module Main where import Control.Arrow ((&&&)) import Control.Concurrent ( forkIO, killThread, ThreadId ) import Control.Concurrent.STM ( atomically, readTChan, TChan ) import Control.Monad ( forever, void ) import Control.Monad.Extra ( ifM, unlessM ) import Control.Monad.IO.Class ( MonadIO(..) ) import Control.Monad.Random ( evalRandIO, MonadTrans(lift) ) import Control.Monad.State.Strict ( StateT, evalStateT, gets, modify, modify' ) import Data.Char ( toLower, toUpper ) import Data.IORef ( newIORef, readIORef, writeIORef, IORef ) import Data.List ( find, isPrefixOf ) import Data.List.Extra ( chunksOf ) import Game.Chess ( fromFEN, fromUCI, isDark, legalPlies, pieceAt, startpos, fromSAN, toSAN, unsafeToSAN, Color(Black, White), PieceType(King, Pawn, Knight, Bishop, Rook, Queen), Ply, Position, Sq(H8, A1), varToSAN ) import Game.Chess.Polyglot.Book ( PolyglotBook, defaultBook, readPolyglotFile, bookPlies, bookPly ) import Game.Chess.UCI ( addPly, currentPosition, infinite, movetime, quit, search, searching, setPosition, start, stop, Engine, BestMove, Info(Score, PV) ) import System.Console.Haskeline ( defaultSettings, getExternalPrint, getInputLine, outputStr, outputStrLn, completeWord, simpleCompletion, runInputT, setComplete, Completion(isFinished), CompletionFunc, InputT ) import System.Exit ( ExitCode(ExitFailure), exitSuccess, exitWith ) import System.Environment ( getArgs ) import Time.Units ( ms, sec ) data S = S { engine :: Engine , mover :: Maybe ThreadId , book :: PolyglotBook , hintRef :: IORef (Maybe Ply) } main :: IO () main = getArgs >>= \case [] -> do putStrLn "Please specify a UCI engine at the command line" exitWith $ ExitFailure 1 (cmd:args) -> start cmd args >>= \case Nothing -> do putStrLn "Unable to initialise engine, maybe it doesn't speak UCI?" exitWith $ ExitFailure 2 Just e -> do s <- S e Nothing defaultBook <$> newIORef Nothing runInputT (setComplete (completeSAN e) defaultSettings) chessIO `evalStateT` s exitSuccess completeSAN :: MonadIO m => Engine -> CompletionFunc m completeSAN e = completeWord Nothing "" $ \w -> fmap (map mkCompletion . filter (w `isPrefixOf`)) $ do pos <- currentPosition e pure $ unsafeToSAN pos <$> legalPlies pos where mkCompletion s = (simpleCompletion s) { isFinished = False } chessIO :: InputT (StateT S IO) () chessIO = do outputStr . unlines $ [ "" , "Enter a FEN string to set the starting position." , "To make a move, enter a SAN or UCI string." , "Type \"hint\" to ask for a suggestion." , "Type \"pass\" to let the engine make the next move," , " \"analyse\" to watch the engine ponder the current position and" , " \"stop\" to end the search." , "Empty input will redraw the board." , "Hit Ctrl-D to quit." , "" ] outputBoard loop lift (gets engine) >>= void . quit midgame :: InputT (StateT S IO) () midgame = do e <- lift $ gets engine b <- lift $ gets book pos <- currentPosition e case bookPly b pos of Just r -> do pl <- liftIO . evalRandIO $ r addPly e pl (bmc, _) <- search e [movetime (ms 100)] bm <- liftIO . atomically . readTChan $ bmc case bm of Just (bm', _) -> do addPly e bm' midgame Nothing -> outputBoard Nothing -> outputBoard outputBoard :: InputT (StateT S IO) () outputBoard = do e <- lift $ gets engine liftIO $ do pos <- currentPosition e printBoard putStrLn pos loop :: InputT (StateT S IO) () loop = do e <- lift $ gets engine getInputLine "> " >>= \case Nothing -> pure () Just input | null input -> outputBoard *> loop | Just position <- fromFEN input -> do void $ setPosition e position outputBoard loop | "hint" == input -> do lift (gets hintRef) >>= liftIO . readIORef >>= \case Just hint -> do pos <- currentPosition e outputStrLn $ "Try " <> toSAN pos hint Nothing -> outputStrLn "Sorry, no hint available" loop | "pass" == input -> do unlessM (searching e) $ do (bmc, _) <- search e [movetime (sec 2)] hr <- lift $ gets hintRef externalPrint <- getExternalPrint tid <- liftIO . forkIO $ doBestMove externalPrint hr bmc e lift $ modify' $ \s -> s { mover = Just tid } loop | input `elem` ["analyze", "analyse"] -> do unlessM (searching e) $ do pos <- currentPosition e (bmc, ic) <- search e [infinite] externalPrint <- getExternalPrint itid <- liftIO . forkIO . forever $ do info <- atomically . readTChan $ ic case (find isScore &&& find isPV) info of (Just (Score s Nothing), Just (PV pv)) -> externalPrint $ show s <> ": " <> varToSAN pos pv _ -> pure () tid <- liftIO . forkIO $ do bm <- atomically . readTChan $ bmc killThread itid case bm of Just (bm', _) -> externalPrint $ "Best move: " <> toSAN pos bm' Nothing -> pure () lift $ modify' $ \s -> s { mover = Just tid } loop | "stop" == input -> do stop e loop | ["polyglot", file] <- words input -> do b <- liftIO $ readPolyglotFile file lift $ modify $ \x -> x { book = b } loop | "book" == input -> do b <- lift $ gets book pos <- currentPosition e let plies = bookPlies b pos if not . null $ plies then do addPly e (head plies) outputBoard searchBestMove else pure () loop | "midgame" == input -> do void $ setPosition e startpos midgame loop | otherwise -> do pos <- currentPosition e case parseMove pos input of Left err -> outputStrLn err Right m -> ifM (searching e) (outputStrLn "Not your move") $ do addPly e m outputBoard searchBestMove loop searchBestMove :: InputT (StateT S IO) () searchBestMove = do e <- lift $ gets engine (bmc, _) <- search e [movetime (sec 1)] hr <- lift $ gets hintRef externalPrint <- getExternalPrint tid <- liftIO . forkIO $ doBestMove externalPrint hr bmc e lift $ modify' $ \s -> s { mover = Just tid } parseMove :: Position -> String -> Either String Ply parseMove pos s = case fromUCI pos s of Just m -> pure m Nothing -> fromSAN pos s printBoard :: (String -> IO ()) -> Position -> IO () printBoard externalPrint pos = externalPrint . init . unlines $ (map . map) pc (reverse $ chunksOf 8 [A1 .. H8]) where pc sq = (if isDark sq then toUpper else toLower) $ case pieceAt pos sq of Just (White, Pawn) -> 'P' Just (White, Knight) -> 'N' Just (White, Bishop) -> 'B' Just (White, Rook) -> 'R' Just (White, Queen) -> 'Q' Just (White, King) -> 'K' Just (Black, Pawn) -> 'X' Just (Black, Knight) -> 'S' Just (Black, Bishop) -> 'L' Just (Black, Rook) -> 'T' Just (Black, Queen) -> 'D' Just (Black, King) -> 'J' Nothing | isDark sq -> '.' | otherwise -> ' ' doBestMove :: (String -> IO ()) -> IORef (Maybe Ply) -> TChan BestMove -> Engine -> IO () doBestMove externalPrint hintRef bmc e = do bm <- atomically . readTChan $ bmc case bm of Just (bm', pndr) -> do pos <- currentPosition e externalPrint $ "< " <> toSAN pos bm' addPly e bm' currentPosition e >>= printBoard externalPrint writeIORef hintRef pndr Nothing -> pure () printPV :: (String -> IO ()) -> TChan [Info] -> IO () printPV externalPrint ic = forever $ do info <- atomically . readTChan $ ic case find isPV info of Just pv -> externalPrint $ show pv Nothing -> pure () isPV, isScore :: Info -> Bool isPV PV{} = True isPV _ = False isScore Score{} = True isScore _ = False