-- -- Copyright (c) 2013-2023 Nicola Bonelli -- -- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software -- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. -- {-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-} module CGrep.FileTypeMap ( FileTypeInfo (..), FileTypeInfoMap (..), WordType (..), CharIdentifierF, fileTypeLookup, fileTypeInfoLookup, fileTypeInfoMap, dumpFileTypeInfoMap, contextFilter, ) where import CGrep.ContextFilter ( ContextFilter, FilterFunction, isContextFilterAll, mkParConfig, runContextFilter, ) import CGrep.FileType (FileSelector (..), FileType (..)) import CGrep.Types (Text8) import Control.Applicative (Alternative ((<|>))) import Control.Monad (forM_) import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as C import qualified Data.Map as Map import Data.Maybe (fromJust, isJust) import Options (Options (Options, keyword, type_force)) import qualified Data.Array.BitArray as BA import Data.List (findIndex) import qualified Data.Set as S import CGrep.Boundary (Boundary (Boundary)) import CGrep.Parser.Char ( isAlphaNum_, isAlphaNum_', isAlphaNum_and, isAlpha_, isAlpha_', isAlpha_and, ) import CGrep.Parser.Char (isAlpha, isAlphaNum) import System.Posix.FilePath (RawFilePath, takeBaseName, takeExtension, takeFileName) import Data.Aeson (Value (Bool, String)) import Data.Bits (Bits (isSigned)) import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM import Data.MonoTraversable (WrappedPoly) import GHC.Conc (BlockReason (BlockedOnBlackHole)) import CGrep.FileKind newtype FileTypeInfoMap = FileTypeInfoMap { unMapInfo :: Map.Map FileType FileTypeInfo } newtype FileTypeMap = FileTypeMap { unMap :: Map.Map FileSelector (FileType, FileKind) } type CharIdentifierF = (Char -> Bool) data WordType = Keyword | NativeType deriving stock (Eq, Ord, Show) data FileTypeInfo = FileTypeInfo { ftSelector :: [FileSelector] , ftKind :: FileKind , ftChar :: [Boundary] , ftString :: [Boundary] , ftRawString :: [Boundary] , ftComment :: [Boundary] , ftIdentifierChars :: Maybe (CharIdentifierF, CharIdentifierF) , ftKeywords :: HM.HashMap C.ByteString WordType } fileTypeInfoMap :: FileTypeInfoMap fileTypeInfoMap = FileTypeInfoMap $ Map.fromList [ ( Agda , FileTypeInfo { ftSelector = [Ext "agda", Ext "lagda"] , ftKind = KindLanguage , ftComment = ["{-" ~~ "-}", "--" ~~ "\n"] , ftChar = ["'" ~~ "'"] , ftString = ["\"" ~~ "\""] , ftRawString = [] , ftIdentifierChars = Nothing , ftKeywords = reserved [ "abstract" , "codata" , "constructor" , "data" , "eta-equality" , "field" , "forall" , "hiding" , "import" , "in" , "inductive" , "infix" , "infixl" , "infixr" , "instance" , "let" , "module" , "mutual" , "no-eta-equality" , "open" , "pattern" , "postulate" , "primitive" , "private" , "public" , "quoteContext" , "quoteGoal" , "record" , "renaming" , "rewrite" , "Set" , "syntax" , "tactic" , "using" , "where" , "with" ] } ) , ( Assembly , FileTypeInfo { ftSelector = [Ext "s", Ext "S"] , ftKind = KindLanguage , ftComment = ["#" ~~ "\n", ";" ~~ "\n", "|" ~~ "\n", "!" ~~ "\n", "/*" ~~ "*/"] , ftChar = [] , ftString = ["\"" ~~ "\""] , ftRawString = [] , ftIdentifierChars = Nothing , ftKeywords = HM.empty } ) , ( Awk , FileTypeInfo { ftSelector = [Ext "awk", Ext "mawk", Ext "gawk"] , ftKind = KindScript , ftComment = ["{-" ~~ "-}", "--" ~~ "\n"] , ftChar = [] , ftString = ["\"" ~~ "\""] , ftRawString = [] , ftIdentifierChars = Nothing , ftKeywords = reserved [ "BEGIN" , "END" , "if" , "else" , "while" , "do" , "for" , "in" , "break" , "continue" , "delete" , "next" , "nextfile" , "function" , "func" , "exit" ] } ) , ( Bash , FileTypeInfo { ftSelector = [Ext "sh", Ext "bash"] , ftKind = KindScript , ftComment = ["#" ~~ "\n"] , ftChar = [] , ftString = ["'" ~~ "'", "\"" ~~ "\""] , ftRawString = [] , ftIdentifierChars = Nothing , ftKeywords = reserved [ "if" , "then" , "elif" , "else" , "fi" , "time" , "for" , "in" , "until" , "while" , "do" , "done" , "case" , "esac" , "coproc" , "select" , "function" ] } ) , ( C , FileTypeInfo { ftSelector = [Ext "c", Ext "C", Ext "inc"] , ftKind = KindLanguage , ftComment = ["/*" ~~ "*/", "//" ~~ "\n"] , ftChar = ["'" ~~ "'"] , ftString = ["\"" ~~ "\""] , ftRawString = ["R\"" ~~ "\""] , ftIdentifierChars = Nothing , ftKeywords = types [ "int" , "short" , "long" , "float" , "double" , "char" , "bool" , "int8_t" , "int16_t" , "int32_t" , "int64_t" , "int_fast8_t" , "int_fast16_t" , "int_fast32_t" , "int_fast64_t" , "int_least8_t" , "int_least16_t" , "int_least32_t" , "int_least64_t" , "intmax_t" , "intptr_t" , "uint8_t" , "uint16_t" , "uint32_t" , "uint64_t" , "uint_fast8_t" , "uint_fast16_t" , "uint_fast32_t" , "uint_fast64_t" , "uint_least8_t" , "uint_least16_t" , "uint_least32_t" , "uint_least64_t" , "uintmax_t" , "uintptr_t" ] <> reserved [ "auto" , "break" , "case" , "const" , "continue" , "default" , "do" , "else" , "enum" , "extern" , "for" , "goto" , "if" , "inline" , "register" , "restrict" , "return" , "signed" , "sizeof" , "static" , "struct" , "switch" , "typedef" , "union" , "unsigned" , "void" , "volatile" , "while" , "_Alignas" , "_Alignof" , "_Atomic" , "_Bool" , "_Complex" , "_Decimal128" , "_Decimal32" , "_Decimal64" , "_Generic" , "_Imaginary" , "_Noreturn" , "_Static_assert" , "_Thread_local" , "if" , "elif" , "else" , "endif" , "ifdef" , "ifndef" , "define" , "undef" , "include" , "line" , "error" , "pragma" , "defined" , "__has_c_attribute" , "_Pragma" , "asm" , "fortran" ] } ) , ( CMake , FileTypeInfo { ftSelector = [Name "CMakeLists.txt", Ext "cmake"] , ftKind = KindScript , ftComment = ["#" ~~ "\n"] , ftChar = ["'" ~~ "'"] , ftString = ["\"" ~~ "\""] , ftRawString = [] , ftIdentifierChars = Nothing , ftKeywords = HM.empty } ) , ( Cabal , FileTypeInfo { ftSelector = [Ext "cabal"] , ftKind = KindConfig , ftComment = ["--" ~~ "\n"] , ftChar = [] , ftString = ["\"" ~~ "\""] , ftRawString = [] , ftIdentifierChars = Just (const False, const False) , ftKeywords = HM.empty } ) , ( Chapel , FileTypeInfo { ftSelector = [Ext "chpl"] , ftKind = KindLanguage , ftComment = ["/*" ~~ "*/", "//" ~~ "\n"] , ftChar = [] , ftString = ["\"" ~~ "\"", "'" ~~ "'"] , ftRawString = ["\"\"\"" ~~ "\"\"\"", "'''" ~~ "'''"] , ftIdentifierChars = Just (isAlpha_, isAlphaNum_and "$") , ftKeywords = types [ "void" , "nothing" , "bool" , "int" , "uint" , "real" , "imag" , "complex" , "string" , "bytes" ] <> reserved [ "align" , "as" , "atomic" , "begin" , "bool" , "borrowed" , "break" , "by" , "catch" , "class" , "cobegin" , "coforall" , "config" , "const" , "continue" , "defer" , "delete" , "dmapped" , "do" , "domain" , "else" , "enum" , "except" , "export" , "extern" , "false" , "for" , "forall" , "forwarding" , "if" , "in" , "index" , "inline" , "inout" , "iter" , "label" , "let" , "lifetime" , "local" , "locale" , "module" , "new" , "nil" , "noinit" , "on" , "only" , "otherwise" , "out" , "override" , "owned" , "param" , "private" , "prototype" , "proc" , "public" , "record" , "reduce" , "ref" , "require" , "return" , "scan" , "select" , "serial" , "shared" , "single" , "sparse" , "subdomain" , "sync" , "then" , "this" , "throw" , "throws" , "true" , "try" , "type" , "union" , "unmanaged" , "use" , "var" , "when" , "where" , "while" , "with" , "yield" , "zip" ] } ) , ( Clojure , FileTypeInfo { ftSelector = [Ext "clj", Ext "cljs", Ext "cljc", Ext "edn"] , ftKind = KindLanguage , ftComment = [";" ~~ "\n"] , ftChar = [] , ftString = ["\"" ~~ "\""] , ftRawString = [] , ftIdentifierChars = Just (isAlpha, isAlphaNum_and "*+!-_?") , ftKeywords = types [ "nil" , "boolean" , "char" , "byte" , "short" , "int" , "long" , "float" , "double" ] <> reserved [ "and" , "let" , "def" , "defn" , "if" , "else" , "do" , "quote" , "var" , "fn" , "loop" , "recur" , "throw" , "try" , "monitor-enter" , "monitor-exit" ] } ) , ( Coffee , FileTypeInfo { ftSelector = [Ext "coffee"] , ftKind = KindScript , ftComment = ["#" ~~ "\n", "###" ~~ "###"] , ftChar = [] , ftString = ["'" ~~ "'", "\"" ~~ "\""] , ftRawString = ["'''" ~~ "'''", "\"\"\"" ~~ "\"\"\""] , ftIdentifierChars = Just (isAlpha_and "$", isAlphaNum_and "$") , ftKeywords = reserved [ "case" , "default" , "function" , "var" , "void" , "with" , "const" , "let" , "enum" , "export" , "import" , "native" , "__hasProp" , "__extends" , "__slice" , "__bind" , "__indexOf" , "implements" , "interface" , "package" , "private" , "protected" , "public" , "static" , "yield" , "true" , "false" , "null" , "this" , "new" , "delete" , "typeof" , "in" , "arguments" , "eval" , "instanceof" , "return" , "throw" , "break" , "continue" , "debugger" , "if" , "else" , "switch" , "for" , "while" , "do" , "try" , "catch" , "finally" , "class" , "extends" , "super" , "undefined" , "then" , "unless" , "until" , "loop" , "of" , "by" , "when" , "and" , "or" , "is" , "isnt" , "not" , "yes" , "no" , "on" , "off" ] } ) , ( Conf , FileTypeInfo { ftSelector = [Ext "config", Ext "conf", Ext "cfg", Ext "doxy"] , ftKind = KindConfig , ftComment = ["#" ~~ "\n"] , ftChar = [] , ftString = ["'" ~~ "'", "\"" ~~ "\""] , ftRawString = [] , ftIdentifierChars = Nothing , ftKeywords = HM.empty } ) , ( Cpp , FileTypeInfo { ftSelector = [ Ext "cpp" , Ext "CPP" , Ext "cxx" , Ext "cc" , Ext "cp" , Ext "c++" , Ext "tcc" , Ext "h" , Ext "H" , Ext "hpp" , Ext "ipp" , Ext "HPP" , Ext "hxx" , Ext "hh" , Ext "hp" , Ext "h++" , Ext "cu" , Ext "cuh" ] , ftKind = KindLanguage , ftComment = ["/*" ~~ "*/", "//" ~~ "\n"] , ftChar = ["'" ~~ "'"] , ftString = ["\"" ~~ "\""] , ftRawString = ["R\"(" ~~ ")\"", "R\"-(" ~~ ")-\"", "R\"--(" ~~ ")--\""] , ftIdentifierChars = Nothing , ftKeywords = types [ "int" , "short" , "long" , "float" , "double" , "char" , "bool" , "int8_t" , "int16_t" , "int32_t" , "int64_t" , "int_fast8_t" , "int_fast16_t" , "int_fast32_t" , "int_fast64_t" , "int_least8_t" , "int_least16_t" , "int_least32_t" , "int_least64_t" , "intmax_t" , "intptr_t" , "uint8_t" , "uint16_t" , "uint32_t" , "uint64_t" , "uint_fast8_t" , "uint_fast16_t" , "uint_fast32_t" , "uint_fast64_t" , "uint_least8_t" , "uint_least16_t" , "uint_least32_t" , "uint_least64_t" , "uintmax_t" , "uintptr_t" , "nullptr_t" ] <> reserved [ "alignas" , "alignof" , "and" , "and_eq" , "asm" , "atomic_cancel" , "atomic_commit" , "atomic_noexcept" , "auto" , "bitand" , "bitor" , "break" , "case" , "catch" , "class" , "compl" , "concept" , "const" , "consteval" , "constexpr" , "constinit" , "const_cast" , "continue" , "co_await" , "co_return" , "co_yield" , "decltype" , "default" , "delete" , "do" , "dynamic_cast" , "else" , "enum" , "explicit" , "export" , "extern" , "false" , "for" , "friend" , "goto" , "if" , "inline" , "mutable" , "namespace" , "new" , "noexcept" , "not" , "not_eq" , "nullptr" , "operator" , "or" , "or_eq" , "private" , "protected" , "public" , "reflexpr" , "register" , "reinterpret_cast" , "requires" , "return" , "signed" , "sizeof" , "static" , "static_assert" , "static_cast" , "struct" , "switch" , "synchronized" , "template" , "this" , "thread_local" , "throw" , "true" , "try" , "typedef" , "typeid" , "typename" , "union" , "unsigned" , "using" , "virtual" , "void" , "volatile" , "wchar_t" , "while" , "xor" , "xor_eq" , "final" , "override" , "transaction_safe" , "transaction_safe_dynamic" , "import" , "module" , "elif" , "endif" , "ifdef" , "ifndef" , "define" , "undef" , "include" , "line" , "error" , "pragma" , "defined" , "__has_include" , "__has_cpp_attribute" , "export" , "import" , "module" ] } ) , ( Csharp , FileTypeInfo { ftSelector = [Ext "cs", Ext "CS"] , ftKind = KindLanguage , ftComment = ["/*" ~~ "*/", "//" ~~ "\n"] , ftChar = ["'" ~~ "'"] , ftString = ["\"" ~~ "\""] , ftRawString = ["\"\"\"" ~~ "\"\"\""] , ftIdentifierChars = Nothing , ftKeywords = types [ "bool" , "byte" , "sbyte" , "char" , "decimal" , "double" , "float" , "int" , "uint" , "nint" , "nuint" , "long" , "ulong" , "short" , "ushort" ] <> reserved [ "abstract" , "as" , "base" , "break" , "case" , "catch" , "checked" , "class" , "const" , "continue" , "default" , "delegate" , "do" , "else" , "enum" , "event" , "explicit" , "extern" , "false" , "finally" , "fixed" , "for" , "foreach" , "goto" , "if" , "implicit" , "in" , "interface" , "internal" , "is" , "lock" , "namespace" , "new" , "null" , "object" , "operator" , "out" , "override" , "params" , "private" , "protected" , "public" , "readonly" , "ref" , "return" , "sealed" , "sizeof" , "stackalloc" , "static" , "string" , "struct" , "switch" , "this" , "throw" , "true" , "try" , "typeof" , "unchecked" , "unsafe" , "using" , "virtual" , "void" , "volatile" , "while" ] } ) , ( Csh , FileTypeInfo { ftSelector = [Ext "csh", Ext "tcsh"] , ftKind = KindScript , ftComment = ["#" ~~ "\n"] , ftChar = [] , ftString = ["'" ~~ "'", "\"" ~~ "\""] , ftRawString = [] , ftIdentifierChars = Nothing , ftKeywords = reserved [ "alias" , "alloc" , "bg" , "bindkey" , "break" , "breaksw" , "built-ins" , "bye" , "case" , "cd" , "chdir" , "complete" , "continue" , "default" , "dirs" , "echo" , "echotc" , "else" , "end" , "endif" , "endsw" , "eval" , "exec" , "exit" , "fg" , "filetest" , "foreach" , "glob" , "goto" , "hashstat" , "history" , "hup" , "if" , "jobs" , "kill" , "limit" , "log" , "login" , "logout" , "ls-F" , "newgrp" , "nice" , "nohup" , "notify" , "onintr" , "popd" , "printenv" , "pushd" , "rehash" , "repeat" , "sched" , "set" , "setenv" , "settc" , "setty" , "shift" , "source" , "stop" , "suspend" , "switch" , "telltc" , "time" , "umask" , "unalias" , "uncomplete" , "unhash" , "unlimit" , "unset" , "unsetenv" , "wait" , "watchlog" , "where" , "which" , "while" ] } ) , ( Css , FileTypeInfo { ftSelector = [Ext "css"] , ftKind = KindMarkup , ftComment = ["/*" ~~ "*/"] , ftChar = [] , ftString = ["\"" ~~ "\""] , ftRawString = [] , ftIdentifierChars = Just (isAlpha_and "-", isAlphaNum_and "-") , ftKeywords = HM.empty } ) , ( Cql , FileTypeInfo { ftSelector = [Ext "cql"] , ftKind = KindLanguage , ftComment = ["--" ~~ "\n"] , ftChar = [] , ftString = ["'" ~~ "'"] , ftRawString = [] , ftIdentifierChars = Nothing , ftKeywords = reserved [ "ASCII" , "ADD" , "AGGREGATE" , "ALL" , "ALLOW" , "ALTER" , "AND" , "ANY" , "APPLY" , "AS" , "ASC" , "AUTHORIZE" , "BATCH" , "BEGIN" , "BIGINT" , "BY" , "CLUSTERING" , "COLUMNFAMILY" , "COMPACT" , "CONSISTENCY" , "COUNT" , "COUNTER" , "CREATE" , "CUSTOM" , "DATE" , "DECIMAL" , "DELETE" , "DESC" , "DISTINCT" , "DOUBLE" , "DROP" , "EACH_QUORUM" , "ENTRIES" , "EXISTS" , "FILTERING" , "FLOAT" , "FROM" , "FROZEN" , "FULL" , "GRANT" , "IF" , "IN" , "INDEX" , "INET" , "INFINITY" , "INSERT" , "INT" , "INTO" , "KEY" , "KEYSPACE" , "KEYSPACES" , "LEVEL" , "LIMIT" , "LIST" , "LOCAL_ONE" , "LOCAL_QUORUM" , "MAP" , "MATERIALIZED" , "MODIFY" , "NAN" , "OF" , "ON" , "ONE" , "ORDER" , "PARTITION" , "PASSWORD" , "PER" , "PERMISSION" , "PERMISSIONS" , "PRIMARY" , "QUORUM" , "RECURSIVE" , "RENAME" , "REVOKE" , "SCHEMA" , "SELECT" , "SET" , "SMALLINT" , "STATIC" , "STORAGE" , "SUPERUSER" , "T" , "TABLE" , "TEXT" , "THREE" , "TIME" , "TIMESTAMP" , "TIMEUUID" , "TINYINT" , "TO" , "TOKEN" , "TRUNCATE" , "TTL" , "TUPLE" , "TWO" , "TYPE" , "UNLOGGED" , "UPDATE" , "USE" , "USER" , "USERS" , "USING" , "UUID" , "VALUES" , "VARCHAR" , "VARINT" , "VIEW" , "WHERE" , "WITH" , "WRITETIME" ] } ) , ( D , FileTypeInfo { ftSelector = [Ext "d", Ext "D"] , ftKind = KindLanguage , ftComment = ["/*" ~~ "*/", "//" ~~ "\n"] , ftChar = ["'" ~~ "'"] , ftString = ["\"" ~~ "\""] , ftRawString = ["r\"" ~~ "\"", "`" ~~ "`"] , ftIdentifierChars = Nothing , ftKeywords = types [ "bool" , "byte" , "ubyte" , "short" , "ushort" , "int" , "uint" , "long" , "ulong" , "cent" , "ucent" , "char" , "wchar" , "dchar" , "float" , "double" , "real" , "ifloat" , "idouble" , "ireal" , "cfloat" , "cdouble" , "creal" , "void" ] <> reserved [ "abstract" , "alias" , "align" , "asm" , "assert" , "auto" , "body" , "break" , "case" , "cast" , "catch" , "class" , "const" , "continue" , "debug" , "default" , "delegate" , "delete" , "deprecated" , "do" , "else" , "enum" , "export" , "extern" , "false" , "final" , "finally" , "for" , "foreach" , "foreach_reverse" , "function" , "goto" , "if" , "immutable" , "import" , "in" , "inout" , "interface" , "invariant" , "is" , "lazy" , "macro" , "mixin" , "module" , "new" , "nothrow" , "null" , "out" , "override" , "package" , "pragma" , "private" , "protected" , "public" , "pure" , "ref" , "return" , "scope" , "shared" , "static" , "struct" , "super" , "switch" , "synchronized" , "template" , "this" , "throw" , "true" , "try" , "typeid" , "typeof" , "union" , "unittest" , "version" , "while" , "with" , "__FILE__" , "__FILE_FULL_PATH__" , "__MODULE__" , "__LINE__" , "__FUNCTION__" , "__PRETTY_FUNCTION__" , "__gshared" , "__traits" , "__vector" , "__parameters" ] } ) , ( Dart , FileTypeInfo { ftSelector = [Ext "dart"] , ftKind = KindLanguage , ftComment = ["/*" ~~ "*/", "//" ~~ "\n"] , ftChar = [] , ftString = ["\"" ~~ "\"", "'" ~~ "'"] , ftRawString = ["'''" ~~ "'''", "\"\"\"" ~~ "\"\"\""] , ftIdentifierChars = Nothing , ftKeywords = types ["int", "double", "num", "bool", "null"] <> reserved [ "assert" , "break" , "case" , "catch" , "class" , "const" , "continue" , "default" , "do" , "else" , "enum" , "extends" , "false" , "final" , "finally" , "for" , "if" , "in" , "is" , "new" , "rethrow" , "return" , "super" , "switch" , "this" , "throw" , "true" , "try" , "var" , "void" , "while" , "with" , "async" , "hide" , "on" , "show" , "sync" , "abstract" , "as" , "covariant" , "deferred" , "dynamic" , "export" , "extension" , "external" , "factory" , "function" , "get" , "implements" , "import" , "interface" , "library" , "mixin" , "operator" , "part" , "set" , "static" , "typedef" , "await" , "yield" ] } ) , ( Dhall , FileTypeInfo { ftSelector = [Ext "dhall"] , ftKind = KindConfig , ftComment = ["{-" ~~ "-}", "--" ~~ "\n"] , ftChar = [] , ftString = ["\"" ~~ "\""] , ftRawString = [] , ftIdentifierChars = Just (isAlpha_', isAlphaNum_') , ftKeywords = types ["Bool", "Natural", "Integer", "Double", "Text", "Date", "Time", "List", "Optional"] <> reserved [ "if" , "then" , "else" , "toMap" , "with" , "merge" , "showConstructor" , "missing" , "as" , "using" , "let" , "assert" ] } ) , ( Elixir , FileTypeInfo { ftSelector = [Ext "ex", Ext "exs"] , ftKind = KindLanguage , ftComment = ["#" ~~ "\n"] , ftChar = [] , ftString = ["\"" ~~ "\"", "'" ~~ "'"] , ftRawString = [] , ftIdentifierChars = Nothing , ftKeywords = types [ "integer" , "float" , "boolean" , "atom" , "binary" , "string" , "list" , "tuple" , "map" ] <> reserved [ "true" , "false" , "nil" , "when" , "and" , "or" , "not" , "in" , "fn" , "do" , "end" , "catch" , "rescue" , "after" , "else" ] } ) , ( Elm , FileTypeInfo { ftSelector = [Ext "elm"] , ftKind = KindLanguage , ftComment = ["{-" ~~ "-}", "--" ~~ "\n"] , ftChar = ["'" ~~ "'"] , ftString = ["\"" ~~ "\""] , ftRawString = ["\"\"\"" ~~ "\"\"\""] , ftIdentifierChars = Just (isAlpha, isAlphaNum_) , ftKeywords = types [ "Bool" , "Int" , "Float" , "String" , "Char" , "List" , "Maybe" , "Result" , "Order" , "Never" , "Html" , "msg" , "Cmd" , "Sub" ] <> reserved [ "type" , "alias" , "port" , "if" , "then" , "else" , "case" , "of" , "let" , "in" , "infix" , "left" , "right" , "non" , "module" , "import" , "exposing" , "as" , "where" , "effect" , "command" , "subscription" , "true" , "false" , "null" ] } ) , ( Erlang , FileTypeInfo { ftSelector = [Ext "erl", Ext "ERL", Ext "hrl", Ext "HRL"] , ftKind = KindLanguage , ftComment = ["%" ~~ "\n"] , ftChar = [] , ftString = ["\"" ~~ "\""] , ftRawString = [] , ftIdentifierChars = Nothing , ftKeywords = types [ "Atom" , "Integer" , "Float" , "Boolean" , "String" , "Tuple" , "List" , "Function" , "Binary" , "PID" , "Port" , "Reference" , "Map" ] <> reserved [ "after" , "and" , "andalso" , "band" , "begin" , "bnot" , "bor" , "bsl" , "bsr" , "bxor" , "case" , "catch" , "cond" , "div" , "end" , "fun" , "if" , "let" , "not" , "of" , "or" , "orelse" , "receive" , "rem" , "try" , "when" , "xor" ] } ) , ( Fish , FileTypeInfo { ftSelector = [Ext "fish"] , ftKind = KindScript , ftComment = ["#" ~~ "\n"] , ftChar = [] , ftString = ["'" ~~ "'", "\"" ~~ "\""] , ftRawString = [] , ftIdentifierChars = Nothing , ftKeywords = reserved [ "and" , "argparse" , "begin" , "break" , "builtin" , "case" , "command" , "continue" , "else" , "end" , "eval" , "exec" , "for" , "function" , "if" , "not" , "or" , "read" , "return" , "set" , "status" , "string" , "switch" , "test" , "time" , "while" ] } ) , ( Fortran , FileTypeInfo { ftSelector = [ Ext "f" , Ext "for" , Ext "ftn" , Ext "F" , Ext "FOR" , Ext "FTN" , Ext "fpp" , Ext "FPP" , Ext "f90" , Ext "f95" , Ext "f03" , Ext "f08" , Ext "F90" , Ext "F95" , Ext "F03" , Ext "F08" ] , ftKind = KindLanguage , ftComment = ["!" ~~ "\n"] , ftChar = [] , ftString = ["\"" ~~ "\"", "'" ~~ "'"] , ftRawString = [] , ftIdentifierChars = Nothing , ftKeywords = types ["integer", "real", "complex", "logical", "character"] <> reserved [ -- fortran77 "assign" , "backspace" , "block" , "data" , "call" , "close" , "common" , "continue" , "data" , "dimension" , "do" , "else" , "else" , "if" , "end" , "endfile" , "endif" , "entry" , "equivalence" , "external" , "format" , "function" , "goto" , "if" , "implicit" , "inquire" , "intrinsic" , "open" , "parameter" , "pause" , "print" , "program" , "read" , "return" , "rewind" , "rewrite" , "save" , "stop" , "subroutine" , "then" , "write" , -- fortran 90 "allocatable" , "allocate" , "case" , "contains" , "cycle" , "deallocate" , "elsewhere" , "exit?" , "include" , "interface" , "intent" , "module" , "namelist" , "nullify" , "only" , "operator" , "optional" , "pointer" , "private" , "procedure" , "public" , "recursive" , "result" , "select" , "sequence" , "target" , "use" , "while" , "where" , -- fortran 95 "elemental" , "forall" , "pure" , -- fortran 03 "abstract" , "associate" , "asynchronous" , "bind" , "class" , "deferred" , "enum" , "enumerator" , "extends" , "final" , "flush" , "generic" , "import" , "non_overridable" , "nopass" , "pass" , "protected" , "value" , "volatile" , "wait" , -- fortran 08 "block" , "codimension" , "do" , "concurrent" , "contiguous" , "critical" , "error" , "stop" , "submodule" , "sync" , "all" , "sync" , "images" , "sync" , "memory" , "lock" , "unlock" ] } ) , ( Fsharp , FileTypeInfo { ftSelector = [Ext "fs", Ext "fsx", Ext "fsi"] , ftKind = KindLanguage , ftComment = ["(*" ~~ "*)", "//" ~~ "\n"] , ftChar = ["'" ~~ "'"] , ftString = ["\"" ~~ "\""] , ftRawString = ["\"\"\"" ~~ "\"\"\""] , ftIdentifierChars = Just (isAlpha_and "$@`?", isAlphaNum_and "$@`?") , ftKeywords = types [ "bool" , "byte" , "sbyte" , "int16" , "uint16" , "int" , "uint" , "int64" , "uint64" , "nativeint" , "unativeint" , "decimal" , "float" , "double" , "float32" , "single" , "char" , "string" ] <> reserved [ "abstract" , "and" , "as" , "assert" , "base" , "begin" , "class" , "default" , "delegate" , "do" , "done" , "downcast" , "downto" , "elif" , "else" , "end" , "exception" , "extern" , "FALSE" , "finally" , "fixed" , "for" , "fun" , "function" , "global" , "if" , "in" , "inherit" , "inline" , "interface" , "internal" , "lazy" , "let" , "let!" , "match" , "match!" , "member" , "module" , "mutable" , "namespace" , "new" , "not" , "null" , "of" , "open" , "or" , "override" , "private" , "public" , "rec" , "return" , "return!" , "select" , "static" , "struct" , "then" , "to" , "TRUE" , "try" , "type" , "upcast" , "use" , "use!" , "val" , "void" , "when" , "while" , "with" , "yield" , "yield!" , "const" , "asr" , "land" , "lor" , "lsl" , "lsr" , "lxor" , "mod" , "sig" , "break" , "checked" , "component" , "const" , "constraint" , "continue" , "event" , "external" , "include" , "mixin" , "parallel" , "process" , "protected" , "pure" , "sealed" , "tailcall" , "trait" , "virtual" ] } ) , ( Go , FileTypeInfo { ftSelector = [Ext "go"] , ftKind = KindLanguage , ftComment = ["/*" ~~ "*/", "//" ~~ "\n"] , ftChar = ["'" ~~ "'"] , ftString = ["\"" ~~ "\""] , ftRawString = ["`" ~~ "`"] , ftIdentifierChars = Nothing , ftKeywords = types [ "int8" , "int16" , "int32" , "int64" , "uint8" , "uint16" , "uint32" , "uint64" , "int" , "uint" , "rune" , "byte" , "uintptr" , "float32" , "float64" , "complex64" , "complex128" , "string" , "error" , "bool" ] <> reserved [ "break" , "default" , "func" , "interface" , "select" , "case" , "defer" , "go" , "map" , "struct" , "chan" , "else" , "goto" , "package" , "switch" , "const" , "fallthrough" , "if" , "range" , "type" , "continue" , "for" , "import" , "return" , "var" , "append" , "cap" , "close" , "copy" , "false" , "float32" , "float64" , "imag" , "iota" , "len" , "make" , "new" , "nil" , "panic" , "print" , "println" , "real" , "recover" , "true" ] } ) , ( GoMod , FileTypeInfo { ftSelector = [Name "go.mod"] , ftKind = KindConfig , ftComment = ["//" ~~ "\n"] , ftChar = [] , ftString = ["\"" ~~ "\""] , ftRawString = [] , ftIdentifierChars = Just (const False, const False) , ftKeywords = reserved [ "module" , "go" , "require" , "exclude" , "replace" , "retract" ] } ) , ( Haskell , FileTypeInfo { ftSelector = [Ext "hs", Ext "lhs", Ext "hsc"] , ftKind = KindLanguage , ftComment = ["{-" ~~ "-}", "--" ~~ "\n"] , ftChar = ["'" ~~ "'"] , ftString = ["\"" ~~ "\""] , ftRawString = ["[r|" ~~ "|]", "[q|" ~~ "|]", "[s|" ~~ "|]", "[here|" ~~ "|]", "[i|" ~~ "|]"] , ftIdentifierChars = Just (isAlpha_', isAlphaNum_') , ftKeywords = types [ "Bool" , "Char" , "String" , "ByteString" , "Text" , "Int" , "Int8" , "Int16" , "Int32" , "Int64" , "Word8" , "Word16" , "Word32" , "Word64" , "Integer" , "Float" , "Double" , "Complex" ] <> reserved [ "as" , "case" , "class" , "data" , "default" , "deriving" , "do" , "else" , "hiding" , "if" , "import" , "in" , "infix" , "infixl" , "infixr" , "instance" , "let" , "module" , "newtype" , "of" , "qualified" , "then" , "type" , "where" , "forall" , "mdo" , "family" , "role" , "pattern" , "static" , "group" , "by" , "using" , "foreign" , "export" , "label" , "dynamic" , "safe" , "interruptible" , "unsafe" , "stdcall" , "ccall" , "capi" , "prim" , "javascript" , "rec" , "proc" ] } ) , ( Html , FileTypeInfo { ftSelector = [Ext "htm", Ext "html"] , ftKind = KindMarkup , ftComment = [""] , ftChar = [] , ftString = ["\"" ~~ "\""] , ftRawString = [] , ftIdentifierChars = Just (isAlpha_, isAlpha_and "-:.") , ftKeywords = HM.empty } ) , ( Idris , FileTypeInfo { ftSelector = [Ext "idr", Ext "lidr"] , ftKind = KindLanguage , ftComment = ["{-" ~~ "-}", "--" ~~ "\n", "|||" ~~ "\n"] , ftChar = ["'" ~~ "'"] , ftString = ["\"" ~~ "\""] , ftRawString = [] , ftIdentifierChars = Just (isAlpha_', isAlphaNum_') , ftKeywords = types ["Int", "Integer", "Double", "Char", "String", "Ptr", "Bool"] <> reserved [ "abstract" , "auto" , "codata" , "data" , "if" , "parameters" , "public" , "then" , "total" , "using" , "case" , "class" , "concrete" , "covering" , "default" , "do" , "else" , "export" , "failing" , "forall" , "implementation" , "implicit" , "import" , "impossible" , "in" , "incomplete" , "instance" , "interface" , "let" , "module" , "mutual" , "namespace" , "of" , "open" , "params" , "partial" , "postulate" , "private" , "proof" , "public" , "record" , "return" , "rewrite" , "syntax" , "then" , "total" , "unreachable" , "where" , "with" , "using" ] } ) , ( Java , FileTypeInfo { ftSelector = [Ext "java"] , ftKind = KindLanguage , ftComment = ["/*" ~~ "*/", "//" ~~ "\n"] , ftChar = ["'" ~~ "'"] , ftString = ["\"" ~~ "\""] , ftRawString = [] , ftIdentifierChars = Just (isAlpha_and "$", isAlphaNum_and "$") , ftKeywords = types [ "bytes" , "char" , "short" , "int" , "long" , "float" , "double" , "boolean" , "void" ] <> reserved [ "abstract" , "assert" , "break" , "case" , "catch" , "class" , "continue" , "const" , "default" , "do" , "else" , "enum" , "exports" , "extends" , "final" , "finally" , "for" , "goto" , "if" , "implements" , "import" , "instanceof" , "int" , "interface" , "module" , "native" , "new" , "package" , "private" , "protected" , "public" , "requires" , "return" , "static" , "strictfp" , "super" , "switch" , "synchronized" , "this" , "throw" , "throws" , "transient" , "try" , "var" , "volatile" , "while" , "true" , "false" , "null" ] } ) , ( Javascript , FileTypeInfo { ftSelector = [Ext "js"] , ftKind = KindLanguage , ftComment = ["/*" ~~ "*/", "//" ~~ "\n"] , ftChar = ["'" ~~ "'"] , ftString = ["\"" ~~ "\""] , ftRawString = [] , ftIdentifierChars = Just (isAlpha_and "$", isAlphaNum_and "$") , ftKeywords = reserved [ "abstract" , "arguments" , "await" , "break" , "byte" , "case" , "catch" , "char" , "class" , "const" , "continue" , "debugger" , "default" , "delete" , "do" , "double" , "else" , "enum" , "eval" , "export" , "extends" , "false" , "final" , "finally" , "float" , "for" , "function" , "goto" , "if" , "implements" , "import" , "in" , "instanceof" , "int" , "interface" , "let" , "long" , "native" , "new" , "null" , "package" , "private" , "protected" , "public" , "return" , "short" , "static" , "super" , "switch" , "synchronized" , "this" , "throw" , "throws" , "transient" , "true" , "try" , "typeof" , "var" , "volatile" , "while" , "with" , "yield" ] } ) , ( Json , FileTypeInfo { ftSelector = [Ext "json", Ext "ndjson"] , ftKind = KindData , ftComment = [] , ftChar = [] , ftString = ["\"" ~~ "\""] , ftRawString = [] , ftIdentifierChars = Just (const False, const False) , ftKeywords = HM.empty } ) , ( Julia , FileTypeInfo { ftSelector = [Ext "jl"] , ftKind = KindLanguage , ftComment = ["#" ~~ "\n", "#-" ~~ "-#"] , ftChar = ["'" ~~ "'"] , ftString = ["\"" ~~ "\""] , ftRawString = ["\"\"\"" ~~ "\"\"\""] , ftIdentifierChars = Nothing , ftKeywords = types [ "Float16" , "Float32" , "Float64" , "Bool" , "Char" , "Int8" , "UInt8" , "Int16" , "UInt16" , "Int32" , "UInt32" , "Int64" , "UInt64" , "Int128" , "UInt128" , -- super types "Integer" , "AbstractChar" , "AbstractFloat" , "Signed" , "Unsigned" ] <> reserved [ "baremodule" , "begin" , "break" , "catch" , "const" , "continue" , "do" , "else" , "elseif" , "end" , "export" , "false" , "finally" , "for" , "function" , "global" , "if" , "import" , "let" , "local" , "macro" , "module" , "quote" , "return" , "struct" , "true" , "try" , "using" , "while" ] } ) , ( Kotlin , FileTypeInfo { ftSelector = [Ext "kt", Ext "kts", Ext "ktm"] , ftKind = KindLanguage , ftComment = ["/*" ~~ "*/", "//" ~~ "\n"] , ftChar = ["'" ~~ "'"] , ftString = ["\"" ~~ "\""] , ftRawString = ["\"\"\"" ~~ "\"\"\""] , ftIdentifierChars = Nothing , ftKeywords = types [ "Byte" , "Short" , "Int" , "Long" , "Float" , "Double" , "UByte" , "UShort" , "UInt" , "ULong" , "Boolean" , "Char" ] <> reserved [ "as" , "break" , "class" , "continue" , "do" , "else" , "false" , "for" , "fun" , "if" , "in" , "interface" , "is" , "null" , "object" , "package" , "return" , "super" , "this" , "throw" , "true" , "try" , "typealias" , "typeof" , "val" , "var" , "when" , "while" , "by" , "catch" , "constructor" , "delegate" , "dynamic" , "field" , "file" , "finally" , "get" , "import" , "init" , "param" , "property" , "receiver" , "set" , "setparam" , "value" , "where" , "abstract" , "actual" , "annotation" , "companion" , "const" , "crossinline" , "data" , "enum" , "expect" , "external" , "final" , "infix" , "inline" , "inner" , "internal" , "lateinit" , "noinline" , "open" , "operator" , "out" , "override" , "private" , "protected" , "public" , "reified" , "sealed" , "suspend" , "tailrec" , "vararg" , "field" , "it" ] } ) , ( Ksh , FileTypeInfo { ftSelector = [Ext "ksh"] , ftKind = KindScript , ftComment = ["#" ~~ "\n"] , ftChar = [] , ftString = ["'" ~~ "'", "\"" ~~ "\""] , ftRawString = [] , ftIdentifierChars = Nothing , ftKeywords = reserved [ "case" , "do" , "done" , "elif" , "else" , "esac" , "fi" , "for" , "function" , "if" , "in" , "select" , "then" , "time" , "until" , "while" ] } ) , ( Latex , FileTypeInfo { ftSelector = [Ext "latex", Ext "tex"] , ftKind = KindMarkup , ftComment = ["%" ~~ "\n"] , ftChar = [] , ftString = ["\"" ~~ "\""] , ftRawString = [] , ftIdentifierChars = Just (const False, const False) , ftKeywords = HM.empty } ) , ( Lisp , FileTypeInfo { ftSelector = [Ext "lisp", Ext "cl"] , ftKind = KindLanguage , ftComment = [";" ~~ "\n", "#|" ~~ "|#"] , ftChar = [] , ftString = ["\"" ~~ "\""] , ftRawString = [] , ftIdentifierChars = Just (isAlpha_, isAlphaNum_and "!$%&*+-./:<=>?@^~") , ftKeywords = types [ "array" , "atom" , "bignum" , "bit" , "bit-vector" , "character" , "compiled-function" , "complex" , "cons" , "double-float" , "fixnum" , "float" , "function" , "hash-table" , "integer" , "keyword" , "list" , "long-float" , "nil" , "null" , "number" , "package" , "pathname" , "random-state" , "ratio" , "rational" , "readtable" , "sequence" , "short-float" , "signed-byte" , "simple-array" , "simple-bit-vector" , "simple-string" , "simple-vector" , "single-float" , "standard-char" , "stream" , "string" , "symbol" , "t" , "unsigned-byte" , "vector" ] } ) , ( Lua , FileTypeInfo { ftSelector = [Ext "lua"] , ftKind = KindLanguage , ftComment = ["--[[" ~~ "--]]", "--" ~~ "\n"] , ftChar = [] , ftString = ["'" ~~ "'", "\"" ~~ "\""] , ftRawString = ["[===[" ~~ "]===]", "[==[" ~~ "]==]", "[=[" ~~ "]=]", "[[" ~~ "]]"] , ftIdentifierChars = Nothing , ftKeywords = reserved [ "and" , "break" , "do" , "else" , "elseif" , "end" , "false" , "for" , "function" , "if" , "in" , "local" , "nil" , "not" , "or" , "repeat" , "return" , "then" , "true" , "until" , "while" ] } ) , ( Make , FileTypeInfo { ftSelector = [Name "Makefile", Name "makefile", Name "GNUmakefile", Ext "mk", Ext "mak", Ext "make"] , ftKind = KindScript , ftComment = ["#" ~~ "\n"] , ftChar = [] , ftString = ["'" ~~ "'", "\"" ~~ "\""] , ftRawString = [] , ftIdentifierChars = Just (isAlpha_and "-", isAlpha_and "-") , ftKeywords = HM.empty } ) , ( Nmap , FileTypeInfo { ftSelector = [Ext "nse"] , ftKind = KindScript , ftComment = ["--" ~~ "\n", "[[" ~~ "]]"] , ftChar = [] , ftString = ["'" ~~ "'", "\"" ~~ "\""] , ftRawString = [] , ftIdentifierChars = Just (const False, const False) , ftKeywords = HM.empty } ) , ( Nim , FileTypeInfo { ftSelector = [Ext "nim"] , ftKind = KindLanguage , ftComment = ["#[" ~~ "#]", "#" ~~ "\n"] , ftChar = ["'" ~~ "'"] , ftString = ["\"" ~~ "\""] , ftRawString = ["\"\"\"" ~~ "\"\"\""] , ftIdentifierChars = Nothing , ftKeywords = types [ "int" , "int8" , "int16" , "int32" , "int64" , "uint" , "uint8" , "uint16" , "uint32" , "uint64" , "float" , "float32" , "float64" , "bool" , "string" , "cstring" ] <> reserved [ "addr" , "and" , "as" , "asm" , "bind" , "block" , "break" , "case" , "cast" , "concept" , "const" , "continue" , "converter" , "defer" , "discard" , "distinct" , "div" , "do" , "elif" , "else" , "end" , "enum" , "except" , "export" , "finally" , "for" , "from" , "func" , "if" , "import" , "in" , "include" , "interface" , "is" , "isnot" , "iterator" , "let" , "macro" , "method" , "mixin" , "mod" , "nil" , "not" , "notin" , "object" , "of" , "or" , "out" , "proc" , "ptr" , "raise" , "ref" , "return" , "shl" , "shr" , "static" , "template" , "try" , "tuple" , "type" , "using" , "var" , "when" , "while" , "xor" , "yield" ] } ) , ( OCaml , FileTypeInfo { ftSelector = [Ext "ml", Ext "mli"] , ftKind = KindLanguage , ftComment = ["(*" ~~ "*)"] , ftChar = ["'" ~~ "'"] , ftString = ["\"" ~~ "\""] , ftRawString = ["{id|" ~~ "|id}"] , ftIdentifierChars = Just (isAlpha_, isAlphaNum_') , ftKeywords = types [ "int" , "float" , "char" , "string" , "bool" , "unit" , "list" , "array" , "exn" , "option" , "ref" ] <> reserved [ "and" , "as" , "assert" , "asr" , "begin" , "class" , "constraint" , "do" , "done" , "downto" , "else" , "end" , "exception" , "external" , "false" , "for" , "fun" , "function" , "functor" , "if" , "in" , "include" , "inherit" , "initializer" , "land" , "lazy" , "let" , "lor" , "lsl" , "lsr" , "lxor" , "match" , "method" , "mod" , "module" , "mutable" , "new" , "nonrec" , "object" , "of" , "open" , "or" , "private" , "rec" , "sig" , "struct" , "then" , "to" , "true" , "try" , "type" , "val" , "virtual" , "when" , "while" , "with" ] } ) , ( ObjectiveC , FileTypeInfo { ftSelector = [Ext "m", Ext "mi"] , ftKind = KindLanguage , ftComment = ["/*" ~~ "*/", "//" ~~ "\n"] , ftChar = ["'" ~~ "'"] , ftString = ["\"" ~~ "\""] , ftRawString = [] , ftIdentifierChars = Nothing , ftKeywords = types [ "char" , "int" , "short" , "long" , "float" , "double" , "signed" , "unsigned" ] <> reserved [ "void" , "id" , "const" , "volatile" , "in" , "out" , "inout" , "bycopy" , "byref" , "oneway" , "self" , "super" , "interface" , "end" , "@implementation" , "@end" , "@interface" , "@end" , "@implementation" , "@end" , "@protoco" , "@end" , "@class" ] } ) , ( PHP , FileTypeInfo { ftSelector = [Ext "php", Ext "php3", Ext "php4", Ext "php5", Ext "phtml"] , ftKind = KindScript , ftComment = ["/*" ~~ "*/", "//" ~~ "\n", "#" ~~ "\n"] , ftChar = ["'" ~~ "'"] , ftString = ["'" ~~ "'", "\"" ~~ "\""] , ftRawString = ["< reserved [ "as" , "use" , "extern" , "crate" , "break" , "const" , "continue" , "crate" , "else" , "if" , "let" , "enum" , "extern" , "false" , "fn" , "for" , "if" , "impl" , "in" , "for" , "let" , "loop" , "match" , "mod" , "move" , "mut" , "pub" , "impl" , "ref" , "return" , "Self" , "self" , "static" , "struct" , "super" , "trait" , "true" , "type" , "unsafe" , "use" , "where" , "while" , "abstract" , "alignof" , "become" , "box" , "do" , "final" , "macro" , "offsetof" , "override" , "priv" , "proc" , "pure" , "sizeof" , "typeof" , "unsized" , "virtual" , "yield" , "async" , "await" , "dyn" , -- weak keywords "macro_rules" , "union" , "'static" , -- reserved for future use "abstract" , "become" , "box" , "do" , "final" , "macro" , "override" , "priv" , "typeof" , "unsized" , "virtual" , "yield" , "try" ] } ) , ( Scala , FileTypeInfo { ftSelector = [Ext "scala"] , ftKind = KindLanguage , ftComment = ["/*" ~~ "*/", "//" ~~ "\n"] , ftChar = ["'" ~~ "'"] , ftString = ["\"" ~~ "\"", "'" ~~ "'"] , ftRawString = [] , 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"ACOSH" , "ACTION" , "ADD" , "ADD_MONTHS" , "ADMIN" , "AFTER" , "AGGREGATE" , "ALIAS" , "ALL" , "ALLOCATE" , "ALLOW" , "ALTER" , "ALTERAND" , "AMP" , "ANALYSE" , "ANALYZE" , "AND" , "ANSIDATE" , "ANY" , "ARE" , "ARRAY" , "ARRAY_AGG" , "ARRAY_EXISTS" , "ARRAY_MAX_CARDINALITY" , "AS" , "ASC" , "ASENSITIVE" , "ASIN" , "ASINH" , "ASSERTION" , "ASSOCIATE" , "ASUTIME" , "ASYMMETRIC" , "AT" , "ATAN" , "ATAN2" , "ATANH" , "ATOMIC" , "AUDIT" , "AUTHORIZATION" , "AUX" , "AUXILIARY" , "AVE" , "AVERAGE" , "AVG" , "BACKUP" , "BEFORE" , "BEGIN" , "BEGIN_FRAME" , "BEGIN_PARTITION" , "BETWEEN" , "BIGINT" , "BINARY" , "BIT" , "BLOB" , "BOOLEAN" , "BOTH" , "BREADTH" , "BREAK" , "BROWSE" , "BT" , "BUFFERPOOL" , "BULK" , "BUT" , "BY" , "BYTE" , "BYTEINT" , "BYTES" , "CALL" , "CALLED" , "CAPTURE" , "CARDINALITY" , "CASCADE" , "CASCADED" , "CASE" , "CASESPECIFIC" , "CASE_N" , "CAST" , "CATALOG" , "CCSID" , "CD" , "CEIL" , "CEILING" , "CHANGE" , "CHAR" , "CHAR2HEXINT" , "CHARACTER" , "CHARACTERS" , "CHARACTER_LENGTH" , "CHARS" , "CHAR_LENGTH" , "CHECK" , "CHECKPOINT" , "CLASS" , "CLASSIFIER" , "CLOB" , "CLONE" , "CLOSE" , "CLUSTER" , "CLUSTERED" , "CM" , "COALESCE" , "COLLATE" , "COLLATION" , "COLLECT" , "COLLECTION" , "COLLID" , "COLUMN" , "COLUMN_VALUE" , "COMMENT" , "COMMIT" , "COMPLETION" , "COMPRESS" , "COMPUTE" , "CONCAT" , "CONCURRENTLY" , "CONDITION" , "CONNECT" , "CONNECTION" , "CONSTRAINT" , "CONSTRAINTS" , "CONSTRUCTOR" , "CONTAINS" , "CONTAINSTABLE" , "CONTENT" , "CONTINUE" , "CONVERT" , "CONVERT_TABLE_HEADER" , "COPY" , "CORR" , "CORRESPONDING" , "COS" , "COSH" , "COUNT" , "COVAR_POP" , "COVAR_SAMP" , "CREATE" , "CROSS" , "CS" , "CSUM" , "CT" , "CUBE" , "CUME_DIST" , "CURRENT" , "CURRENT_CATALOG" , "CURRENT_DATE" , "CURRENT_DEFAULT_TRANSFORM_GROUP" , "CURRENT_LC_CTYPE" , "CURRENT_PATH" , "CURRENT_ROLE" , "CURRENT_ROW" , "CURRENT_SCHEMA" , "CURRENT_SERVER" , "CURRENT_TIME" , "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP" , "CURRENT_TIMEZONE" , "CURRENT_TRANSFORM_GROUP_FOR_TYPE" , "CURRENT_USER" 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"ERRORFILES" , "ERRORTABLES" , "ESCAPE" , "ESCAPED" , "ET" , "EVERY" , "EXCEPT" , "EXCEPTION" , "EXCLUSIVE" , "EXEC" , "EXECUTE" , "EXISTS" , "EXIT" , "EXP" , "EXPLAIN" , "EXTERNAL" , "EXTRACT" , "FALLBACK" , "FALSE" , "FASTEXPORT" , "FENCED" , "FETCH" , "FIELDPROC" , "FILE" , "FILLFACTOR" , "FILTER" , "FINAL" , "FIRST" , "FIRST_VALUE" , "FLOAT" , "FLOAT4" , "FLOAT8" , "FLOOR" , "FOR" , "FORCE" , "FOREIGN" , "FORMAT" , "FOUND" , "FRAME_ROW" , "FREE" , "FREESPACE" , "FREETEXT" , "FREETEXTTABLE" , "FREEZE" , "FROM" , "FULL" , "FULLTEXT" , "FUNCTION" , "FUSION" , "GE" , "GENERAL" , "GENERATED" , "GET" , "GIVE" , "GLOBAL" , "GO" , "GOTO" , "GRANT" , "GRAPHIC" , "GROUP" , "GROUPING" , "GROUPS" , "GT" , "HANDLER" , "HASH" , "HASHAMP" , "HASHBAKAMP" , "HASHBUCKET" , "HASHROW" , "HAVING" , "HELP" , "HIGH_PRIORITY" , "HOLD" , "HOLDLOCK" , "HOST" , "HOUR" , "HOURS" , "HOUR_MICROSECOND" , "HOUR_MINUTE" , "HOUR_SECOND" , "IDENTIFIED" , "IDENTITY" , "IDENTITYCOL" , "IDENTITY_INSERT" , "IF" , 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"RESTRICT" , "RESULT" , "RESULT_SET_LOCATOR" , "RESUME" , "RET" , "RETRIEVE" , "RETURN" , "RETURNING" , "RETURNS" , "REVALIDATE" , "REVERT" , "REVOKE" , "RIGHT" , "RIGHTS" , "RLIKE" , "ROLE" , "ROLLBACK" , "ROLLFORWARD" , "ROLLUP" , "ROUND_CEILING" , "ROUND_DOWN" , "ROUND_FLOOR" , "ROUND_HALF_DOWN" , "ROUND_HALF_EVEN" , "ROUND_HALF_UP" , "ROUND_UP" , "ROUTINE" , "ROW" , "ROWCOUNT" , "ROWGUIDCOL" , "ROWID" , "ROWNUM" , "ROWS" , "ROWSET" , "ROW_NUMBER" , "RULE" , "RUN" , "RUNNING" , "SAMPLE" , "SAMPLEID" , "SAVE" , "SAVEPOINT" , "SCHEMA" , "SCHEMAS" , "SCOPE" , "SCRATCHPAD" , "SCROLL" , "SEARCH" , "SECOND" , "SECONDS" , "SECOND_MICROSECOND" , "SECQTY" , "SECTION" , "SECURITY" , "SECURITYAUDIT" , "SEEK" , "SEL" , "SELECT" , "SEMANTICKEYPHRASETABLE" , "SEMANTICSIMILARITYDETAILSTABLE" , "SEMANTICSIMILARITYTABLE" , "SENSITIVE" , "SEPARATOR" , "SEQUENCE" , "SESSION" , "SESSION_USER" , "SET" , "SETRESRATE" , "SETS" , "SETSESSRATE" , "SETUSER" , "SHARE" , "SHOW" , "SHUTDOWN" , "SIGNAL" , 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"TIMEZONE_HOUR" , "TIMEZONE_MINUTE" , "TINYBLOB" , "TINYINT" , "TINYTEXT" , "TITLE" , "TO" , "TOP" , "TRACE" , "TRAILING" , "TRAN" , "TRANSACTION" , "TRANSLATE" , "TRANSLATE_CHK" , "TRANSLATE_REGEX" , "TRANSLATION" , "TREAT" , "TRIGGER" , "TRIM" , "TRIM_ARRAY" , "TRUE" , "TRUNCATE" , "TRY_CONVERT" , "TSEQUAL" , "TYPE" , "UC" , "UESCAPE" , "UID" , "UNDEFINED" , "UNDER" , "UNDO" , "UNION" , "UNIQUE" , "UNKNOWN" , "UNLOCK" , "UNNEST" , "UNPIVOT" , "UNSIGNED" , "UNTIL" , "UPD" , "UPDATE" , "UPDATETEXT" , "UPPER" , "UPPERCASE" , "USAGE" , "USE" , "USER" , "USING" , "UTC_DATE" , "UTC_TIME" , "UTC_TIMESTAMP" , "VALIDATE" , "VALIDPROC" , "VALUE" , "VALUES" , "VALUE_OF" , "VARBINARY" , "VARBYTE" , "VARCHAR" , "VARCHAR2" , "VARCHARACTER" , "VARGRAPHIC" , "VARIABLE" , "VARIADIC" , "VARIANT" , "VARYING" , "VAR_POP" , "VAR_SAMP" , "VCAT" , "VERBOSE" , "VERSIONING" , "VIEW" , "VIRTUAL" , "VOLATILE" , "VOLUMES" , "WAIT" , "WAITFOR" , "WHEN" , "WHENEVER" , "WHERE" , "WHILE" , "WIDTH_BUCKET" , "WINDOW" , "WITH" , "WITHIN" , "WITHIN_GROUP" , "WITHOUT" , "WLM" , "WORK" , "WRITE" , "WRITETEXT" , "XMLCAST" , "XMLEXISTS" , "XMLNAMESPACES" , "XOR" , "YEAR" , "YEARS" , "YEAR_MONTH" , "ZEROFILL" , "ZEROIFNULL" , "ZONE" ] } ) , ( Tcl , FileTypeInfo { ftSelector = [Ext "tcl", Ext "tk"] , ftKind = KindScript , ftComment = ["#" ~~ "\n"] , ftChar = [] , ftString = ["\"" ~~ "\""] , ftRawString = [] , ftKeywords = HM.empty , ftIdentifierChars = Just (isAlpha, isAlphaNum) } ) , ( Text , FileTypeInfo { ftSelector = [ Ext "txt" , Ext "md" , Ext "markdown" , Ext "mdown" , Ext "mkdn" , Ext "mkd" , Ext "mdwn" , Ext "mdtxt" , Ext "mdtext" , Ext "text" , Name "README" , Name "INSTALL" , Name "VERSION" , Name "LICENSE" , Name "AUTHORS" , Name "CHANGELOG" , Name "go.sum" ] , ftKind = KindText , ftComment = [] , ftChar = [] , ftString = [] , ftRawString = [] , ftIdentifierChars = Just (const False, const False) , ftKeywords = HM.empty } ) , ( Unison , FileTypeInfo { ftSelector = [Ext "u"] , ftKind = KindLanguage , ftComment = ["{-" ~~ "-}", "--" ~~ "\n"] , ftChar = ["'" ~~ "'"] , ftString = ["\"" ~~ "\"", "\"\"\"" ~~ "\"\"\""] , ftRawString = [] , ftIdentifierChars = Just (isAlpha_', isAlphaNum_and ['!', '\'']) , ftKeywords = types [ "Text" , "Number" , "Boolean" , "List" , "Optional" , "Maybe" , "Either" , "Tuple" , "Function" ] <> reserved [ "type" , "ability" , "structural" , "unique" , "if" , "then" , "else" , "forall" , "handle" , "with" , "where" , "use" , "true" , "false" , "alias" , "typeLink" , "termLink" , "let" , "namespace" , "match" , "cases" ] } ) , ( VHDL , FileTypeInfo { ftSelector = [Ext "vhd", Ext "vhdl"] , ftKind = KindLanguage , ftComment = ["--" ~~ "\n"] , ftChar = ["'" ~~ "'"] , ftString = ["\"" ~~ "\""] , ftRawString = [] , ftIdentifierChars = Nothing , ftKeywords = types [ "std_logic" , "std_logic_vector" , "integer" , "real" , "boolean" , "character" , "string" , "time" , "bit" , "bit_vector" , "signed" , "unsigned" ] <> reserved [ "abs" , "access" , "after" , "alias" , "all" , "and" , "architecture" , "array" , "assert" , "attribute" , "begin" , "block" , "body" , "buffer" , "bus" , "case" , "component" , "configuration" , "constant" , "disconnect" , "downto" , "else" , "elsif" , "end" , "entity" , "exit" , "file" , "for" , "function" , "generate" , "generic" , "group" , "guarded" , "if" , "impure" , "in" , "inertial" , "inout" , "is" , "label" , "library" , "linkage" , "literal" , "loop" , "map" , "mod" , "nand" , "new" , "next" , "nor" , "not" , "null" , "of" , "on" , "open" , "or" , "others" , "out" , "package" , "port" , "postponed" , "procedure" , "process" , "pure" , "range" , "record" , "register" , "reject" , "return" , "rol" , "ror" , "select" , "severity" , "signal" , "shared" , "sla" , "sli" , "sra" , "srl" , "subtype" , "then" , "to" , "transport" , "type" , "unaffected" , "units" , "until" , "use" , "variable" , "wait" , "when" , "while" , "with" , "xnor" , "xor" ] } ) , ( Verilog , FileTypeInfo { ftSelector = [Ext "v", Ext "vh", Ext "sv"] , ftKind = KindLanguage , ftComment = ["/*" ~~ "*/", "//" ~~ "\n"] , ftChar = [] , ftString = ["\"" ~~ "\""] , ftRawString = [] , ftIdentifierChars = Nothing , ftKeywords = types [ "wire" , "reg" , "integer" , "real" , "time" , "parameter" , "event" , "genvar" , "string" ] <> reserved [ "always" , "end" , "ifnone" , "or" , "rpmos" , "tranif1" , "and" , "endcase" , "initial" , "output" , "rtran" , "tri" , "assign" , "endmodule" , "inout" , "rtranif0" , "tri0" , "begin" , "endfunction" , "input" , "pmos" , "rtranif1" , "tri1" , "buf" , "endprimitive" , "posedge" , "scalared" , "triand" , "bufif0" , "endspecify" , "join" , "primitive" , "small" , "trior" , "bufif1" , "endtable" , "large" , "pull0" , "specify" , "trireg" , "case" , "endtask" , "macromodule" , "pull1" , "specparam" , "vectored" , "casex" , "medium" , "pullup" , "strong0" , "wait" , "casez" , "for" , "module" , "pulldown" , "strong1" , "wand" , "cmos" , "force" , "nand" , "rcmos" , "supply0" , "weak0" , "deassign" , "forever" , "negedge" , "supply1" , "weak1" , "default" , "for" , "nmos" , "realtime" , "table" , "while" , "defparam" , "function" , "nor" , "task" , "disable" , "highz0" , "not" , "release" , "wor" , "edge" , "highz1" , "notif0" , "repeat" , "tran" , "xnor" , "else" , "if" , "notif1" , "rnmos" , "tranif0" , "xor" ] } ) , ( Yaml , FileTypeInfo { ftSelector = [Ext "yaml", Ext "yml"] , ftKind = KindConfig , ftComment = ["#" ~~ "\n"] , ftChar = [] , ftString = ["\"" ~~ "\"", "'" ~~ "'"] , ftRawString = [] , ftIdentifierChars = Just (const False, const False) , ftKeywords = HM.empty } ) , ( Toml , FileTypeInfo { ftSelector = [Ext "toml", Name "Cargo.lock"] , ftKind = KindConfig , ftComment = ["#" ~~ "\n"] , ftChar = [] , ftString = ["\"" ~~ "\"", "\"\"\"" ~~ "\"\"\""] , ftRawString = ["'" ~~ "'", "'''" ~~ "'''"] , ftIdentifierChars = Just (const False, const False) , ftKeywords = HM.empty } ) , ( Ini , FileTypeInfo { ftSelector = [Ext "ini"] , ftKind = KindConfig , ftComment = [";" ~~ "\n", "#" ~~ "\n"] , ftChar = [] , ftString = ["\"" ~~ "\""] , ftRawString = [] , ftIdentifierChars = Just (const False, const False) , ftKeywords = HM.empty } ) , ( Zig , FileTypeInfo { ftSelector = [Ext "zig"] , ftKind = KindLanguage , ftComment = ["//" ~~ "\n"] , ftChar = ["'" ~~ "'"] , ftString = ["\"" ~~ "\""] , ftRawString = ["\\" ~~ "\n"] , ftIdentifierChars = Nothing , ftKeywords = types [ "i8" , "u8" , "i16" , "u16" , "i32" , "u32" , "i64" , "u64" , "i128" , "u128" , "isize" , "usize" , "c_short" , "c_ushort" , "c_int" , "c_uint" , "c_long" , "c_ulong" , "c_longlong" , "c_ulonglong" , "c_longdouble" , "f16" , "f32" , "f64" , "f80" , "f128" , "bool" , "anyopaque" , "void" , "noreturn" , "type" , "anyerror" , "comptime_int" , "comptime_float" ] <> reserved [ "addrspace" , "align" , "allowzero" , "and" , "anyframe" , "anytype" , "asm" , "async" , "await" , "break" , "catch" , "comptime" , "const" , "continue" , "defer" , "else" , "enum" , "errdefer" , "error" , "export" , "extern" , "fn" , "for" , "if" , "inline" , "linksection" , "noalias" , "noinline" , "nosuspend" , "or" , "orelse" , "packed" , "pub" , "resume" , "return" , "struct" , "suspend" , "switch" , "test" , "threadlocal" , "try" , "union" , "unreachable" , "usingnamespace" , "var" , "volatile" , "while" ] } ) , ( Zsh , FileTypeInfo { ftSelector = [Ext "zsh"] , ftKind = KindScript , ftComment = ["#" ~~ "\n"] , ftChar = [] , ftString = ["'" ~~ "'", "\"" ~~ "\""] , ftRawString = [] , ftIdentifierChars = Nothing , ftKeywords = reserved [ "do" , "done" , "esac" , "then" , "elif" , "else" , "fi" , "for" , "case" , "if" , "while" , "function" , "repeat" , "time" , "until" , "select" , "coproc" , "nocorrect" , "foreach" , "end" ] } ) ] reserved :: [C.ByteString] -> HM.HashMap C.ByteString WordType reserved = HM.fromList . map (,Keyword) {-# INLINE reserved #-} types :: [C.ByteString] -> HM.HashMap C.ByteString WordType types = HM.fromList . map (,NativeType) {-# INLINE types #-} mkFilterFunction :: Bool -> FileTypeInfo -> Maybe FilterFunction mkFilterFunction alterBoundary FileTypeInfo{..} = Just $ runContextFilter (mkParConfig ftComment ftString ftRawString ftChar alterBoundary) {-# INLINE mkFilterFunction #-} contextFilter :: Maybe FileType -> ContextFilter -> Bool -> Text8 -> Text8 contextFilter _ (isContextFilterAll -> True) False txt = txt contextFilter Nothing _ _ txt = txt contextFilter (Just ftype) filt alterBoundary txt | Just fun <- parFunc = fun filt txt | otherwise = txt where parFunc = mkFilterFunction alterBoundary =<< Map.lookup ftype (unMapInfo fileTypeInfoMap) {-# INLINE contextFilter #-} fileTypeLookup :: Options -> RawFilePath -> Maybe (FileType, FileKind) fileTypeLookup opts f = forcedType opts <|> lookupFileType f where lookupFileType :: RawFilePath -> Maybe (FileType, FileKind) lookupFileType f = Map.lookup (Name $ takeFileName f) m <|> Map.lookup (Ext (C.dropWhile (== '.') $ takeExtension f)) m m = unMap fileTypeMap {-# INLINE fileTypeLookup #-} fileTypeInfoLookup :: Options -> RawFilePath -> Maybe (FileType, FileTypeInfo) fileTypeInfoLookup opts f = fileTypeLookup opts f >>= \(typ, kid) -> (typ,) <$> Map.lookup typ (unMapInfo fileTypeInfoMap) {-# INLINE fileTypeInfoLookup #-} fileTypeMap :: FileTypeMap fileTypeMap = FileTypeMap $ Map.fromList $ concatMap (\(typ, FileTypeInfo{..}) -> map (, (typ, ftKind)) ftSelector) $ Map.toList (unMapInfo fileTypeInfoMap) {-# NOINLINE fileTypeMap #-} dumpFileTypeInfoMap :: FileTypeInfoMap -> IO () dumpFileTypeInfoMap m = forM_ ((Map.toList . unMapInfo) m) $ \(l, ex) -> putStrLn $ show l <> [' ' | _ <- [length (show l) .. 12]] <> "-> " <> show (ftSelector ex) dumpFileTypeMap :: FileTypeMap -> IO () dumpFileTypeMap m = forM_ (Map.toList (unMap m)) $ \(ext, l) -> putStrLn $ show ext <> [' ' | _ <- [length (show ext) .. 12]] <> "-> " <> show l forcedType :: Options -> Maybe (FileType, FileKind) forcedType Options{type_force = l} | Just typ <- l = Map.lookup (Ext $ C.pack typ) m <|> Map.lookup (Name $ C.pack typ) m | otherwise = Nothing where m = unMap fileTypeMap (~~) :: C.ByteString -> C.ByteString -> Boundary (~~) = Boundary {-# INLINE (~~) #-}