\documentclass{article} \usepackage{fge} \usepackage{mathabx} \usepackage{hyperref} \usepackage{marvosym} %include polycode.fmt \begin{document} \title{Fly Like an Arrow} \author{Jonathan Fischoff \hskip 2pt \Letter \hskip 4pt \} \maketitle The great thing about {\tt Arrows} is you can write code that works for morphisms in different categories. For example, you can write code for functions and later use monad actions, or Kleisli arrows, instead. This is useful for error handling, and of course, adding {\tt IO}. If the underlying category uses isomorphisms (things with inverses) exclusively then it is called a {\sl groupoid}. Groupoids cause cracks to show in the {\tt Arrow} abstraction. {\tt Arrow} assumes that you can lift any function into the category you are writing code for, by requiring a definition for @arr :: (b -> c) -> a b c@ function. This is out for groupoids, because not all functions are isomorphisms. To remedy this, among other issues, Adam Megacz came up with. \href{http://arxiv.org/pdf/1007.2885v2.pdf}{Generalized Arrows.}. In \href{https://www.cs.indiana.edu/~rpjames/papers/rc.pdf}{\sl Dagger Traced Symmetric Monoidal Categories and Reversible Programming} the authors show how to construct an reversible language out of the sum and product types along with related combinators to form a commutative semiring, at the type level. Both approaches are similar. Error handling and \href{http://www.informatik.uni-marburg.de/~rendel/rendel10invertible.pdf}{\sl partial isomorphisms} are possible with Generalized Arrows. However, I find the algebraic approach of {\sl DTSMCRP} more elegant. So I am going to try to get the same combinators as {\sl DTSMCRP} but for an arbitrary category, as I would with Generalized Arrows. This is a Literate Haskell file, which means it can be executed as Haskell code. First, I need to start with a simple Haskell preamble. \begin{code}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-} 
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances   #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances   #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts       #-}    
-- |Categorical semirings (my term, but maybe the correct one) are an alternative to Arrows, but play nicely with groupoids. | 
--  See the source or the latex source for more background.
module Data.Semiring (
        -- * Endofunctors for construction
        -- ** first/right like functions
        , promote
        , swap_promote
        -- * Laws (Axioms) for building algebraic structures
        , Absorbs(..)
        , Assocative(..)
        , Commutative(..)
        , Annihilates(..)
        , Distributes(..)
        -- * Categorical Algebraic Structures
        , Monoidial
        , CommutativeMonoidial
        , Semiring
        -- * Arrow like functions for semiring categories
        , first
        , second
        , left
        , right
        -- * A groupoid class that is a category. Maybe this is a bad idea?
        , Groupoid(..)
        , Iso(..)
        -- * Alegraic laws as isomorphism for groupoid instances
        , biject_sum_absorb
        , biject_sum_assoc
        , biject_product_absorb
        , biject_product_assoc
        , biject_distributes
        , kbiject_sum_absorb
        , kbiject_sum_assoc
        , kbiject_product_absorb
        , kbiject_product_assoc
        , kbiject_distributes
    ) where  
import Prelude hiding ((.), id)
import Control.Category ((.), id, Category(..))
import Data.Void(Void) 
import Control.Arrow (Kleisli(..))   
import Generics.Pointless.MonadCombinators (mfuse)
import Control.Monad (liftM)
import Control.Newtype
\end{code} \newpage \noindent I start with an abstraction for both sum and product constructors. \begin{code}
-- |An endofunctor for combining two morphisms|
class Category k => Ctor k constr | constr -> k where
    selfmap :: k a b -> k c d -> k (constr a c) (constr b d)  
\end{code} \noindent With Ctor I can write a generic {\tt first} or {\tt left} \begin{code}
-- |construct a new morphism with identity|
promote :: Ctor k op => k a b -> k (op a c) (op b c)
promote = flip selfmap id

-- |construct a new morphism with identity with the arguments reversed|
swap_promote :: Ctor k op => k a b -> k (op c a) (op c b)
swap_promote = selfmap id
\end{code} It is probably not clear at this point but depending on the type of {\sl op} we can get either the {\tt Arrow} $\ast\ast\ast$ or the {\tt ArrowChoice} $\interleave$ function. If we make a semiring we can get them both. That's what we are going to do. I use type classes to encode the algebraic laws of semirings, with a class per law. %format \<-\> = "\leftrightarrow " \vskip 5pt \begin{code}
-- |The absorbtion law => x+0 \<-\> x |
class Ctor k op => Absorbs k op id | op -> k, op -> id where
    absorb   :: k (op id a) a
    unabsorb :: k a (op id a)
\end{code} \begin{code}
-- |The commutative law => x + y \<-\> y + x|
class Ctor k op => Commutative k op | op -> k where    
    commute  :: k (op a b) (op b a)    
\end{code} \begin{code}
-- |The assocative law => (x + y) + z \<-\> x + (y + z)|
class Ctor k op => Assocative k op | op -> k where
    assoc    :: k (op (op a b) c) (op a (op b c)) 
    unassoc  :: k (op a (op b c)) (op (op a b) c)
\end{code} \begin{code}
-- |The annihilation law => 0 * x \<-\> 0|
class Ctor k op => Annihilates k op zero | op zero -> k where
    annihilates   :: k (op zero a) zero    
\end{code} \begin{code}
-- |The distribution law => (a + b) * c \<-\> (a * c) + (b * c)|
class (Ctor k add, Ctor k multi) => Distributes k add multi | add multi -> k where
    distribute   :: k (multi (add a b) c) (add (multi a c) (multi b c))    
    undistribute :: k (add (multi a c) (multi b c)) (multi (add a b) c)
\end{code} I collect these into groups of laws to make different algebraic structures. \begin{code}
-- |Monoidial Category class|
class (Assocative k dot, Absorbs k dot id)  => 
      Monoidial k dot id | dot id -> k where
\end{code} \begin{code}
-- |Commutative Monoidial Category class|          
class (Monoidial k dot id, Commutative k dot) => 
      CommutativeMonoidial k dot id | dot id -> k where 
\end{code} \begin{code}
-- |Semiring Category class|        
class (CommutativeMonoidial k add zero, 
       CommutativeMonoidial k multi one, 
       Annihilates k multi zero, 
       Distributes k add multi) => 
       Semiring k add zero multi one | add zero multi one -> k where
\end{code} From which I regain {\tt Arrow} and {\tt ArrowChoice} functionality. Although, because of {\tt promote}, I already had this capability. \begin{code}
-- |Apply the multi monoid operator to the morphism and identity|
first :: Semiring a add zero multi one => a b c -> a (multi b d) (multi c d)
first = promote
-- |Apply the multi monoid operator to identity and the morphism|
second :: Semiring a add zero multi one => a b c -> a (multi d b) (multi d c)
second = swap_promote
-- |Apply the add monoid operator to the morphism and identity|
left :: Semiring a add zero multi one => a b c -> a (add b d) (add c d)
left = promote
-- |Apply the add monoid operator to identity and the morphism|
right :: Semiring a add zero multi one => a b c -> a (add d b) (add d c)
right = swap_promote
\end{code} Many of the Generic Arrow functions can be included through absorption ({\tt cancel}, {\tt uncancel}) and commutativity ({\tt swap}). I'm not interested in adding looping at this point. This also makes clear the relationship between {\tt Arrow} and {\tt ArrowChoice} as has been noted else where. Basically the same thing with a different endofunctor or constructor ({\tt Arrow} uses product types, {\tt ArrowChoice} uses sum types) as the monoid operator of a type level commutative monoid. Making instances is a little onerous because of the use of multiparameter classes and the functional dependencies I have chosen. When I begin actually using these classes, it could result in massive changes. I am open to any suggestions on better designs. \newpage The rest of the code is basically boilerplate. I used Djinn to write some of the functions (hopefully they work :)). \section{Small Category Instances} \subsection{Function Instances} \subsubsection{Sum Commutative Monoid Instances} %format Sum = "\bigplus " %format Zero = "\MVZero " \begin{code}
type Sum = Either
type Zero  = Void
instance Ctor (->) Sum where
    selfmap f g = either (Left . f) (Right . g)
instance Absorbs (->) Sum Zero where
    absorb  (Right x) = x
    absorb  _ = error "Absorbs,->,Sum,Zero Semiring.lhs absorb:impossible!" 
    unabsorb = Right
instance Assocative (->) Sum where
    assoc   = either (either Left (Right . Left)) (Right . Right)
    unassoc = either (Left . Left) (either (Left . Right) Right)
instance Monoidial (->) Sum Zero where

instance Commutative (->) Sum where
    commute = either Right Left
instance CommutativeMonoidial (->) Sum Zero where    
\end{code} \subsubsection{Product Commutative Monoid Instances} %format Product = "\ast " %format One = "\MVOne " \begin{code}
type Product = (,)
type One  = ()
instance Ctor (->) Product where
    selfmap f g (x, y) = (f x, g y)
instance Absorbs (->) Product One where
    absorb  ((), x) = x 
    unabsorb x = ((), x)
instance Assocative (->) Product where
    assoc   ((x, y), z) = (x, (y, z)) 
    unassoc (x, (y, z)) = ((x, y), z)
instance Monoidial (->) Product One where

instance Commutative (->) Product where
    commute (x, y) = (y, x)
instance CommutativeMonoidial (->) Product One where
\end{code} \subsubsection{Function Semiring Instance} \begin{code}
instance Annihilates (->) Product Zero where
    annihilates   (_, _) = undefined

instance Distributes (->) Sum Product where
    distribute (Left x, z)  = Left (x, z)
    distribute (Right y, z) = Right (y, z) 
    undistribute (Left (x, z))  = (Left x, z)
    undistribute (Right (y, z)) = (Right y, z)
instance Semiring (->) Sum Zero Product One where
\end{code} \subsection{Kleisli Instances} The functional dependencies of the classes require alternate versions of the sum and product types used for \to instances. %format KSum = "\bigplus " %format KZero = "\MVZero " \subsection{Sum Commutative Monoid Instances} \begin{code}
data KSum a b = KLeft a | KRight b
newtype KZero = KZ Void
instance Monad m => Ctor (Kleisli m) KSum where
    selfmap (Kleisli f) (Kleisli g) = Kleisli $ 
        \e -> case e of
            KLeft  x -> KLeft `liftM`  f x
            KRight x -> KRight `liftM` g x
instance Monad m => Absorbs (Kleisli m) KSum KZero where
    absorb   = Kleisli $ \e -> case e of
        KRight x -> return x 
        _ -> error "Absorbs,Kleisli,KSum,KZero Semiring.lhs absorb:impossible!" 
    unabsorb = Kleisli $ \x -> return $ KRight x
instance Monad m => Assocative (Kleisli m) KSum where
    assoc   = Kleisli $ \e -> case e of
                KLeft x  -> case x of
                              KLeft  y -> return $ KLeft y
                              KRight y -> return $ KRight $ KLeft y
                KRight x -> return $ KRight $ KRight x

    unassoc = Kleisli $ \e -> case e of
                KLeft  x -> return $ KLeft $ KLeft x
                KRight x -> case x of
                              KLeft y  -> return $ KLeft $ KRight y
                              KRight y -> return $ KRight y    
instance Monad m => Monoidial (Kleisli m) KSum KZero where

instance Monad m => Commutative (Kleisli m) KSum where
    commute = Kleisli $ \e -> case e of
                        KLeft x  -> return $ KRight x
                        KRight x -> return $ KLeft x
instance Monad m => CommutativeMonoidial (Kleisli m) KSum KZero where    
\end{code} %format KProduct = "\ast " %format KOne = "\MVOne " \subsubsection{Product Commutative Monoid Instances} \begin{code}
data KProduct a b = KP a b
newtype KOne  = KO ()
instance Monad m => Ctor (Kleisli m) KProduct where
    selfmap (Kleisli f) (Kleisli g) = Kleisli $ 
                        \(KP x y) -> uncurry KP `liftM` mfuse (f x, g y)
instance Monad m => Absorbs (Kleisli m) KProduct KOne where
    absorb   = Kleisli $ \(KP (KO ()) x) -> return x 
    unabsorb = Kleisli $ \x -> return $ KP (KO ()) x
instance Monad m => Assocative (Kleisli m) KProduct where
    assoc   = Kleisli $ \(KP (KP x y) z) -> return $ KP x (KP y z) 
    unassoc = Kleisli $ \(KP x (KP y z)) -> return $ KP (KP x y) z
instance Monad m => Monoidial (Kleisli m) KProduct KOne where

instance Monad m => Commutative (Kleisli m) KProduct where
    commute = Kleisli $ \(KP x y) -> return $ KP y x
instance Monad m => CommutativeMonoidial (Kleisli m) KProduct KOne where
\end{code} \subsubsection{Function Semiring Instance} \begin{code}
instance Monad m => Annihilates (Kleisli m) KProduct KZero where
    annihilates  = Kleisli $ \(KP _ _) -> return undefined

instance Monad m => Distributes (Kleisli m) KSum KProduct where
    distribute = Kleisli $ \e -> case e of
               KP (KLeft x) z ->  return $ KLeft $  KP x z
               KP (KRight y) z -> return $ KRight $ KP y z 
    undistribute = Kleisli $ \e -> case e of
        KLeft  (KP x z) -> return $ KP (KLeft x)   z
        KRight (KP x z) -> return $ KP (KRight x)  z
instance Monad m => Semiring (Kleisli m) KSum KZero KProduct KOne where
\end{code} \section{Groupoid Class} \begin{code}
class (Category g) => Groupoid g where  
    inv :: g a b -> g b a
\end{code} \section{Groupoid Instances} \begin{code}
data Iso k a b = Iso {
        embed   :: k a b,
        project :: k b a

instance (Category k) => Category (Iso k) where
    id  = Iso id id
    (Iso f g) . (Iso h i) = Iso (f . h) (i . g)
instance Newtype (Iso k a b) (k a b, k b a) where
    pack (f, g)        = Iso f g
    unpack (Iso f g)   = (f, g)
instance (Category k) => Groupoid (Iso k) where
    inv (Iso f g) = Iso g f
\end{code} \subsection{Helper Code} \begin{code}
type Biject    = Iso (->)
type KBiject m = Iso (Kleisli m) 

(<->) :: k a b -> k b a -> Iso k a b
(<->) = Iso
\end{code} \subsection{Groupoid Semirings Instances} \subsection{Groupoid with a Function as the base category} \subsubsection{Sum Commutative Monoid Instances} %format BSum = "\bigplus " %format BZero = "\MVZero " \begin{code}
data  BSum a b = BLeft a | BRight b
newtype BZero = BZ Void
instance Ctor Biject BSum where
    selfmap f g = fw <-> bk where
        fw (BLeft x)  = BLeft  $ embed f x
        fw (BRight x) = BRight $ embed g x
        bk (BLeft x)  = BLeft  $ project f x
        bk (BRight x) = BRight $ project g x
instance Absorbs Biject BSum BZero where
    absorb   = biject_sum_absorb
    unabsorb = inv biject_sum_absorb
biject_sum_absorb :: Biject (BSum BZero a) a
biject_sum_absorb = fw <-> bk where
    fw (BRight x) = x
    fw _ = error "biject_sum_absorb fw: impossible" 
    bk = BRight

instance Assocative Biject BSum where
    assoc   = biject_sum_assoc
    unassoc = inv biject_sum_assoc

biject_sum_assoc :: Biject (BSum (BSum a b) c) (BSum a (BSum b c))
biject_sum_assoc = fw <-> bk where
    fw (BLeft (BLeft x))  = BLeft x
    fw (BLeft (BRight x)) = BRight $ BLeft x
    fw (BRight x)         = BRight $ BRight x 
    bk (BLeft x)            = BLeft (BLeft x)
    bk (BRight (BLeft x)) = BLeft (BRight x) 
    bk (BRight (BRight x))  = BRight x

instance Monoidial Biject BSum BZero where

instance Commutative Biject BSum where
    commute = fw <-> bk where
        fw (BRight x) = BLeft x
        fw (BLeft x)  = BRight x 
        bk (BRight x) = BLeft x
        bk (BLeft x)  = BRight x 

instance CommutativeMonoidial Biject BSum BZero where
\end{code} \subsubsection{Product Commutative Monoid Instances} %format BProduct = "\ast " %format BOne = "\MVOne " \begin{code}
data BProduct a b = BP a b
newtype BOne  = BO ()
instance Ctor Biject BProduct where
    selfmap (Iso f_fw f_bk ) (Iso g_fw g_bk) = 
        Iso (\(BP x y) -> BP (f_fw x) (g_fw y)) (\(BP x y) -> BP (f_bk x) (g_bk y)) 
instance Absorbs Biject BProduct BOne where
    absorb   = biject_product_absorb
    unabsorb = inv biject_product_absorb
biject_product_absorb :: Biject (BProduct BOne a) a
biject_product_absorb = fw <-> bk where
    fw (BP (BO ()) x) = x 
    bk x = BP (BO ()) x
instance Assocative Biject BProduct where
    assoc   = biject_product_assoc
    unassoc = inv biject_product_assoc
biject_product_assoc :: Biject (BProduct (BProduct a b) c) (BProduct a (BProduct b c))
biject_product_assoc = fw <-> bk where
    fw (BP (BP x y) z) = BP x (BP y z)
    bk (BP x (BP y z)) = BP (BP x y) z
instance Monoidial Biject BProduct BOne where

instance Commutative Biject BProduct where
    commute = (\(BP x y) -> BP y x) <-> (\(BP x y) -> BP y x) 
instance CommutativeMonoidial Biject BProduct BOne where
\end{code} \subsubsection{Semiring Instance} \begin{code}
instance Annihilates Biject BProduct BZero where
    annihilates = (\(BP _ _) -> undefined) <-> (`BP` undefined)

instance Distributes Biject BSum BProduct where
    distribute   = biject_distributes
    undistribute = inv biject_distributes
biject_distributes :: Biject (BProduct (BSum a b) c) (BSum (BProduct a c) (BProduct b c))
biject_distributes = fw <-> bk where
    fw (BP (BLeft x) z)  = BLeft (BP x z) 
    fw (BP (BRight y) z) = BRight (BP y z)
    bk (BLeft (BP x z))  = BP (BLeft x) z
    bk (BRight (BP y z)) = BP (BRight y) z
instance Semiring Biject BSum BZero BProduct BOne where
\end{code} \subsection{Groupoid with a Klesli arrow as the base category} \subsubsection{Sum Commutative Monoid Instances} %format KBSum = "\bigplus " %format KBZero = "\MVZero " \begin{code}
data KBSum a b = KBLeft a | KBRight b
newtype KBZero = KBZ Void
instance Monad m => Ctor (KBiject m) KBSum where
    selfmap f g = fw <-> bk where
        fw = Kleisli $ run_pair (embed f) (embed g)
        bk = Kleisli $ run_pair (project f) (project g)

        run_pair t _ (KBLeft  x) = KBLeft  `liftM` runKleisli t x
        run_pair _ u (KBRight x) = KBRight `liftM` runKleisli u x
instance Monad m => Absorbs (KBiject m) KBSum KBZero where
    absorb   = kbiject_sum_absorb
    unabsorb = inv kbiject_sum_absorb
kbiject_sum_absorb :: Monad m => (KBiject m) (KBSum KBZero a) a
kbiject_sum_absorb = fw <-> bk where
    fw = Kleisli $ \e -> case e of
                    KBRight x -> return x
                    _ -> error "kbiject_sum_absorb fw: impossible"   
    bk = Kleisli $ \x -> return $ KBRight x
instance Monad m => Assocative (KBiject m) KBSum where
    assoc   = kbiject_sum_assoc
    unassoc = inv kbiject_sum_assoc
kbiject_sum_assoc :: Monad m => (KBiject m) (KBSum (KBSum a b) c) (KBSum a (KBSum b c))
kbiject_sum_assoc = fw <-> bk where  
    fw = Kleisli $ \e -> case e of
                KBLeft x  -> case x of
                              KBLeft  y -> return $ KBLeft y
                              KBRight y -> return $ KBRight $ KBLeft y
                KBRight x -> return $ KBRight $ KBRight x
    bk = Kleisli $ \e -> case e of
                KBLeft  x -> return $ KBLeft $ KBLeft x
                KBRight x -> case x of
                              KBLeft y  -> return $ KBLeft $ KBRight y
                              KBRight y -> return $ KBRight y
instance Monad m => Monoidial (KBiject m) KBSum KBZero where

instance Monad m => Commutative (KBiject m) KBSum where
    commute = fw <-> fw where
        fw = Kleisli $ \e -> case e of
                        KBLeft x  -> return $ KBRight x
                        KBRight x -> return $ KBLeft x
instance (Monad m) => CommutativeMonoidial (KBiject m) KBSum KBZero where
\end{code} \subsubsection{Product Commutative Monoid Instances} %format KBProduct = "\ast " %format KBOne = "\MVOne " \begin{code}
data KBProduct a b = KBP a b
newtype KBOne  = KBO ()
instance Monad m => Ctor (KBiject m) KBProduct where
    selfmap f g = fw <-> bk where
        fw = Kleisli $ run_pair (embed   f) (embed   g)
        bk = Kleisli $ run_pair (project f) (project g) 
        run_pair t u (KBP x y) = 
            uncurry KBP `liftM` mfuse (runKleisli t x, runKleisli u y)                   

instance Monad m => Absorbs (KBiject m) KBProduct KBOne where
    absorb   = kbiject_product_absorb
    unabsorb = inv kbiject_product_absorb
kbiject_product_absorb :: Monad m => (KBiject m) (KBProduct KBOne a) a
kbiject_product_absorb = fw <-> bk where
    fw = Kleisli $ \(KBP (KBO ()) x) -> return x   
    bk = Kleisli $ \x -> return $ KBP (KBO ()) x
instance Monad m => Assocative (KBiject m) KBProduct where
    assoc   = kbiject_product_assoc
    unassoc = inv kbiject_product_assoc

kbiject_product_assoc :: Monad m
                      => (KBiject m) (KBProduct (KBProduct a b) c) (KBProduct a (KBProduct b c))
kbiject_product_assoc = fw <-> bk where  
    fw = Kleisli $ \(KBP (KBP f g) h) -> return $ KBP f (KBP g h)
    bk = Kleisli $ \(KBP f (KBP g h)) -> return $ KBP (KBP f g) h
instance Monad m => Monoidial (KBiject m) KBProduct KBOne where

instance Monad m => Commutative (KBiject m) KBProduct where
    commute = fw <-> fw where
        fw = Kleisli $ \(KBP x y) -> return $ KBP y x
instance (Monad m) => CommutativeMonoidial (KBiject m) KBProduct KBOne where
\end{code} \subsubsection{Semiring Instance} \begin{code}
instance (Monad m) => Annihilates (KBiject m) KBProduct KBZero where
    annihilates = fw <-> bk where 
        fw = Kleisli $ \(KBP _ _) -> return undefined
        bk = Kleisli $ \x -> return $ KBP x undefined

instance (Monad m) => Distributes (KBiject m) KBSum KBProduct where
    distribute   = kbiject_distributes
    undistribute = inv kbiject_distributes
kbiject_distributes :: Monad m
                    => (KBiject m) (KBProduct (KBSum a b) c) (KBSum (KBProduct a c) (KBProduct b c))
kbiject_distributes = fw <-> bk where
    fw = Kleisli $ \e -> case e of
        KBP (KBLeft x) z  -> return $ KBLeft (KBP x z) 
        KBP (KBRight y) z -> return $ KBRight (KBP y z)
    bk = Kleisli $ \e -> case e of
                    KBLeft (KBP x z)  -> return $ KBP (KBLeft x) z
                    KBRight (KBP y z) -> return $ KBP (KBRight y) z
instance Monad m => Semiring (KBiject m)  KBSum KBZero KBProduct KBOne where
\end{code} \end{document}