{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards, NoImplicitPrelude, LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}

module Caramia.Texture.Internal where

import Caramia.Prelude

import Caramia.Resource
import Caramia.Internal.OpenGLCApi
import qualified Caramia.Buffer.Internal as Buf
import Caramia.ImageFormats
import System.IO.Unsafe
import Control.Exception

data Texture = Texture
    { resource :: !(Resource Texture_)
    , ordIndex :: !Int
    , viewSpecification :: !TextureSpecification }
    deriving ( Typeable )

newtype Texture_ = Texture_ GLuint

-- | The type of a texture unit.
-- The minimum valid value is 0 and maximum is implementation dependant but
-- in OpenGL at least 48 units will work at the same time in shaders.
type TextureUnit = Int

ordIndices :: IORef Int
ordIndices = unsafePerformIO $ newIORef 0
{-# NOINLINE ordIndices #-}

instance Eq Texture where
    tex1 == tex2 = resource tex1 == resource tex2

instance Ord Texture where
    tex1 `compare` tex2 = ordIndex tex1 `compare` ordIndex tex2

-- | Specification on what the texture should be like.
-- Use `textureSpecification` and set at least `topology` and `imageFormat`.
-- Future minor versions remain compatible if you use `textureSpecification`
-- instead of the constructor directly.
data TextureSpecification = TextureSpecification
    { topology     :: Topology
    , imageFormat  :: ImageFormat
    , mipmapLevels :: Int -- ^ How many mipmap levels including the base
                          --  level? Must be at least 1.
                          --  Ignored and not evaluated for multisampling
                          --  textures.
    deriving ( Eq, Typeable )

-- | Specifies a topology of a texture.
data Topology =
    Tex1D { width1D  :: !Int }
  | Tex2D { width2D  :: !Int
          , height2D :: !Int }
  | Tex3D { width3D  :: !Int
          , height3D :: !Int
          , depth3D  :: !Int }
  | Tex1DArray
          { width1DArray :: !Int
          , layers1D :: !Int }
  | Tex2DArray
          { width2DArray :: !Int
          , height2DArray :: !Int
          , layers2D :: !Int }
  | Tex2DMultisample
          { width2DMS :: !Int
          , height2DMS :: !Int
          , samples2DMS :: !Int
          , fixedSampleLocations2DMS :: !Bool }
  | Tex2DMultisampleArray
          { width2DMSArray :: !Int
          , height2DMSArray :: !Int
          , layers2DMS :: !Int
          , samples2DMSArray :: !Int
          , fixedSampleLocations2DMSArray :: !Bool }
  | TexCube { widthCube  :: Int }
  | TexBuffer { texBuffer :: !Buf.Buffer }
    -- ^ Buffer textures, see
    -- <https://www.opengl.org/wiki/Buffer_Texture>
  deriving ( Eq, Typeable )

withBinding :: GLenum -> GLenum -> GLuint -> IO a -> IO a
withBinding tex tex_binding tex_name action = do
    old <- gi tex_binding
        (glBindTexture tex tex_name *>
        (glBindTexture tex old)

getTopologyBindPoints :: Topology -> (GLenum, GLenum)
getTopologyBindPoints = \case
    Tex1D {..} -> (gl_TEXTURE_1D, gl_TEXTURE_BINDING_1D)
    Tex2D {..} -> (gl_TEXTURE_2D, gl_TEXTURE_BINDING_2D)
    Tex3D {..} -> (gl_TEXTURE_3D, gl_TEXTURE_BINDING_3D)
    Tex1DArray {..} -> (gl_TEXTURE_1D_ARRAY, gl_TEXTURE_BINDING_1D_ARRAY)
    Tex2DArray {..} -> (gl_TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY, gl_TEXTURE_BINDING_2D_ARRAY)
    Tex2DMultisample {..} ->
    Tex2DMultisampleArray {..} ->
    TexCube {..} ->
    TexBuffer {} ->

withBindingByTopology :: Texture -> (GLenum -> IO a) -> IO a
withBindingByTopology tex action =
    withResource (resource tex) $ \(Texture_ name) ->
        let (bind_target, bind_query) = getTopologyBindPoints topo
         in withBinding bind_target bind_query name $ action bind_target
    topo = topology $ viewSpecification tex

withTextureBinding :: Texture -> TextureUnit -> IO a -> IO a
withTextureBinding tex unit action = do
    old_active <- gi gl_ACTIVE_TEXTURE
    glActiveTexture (gl_TEXTURE0 + fromIntegral unit)
    finally (withBindingByTopology tex $ const action) $
        glActiveTexture old_active