{- - Copyright 2011 Per Magnus Therning - - Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); - you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. - You may obtain a copy of the License at - - http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 - - Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software - distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, - WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. - See the License for the specific language governing permissions and - limitations under the License. -} module Main where import Add import BuildPkgs import BumpPkgs import Sync import Versions import ListPkgs import Updates import Util.Misc import Urls import PkgBuild import ConvertDB import Remove import Paths_cblrepo import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.Reader import Distribution.Text import System.Console.CmdArgs import System.Directory import System.FilePath -- {{{1 command line arguments argAppDir = appDir := def += explicit += name "appdir" += help "application data directory" += typDir argDbFile = dbFile := "cblrepo.db" += explicit += name "db" += help "package database" += typFile argDryRun = dryRun := False += explicit += name "n" += help "dry run" cmdAddPkg = record defCmdAdd [ argAppDir, argDbFile , patchDir := "patches" += explicit += name "patchdir" += help "location of patches" += typDir , argDryRun , pkgType := RepoPkgT += explicit += name "t" += name "type" += typ "TYPE" += help "type of package ((g)hcpkg, (d)istropkg, or (r)epopkg, default: r)" --, isBase := False += explicit += name "b" += name "base" += help "add a base package" , cbls := def += args += typ "PKGVERSPEC" ] += name "add" += help "add a package from a Cabal file" += details [ "The package version depends on the type of the package that's added:" , " 1. For a ghc package specify the name and version, e.g. 'base,4.3'" , " 2. For a distro package specify the name, version, and release, e.g. 'HUnit,,2.1" , " 3. For a repo package provide a Cabal file by either" , " - provide the filename of the Cabal file" , " - specify the URL where the Cabal file can be found (for file:// URLs the full absolute path is required" , " - specify the name and version to load the Cabal file out of an index file (see idxupdate)" , " All three format may be mixed on the command line." ] cmdBumpPkgs = record defBumpPkgs [ argAppDir, argDbFile , argDryRun , inclusive := False += explicit += name "inclusive" += help "include listed packages" , pkgs := def += args += typ "PKG" ] += name "bump" += help "bump packages that need it after updating the named packages" cmdBuildPkgs = record defBuildPkgs [ argAppDir, argDbFile , pkgs := def += args += typ "PKG" ] += name "build" += help "list packages that need rebuilding, in order" cmdSync = record defSync [ argAppDir ] += name "sync" += help "update the index" cmdVersions = record defVersions [ argAppDir , pkgs := def += args += typ "PKG" ] += name "versions" += help "list available versions" cmdUpdates = record defUpdates [ argAppDir , argDbFile ] += name "updates" += help "check for availabale updates" cmdListPkgs = record defListPkgs [ argAppDir, argDbFile , listAll := False += name "a" += explicit += help "list all packages" ] += name "list" += help "list packages in repo" cmdUrls = record defUrls [ argAppDir , pkgVers := def += args += typ "STRING,STRING" ] += help "list urls of cabal files for the given packages" += details [ "The format for a package is ,." ] cmdPkgBuild = record defPkgBuild [ argAppDir, argDbFile , patchDir := "patches" += explicit += name "patchdir" += help "location of patches (patches)" += typDir , pkgs := def += args += typ "PKG" ] += help "create a PKGBUILD, and other files necessary for an Arch package" cmdConvertDb = record defConvertDb [ argAppDir , inDbFile := "cblrepo.db" += explicit += name "i" += name "indb" += typFile += help "old database" , outDbFile := "new-cblrepo.db" += explicit += name "o" += name "outdb" += typFile += help "new database" ] += help "convert an old database to the new format" cmdRemovePkg = record defRemovePkg [ argAppDir, argDbFile, argDryRun , pkgs := def += args += typ "PKG" ] += name "rm" += help "remove packages" cmds = cmdArgsMode_ $ modes_ [ cmdAddPkg , cmdBuildPkgs , cmdBumpPkgs , cmdSync , cmdVersions , cmdListPkgs , cmdUpdates , cmdUrls , cmdPkgBuild , cmdConvertDb , cmdRemovePkg ] += program progName += summary (progName ++ " v" ++ (display version)) += help "maintain a database of dependencies of CABAL packages" -- {{{1 main main = do defAppDir <- getAppUserDataDirectory progName cmdArgsRun cmds >>= \ c -> do let aD = if null (appDir c) then defAppDir else (appDir c) let c' = c { appDir = aD } createDirectoryIfMissing True (aD) case c' of CmdAdd {} -> runReaderT add c' BuildPkgs {} -> runReaderT buildPkgs c' BumpPkgs {} -> runReaderT bumpPkgs c' Sync {} -> runReaderT sync c' Versions {} -> runReaderT versions c' ListPkgs {} -> runReaderT listPkgs c' Updates {} -> runReaderT updates c' Urls {} -> runReaderT urls c' PkgBuild {} -> runReaderT pkgBuild c' ConvertDb {} -> runReaderT convertDb c' RemovePkg {} -> runReaderT remove c'