# Change Log All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This project adheres to the [Package Versioning Policy](https://wiki.haskell.org/Package_versioning_policy). ## [3001.5.0.1] - Allow building against bytestring version 0.11.x. - Update our Cabal file to "cabal-version: >= 1.10" so that we can legally use the other-extensions field. ## [3001.5.0.0] - Define a proper `MonadFail` instance for `CGIT`. This is necessary to compile successfully with `ghc-8.8.x` Since that change affects our public API, a major version bump is necessary. - The build no longer supports ghc prior to version 8.x. ## [3001.4.0.0] - Drop obsolete Network.CGI.Compat module. The code in that module relied on obsolete functions and types from `network` which have been dropped there in the latest 3.x release. Re-writing the Compat module to use the new types felt like it would defeat the purpose of the module, so we've dropped it instead. - Dropped the dependency on `network` altogether. We need `network-uri`, really. Giving up support for ancient versions of `network` allows us to drop the `network-uri` flag, too, simplifying our builds. - Dropped support for versions of `mtl` prior to 2.2.x. That version was released almost 5 years ago, so we can probably drop the compatibility code (and the `old-mtl` Cabal flag) without surprising anyone. - Added new `cookieHttpOnly` flag to the `Cookies` type. When set, the client's browser will prevent client side scripts from accessing the cookie. ## [3001.3.1.0] ### Changed - Our error handling functions `throwCGI`, `catchCGI`, `tryCGI`, and `handleExceptionCGI` are deprecated. These functions are trivial aliases for the corresponding functions from the `exceptions` library's `MonadCatch` class. Users should directly use those functions. They are more general and have better documentation. - Relax version constraints to allow building with network 2.8.x. ## [3001.3.0.3] ### Changed - Bumped upper version bounds for containers and time. - Updated to exceptions 0.10.x. This meant extending our `MonadMask` instance to provide the `generalBracket` method that was added to the class in recent versions of the exceptions library. - The doctest suite would not work reliably with different versions of Cabal. Instead of going all out with a custom written build system to support it properly, we now run doctests as part of our CI builds but not as a part of the Cabal build any more. - Fixed several compiler warnings in our code. ## [3001.3.0.2] ### Changed - Bumped QuickCheck upper bound to version < 2.10 ## [3001.3.0.1] ### Changed - Bumped doctest to version < 0.12 ## [3001.3.0.0] ### Changed - Cookie.hs: cookieExpires now has type `Maybe UTCTime` rather than `Maybe CalendarTime` - Protocol.hs: URL decoding functions no longer decode UTF-8 encoding - Functor and Applicative instance of CGIT no longer constrain Functor or Applicative parameter to be an instance of Monad ## [3001.2.2.3] ### Changed * CGI.hs haddock: Use web.archive.org link for CGI specification ## [3001.2.2.2] ### Changed - Added support for building with mtl < 2.2.1 via flags ## [3001.2.2.1] ### Changed - Bumped exceptions version to < 0.9 ## [3001.2.2.0] ### Added - MonadMask instance for CGIT ## [3001.2.1.0] ### Added - Applicative instance for CGI Monad ### Changed - Deduplicate shared with `multipart` code ## 3001.2.0.0 ### Changed - GHC 7.8.3 support [Unreleased]: https://github.com/cheecheeo/haskell-cgi/compare/3001.3.0.2...HEAD [3001.3.0.2]: https://github.com/cheecheeo/haskell-cgi/compare/3001.3.0.1...3001.3.0.2 [3001.3.0.1]: https://github.com/cheecheeo/haskell-cgi/compare/3001.3.0.0...3001.3.0.1 [3001.3.0.0]: https://github.com/cheecheeo/haskell-cgi/compare/3001.2.2.3...3001.3.0.0 [3001.2.2.3]: https://github.com/cheecheeo/haskell-cgi/compare/3001.2.2.2...3001.2.2.3 [3001.2.2.2]: https://github.com/cheecheeo/haskell-cgi/compare/3001.2.2.1...3001.2.2.2 [3001.2.2.1]: https://github.com/cheecheeo/haskell-cgi/compare/3001.2.2.0...3001.2.2.1 [3001.2.2.0]: https://github.com/cheecheeo/haskell-cgi/compare/3001.2.1.0...3001.2.2.0 [3001.2.1.0]: https://github.com/cheecheeo/haskell-cgi/compare/3001.2.0.0...3001.2.1.0