#if defined(__GLASGOW_HASKELL__) && !defined(__HADDOCK__)
#include "MachDeps.h"
module Data.Serialize.Get (
, runGet
, runGetLazy
, runGetState
, runGetLazyState
, Result(..)
, runGetPartial
, ensure
, isolate
, label
, skip
, uncheckedSkip
, lookAhead
, lookAheadM
, lookAheadE
, uncheckedLookAhead
, getBytes
, remaining
, isEmpty
, getWord8
, getByteString
, getLazyByteString
, getWord16be
, getWord32be
, getWord64be
, getWord16le
, getWord32le
, getWord64le
, getWordhost
, getWord16host
, getWord32host
, getWord64host
, getTwoOf
, getListOf
, getIArrayOf
, getTreeOf
, getSeqOf
, getMapOf
, getIntMapOf
, getSetOf
, getIntSetOf
, getMaybeOf
, getEitherOf
) where
import Control.Applicative (Applicative(..),Alternative(..))
import Control.Monad (unless,when,ap,MonadPlus(..),liftM2)
import Data.Array.IArray (IArray,listArray)
import Data.Ix (Ix)
import Data.List (intercalate)
import Data.Maybe (isNothing,fromMaybe)
import Foreign
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Internal as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Unsafe as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
import qualified Data.IntMap as IntMap
import qualified Data.IntSet as IntSet
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Tree as T
#if defined(__GLASGOW_HASKELL__) && !defined(__HADDOCK__)
import GHC.Base
import GHC.Word
data Result r = Fail String B.ByteString
| Partial (B.ByteString -> Result r)
| Done r B.ByteString
instance Show r => Show (Result r) where
show (Fail msg _) = "Fail " ++ show msg
show (Partial _) = "Partial _"
show (Done r bs) = "Done " ++ show r ++ " " ++ show bs
instance Functor Result where
fmap _ (Fail msg rest) = Fail msg rest
fmap f (Partial k) = Partial (fmap f . k)
fmap f (Done r bs) = Done (f r) bs
newtype Get a = Get
{ unGet :: forall r. Input -> Buffer -> More
-> Failure r -> Success a r
-> Result r }
type Input = B.ByteString
type Buffer = Maybe B.ByteString
append :: Buffer -> Buffer -> Buffer
append l r = B.append `fmap` l <*> r
bufferBytes :: Buffer -> B.ByteString
bufferBytes = fromMaybe B.empty
type Failure r = Input -> Buffer -> More -> [String] -> String -> Result r
type Success a r = Input -> Buffer -> More -> a -> Result r
data More
= Complete
| Incomplete (Maybe Int)
deriving (Eq)
moreLength :: More -> Int
moreLength m = case m of
Complete -> 0
Incomplete mb -> fromMaybe 0 mb
instance Functor Get where
fmap p m =
Get $ \s0 b0 m0 kf ks ->
let ks' s1 b1 m1 a = ks s1 b1 m1 (p a)
in unGet m s0 b0 m0 kf ks'
instance Applicative Get where
pure = return
(<*>) = ap
instance Alternative Get where
empty = failDesc "empty"
(<|>) = mplus
instance Monad Get where
return a = Get $ \ s0 b0 m0 _ ks -> ks s0 b0 m0 a
m >>= g =
Get $ \s0 b0 m0 kf ks ->
let ks' s1 b1 m1 a = unGet (g a) s1 b1 m1 kf ks
in unGet m s0 b0 m0 kf ks'
fail = failDesc
instance MonadPlus Get where
mzero = failDesc "mzero"
mplus a b =
Get $ \s0 b0 m0 kf ks ->
let kf' _ b1 m1 _ _ = unGet b (s0 `B.append` bufferBytes b1)
(b0 `append` b1) m1 kf ks
in unGet a s0 (Just B.empty) m0 kf' ks
formatTrace :: [String] -> String
formatTrace [] = "Empty call stack"
formatTrace ls = "From:\t" ++ intercalate "\n\t" ls ++ "\n"
get :: Get B.ByteString
get = Get (\s0 b0 m0 _ k -> k s0 b0 m0 s0)
put :: B.ByteString -> Get ()
put s = Get (\_ b0 m _ k -> k s b0 m ())
label :: String -> Get a -> Get a
label l m =
Get $ \ s0 b0 m0 kf ks ->
let kf' s1 b1 m1 ls = kf s1 b1 m1 (l:ls)
in unGet m s0 b0 m0 kf' ks
finalK :: Success a a
finalK s _ _ a = Done a s
failK :: Failure a
failK s b _ ls msg =
Fail (unlines [msg, formatTrace ls]) (s `B.append` bufferBytes b)
runGet :: Get a -> B.ByteString -> Either String a
runGet m str =
case unGet m str Nothing Complete failK finalK of
Fail i _ -> Left i
Done a _ -> Right a
Partial{} -> Left "Failed reading: Internal error: unexpected Partial."
runGetPartial :: Get a -> B.ByteString -> Result a
runGetPartial m str =
unGet m str Nothing (Incomplete Nothing) failK finalK
runGetState :: Get a -> B.ByteString -> Int
-> Either String (a, B.ByteString)
runGetState m str off = case runGetState' m str off of
(Right a,bs) -> Right (a,bs)
(Left i,_) -> Left i
runGetState' :: Get a -> B.ByteString -> Int
-> (Either String a, B.ByteString)
runGetState' m str off =
case unGet m (B.drop off str) Nothing Complete failK finalK of
Fail i bs -> (Left i,bs)
Done a bs -> (Right a, bs)
Partial{} -> (Left "Failed reading: Internal error: unexpected Partial.",B.empty)
runGetLazy' :: Get a -> L.ByteString -> (Either String a,L.ByteString)
runGetLazy' m lstr = loop run (L.toChunks lstr)
remLen c = fromIntegral (L.length lstr) B.length c
run str = unGet m str Nothing (Incomplete (Just (remLen str))) failK finalK
loop k chunks = case chunks of
c:cs -> case k c of
Fail str rest -> (Left str,L.fromChunks [rest])
Partial k' -> loop k' cs
Done r c' -> (Right r,L.fromChunks (c':cs))
[] -> case k B.empty of
Fail str rest -> (Left str,L.fromChunks [rest])
Partial _ -> (Left "Failed reading: Internal error: unexpected end of input",L.empty)
Done r rest -> (Right r,L.fromChunks [rest])
runGetLazy :: Get a -> L.ByteString -> Either String a
runGetLazy m lstr = fst (runGetLazy' m lstr)
runGetLazyState :: Get a -> L.ByteString -> Either String (a,L.ByteString)
runGetLazyState m lstr = case runGetLazy' m lstr of
(Right a,rest) -> Right (a,rest)
(Left err,_) -> Left err
ensure :: Int -> Get B.ByteString
ensure n = n `seq` Get $ \ s0 b0 m0 kf ks ->
if B.length s0 >= n
then ks s0 b0 m0 s0
else unGet (demandInput >> ensureRec n) s0 b0 m0 kf ks
ensureRec :: Int -> Get B.ByteString
ensureRec n = Get $ \s0 b0 m0 kf ks ->
if B.length s0 >= n
then ks s0 b0 m0 s0
else unGet (demandInput >> ensureRec n) s0 b0 m0 kf ks
isolate :: Int -> Get a -> Get a
isolate n m = do
when (n < 0) (fail "Attempted to isolate a negative number of bytes")
s <- ensure n
let (s',rest) = B.splitAt n s
put s'
a <- m
used <- get
unless (B.null used) (fail "not all bytes parsed in isolate")
put rest
return a
demandInput :: Get ()
demandInput = Get $ \s0 b0 m0 kf ks ->
case m0 of
Complete -> kf s0 b0 m0 ["demandInput"] "too few bytes"
Incomplete mb -> Partial $ \s ->
if B.null s
then kf s0 b0 m0 ["demandInput"] "too few bytes"
else let update l = l B.length s
s1 = s0 `B.append` s
b1 = b0 `append` Just s
in ks s1 b1 (Incomplete (update `fmap` mb)) ()
failDesc :: String -> Get a
failDesc err = do
let msg = "Failed reading: " ++ err
Get (\s0 b0 m0 kf _ -> kf s0 b0 m0 [] msg)
skip :: Int -> Get ()
skip n = do
s <- ensure n
put (B.drop n s)
uncheckedSkip :: Int -> Get ()
uncheckedSkip n = do
s <- get
put (B.drop n s)
lookAhead :: Get a -> Get a
lookAhead ga = Get $ \ s0 b0 m0 kf ks ->
let ks' _s1 b1 = ks (s0 `B.append` bufferBytes b1) (b0 `append` b1)
in unGet ga s0 (Just B.empty) m0 kf ks'
lookAheadM :: Get (Maybe a) -> Get (Maybe a)
lookAheadM gma = do
s <- get
ma <- gma
when (isNothing ma) (put s)
return ma
lookAheadE :: Get (Either a b) -> Get (Either a b)
lookAheadE gea = do
s <- get
ea <- gea
case ea of
Left _ -> put s
_ -> return ()
return ea
uncheckedLookAhead :: Int -> Get B.ByteString
uncheckedLookAhead n = do
s <- get
return (B.take n s)
remaining :: Get Int
remaining = Get (\ s0 b0 m0 _ ks -> ks s0 b0 m0 (B.length s0 + moreLength m0))
isEmpty :: Get Bool
isEmpty = Get (\ s0 b0 m0 _ ks -> ks s0 b0 m0 (B.null s0 && moreLength m0 == 0))
getByteString :: Int -> Get B.ByteString
getByteString n = do
bs <- getBytes n
return $! B.copy bs
getLazyByteString :: Int64 -> Get L.ByteString
getLazyByteString n = f `fmap` getByteString (fromIntegral n)
where f bs = L.fromChunks [bs]
getBytes :: Int -> Get B.ByteString
getBytes n | n < 0 = fail "getBytes: negative length requested"
getBytes n = do
s <- ensure n
let consume = B.unsafeTake n s
rest = B.unsafeDrop n s
put rest
return consume
getPtr :: Storable a => Int -> Get a
getPtr n = do
(fp,o,_) <- B.toForeignPtr `fmap` getBytes n
let k p = peek (castPtr (p `plusPtr` o))
return (B.inlinePerformIO (withForeignPtr fp k))
getWord8 :: Get Word8
getWord8 = getPtr (sizeOf (undefined :: Word8))
getWord16be :: Get Word16
getWord16be = do
s <- getBytes 2
return $! (fromIntegral (s `B.index` 0) `shiftl_w16` 8) .|.
(fromIntegral (s `B.index` 1))
getWord16le :: Get Word16
getWord16le = do
s <- getBytes 2
return $! (fromIntegral (s `B.index` 1) `shiftl_w16` 8) .|.
(fromIntegral (s `B.index` 0) )
getWord32be :: Get Word32
getWord32be = do
s <- getBytes 4
return $! (fromIntegral (s `B.index` 0) `shiftl_w32` 24) .|.
(fromIntegral (s `B.index` 1) `shiftl_w32` 16) .|.
(fromIntegral (s `B.index` 2) `shiftl_w32` 8) .|.
(fromIntegral (s `B.index` 3) )
getWord32le :: Get Word32
getWord32le = do
s <- getBytes 4
return $! (fromIntegral (s `B.index` 3) `shiftl_w32` 24) .|.
(fromIntegral (s `B.index` 2) `shiftl_w32` 16) .|.
(fromIntegral (s `B.index` 1) `shiftl_w32` 8) .|.
(fromIntegral (s `B.index` 0) )
getWord64be :: Get Word64
getWord64be = do
s <- getBytes 8
return $! (fromIntegral (s `B.index` 0) `shiftl_w64` 56) .|.
(fromIntegral (s `B.index` 1) `shiftl_w64` 48) .|.
(fromIntegral (s `B.index` 2) `shiftl_w64` 40) .|.
(fromIntegral (s `B.index` 3) `shiftl_w64` 32) .|.
(fromIntegral (s `B.index` 4) `shiftl_w64` 24) .|.
(fromIntegral (s `B.index` 5) `shiftl_w64` 16) .|.
(fromIntegral (s `B.index` 6) `shiftl_w64` 8) .|.
(fromIntegral (s `B.index` 7) )
getWord64le :: Get Word64
getWord64le = do
s <- getBytes 8
return $! (fromIntegral (s `B.index` 7) `shiftl_w64` 56) .|.
(fromIntegral (s `B.index` 6) `shiftl_w64` 48) .|.
(fromIntegral (s `B.index` 5) `shiftl_w64` 40) .|.
(fromIntegral (s `B.index` 4) `shiftl_w64` 32) .|.
(fromIntegral (s `B.index` 3) `shiftl_w64` 24) .|.
(fromIntegral (s `B.index` 2) `shiftl_w64` 16) .|.
(fromIntegral (s `B.index` 1) `shiftl_w64` 8) .|.
(fromIntegral (s `B.index` 0) )
getWordhost :: Get Word
getWordhost = getPtr (sizeOf (undefined :: Word))
getWord16host :: Get Word16
getWord16host = getPtr (sizeOf (undefined :: Word16))
getWord32host :: Get Word32
getWord32host = getPtr (sizeOf (undefined :: Word32))
getWord64host :: Get Word64
getWord64host = getPtr (sizeOf (undefined :: Word64))
shiftl_w16 :: Word16 -> Int -> Word16
shiftl_w32 :: Word32 -> Int -> Word32
shiftl_w64 :: Word64 -> Int -> Word64
#if defined(__GLASGOW_HASKELL__) && !defined(__HADDOCK__)
shiftl_w16 (W16# w) (I# i) = W16# (w `uncheckedShiftL#` i)
shiftl_w32 (W32# w) (I# i) = W32# (w `uncheckedShiftL#` i)
shiftl_w64 (W64# w) (I# i) = W64# (w `uncheckedShiftL64#` i)
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ <= 606
foreign import ccall unsafe "stg_uncheckedShiftL64"
uncheckedShiftL64# :: Word64# -> Int# -> Word64#
shiftl_w64 (W64# w) (I# i) = W64# (w `uncheckedShiftL#` i)
shiftl_w16 = shiftL
shiftl_w32 = shiftL
shiftl_w64 = shiftL
getTwoOf :: Get a -> Get b -> Get (a,b)
getTwoOf ma mb = liftM2 (,) ma mb
getListOf :: Get a -> Get [a]
getListOf m = go [] =<< getWord64be
go as 0 = return (reverse as)
go as i = do x <- m
x `seq` go (x:as) (i 1)
getIArrayOf :: (Ix i, IArray a e) => Get i -> Get e -> Get (a i e)
getIArrayOf ix e = liftM2 listArray (getTwoOf ix ix) (getListOf e)
getSeqOf :: Get a -> Get (Seq.Seq a)
getSeqOf m = go Seq.empty =<< getWord64be
go xs 0 = return $! xs
go xs n = xs `seq` n `seq` do
x <- m
go (xs Seq.|> x) (n 1)
getTreeOf :: Get a -> Get (T.Tree a)
getTreeOf m = liftM2 T.Node m (getListOf (getTreeOf m))
getMapOf :: Ord k => Get k -> Get a -> Get (Map.Map k a)
getMapOf k m = Map.fromList `fmap` getListOf (getTwoOf k m)
getIntMapOf :: Get Int -> Get a -> Get (IntMap.IntMap a)
getIntMapOf i m = IntMap.fromList `fmap` getListOf (getTwoOf i m)
getSetOf :: Ord a => Get a -> Get (Set.Set a)
getSetOf m = Set.fromList `fmap` getListOf m
getIntSetOf :: Get Int -> Get IntSet.IntSet
getIntSetOf m = IntSet.fromList `fmap` getListOf m
getMaybeOf :: Get a -> Get (Maybe a)
getMaybeOf m = do
tag <- getWord8
case tag of
0 -> return Nothing
_ -> Just `fmap` m
getEitherOf :: Get a -> Get b -> Get (Either a b)
getEitherOf ma mb = do
tag <- getWord8
case tag of
0 -> Left `fmap` ma
_ -> Right `fmap` mb