{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, RecordWildCards, TupleSections, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} module CDP.Runtime ( module CDP.Runtime , module CDP.Endpoints , module CDP.Internal.Utils ) where import Control.Applicative ((<$>)) import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.Loops import Control.Monad.Trans (liftIO) import qualified Data.Map as M import Data.Maybe import Data.Foldable (for_) import Data.Functor.Identity import Data.String import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.List as List import qualified Data.Text.IO as TI import qualified Data.Vector as V import Data.Aeson.Types (Parser(..)) import Data.Aeson (FromJSON (..), ToJSON (..), (.:), (.:?), (.=), (.!=), (.:!)) import qualified Data.Aeson as A import qualified Network.WebSockets as WS import Control.Concurrent import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BS import qualified Data.Map as Map import Data.Proxy import Control.Applicative import Data.Default import Control.Exception import System.Timeout import Data.Char import qualified System.IO as IO import qualified Data.IORef as IORef import qualified Network.HTTP.Simple as Http import CDP.Internal.Utils import CDP.Endpoints type ClientApp b = Handle -> IO b -- | Runs a client application. -- By default, the connection is made to the browser. See the `path` field in `Config`. -- The connection is closed once the IO action completes runClient :: forall b. Config -> ClientApp b -> IO b runClient config app = do commandNextId <- newMVar (CommandId 0) subscriptions <- IORef.newIORef $ Subscriptions Map.empty 0 commandBuffer <- IORef.newIORef Map.empty responseBuffer <- newMVar [] (host, port, path) <- do let hp = hostPort config if connectToBrowser config then browserAddress hp else pageAddress hp WS.runClient host port path $ \conn -> do let listen = forkIO $ do listenThread <- myThreadId forever $ do bs <- WS.fromDataMessage <$> WS.receiveDataMessage conn case A.decode bs of Nothing -> IO.hPutStrLn IO.stderr $ "Could not parse message: " ++ show bs Just im | Just method <- imMethod im -> do IO.hPutStrLn IO.stderr $ "dispatching with method " ++ show method dispatchEvent Handle{..} (imSessionId im) method (imParams im) Just im | Just id' <- imId im -> dispatchCommandResponse Handle {..} id' (imError im) (imResult im) bracket listen killThread (\listenThread -> app Handle{..}) -- | A message from the browser. We don't know yet if this is a command -- response or an event data IncomingMessage = IncomingMessage { imMethod :: Maybe String , imParams :: Maybe A.Value , imSessionId :: Maybe SessionId , imId :: Maybe CommandId , imError :: Maybe ProtocolError , imResult :: Maybe A.Value } instance FromJSON IncomingMessage where parseJSON = A.withObject "IncomingMessage" $ \obj -> IncomingMessage <$> obj A..:? "method" <*> obj A..:? "params" <*> obj A..:? "sessionId" <*> obj A..:? "id" <*> obj A..:? "error" <*> obj A..:? "result" dispatchCommandResponse :: Handle -> CommandId -> Maybe ProtocolError -> Maybe A.Value -> IO () dispatchCommandResponse handle commandId mbErr mbVal = do mbMVar <- IORef.atomicModifyIORef' (commandBuffer handle) $ \buffer -> case M.lookup commandId buffer of Nothing -> (buffer, Nothing) Just mv -> (Map.delete commandId buffer, Just mv) case mbMVar of Nothing -> pure () Just mv -> putMVar mv $ case mbErr of Just err -> Left err Nothing -> case mbVal of Just val -> Right val Nothing -> Right A.Null dispatchEvent :: Handle -> Maybe SessionId -> String -> Maybe A.Value -> IO () dispatchEvent handle mbSessionId method mbParams = do byMethod <- subscriptionsHandlers <$> IORef.readIORef (subscriptions handle) case Map.lookup (method, mbSessionId) byMethod of Nothing -> IO.hPutStrLn IO.stderr $ "No handler for " ++ show method ++ maybe "" ((", " <>) . show) mbSessionId Just byId -> case mbParams of Nothing -> IO.hPutStrLn IO.stderr $ "No params for " ++ show method Just params -> do IO.hPutStrLn IO.stderr $ "Calling handler for " ++ show method for_ byId ($ params) data Subscription = Subscription { subscriptionEventName :: String , subscriptionSessionId :: Maybe SessionId , subscriptionId :: Int } -- | Subscribes to an event subscribe :: forall a. Event a => Handle -> (a -> IO ()) -> IO Subscription subscribe handle handler = subscribe_ handle Nothing handler -- | Subscribes to an event for a given session subscribeForSession :: forall a. Event a => Handle -> SessionId -> (a -> IO ()) -> IO Subscription subscribeForSession handle sessionId handler = subscribe_ handle (Just sessionId) handler subscribe_ :: forall a. Event a => Handle -> Maybe SessionId -> (a -> IO ()) -> IO Subscription subscribe_ handle mbSessionId handler1 = do id' <- IORef.atomicModifyIORef' (subscriptions handle) $ \s -> let id' = subscriptionsNextId s in ( s { subscriptionsNextId = id' + 1 , subscriptionsHandlers = Map.insertWith Map.union (ename, mbSessionId) (Map.singleton id' handler2) (subscriptionsHandlers s) } , id' ) pure $ Subscription ename mbSessionId id' where ename = eventName (Proxy :: Proxy a) handler2 :: A.Value -> IO () handler2 val = case A.fromJSON val :: A.Result a of A.Error err -> do IO.hPutStrLn IO.stderr $ "Error parsing JSON: " ++ err IO.hPutStrLn IO.stderr $ "Value: " ++ show val A.Success x -> handler1 x -- | Unsubscribes to an event unsubscribe :: Handle -> Subscription -> IO () unsubscribe handle (Subscription ename mbSessionId id') = IORef.atomicModifyIORef' (subscriptions handle) $ \s -> ( s { subscriptionsHandlers = Map.adjust (Map.delete id') (ename, mbSessionId) (subscriptionsHandlers s) } , () ) data Promise a where Promise :: MVar tmp -> (tmp -> Either Error a) -> Promise a -- | Resolves a promise to its value readPromise :: Promise a -> IO a readPromise (Promise mv f) = do x <- readMVar mv either throwIO pure $ f x nextCommandId :: Handle -> IO CommandId nextCommandId handle = modifyMVar (commandNextId handle) (\x -> pure (CommandId . (+1) . unCommandId $ x, x)) data CommandObj a = CommandObj { coSessionId :: Maybe SessionId , coId :: CommandId , coMethod :: String , coParams :: a } deriving Show instance (ToJSON a) => ToJSON (CommandObj a) where toJSON cmd = A.object . concat $ [ maybe [] (\sid -> [ "sessionId" .= sid ]) $ coSessionId cmd , [ "id" .= coId cmd ] , [ "method" .= coMethod cmd ] , case toJSON (coParams cmd) of A.Null -> [] params -> [ "params" .= params ] ] -- | Sends a command to the browser and waits until a response is received, -- for the timeout duration configured sendCommandWait :: Command cmd => Handle -> cmd -> IO (CommandResponse cmd) sendCommandWait handle params = sendCommandWait_ handle Nothing params -- | Sends a command to the browser for a given session -- and waits until a response is received, for the timeout duration configured sendCommandForSessionWait :: Command cmd => Handle -> SessionId -> cmd -> IO (CommandResponse cmd) sendCommandForSessionWait handle sessionId params = sendCommandWait_ handle (Just sessionId) params sendCommandWait_ :: Command cmd => Handle -> Maybe SessionId -> cmd -> IO (CommandResponse cmd) sendCommandWait_ handle mbSessionId params = do promise <- sendCommand handle params let r = readPromise promise mbRes <- maybe (fmap Just r) (flip timeout r) (commandTimeout . config $ handle) maybe (throwIO ERRNoResponse) pure mbRes where proxy = Proxy :: Proxy cmd -- | Sends a command to the browser sendCommand :: forall cmd. Command cmd => Handle -> cmd -> IO (Promise (CommandResponse cmd)) sendCommand handle params = sendCommand_ handle Nothing params -- | Sends a command to the browser for a given session sendCommandForSession :: forall cmd. Command cmd => Handle -> SessionId -> cmd -> IO (Promise (CommandResponse cmd)) sendCommandForSession handle sessionId params = sendCommand_ handle (Just sessionId) params sendCommand_ :: forall cmd. Command cmd => Handle -> Maybe SessionId -> cmd -> IO (Promise (CommandResponse cmd)) sendCommand_ handle mbSessionId params = do id <- nextCommandId handle let co = CommandObj mbSessionId id (commandName proxy) params mv <- newEmptyMVar IORef.atomicModifyIORef' (commandBuffer handle) $ \buffer -> (M.insert id mv buffer, ()) WS.sendTextData (conn handle) . A.encode $ co pure $ Promise mv $ \case Left err -> Left $ ERRProtocol err Right v -> case fromJSON proxy v of A.Error err -> Left $ ERRParse err A.Success x -> Right x where proxy = Proxy :: Proxy cmd data SomeCommand where SomeCommand :: Command cmd => cmd -> SomeCommand fromSomeCommand :: (forall cmd. Command cmd => cmd -> r) -> SomeCommand -> r fromSomeCommand f (SomeCommand c) = f c