Waits to either read from channels c and d, or to write to channels e and f.
-- The events involved can partially overlap, e.g.
-- > alt [ every [ readChannel a, readChannel b]
-- >     , every [ readChannel a, writeChannel c 6] ]
-- This will wait to either read from channels a and b, or to read from a and write
-- to c, whichever combination is ready first.  If both are ready, the choice between
-- them will be arbitrary (just as with any other choices; see 'alt' for more details).
-- The sets can even be subsets of each other, such as:
-- > alt [ every [ readChannel a, readChannel b]
-- >     , every [ readChannel a, readChannel b, readChannel b] ]
-- In this case there are no guarantees as to which choice will happen.  Do not
-- assume it will be the smaller, and do not assume it will be the larger.  
-- Be wary of what happens if a single event is included multiple times in the same 'every', as
-- this may not do what you expect (with or without choice).  Consider:
-- > every [ readChannel c >> writeChannel d 6
-- >       , readChannel c >> writeChannel d 8 ]
-- What will happen is that the excecution will wait to read from c, but then it
-- will execute only one of the bodies (an arbitrary choice).  In general, do not
-- rely on this behaviour, and instead try to avoid having the same events in an
-- 'every'.  Also note that if you synchronise on a barrier twice in an 'every',
-- this will only count as one member enrolling, even if you have two enrolled
-- ends!  For such a use, look at 'runParallel' instead.
-- Also note that this currently applies to both ends of channels, so that:
-- > every [ readChannel c, writeChannel c 2 ]
-- Will block indefinitely, rather than completing the communication.
-- Each item 'every' must support choice (and in fact
-- only a subset of the items supported by 'alt' are supported by 'every').  Currently the items
-- in the list passed to 'every' must be one of the following:
-- * A call to 'Control.Concurrent.CHP.Channels.readChannel' (or 'Control.Concurrent.CHP.Channels.extReadChannel').
-- * A call to 'Control.Concurrent.CHP.Channels.writeChannel' (or 'Control.Concurrent.CHP.Channels.extWriteChannel').
-- * 'Control.Concurrent.CHP.Monad.skip', the always-ready guard.
-- * 'Control.Concurrent.CHP.Monad.stop', the never-ready guard (will cause the whole 'every' to never be ready,
-- since 'every' has to wait for all guards).
-- * A call to 'Control.Concurrent.CHP.Monad.syncBarrier'.
-- * A sequential composition where the first item is one of the things in this
-- list.
-- * A call to 'every' (you can nest 'every' blocks inside each other).
-- Timeouts (e.g. 'Control.Concurrent.CHP.Monad.waitFor') are currently not supported.  You can always get another
-- process to synchronise on an event with you once a certain time has passed.
-- Note also that you cannot put an 'alt' inside an 'every'.  So you cannot say:
-- > every [ readChannel c
-- >       , alt [ readChannel d, readChannel e ] ]
-- To wait for c and (d or e) like this you must expand it out into (c and d) or
-- (c and e):
-- > alt [ every [ readChannel c, readChannel d]
-- >     , every [ readChannel c, readChannel e] ]
-- As long as x meets the conditions laid out above, 'every' [x] will have the same
-- behaviour as x.
-- Added in version 1.1.0
every :: forall a. [CHP a] -> CHP [a]
every [] = skip >> return []
every xs = liftPoison (AltableT (liftM ((:[]) . flip (,) (return True)) $ gs >>= foldM1 merge) (return
   False)) >>= \b -> if b then runParallel (map (unwrapPoison . liftTrace) bodies) else alt [every xs]
    both :: Either String [(Guard, TraceT IO (WithPoison a))]
    both = mapM (checkSingle . pullOutAltable . wrapPoison) xs
    gs :: Either String [Guard]
    gs = liftM (map fst) both
    bodies = map snd $ fromRight both
    fromRight (Right x) = x
    fromRight _ = error "Reached unreachable code in every; bodies executed after bad guard"

    checkSingle (Left err) = Left err
    checkSingle (Right []) = Left "Bad guard in every"
    checkSingle (Right [x]) = Right x
    checkSingle (Right _) = Left "Alt inside every"

    merge :: Guard -> Guard -> Either String Guard
    merge SkipGuard g = return g
    merge g SkipGuard = return g
    merge StopGuard _ = return StopGuard
    merge _ StopGuard = return StopGuard
    merge (EventGuard recx actx esx) (EventGuard recy acty esy)
      = return $ EventGuard (\n -> recx n ++ recy n) (actx `mappend` acty) (esx ++ esy)
    merge _ _ = badGuard "merging unsupported guards"

    foldM1 :: Monad m => (b -> b -> m b) -> [b] -> m b
    foldM1 f (y:ys) = foldM f y ys
    foldM1 _ _ = error "Reached unreachable code in every; guards empty in non-empty case"

-- | Like 'every' but discards the results.
-- Added in version 1.8.0.
every_ :: [CHP a] -> CHP ()
every_ ps = every ps >> return ()

-- | A useful operator that acts like 'every'.  The operator is associative and
-- commutative (see 'every' for notes on idempotence).  When you have lots of things
-- to join with this operator, it's probably easier to use the 'every' function.
-- Added in version 1.1.0
(<&>) :: forall a b. CHP a -> CHP b -> CHP (a, b)
(<&>) a b = merge <$> every [Left <$> a, Right <$> b]
    merge :: [Either a b] -> (a, b)
    merge [Left x, Right y] = (x, y)
    merge [Right y, Left x] = (x, y)
    merge _ = error "Invalid merge possibility in <&>"

-- ALTing is implemented as follows in CHP.  The CHP monad has [Int] in its
-- state.  When you choose between N events, you form one body, that pulls
-- the next number from the head of the state and executes the body for the
-- event corresponding to that index.  Nested ALTs prepend to the list.
-- So for example, if you choose between:
-- > (a <-> b) <-> c
-- The overall number corresponding to a is [0,0], b is [0,1], c is [1].  The
-- outer choice peels off the head of the list.  On 1 it executes c; on 0 it
-- descends to the nested choice, which takes the next number in the list and
-- executes a or b given 0 or 1 respectively.
-- If an event is poisoned, an integer (of arbitrary value) is /appended/ to
-- the list.  Thus when an event-based guard is executed, if the list in the
-- state is non-empty, it knows it has been poisoned.
-- I did try implementing this in a more functional manner, making each event
-- in the monad take [Int] and return the body, rather than using state.  However,
-- I had some memory efficiency problems so I went with the state-monad-based
-- approach instead.

priAlt' :: forall a. [CHP' (WithPoison a)] -> CHP' (WithPoison a)
priAlt' items
  -- Our guard is a nested guard of all our sub-guards.
  -- Our action-if-not-guard is to do the selection ourselves.
  = AltableT flattenedGuards (selectFromGuards flattenedGuards)
    -- The list of guards without any NestedGuards or StopGuards:
    flattenedGuards :: Either String [(Guard, TraceT IO (WithPoison a))]
    flattenedGuards = liftM (filter (not . isStopGuard . fst)) altStuff
        altStuff :: Either String [(Guard, TraceT IO (WithPoison a))]
        altStuff = liftM concat $ mapM pullOutAltable items

-- Performs the select operation on all the guards, and then executes the body
selectFromGuards :: forall a. (Either String [(Guard, TraceT IO (WithPoison a))]) -> TraceT IO (WithPoison a)
selectFromGuards (Left str) =
           let err = "ALTing not supported on given guard: " ++ str
           in liftIO $ do hPutStrLn stderr err
                          ioError $ userError err
selectFromGuards (Right both)
        | null (eventGuards $ map fst both) =
           join $ liftM snd $ liftIO $ waitNormalGuards both Nothing
        | otherwise =
           do let (guards, _bodies) = unzip both
                  earliestReady = findIndex isSkipGuard guards
                  recordAndRun :: WithPoison ([RecordedIndivEvent Unique], TraceT
                    IO (WithPoison a)) -> TraceT IO (WithPoison a)
                  recordAndRun PoisonItem = return PoisonItem
                  recordAndRun (NoPoison (r, m)) = recordEvent r >> m
                  guardsAndRec :: [(Guard, WithPoison ([RecordedIndivEvent Unique], TraceT IO (WithPoison a)))]
                  guardsAndRec = map (second (NoPoison . (,) [])) both
                  getRec :: (SignalValue, Map.Map Unique (Integer, RecordedEventType))
                         -> WithPoison ([RecordedIndivEvent Unique], TraceT IO (WithPoison a))
                  getRec (Signal PoisonItem, _) = PoisonItem
                  getRec (Signal (NoPoison n), m)
                    = case both !! n of
                        (EventGuard recF _ _, body) ->
                          NoPoison (recF (makeLookup m), body)
                        (_, body) -> NoPoison ([], body)
              tv <- liftIO $ newTVarIO Nothing
              pid <- getProcessId
              tr <- ask
              mn <- liftIO . atomically $ do
                      ret <- enableEvents tv pid
                        (maybe id take earliestReady $ eventGuards guards)
                        (isNothing earliestReady)
                      maybe (return ())
                            (\((sigVal,_),es) -> do
                               recordEventLast (nub es) tr
                               case sigVal of
                                 Signal PoisonItem -> return ()
                                 Signal (NoPoison n) ->
                                   let EventGuard _ act _ = guards !! n
                                   in actWhenLast act (Map.fromList $ map (snd *** Set.size) es)
                      return $ fmap (getRec . fst) ret
              case (mn, earliestReady) of
                -- An event -- and we were the last person to arrive:
                -- The event must have been higher priority than any other
                -- ready guards
                (Just r, _) -> recordAndRun r
                -- No events were ready, but there was an available normal
                -- guards.  Re-run the normal guards; at least one will be ready
                (Nothing, Just _) ->
                  join $ liftM snd $ liftIO $ waitNormalGuards both Nothing
                -- No events ready, no other guards ready either
                -- Events will have been enabled; wait for everything:
                (Nothing, Nothing) ->
                    do (wasAltingBarrier, pr) <- liftIO $ waitNormalGuards
                         guardsAndRec $ Just $ liftM getRec $ waitAlting tv
                       if wasAltingBarrier
                         then recordAndRun pr -- It was a barrier, all done
                            -- Another guard fired, but we must check in case
                            -- we have meanwhile been committed to taking an
                            -- event:
                            do mn' <- liftIO . atomically $ disableEvents tv (concatMap snd
                                 $ eventGuards guards)
                               case mn' of
                                 -- An event overrides our non-event choice:
                                 Just pr' -> recordAndRun $ getRec pr'
                                 -- Go with the original option, no events
                                 -- became ready:
                                 Nothing -> recordAndRun pr

waitAlting :: SignalVar -> STM (SignalValue, Map.Map Unique (Integer, RecordedEventType))
waitAlting tv = do b <- readTVar tv
                   case b of
                     Nothing -> retry
                     Just ns -> return ns

makeLookup :: Map.Map Unique (Integer, RecordedEventType) -> Unique -> (Integer,
makeLookup m u = fromMaybe (error "CHP: Unique not found in alt") $ Map.lookup u m

-- The alting barrier guards:
eventGuards :: [Guard] -> [((SignalValue, STM ()), [Event])]
eventGuards guards = [((Signal $ NoPoison n, actAlways acts), ab)
                     | (n, EventGuard _ acts ab) <- zip [0..] guards]

-- Waits for one of the normal (non-alting barrier) guards to be ready,
-- or the given transaction to complete
waitNormalGuards :: [(Guard, b)] -> Maybe (STM b) -> IO (Bool, b)
waitNormalGuards guards extra
  = do enabled <- sequence $ mapMaybe enable guards
       atomically $ foldr orElse retry $ maybe id ((:) . liftM ((,) True)) extra $ enabled
    enable :: (Guard, b) -> Maybe (IO (STM (Bool, b)))
    enable (SkipGuard, x) = Just $ return $ return (False, x)
    enable (TimeoutGuard g, x) = Just $ liftM (>> return (False, x)) g
    enable _ = Nothing -- This effectively ignores other guards