-- | Copyright 2013-2015 Anchor Systems, Pty Ltd and Others
-- The code in this file, and the program it is a part of, is
-- made available to you by its authors as open source software:
-- you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-- the 3-clause BSD licence.
-- /Description/
-- This module defines the hard-coded tags and values used by the
-- Ceilometer collector as well as clients of Ceilometer.
{-# OPTIONS -fno-warn-missing-signatures #-}

module Ceilometer.Tags where

import           Data.Maybe
import           Data.Text
import           Vaultaire.Types

keyMetricName = pack "metric_name"
keyTenancyID  = pack "project_id"
keyResourceID = pack "resource_id"
keyEvent      = pack "_event"
keyCompound   = pack "_compound"
keyVolumeType = pack "volume_type"

valTrue       = pack "1"
valFalse      = pack "0"

valCPU            = pack "cpu"
valDiskWrites     = pack "disk.write.bytes"
valDiskReads      = pack "disk.read.bytes"
valIP             = pack "ip.floating"
valImage          = pack "image.size"
valInstanceFlavor = pack "instance_flavor"
valInstanceRAM    = pack "instance_ram"
valInstanceVCPU   = pack "instance_vcpus"
valNeutronIn      = pack "network.incoming.bytes"
valNeutronOut     = pack "network.outgoing.bytes"
valSnapshot       = pack "snapshot.size"
valVolume         = pack "volume.size"

valVolumeBlock   = pack "7a522201-7c27-4eaa-9d95-d70cfaaeb16a"
valVolumeFast    = pack "f7797fba-2ce2-4d19-a607-29f4bc2acb3f"

lookupMetricName = lookupSource keyMetricName
lookupEvent      = lookupSource keyEvent
lookupVolumeType = lookupSource keyVolumeType
lookupCompound   = lookupSource keyCompound
isEvent          = maybe False (== valTrue) . lookupEvent