{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Data.Aviation.Casr.Logbook.Html.Html( htmlTimeAmount , strTimeAmount , strEngine , htmlAircraft , htmlRatingDay , htmlRating , htmlRatingShort , htmlRatings , htmlRatingsShort , htmlAviatorName , htmlAviatorARN , htmlAviatorDob , htmlAviatorRatings , htmlAviator , htmlAviatorShort , htmlFlightPoint , htmlFlightPath , htmlCommand , htmlTimeAmountZero , htmlTimeAmountZeroWith , htmlAviators , htmlAircraftFlightName , htmlAircraftFlight , htmlTimeOfDayTime , htmlTime , htmlFlightPathTime , htmlSimulatorFlightName , htmlSimulatorFlight , htmlLocation , htmlExamResult , htmlExamName , htmlExam , htmlBriefingName , htmlBriefing , space2dot , htmlEntryTag , htmlEntry , htmlEntries , htmlLogbook , htmlTitleAviator , htmlLogbookDocument , htmlLogbookHeader ) where import Control.Applicative((*>)) import Control.Category((.), id) import Control.Lens import Control.Monad(when, (=<<), (>>=)) import Data.Aviation.Casr.Logbook.Types import Data.Bool(not) import Data.Char(toUpper) import Data.Digit(DecDigit, charDecimal) import Data.Eq((==)) import Data.Foldable(fold, sequence_, mapM_, null) import Data.Function(($)) import Data.Functor((<$>)) import Data.Int(Int) import Data.List(intersperse, concat) import Data.Maybe(Maybe, maybe) import Data.Monoid(Monoid, (<>), mempty) import Data.String(String, fromString) import Data.Time(Day, TimeOfDay) import Data.Text(Text) import qualified Data.Text as Text(pack) import Lucid( id_ , class_ , h1_ , h2_ , h3_ , span_ , a_ , div_ , href_ , src_ , type_ , script_ , body_ , title_ , rel_ , link_ , title_ , html_ , doctype_ , head_ , lang_ , hr_ , ul_ , li_ , Html , toHtmlRaw ) import Text.Printf(printf) import Prelude(show, fromIntegral, (/), (*), Double) htmlTimeAmount :: TimeAmount -> Html () htmlTimeAmount t = span_ [] $ do fromString (strTimeAmount t) "hrs" strTimeAmount :: TimeAmount -> String strTimeAmount (TimeAmount h x) = show h <> "." <> [charDecimal # x] strEngine :: Engine -> String strEngine Single = "single-engine" strEngine Multi = "multi-engine" htmlAircraft :: AircraftFlight -> Aircraft -> Html () htmlAircraft _ (Aircraft t r e) = span_ [class_ "aircraft"] $ do span_ [class_ "aircrafttype"] (fromString t) " " span_ [class_ "aircraftregistration"] (fromString r) " " span_ [class_ "aircraftengine"] (fromString (strEngine e)) htmlRatingDay :: Maybe Day -> Html () htmlRatingDay = maybe mempty (\q -> do " " span_ [] $ fromString (show q)) htmlRating :: Rating -> Html () htmlRating (Rating n d) = span_ [] $ do span_ [] (fromString n) htmlRatingDay d htmlRatingShort :: Rating -> Html () htmlRatingShort (Rating n _) = span_ [] (fromString n) htmlRatings :: [Rating] -> Html () htmlRatings = sequence_ . intersperse ", " . (htmlRating <$>) htmlRatingsShort :: [Rating] -> Html () htmlRatingsShort = sequence_ . intersperse ", " . (htmlRatingShort <$>) htmlAviatorName :: String -> String -> Html () htmlAviatorName s f = do li_ [id_ "aviatorname"] $ do span_ [class_ "key"] "Name: " span_ [class_ "value"] $ do fromString (toUpper <$> s) ", " fromString f htmlAviatorARN :: [DecDigit] -> Html () htmlAviatorARN a = when (not . null $ a) $ do li_ [id_ "aviatorarn"] $ do span_ [class_ "key"] "ARN: " span_ [class_ "value"] $ fromString (a >>= (\d -> [charDecimal # d])) htmlAviatorDob :: Maybe Day -> Html () htmlAviatorDob = maybe mempty (\q -> do li_ [id_ "aviatordob"] $ do span_ [class_ "key"] "Date of Birth: " span_ [class_ "value"] . fromString . show $ q) htmlAviatorRatings :: [Rating] -> Html () htmlAviatorRatings r = when (not . null $ r) $ do li_ [id_ "aviatorratings"] $ do span_ [class_ "key"] "Ratings: " span_ [class_ "value"] . htmlRatings $ r htmlAviator :: Aviator -> Html () htmlAviator (Aviator s f a d r) = div_ [id_ "aviator", class_ "aviator"] . ul_ [] $ do htmlAviatorName s f htmlAviatorARN a htmlAviatorDob d htmlAviatorRatings r htmlAviatorShort :: Aviator -> Html () htmlAviatorShort (Aviator s f a _ r) = do fromString f " " fromString s when (not . null $ a) " " fromString (a >>= (\d -> [charDecimal # d])) when (not . null $ r) " " htmlRatingsShort r htmlFlightPoint :: AircraftFlight -> FlightPoint -> Html () htmlFlightPoint _ (FlightPoint p _ _) = span_ [class_ "flightpoint"] $ fromString p htmlFlightPath :: AircraftFlight -> FlightPath -> Html () htmlFlightPath fl p = span_ [class_ "flightpath"] $ fold (intersperse (toHtmlRaw (" — " :: Text)) (htmlFlightPoint fl <$> flightPathList p)) htmlInstruction :: Instruction -> Html () htmlInstruction i = let r = view instructionRating i l = view instructionLesson i a = view student l in do span_ [class_ "instructionrating"] (toHtmlRaw (shortStringRating r)) span_ [class_ "commandphrase"] " for " span_ [class_ "commandaviator"] $ htmlAviatorShort a span_ [class_ "instructionlesson"] $ maybe mempty (\c -> toHtmlRaw (' ':c)) (view lesson l) htmlCommand :: AircraftFlight -> Command -> Html () htmlCommand _ InCommand = span_ [class_ "command incommand"] "In-Command" htmlCommand _ (InCommandInstructing a) = do span_ [class_ "command incommandinstruction"] "Instruction" span_ [class_ "commandphrase"] " as " span_ [class_ "commandinstruction"] $ htmlInstruction a htmlCommand _ (ICUS a) = do span_ [class_ "command incommandunderinstruction"] "In-Command Under-Instruction" span_ [class_ "commandphrase"] " by " span_ [class_ "commandaviator"] $ htmlAviatorShort a htmlCommand _ (Dual a) = do span_ [class_ "command dualunderinstruction"] "Dual Under-Instruction" span_ [class_ "commandphrase"] " by " span_ [class_ "commandaviator"] $ htmlAviatorShort a htmlTimeAmountZero :: TimeAmount -> Html () htmlTimeAmountZero = htmlTimeAmountZeroWith id htmlTimeAmountZeroWith :: Monoid a => (Html () -> a) -> TimeAmount -> a htmlTimeAmountZeroWith f z = if z == zerotimeamount then mempty else f (htmlTimeAmount z) htmlAviators :: [Aviator] -> Html () htmlAviators = ul_ [] . mapM_ (li_ [] . htmlAviatorShort) htmlAircraftFlightName :: String -> Html () htmlAircraftFlightName n = h3_ [class_ "aircraftflightname"] $ fromString n htmlAircraftFlight :: AircraftFlight -> Html () htmlAircraftFlight fl@(AircraftFlight n a c (DayNight d m) p o i) = div_ [class_ "aircraftflight"] $ do htmlAircraftFlightName n ul_ [] $ do li_ [] $ do span_ [class_ "key"] "Time: " span_ [class_ "value"] . htmlFlightPathTime $ p li_ [] $ do span_ [class_ "key"] "Aircraft: " span_ [class_ "value"] . htmlAircraft fl $ a li_ [] $ do span_ [class_ "key"] "Command: " span_ [class_ "value"] . htmlCommand fl $ c htmlTimeAmountZeroWith (\t -> li_ [] $ do span_ [class_ "key"] "Amount (day): " span_ [class_ "value"] t) d htmlTimeAmountZeroWith (\t -> li_ [] $ do span_ [class_ "key"] "Amount (night): " span_ [class_ "value"] t) m htmlTimeAmountZeroWith (\t -> li_ [] $ do span_ [class_ "key"] "Amount (instrument): " span_ [class_ "value"] t) i li_ [] $ do span_ [class_ "key"] "Flight Path: " span_ [class_ "value"] . htmlFlightPath fl $ p when (not . null $ o) . li_ [] $ do span_ [class_ "key"] "Other Crew: " span_ [class_ "value"] . htmlAviators $ o htmlTimeOfDayTime :: Maybe TimeOfDay -> Html () htmlTimeOfDayTime = maybe mempty (\e -> do " " fromString (show e)) htmlTime :: Time -> Html () htmlTime (Time t d) = span_ [class_ "time"] $ do fromString (show t) htmlTimeOfDayTime d htmlFlightPathTime :: FlightPath -> Html() htmlFlightPathTime p = let s = p ^. flightStart . landingTime e = p ^. flightEnd . landingTime in if s == e then htmlTime s else do htmlTime s toHtmlRaw (" — " :: Text) htmlTime e htmlSimulatorFlightName :: String -> Html () htmlSimulatorFlightName n = h3_ [class_ "simulatorflightname"] $ fromString n htmlSimulatorFlight :: SimulatorFlight -> Html () htmlSimulatorFlight (SimulatorFlight n t y o a i) = div_ [class_ "simulatorflight"] $ do htmlSimulatorFlightName n ul_ [] $ do li_ [] $ do span_ [class_ "key"] "Time: " span_ [class_ "value"] . htmlTime $ t li_ [] $ do span_ [class_ "key"] "Type: " span_ [class_ "value"] (fromString y) when (not . null $ o) . li_ [] $ do span_ [class_ "key"] "Other Crew: " div_ [class_ "value"] . htmlAviators $ o li_ [] $ do span_ [class_ "key"] "Amount: " span_ [class_ "value"] . htmlTimeAmount $ a li_ [] $ do span_ [class_ "key"] "Instrument: " span_ [class_ "value"] . htmlTimeAmount $ i htmlLocation :: Location -> Html () htmlLocation (Location n t o) = span_ [class_ "location"] $ do fromString n " " let t' = fromString (show t) o' = fromString (show o) span_ [class_ "locationopenstreetmap"] $ a_ [href_ ("http://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=" <> t' <> "&mlon=" <> o' <> "#map=16/" <> t' <> "/" <> o')] "osm" " " span_ [class_ "locationgooglemaps"] $ a_ [href_ ("https://www.google.com/maps/?q=" <> t' <> "," <> o')] "gmap" htmlExamResult :: Int -> Int -> Html () htmlExamResult x y = do fromString (show x) "/" fromString (show y) htmlExamName :: String -> Html () htmlExamName n = h3_ [class_ "examname"] $ fromString n htmlExam :: Exam -> Html () htmlExam (Exam n l t a r m) = let r' = do span_ [class_ "examresult"] . fromString . show $ r span_ [class_ "examresultoutof"] "/" span_ [class_ "examresultmaximum"] . fromString . show $ m " (" span_ [class_ "examresultpercentage"] . fromString . printf "%.2f" $ (100 * fromIntegral r / fromIntegral m :: Double) span_ [class_ "examresultpercentsign"] "%" ")" in div_ [class_ "exam"] $ do htmlExamName n ul_ [] $ do li_ [] $ do span_ [class_ "key"] "Time: " span_ [class_ "value"] . htmlTime $ t li_ [] $ do span_ [class_ "key"] "Location: " span_ [class_ "value"] . htmlLocation $ l li_ [] $ do span_ [class_ "key"] "Delegate: " span_ [class_ "value"] . htmlAviatorShort $ a li_ [] $ do span_ [class_ "key"] "Result: " span_ [class_ "value"] r' htmlBriefingName :: String -> Html () htmlBriefingName n = h3_ [class_ "briefingname"] $ fromString n htmlBriefing :: Briefing -> Html () htmlBriefing (Briefing n l t a m) = div_ [class_ "briefing"] $ do htmlBriefingName n ul_ [] $ do li_ [] $ do span_ [class_ "key"] "Time: " span_ [class_ "value"] . htmlTime $ t li_ [] $ do span_ [class_ "key"] "Location: " span_ [class_ "value"] . htmlLocation $ l li_ [] $ do span_ [class_ "key"] "Amount: " span_ [class_ "value"] . htmlTimeAmountZero $ m li_ [] $ do span_ [class_ "key"] "Briefer: " span_ [class_ "value"] . htmlAviatorShort $ a space2dot :: String -> String space2dot = (<$>) $ \c -> case c of ' ' -> '.' _ -> c htmlEntryTag :: Entry a b c d -> Html () htmlEntryTag (AircraftFlightEntry e _) = let lk = space2dot . concat $ [ "FLT_" , e ^. aircraftflightname , "_" , e ^. flightaircraft . aircraftRegistration , "_" , e ^. flightpath . flightStart . point , "-" , e ^. flightpath . flightEnd . point ] in do a_ [id_ (Text.pack lk)] "" a_ [href_ (Text.pack ('#' : lk))] . span_ [class_ "entrytag"] $ "FLT" htmlEntryTag (SimulatorFlightEntry e _) = let lk = space2dot . concat $ [ "SIM_" , e ^. simulatorflightname , "_" , e ^. simulatortype ] in do a_ [id_ (Text.pack lk)] "" a_ [href_ (Text.pack ('#' : lk))] . span_ [class_ "entrytag"] $ "SIM" htmlEntryTag (ExamEntry e _) = let lk = space2dot . concat $ [ "EXM_" , e ^. examName , "_" , show (e ^. examTime . daytime) ] in do a_ [id_ (Text.pack lk)] "" a_ [href_ (Text.pack ('#' : lk))] . span_ [class_ "entrytag"] $ "EXM" htmlEntryTag (BriefingEntry e _) = let lk = space2dot . concat $ [ "BRF_" , e ^. briefingName , "_" , show (e ^. briefingTime . daytime) ] in do a_ [id_ (Text.pack lk)] "" a_ [href_ (Text.pack ('#' : lk))] . span_ [class_ "entrytag"] $ "BRF" htmlEntry :: (AircraftFlight -> a -> Html x) -> (SimulatorFlight -> b -> Html x) -> (Exam -> c -> Html x) -> (Briefing -> d -> Html x) -> Entry a b c d -> Html x htmlEntry aircraftFlightMeta' simulatorFlightMeta' examMeta' briefingMeta' x = do htmlEntryTag x case x of AircraftFlightEntry e ae -> do div_ [] $ do htmlAircraftFlight e aircraftFlightMeta' e ae SimulatorFlightEntry e ae -> do div_ [] $ do htmlSimulatorFlight e simulatorFlightMeta' e ae ExamEntry e ae -> do div_ [] $ do htmlExam e examMeta' e ae BriefingEntry e ae -> do div_ [] $ do htmlBriefing e briefingMeta' e ae htmlEntries :: (AircraftFlight -> a -> Html x) -> (SimulatorFlight -> b -> Html x) -> (Exam -> c -> Html x) -> (Briefing -> d -> Html x) -> Entries a b c d -> Html () htmlEntries aircraftFlightMeta' simulatorFlightMeta' examMeta' briefingMeta' (Entries es) = mapM_ (\e -> hr_ [] *> htmlEntry aircraftFlightMeta' simulatorFlightMeta' examMeta' briefingMeta' e) es htmlLogbook :: (AircraftFlight -> a -> Html x) -> (SimulatorFlight -> b -> Html x) -> (Exam -> c -> Html x) -> (Briefing -> d -> Html x) -> Html () -> Logbook a b c d -> Html () htmlLogbook aircraftFlightMeta' simulatorFlightMeta' examMeta' briefingMeta' reports' (Logbook a es) = do htmlAviator a hr_ [] reports' htmlEntries aircraftFlightMeta' simulatorFlightMeta' examMeta' briefingMeta' es htmlTitleAviator :: Aviator -> Html () htmlTitleAviator a = fromString (concat [ a ^. firstname , " " , a ^. surname , " (" , (\d -> [charDecimal # d]) =<< (a ^. arn) , ")" ]) htmlLogbookDocument :: (AircraftFlight -> a -> Html x) -> (SimulatorFlight -> b -> Html x) -> (Exam -> c -> Html x) -> (Briefing -> d -> Html x) -> Html () -> Logbook a b c d -> Html () htmlLogbookDocument aircraftFlightMeta' simulatorFlightMeta' examMeta' briefingMeta' reports' b = do doctype_ html_ [lang_ "en"] $ do head_ $ do title_ ("Pilot Personal Logbook " <> toHtmlRaw (" — " :: Text) <> htmlTitleAviator (b ^. logbookaviator)) link_ [href_ "https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Inconsolata:400,700", rel_ "stylesheet", type_ "text/css"] link_ [href_ "casr-logbook.css", rel_ "stylesheet", type_ "text/css"] link_ [href_ "/atom.xml", rel_ "alternate", type_ "application/atom+xml", title_ "Atom feed"] script_ [type_ "text/javascript", src_ "http://cdn.mathjax.org/mathjax/latest/MathJax.js?config=TeX-AMS-MML_HTMLorMML"] ("" :: Text) script_ [type_ "text/javascript", src_ "https://raw.github.com/Mathapedia/LaTeX2HTML5/master/latex2html5.min.js"] ("" :: Text) body_ [class_ "casr-logbook"] $ do htmlLogbookHeader b htmlLogbook aircraftFlightMeta' simulatorFlightMeta' examMeta' briefingMeta' reports' b htmlLogbookHeader :: Logbook a b c d -> Html () htmlLogbookHeader _ = do div_ [id_ "header", class_ "header"] $ h1_ "Pilot Personal Log Book" div_ [id_ "subheader", class_ "subheader"] $ h2_ $ do "Civil Aviation Safety Regulation 1998 (61.345)" " " span_ [class_ "austlii"] $ a_ [href_ "http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/legis/cth/consol_reg/casr1998333/s61.345.html"] "austlii.edu.au"