name: cblrepo version: 0.15.0 cabal-version: >= 1.6 license: OtherLicense license-file: LICENSE-2.0 copyright: Copyright (c) 2011 Magnus Therning author: Magnus Therning maintainer: Magnus Therning stability: experimental bug-reports: synopsis: Tool to maintain a database of CABAL packages and their dependencies description: Helper tool for people maintaining a set of CABAL packages for their distribution. It maintains a database of packages and verifies dependencies of the entire set as packages are added or updated. It also makes it trivial to track packages as new versions are released on Hackage. It can also be used to build source packages for the Arch Linux distribution. category: Utils, Distribution build-type: Custom executable cblrepo hs-source-dirs: src main-is: Main.hs other-modules: PkgDB Add BumpPkgs BuildPkgs Sync Versions Updates ListPkgs PkgBuild OldPkgDB ConvertDB Remove Extract Util.Translation Util.Cabal Util.HackageIndex Util.Misc Util.Dist build-depends: base ==4.8.*, filepath ==1.4.*, directory ==1.2.*, Cabal ==1.22.*, bytestring ==0.10.*, tar ==0.4.*, zlib ==0.5.*, mtl ==2.2.*, process ==1.2.*, Unixutils ==1.52.*, unix ==2.7.*, ansi-wl-pprint ==0.6.*, aeson ==0.8.*, optparse-applicative ==0.11.*, safe ==0.3.*, containers ==0.5.*, utf8-string ==1 Source-Repository head Type: git Location: -- vim: set tw=0 :