% Testing Call-Time Choice of Functional-Logic Operations % Sebastian Fischer (sebf@informatik.uni-kiel.de) This module defines tests that specify the intended behaviour of functional-logic programs w.r.t. laziness and sharing. Although non-deterministic computations must be executed on demand, their results have to be as if they were executed eagerly. > module Control.CFLP.Tests.CallTimeChoice where > > import Control.CFLP > import Control.CFLP.Tests > import Test.HUnit > > import Control.CFLP > > import Prelude hiding ( not, null, head ) > > tests :: Test > tests = "call-time choice" ~: test > [ "ignore first, narrow second" ~: ignoreFirstNarrowSecond > , "shared vars are equal" ~: sharedVarsAreEqual > , "no demand on shared var" ~: noDemandOnSharedVar > , "shared compound terms" ~: sharedCompoundTerms > ] Every module under `Control.CFLP.Tests` defines a constant `tests` that collects all defined tests. > ignoreFirstNarrowSecond :: Assertion > ignoreFirstNarrowSecond = assertResults comp [True,False] > where > comp cs u = ignot (error "illegal demand") (unknown u) cs > > ignot :: CFLP cs m > => Nondet cs m a -> Nondet cs m Bool -> cs -> Nondet cs m Bool > ignot _ x = not x This test checks a function with two arguments, where the first must be ignored. Any changes in the translation scheme must not lead to demand on the first argument of `ignot`. I have no better idea to check demand than with using `error`. So an *error* is considered a *failure* in this test case. > sharedVarsAreEqual :: Assertion > sharedVarsAreEqual = assertResults comp [[False,False],[True,True]] > where > comp _ u = two (unknown u) > > two :: Monad m => Nondet cs m a -> Nondet cs m [a] > two x = x ^: x ^: nil This test checks call-time choice semantics: variables represent identical ground values. The elements of the constructed list must be equal although they are computed from a free variable. In the current translation scheme sharing is implicit (we have no special combinator to express sharing but use Haskell's sharing directly). In case we introduce such a combinator, the following tests are interesting. > noDemandOnSharedVar :: Assertion > noDemandOnSharedVar = assertResults comp [False] > where > comp cs _ = null (two (error "illegal demand" :: Nondet cs m Bool)) cs Even with an explicit combinator for sharing (to be used, e.g., in the definition of the function `two`) there must not be demand on something that is shared. > sharedCompoundTerms :: Assertion > sharedCompoundTerms = assertResults comp [[True,False],[False,True]] > where > comp cs u = negHeads (unknown u) cs > > negHeads :: CFLP cs m => Nondet cs m [Bool] -> cs -> Nondet cs m [Bool] > negHeads l cs = not (head l cs) cs ^: head l cs ^: nil This test checks whether sharing is ensured on aruments of compound terms even if they are consumed. In this example, the variable `l` is shared, so the heads that are computed twice must be equal and the negated head must be different from the head.