{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Main (main) where import Test.Hspec import Control.Monad import Data.Default import Control.Concurrent import qualified CDP as CDP main :: IO () main = hspec $ do describe "Endpoints responses of the expected type are received" $ do it "sends requests to all endpoints" $ do let cfg = def targetId <- fmap CDP.tiId $ CDP.connectToTab cfg "https://haskell.foundation" void $ mapM (CDP.fromSomeEndpoint $ void . CDP.endpoint cfg) [ CDP.SomeEndpoint CDP.EPBrowserVersion , CDP.SomeEndpoint CDP.EPAllTargets , CDP.SomeEndpoint CDP.EPCurrentProtocol , CDP.SomeEndpoint CDP.EPFrontend , CDP.SomeEndpoint $ CDP.EPCloseTarget targetId ] targetInfo <- runIO $ CDP.connectToTab def "https://haskell.foundation" runIO $ threadDelay 1 let cfg = def describe "Command responses of the expected type are received" $ do it "sends commands: w/o params w/o results" $ do CDP.runClient cfg $ \handle -> do sessionId <- CDP.targetAttachToTargetSessionId <$> (CDP.sendCommandWait handle $ CDP.PTargetAttachToTarget (CDP.tiId targetInfo) (Just True)) CDP.sendCommandForSessionWait handle sessionId CDP.PBrowserCrashGpuProcess it "sends commands: w/o params w/ results" $ do void $ CDP.runClient cfg $ \handle -> do mapM (CDP.fromSomeCommand $ void . (CDP.sendCommandWait handle)) $ [ CDP.SomeCommand CDP.PBrowserGetVersion , CDP.SomeCommand CDP.PEmulationCanEmulate ] it "sends commands: w/ params w/o results" $ do CDP.runClient cfg $ \handle -> CDP.sendCommandWait handle $ CDP.PEmulationSetGeolocationOverride (Just 90) (Just 90) Nothing it "sends commands: w/ params w/ results" $ do void $ CDP.runClient cfg $ \handle -> CDP.sendCommandWait handle $ CDP.PDOMGetDocument Nothing Nothing describe "Commands have the expected behaviour" $ do it "sets a cookie" $ do let name = "key" value = "value" domain = "localhost" cookies <- CDP.runClient cfg $ \handle -> do CDP.sendCommandWait handle CDP.PNetworkClearBrowserCookies CDP.sendCommandWait handle $ CDP.PNetworkSetCookie name value Nothing (Just domain) Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing CDP.sendCommandWait handle CDP.PNetworkGetAllCookies let cks = CDP.networkGetAllCookiesCookies cookies length cks `shouldBe` 1 let cookie = head cks CDP.networkCookieName cookie `shouldBe` name CDP.networkCookieValue cookie `shouldBe` value CDP.networkCookieDomain cookie `shouldBe` domain describe "Expected events are triggered" $ do it "navigates to a page" $ do frameIdsM <- newMVar [] CDP.runClient cfg $ \handle -> do -- register handler void $ CDP.subscribe handle $ \e -> modifyMVar_ frameIdsM $ \ids -> pure ((CDP.pageFrameId . CDP.pageFrameNavigatedFrame $ e) : ids) -- enable events CDP.sendCommandWait handle $ CDP.PPageEnable -- navigate to page void $ CDP.sendCommandWait handle $ CDP.PPageNavigate "http://wikipedia.com" Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing -- wait for events threadDelay 5000000 -- check at least 1 event was received ids <- readMVar frameIdsM length ids `shouldSatisfy` (> 0)