{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-imports #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-} {-# Language ForeignFunctionInterface #-} {-# Language FlexibleInstances #-} {-# Language MultiParamTypeClasses #-} module Casadi.Wrappers.Classes.GenericType ( GenericType, GenericTypeClass(..), genericType, genericType', genericType'', genericType''', genericType'''', genericType''''', genericType'''''', genericType''''''', genericType'''''''', genericType''''''''', genericType'''''''''', genericType''''''''''', genericType'''''''''''', genericType_can_cast_to, genericType_can_cast_to', genericType_from_type, genericType_getType, genericType_get_description, genericType_get_type_description, genericType_isBool, genericType_isDictionary, genericType_isDouble, genericType_isDoubleVector, genericType_isEmptyVector, genericType_isFunction, genericType_isInt, genericType_isIntVector, genericType_isSharedObject, genericType_isString, genericType_isStringVector, genericType_operator_equals, genericType_operator_nequals, genericType_toBool, genericType_toDouble, genericType_toInt, ) where import Prelude hiding ( Functor ) import Data.Vector ( Vector ) import Foreign.C.Types import Foreign.Ptr ( Ptr ) import Foreign.ForeignPtr ( newForeignPtr ) import System.IO.Unsafe ( unsafePerformIO ) -- for show instances import Casadi.Wrappers.Classes.PrintableObject import Casadi.Wrappers.CToolsInstances ( ) import Casadi.Wrappers.Data import Casadi.Wrappers.Enums import Casadi.MarshalTypes ( CppVec, StdString' ) -- StdOstream' import Casadi.Marshal ( Marshal(..), withMarshal ) import Casadi.WrapReturn ( WrapReturn(..) ) instance Show GenericType where show = unsafePerformIO . printableObject_getDescription -- direct wrapper foreign import ccall unsafe "CasADi__GenericType__get_type_description" c_CasADi__GenericType__get_type_description :: CInt -> IO (Ptr StdString') casADi__GenericType__get_type_description :: Opt_type -> IO String casADi__GenericType__get_type_description x0 = withMarshal x0 $ \x0' -> c_CasADi__GenericType__get_type_description x0' >>= wrapReturn -- classy wrapper genericType_get_type_description :: Opt_type -> IO String genericType_get_type_description = casADi__GenericType__get_type_description -- direct wrapper foreign import ccall unsafe "CasADi__GenericType__get_description" c_CasADi__GenericType__get_description :: Ptr GenericType' -> IO (Ptr StdString') casADi__GenericType__get_description :: GenericType -> IO String casADi__GenericType__get_description x0 = withMarshal x0 $ \x0' -> c_CasADi__GenericType__get_description x0' >>= wrapReturn -- classy wrapper {-| >Get a description of the object's type. -} genericType_get_description :: GenericTypeClass a => a -> IO String genericType_get_description x = casADi__GenericType__get_description (castGenericType x) -- direct wrapper foreign import ccall unsafe "CasADi__GenericType__from_type" c_CasADi__GenericType__from_type :: CInt -> IO (Ptr GenericType') casADi__GenericType__from_type :: Opt_type -> IO GenericType casADi__GenericType__from_type x0 = withMarshal x0 $ \x0' -> c_CasADi__GenericType__from_type x0' >>= wrapReturn -- classy wrapper genericType_from_type :: Opt_type -> IO GenericType genericType_from_type = casADi__GenericType__from_type -- direct wrapper foreign import ccall unsafe "CasADi__GenericType__getType" c_CasADi__GenericType__getType :: Ptr GenericType' -> IO CInt casADi__GenericType__getType :: GenericType -> IO Opt_type casADi__GenericType__getType x0 = withMarshal x0 $ \x0' -> c_CasADi__GenericType__getType x0' >>= wrapReturn -- classy wrapper genericType_getType :: GenericTypeClass a => a -> IO Opt_type genericType_getType x = casADi__GenericType__getType (castGenericType x) -- direct wrapper foreign import ccall unsafe "CasADi__GenericType__can_cast_to" c_CasADi__GenericType__can_cast_to :: Ptr GenericType' -> CInt -> IO CInt casADi__GenericType__can_cast_to :: GenericType -> Opt_type -> IO Bool casADi__GenericType__can_cast_to x0 x1 = withMarshal x0 $ \x0' -> withMarshal x1 $ \x1' -> c_CasADi__GenericType__can_cast_to x0' x1' >>= wrapReturn -- classy wrapper genericType_can_cast_to :: GenericTypeClass a => a -> Opt_type -> IO Bool genericType_can_cast_to x = casADi__GenericType__can_cast_to (castGenericType x) -- direct wrapper foreign import ccall unsafe "CasADi__GenericType__can_cast_to_TIC" c_CasADi__GenericType__can_cast_to_TIC :: Ptr GenericType' -> Ptr GenericType' -> IO CInt casADi__GenericType__can_cast_to' :: GenericType -> GenericType -> IO Bool casADi__GenericType__can_cast_to' x0 x1 = withMarshal x0 $ \x0' -> withMarshal x1 $ \x1' -> c_CasADi__GenericType__can_cast_to_TIC x0' x1' >>= wrapReturn -- classy wrapper genericType_can_cast_to' :: GenericTypeClass a => a -> GenericType -> IO Bool genericType_can_cast_to' x = casADi__GenericType__can_cast_to' (castGenericType x) -- direct wrapper foreign import ccall unsafe "CasADi__GenericType__isBool" c_CasADi__GenericType__isBool :: Ptr GenericType' -> IO CInt casADi__GenericType__isBool :: GenericType -> IO Bool casADi__GenericType__isBool x0 = withMarshal x0 $ \x0' -> c_CasADi__GenericType__isBool x0' >>= wrapReturn -- classy wrapper {-| >Is boolean? -} genericType_isBool :: GenericTypeClass a => a -> IO Bool genericType_isBool x = casADi__GenericType__isBool (castGenericType x) -- direct wrapper foreign import ccall unsafe "CasADi__GenericType__isInt" c_CasADi__GenericType__isInt :: Ptr GenericType' -> IO CInt casADi__GenericType__isInt :: GenericType -> IO Bool casADi__GenericType__isInt x0 = withMarshal x0 $ \x0' -> c_CasADi__GenericType__isInt x0' >>= wrapReturn -- classy wrapper {-| >Is an integer? -} genericType_isInt :: GenericTypeClass a => a -> IO Bool genericType_isInt x = casADi__GenericType__isInt (castGenericType x) -- direct wrapper foreign import ccall unsafe "CasADi__GenericType__isDouble" c_CasADi__GenericType__isDouble :: Ptr GenericType' -> IO CInt casADi__GenericType__isDouble :: GenericType -> IO Bool casADi__GenericType__isDouble x0 = withMarshal x0 $ \x0' -> c_CasADi__GenericType__isDouble x0' >>= wrapReturn -- classy wrapper {-| >Is a double? -} genericType_isDouble :: GenericTypeClass a => a -> IO Bool genericType_isDouble x = casADi__GenericType__isDouble (castGenericType x) -- direct wrapper foreign import ccall unsafe "CasADi__GenericType__isString" c_CasADi__GenericType__isString :: Ptr GenericType' -> IO CInt casADi__GenericType__isString :: GenericType -> IO Bool casADi__GenericType__isString x0 = withMarshal x0 $ \x0' -> c_CasADi__GenericType__isString x0' >>= wrapReturn -- classy wrapper {-| >Is a string? -} genericType_isString :: GenericTypeClass a => a -> IO Bool genericType_isString x = casADi__GenericType__isString (castGenericType x) -- direct wrapper foreign import ccall unsafe "CasADi__GenericType__isEmptyVector" c_CasADi__GenericType__isEmptyVector :: Ptr GenericType' -> IO CInt casADi__GenericType__isEmptyVector :: GenericType -> IO Bool casADi__GenericType__isEmptyVector x0 = withMarshal x0 $ \x0' -> c_CasADi__GenericType__isEmptyVector x0' >>= wrapReturn -- classy wrapper {-| >Is an empty vector? -} genericType_isEmptyVector :: GenericTypeClass a => a -> IO Bool genericType_isEmptyVector x = casADi__GenericType__isEmptyVector (castGenericType x) -- direct wrapper foreign import ccall unsafe "CasADi__GenericType__isIntVector" c_CasADi__GenericType__isIntVector :: Ptr GenericType' -> IO CInt casADi__GenericType__isIntVector :: GenericType -> IO Bool casADi__GenericType__isIntVector x0 = withMarshal x0 $ \x0' -> c_CasADi__GenericType__isIntVector x0' >>= wrapReturn -- classy wrapper {-| >Is a vector of ints? -} genericType_isIntVector :: GenericTypeClass a => a -> IO Bool genericType_isIntVector x = casADi__GenericType__isIntVector (castGenericType x) -- direct wrapper foreign import ccall unsafe "CasADi__GenericType__isDoubleVector" c_CasADi__GenericType__isDoubleVector :: Ptr GenericType' -> IO CInt casADi__GenericType__isDoubleVector :: GenericType -> IO Bool casADi__GenericType__isDoubleVector x0 = withMarshal x0 $ \x0' -> c_CasADi__GenericType__isDoubleVector x0' >>= wrapReturn -- classy wrapper {-| >Is a vector of doubles? -} genericType_isDoubleVector :: GenericTypeClass a => a -> IO Bool genericType_isDoubleVector x = casADi__GenericType__isDoubleVector (castGenericType x) -- direct wrapper foreign import ccall unsafe "CasADi__GenericType__isStringVector" c_CasADi__GenericType__isStringVector :: Ptr GenericType' -> IO CInt casADi__GenericType__isStringVector :: GenericType -> IO Bool casADi__GenericType__isStringVector x0 = withMarshal x0 $ \x0' -> c_CasADi__GenericType__isStringVector x0' >>= wrapReturn -- classy wrapper {-| >Is a vector of strings. -} genericType_isStringVector :: GenericTypeClass a => a -> IO Bool genericType_isStringVector x = casADi__GenericType__isStringVector (castGenericType x) -- direct wrapper foreign import ccall unsafe "CasADi__GenericType__isSharedObject" c_CasADi__GenericType__isSharedObject :: Ptr GenericType' -> IO CInt casADi__GenericType__isSharedObject :: GenericType -> IO Bool casADi__GenericType__isSharedObject x0 = withMarshal x0 $ \x0' -> c_CasADi__GenericType__isSharedObject x0' >>= wrapReturn -- classy wrapper {-| >Is a shared object? -} genericType_isSharedObject :: GenericTypeClass a => a -> IO Bool genericType_isSharedObject x = casADi__GenericType__isSharedObject (castGenericType x) -- direct wrapper foreign import ccall unsafe "CasADi__GenericType__isDictionary" c_CasADi__GenericType__isDictionary :: Ptr GenericType' -> IO CInt casADi__GenericType__isDictionary :: GenericType -> IO Bool casADi__GenericType__isDictionary x0 = withMarshal x0 $ \x0' -> c_CasADi__GenericType__isDictionary x0' >>= wrapReturn -- classy wrapper {-| >Is a shared object? -} genericType_isDictionary :: GenericTypeClass a => a -> IO Bool genericType_isDictionary x = casADi__GenericType__isDictionary (castGenericType x) -- direct wrapper foreign import ccall unsafe "CasADi__GenericType__isFunction" c_CasADi__GenericType__isFunction :: Ptr GenericType' -> IO CInt casADi__GenericType__isFunction :: GenericType -> IO Bool casADi__GenericType__isFunction x0 = withMarshal x0 $ \x0' -> c_CasADi__GenericType__isFunction x0' >>= wrapReturn -- classy wrapper {-| >Is a shared object? -} genericType_isFunction :: GenericTypeClass a => a -> IO Bool genericType_isFunction x = casADi__GenericType__isFunction (castGenericType x) -- direct wrapper foreign import ccall unsafe "CasADi__GenericType__toBool" c_CasADi__GenericType__toBool :: Ptr GenericType' -> IO CInt casADi__GenericType__toBool :: GenericType -> IO Bool casADi__GenericType__toBool x0 = withMarshal x0 $ \x0' -> c_CasADi__GenericType__toBool x0' >>= wrapReturn -- classy wrapper {-| >Convert to boolean. -} genericType_toBool :: GenericTypeClass a => a -> IO Bool genericType_toBool x = casADi__GenericType__toBool (castGenericType x) -- direct wrapper foreign import ccall unsafe "CasADi__GenericType__toInt" c_CasADi__GenericType__toInt :: Ptr GenericType' -> IO CInt casADi__GenericType__toInt :: GenericType -> IO Int casADi__GenericType__toInt x0 = withMarshal x0 $ \x0' -> c_CasADi__GenericType__toInt x0' >>= wrapReturn -- classy wrapper {-| >Convert to int. -} genericType_toInt :: GenericTypeClass a => a -> IO Int genericType_toInt x = casADi__GenericType__toInt (castGenericType x) -- direct wrapper foreign import ccall unsafe "CasADi__GenericType__toDouble" c_CasADi__GenericType__toDouble :: Ptr GenericType' -> IO CDouble casADi__GenericType__toDouble :: GenericType -> IO Double casADi__GenericType__toDouble x0 = withMarshal x0 $ \x0' -> c_CasADi__GenericType__toDouble x0' >>= wrapReturn -- classy wrapper {-| >Convert to double. -} genericType_toDouble :: GenericTypeClass a => a -> IO Double genericType_toDouble x = casADi__GenericType__toDouble (castGenericType x) -- direct wrapper foreign import ccall unsafe "CasADi__GenericType__operator_equals" c_CasADi__GenericType__operator_equals :: Ptr GenericType' -> Ptr GenericType' -> IO CInt casADi__GenericType__operator_equals :: GenericType -> GenericType -> IO Bool casADi__GenericType__operator_equals x0 x1 = withMarshal x0 $ \x0' -> withMarshal x1 $ \x1' -> c_CasADi__GenericType__operator_equals x0' x1' >>= wrapReturn -- classy wrapper genericType_operator_equals :: GenericTypeClass a => a -> GenericType -> IO Bool genericType_operator_equals x = casADi__GenericType__operator_equals (castGenericType x) -- direct wrapper foreign import ccall unsafe "CasADi__GenericType__operator_nequals" c_CasADi__GenericType__operator_nequals :: Ptr GenericType' -> Ptr GenericType' -> IO CInt casADi__GenericType__operator_nequals :: GenericType -> GenericType -> IO Bool casADi__GenericType__operator_nequals x0 x1 = withMarshal x0 $ \x0' -> withMarshal x1 $ \x1' -> c_CasADi__GenericType__operator_nequals x0' x1' >>= wrapReturn -- classy wrapper genericType_operator_nequals :: GenericTypeClass a => a -> GenericType -> IO Bool genericType_operator_nequals x = casADi__GenericType__operator_nequals (castGenericType x) -- direct wrapper foreign import ccall unsafe "CasADi__GenericType__GenericType" c_CasADi__GenericType__GenericType :: IO (Ptr GenericType') casADi__GenericType__GenericType :: IO GenericType casADi__GenericType__GenericType = c_CasADi__GenericType__GenericType >>= wrapReturn -- classy wrapper {-| >> CasADi::GenericType::GenericType(void *ptr) >------------------------------------------------------------------------ >[INTERNAL] > >> CasADi::GenericType::GenericType(NLPSolverCreator ptr) >------------------------------------------------------------------------ > >Creator functions. -} genericType :: IO GenericType genericType = casADi__GenericType__GenericType -- direct wrapper foreign import ccall unsafe "CasADi__GenericType__GenericType_TIC" c_CasADi__GenericType__GenericType_TIC :: CInt -> IO (Ptr GenericType') casADi__GenericType__GenericType' :: Bool -> IO GenericType casADi__GenericType__GenericType' x0 = withMarshal x0 $ \x0' -> c_CasADi__GenericType__GenericType_TIC x0' >>= wrapReturn -- classy wrapper genericType' :: Bool -> IO GenericType genericType' = casADi__GenericType__GenericType' -- direct wrapper foreign import ccall unsafe "CasADi__GenericType__GenericType_TIC_TIC" c_CasADi__GenericType__GenericType_TIC_TIC :: CInt -> IO (Ptr GenericType') casADi__GenericType__GenericType'' :: Int -> IO GenericType casADi__GenericType__GenericType'' x0 = withMarshal x0 $ \x0' -> c_CasADi__GenericType__GenericType_TIC_TIC x0' >>= wrapReturn -- classy wrapper genericType'' :: Int -> IO GenericType genericType'' = casADi__GenericType__GenericType'' -- direct wrapper foreign import ccall unsafe "CasADi__GenericType__GenericType_TIC_TIC_TIC" c_CasADi__GenericType__GenericType_TIC_TIC_TIC :: CDouble -> IO (Ptr GenericType') casADi__GenericType__GenericType''' :: Double -> IO GenericType casADi__GenericType__GenericType''' x0 = withMarshal x0 $ \x0' -> c_CasADi__GenericType__GenericType_TIC_TIC_TIC x0' >>= wrapReturn -- classy wrapper genericType''' :: Double -> IO GenericType genericType''' = casADi__GenericType__GenericType''' -- direct wrapper foreign import ccall unsafe "CasADi__GenericType__GenericType_TIC_TIC_TIC_TIC" c_CasADi__GenericType__GenericType_TIC_TIC_TIC_TIC :: Ptr StdString' -> IO (Ptr GenericType') casADi__GenericType__GenericType'''' :: String -> IO GenericType casADi__GenericType__GenericType'''' x0 = withMarshal x0 $ \x0' -> c_CasADi__GenericType__GenericType_TIC_TIC_TIC_TIC x0' >>= wrapReturn -- classy wrapper genericType'''' :: String -> IO GenericType genericType'''' = casADi__GenericType__GenericType'''' -- direct wrapper foreign import ccall unsafe "CasADi__GenericType__GenericType_TIC_TIC_TIC_TIC_TIC" c_CasADi__GenericType__GenericType_TIC_TIC_TIC_TIC_TIC :: Ptr (CppVec CInt) -> IO (Ptr GenericType') casADi__GenericType__GenericType''''' :: Vector Bool -> IO GenericType casADi__GenericType__GenericType''''' x0 = withMarshal x0 $ \x0' -> c_CasADi__GenericType__GenericType_TIC_TIC_TIC_TIC_TIC x0' >>= wrapReturn -- classy wrapper genericType''''' :: Vector Bool -> IO GenericType genericType''''' = casADi__GenericType__GenericType''''' -- direct wrapper foreign import ccall unsafe "CasADi__GenericType__GenericType_TIC_TIC_TIC_TIC_TIC_TIC" c_CasADi__GenericType__GenericType_TIC_TIC_TIC_TIC_TIC_TIC :: Ptr (CppVec CInt) -> IO (Ptr GenericType') casADi__GenericType__GenericType'''''' :: Vector Int -> IO GenericType casADi__GenericType__GenericType'''''' x0 = withMarshal x0 $ \x0' -> c_CasADi__GenericType__GenericType_TIC_TIC_TIC_TIC_TIC_TIC x0' >>= wrapReturn -- classy wrapper genericType'''''' :: Vector Int -> IO GenericType genericType'''''' = casADi__GenericType__GenericType'''''' -- direct wrapper foreign import ccall unsafe "CasADi__GenericType__GenericType_TIC_TIC_TIC_TIC_TIC_TIC_TIC" c_CasADi__GenericType__GenericType_TIC_TIC_TIC_TIC_TIC_TIC_TIC :: Ptr (CppVec CDouble) -> IO (Ptr GenericType') casADi__GenericType__GenericType''''''' :: Vector Double -> IO GenericType casADi__GenericType__GenericType''''''' x0 = withMarshal x0 $ \x0' -> c_CasADi__GenericType__GenericType_TIC_TIC_TIC_TIC_TIC_TIC_TIC x0' >>= wrapReturn -- classy wrapper genericType''''''' :: Vector Double -> IO GenericType genericType''''''' = casADi__GenericType__GenericType''''''' -- direct wrapper foreign import ccall unsafe "CasADi__GenericType__GenericType_TIC_TIC_TIC_TIC_TIC_TIC_TIC_TIC" c_CasADi__GenericType__GenericType_TIC_TIC_TIC_TIC_TIC_TIC_TIC_TIC :: Ptr (CppVec (Ptr StdString')) -> IO (Ptr GenericType') casADi__GenericType__GenericType'''''''' :: Vector String -> IO GenericType casADi__GenericType__GenericType'''''''' x0 = withMarshal x0 $ \x0' -> c_CasADi__GenericType__GenericType_TIC_TIC_TIC_TIC_TIC_TIC_TIC_TIC x0' >>= wrapReturn -- classy wrapper genericType'''''''' :: Vector String -> IO GenericType genericType'''''''' = casADi__GenericType__GenericType'''''''' -- direct wrapper foreign import ccall unsafe "CasADi__GenericType__GenericType_TIC_TIC_TIC_TIC_TIC_TIC_TIC_TIC_TIC" c_CasADi__GenericType__GenericType_TIC_TIC_TIC_TIC_TIC_TIC_TIC_TIC_TIC :: Ptr Function' -> IO (Ptr GenericType') casADi__GenericType__GenericType''''''''' :: Function -> IO GenericType casADi__GenericType__GenericType''''''''' x0 = withMarshal x0 $ \x0' -> c_CasADi__GenericType__GenericType_TIC_TIC_TIC_TIC_TIC_TIC_TIC_TIC_TIC x0' >>= wrapReturn -- classy wrapper genericType''''''''' :: Function -> IO GenericType genericType''''''''' = casADi__GenericType__GenericType''''''''' -- direct wrapper foreign import ccall unsafe "CasADi__GenericType__GenericType_TIC_TIC_TIC_TIC_TIC_TIC_TIC_TIC_TIC_TIC" c_CasADi__GenericType__GenericType_TIC_TIC_TIC_TIC_TIC_TIC_TIC_TIC_TIC_TIC :: Ptr SharedObject' -> IO (Ptr GenericType') casADi__GenericType__GenericType'''''''''' :: SharedObject -> IO GenericType casADi__GenericType__GenericType'''''''''' x0 = withMarshal x0 $ \x0' -> c_CasADi__GenericType__GenericType_TIC_TIC_TIC_TIC_TIC_TIC_TIC_TIC_TIC_TIC x0' >>= wrapReturn -- classy wrapper genericType'''''''''' :: SharedObject -> IO GenericType genericType'''''''''' = casADi__GenericType__GenericType'''''''''' -- direct wrapper foreign import ccall unsafe "CasADi__GenericType__GenericType_TIC_TIC_TIC_TIC_TIC_TIC_TIC_TIC_TIC_TIC_TIC" c_CasADi__GenericType__GenericType_TIC_TIC_TIC_TIC_TIC_TIC_TIC_TIC_TIC_TIC_TIC :: Ptr DerivativeGenerator' -> IO (Ptr GenericType') casADi__GenericType__GenericType''''''''''' :: DerivativeGenerator -> IO GenericType casADi__GenericType__GenericType''''''''''' x0 = withMarshal x0 $ \x0' -> c_CasADi__GenericType__GenericType_TIC_TIC_TIC_TIC_TIC_TIC_TIC_TIC_TIC_TIC_TIC x0' >>= wrapReturn -- classy wrapper genericType''''''''''' :: DerivativeGenerator -> IO GenericType genericType''''''''''' = casADi__GenericType__GenericType''''''''''' -- direct wrapper foreign import ccall unsafe "CasADi__GenericType__GenericType_TIC_TIC_TIC_TIC_TIC_TIC_TIC_TIC_TIC_TIC_TIC_TIC" c_CasADi__GenericType__GenericType_TIC_TIC_TIC_TIC_TIC_TIC_TIC_TIC_TIC_TIC_TIC_TIC :: Ptr Callback' -> IO (Ptr GenericType') casADi__GenericType__GenericType'''''''''''' :: Callback -> IO GenericType casADi__GenericType__GenericType'''''''''''' x0 = withMarshal x0 $ \x0' -> c_CasADi__GenericType__GenericType_TIC_TIC_TIC_TIC_TIC_TIC_TIC_TIC_TIC_TIC_TIC_TIC x0' >>= wrapReturn -- classy wrapper genericType'''''''''''' :: Callback -> IO GenericType genericType'''''''''''' = casADi__GenericType__GenericType''''''''''''