{- | Module: Capnp.Pointer Description: Support for parsing/serializing capnproto pointers This module provides support for parsing and serializing capnproto pointers. This is a low-level module; most users will not need to call it directly. -} module Capnp.Pointer ( Ptr(..) , ElementSize(..) , EltSpec(..) , parsePtr , parsePtr' , serializePtr , serializePtr' , parseEltSpec , serializeEltSpec ) where import Data.Bits import Data.Int import Data.Word import Capnp.Bits -- | A 'Ptr' represents the information in a capnproto pointer. data Ptr = StructPtr !Int32 !Word16 !Word16 -- ^ @'StructPtr' off dataSz ptrSz@ is a pointer to a struct -- at offset @off@ in words from the end of the pointer, with -- a data section of size @dataSz@ words, and a pointer section -- of size @ptrSz@ words. -- -- Note that the value @'StructPtr' 0 0 0@ is illegal, since -- its encoding is reserved for the "null" pointer. | ListPtr !Int32 !EltSpec -- ^ @'ListPtr' off eltSpec@ is a pointer to a list starting at -- offset @off@ in words from the end of the pointer. @eltSpec@ -- encodes the C and D fields in the encoding spec; see 'EltSpec' -- for details | FarPtr !Bool !Word32 !Word32 -- ^ @'FarPtr' twoWords off segment@ is a far pointer, whose landing -- pad is: -- -- * two words iff @twoWords@, -- * @off@ words from the start of the target segment, and -- * in segment id @segment@. | CapPtr !Word32 -- ^ @'CapPtr' id@ is a pointer to the capability with the id @id@. deriving(Show, Eq) -- | The element size field in a list pointer. data ElementSize = Sz0 | Sz1 | Sz8 | Sz16 | Sz32 | Sz64 | SzPtr deriving(Show, Eq, Enum) -- | A combination of the C and D fields in a list pointer, i.e. the element -- size, and either the number of elements in the list, or the total number -- of /words/ in the list (if size is composite). data EltSpec = EltNormal !ElementSize !Word32 -- ^ @'EltNormal' size len@ is a normal (non-composite) element type -- (C /= 7). @size@ is the size of the elements, and @len@ is the -- number of elements in the list. | EltComposite !Int32 -- ^ @EltComposite len@ is a composite element (C == 7). @len@ is the -- length of the list in words. deriving(Show, Eq) -- | @'parsePtr' word@ parses word as a capnproto pointer. A null pointer is -- parsed as 'Nothing'. parsePtr :: Word64 -> Maybe Ptr parsePtr 0 = Nothing parsePtr p = Just (parsePtr' p) -- | @'parsePtr'' word@ parses @word@ as a capnproto pointer. It ignores -- nulls, returning them the same as @(StructPtr 0 0 0)@. parsePtr' :: Word64 -> Ptr parsePtr' word = case bitRange word 0 2 :: Word64 of 0 -> StructPtr (i30 (lo word)) (bitRange word 32 48) (bitRange word 48 64) 1 -> ListPtr (i30 (lo word)) (parseEltSpec word) 2 -> FarPtr (toEnum (bitRange word 2 3)) (bitRange word 3 32) (bitRange word 32 64) 3 -> CapPtr (bitRange word 32 64) _ -> error "unreachable" -- | @'serializePtr' ptr@ serializes the pointer as a 'Word64', translating -- 'Nothing' to a null pointer. -- -- This also changes the offset of zero-sized struct pointers to -1, to avoid -- them being interpreted as null. serializePtr :: Maybe Ptr -> Word64 serializePtr Nothing = 0 serializePtr (Just p@(StructPtr (-1) 0 0)) = serializePtr' p serializePtr (Just (StructPtr _ 0 0)) = -- We need to handle this specially, for two reasons. -- -- First, if the offset is zero, the the normal encoding would be interpreted -- as null. We can get around this by changing the offset to -1, which will -- point immediately before the pointer, which is always a valid position -- -- and since the size is zero, we can stick it at any valid position. -- -- Second, the canonicalization algorithm requires that *all* zero size structs -- are encoded this way, and doing this for all offsets, rather than only zero -- offsets, avoids needing extra logic elsewhere. serializePtr' (StructPtr (-1) 0 0) serializePtr (Just p) = serializePtr' p -- | @'serializePtr'' ptr@ serializes the pointer as a Word64. -- -- Unlike 'serializePtr', this results in a null pointer on the input -- @(StructPtr 0 0 0)@, rather than adjusting the offset. serializePtr' :: Ptr -> Word64 serializePtr' (StructPtr off dataSz ptrSz) = -- 0 .|. fromLo (fromI30 off) .|. (fromIntegral dataSz `shiftL` 32) .|. (fromIntegral ptrSz `shiftL` 48) serializePtr' (ListPtr off eltSpec) = -- eltSz numElts) = 1 .|. fromLo (fromI30 off) .|. serializeEltSpec eltSpec serializePtr' (FarPtr twoWords off segId) = 2 .|. (fromIntegral (fromEnum twoWords) `shiftL` 2) .|. (fromIntegral off `shiftL` 3) .|. (fromIntegral segId `shiftL` 32) serializePtr' (CapPtr index) = 3 .|. -- (fromIntegral 0 `shiftL` 2) .|. (fromIntegral index `shiftL` 32) -- | @'parseEltSpec' word@ reads the 'EltSpec' from @word@, which must be the -- encoding of a list pointer (this is not verified). parseEltSpec :: Word64 -> EltSpec parseEltSpec word = case bitRange word 32 35 of 7 -> EltComposite (i29 (hi word)) sz -> EltNormal (toEnum sz) (bitRange word 35 64) -- | @'serializeEltSpec' eltSpec@ serializes @eltSpec@ as a 'Word64'. all bits -- which are not determined by the 'EltSpec' are zero. serializeEltSpec :: EltSpec -> Word64 serializeEltSpec (EltNormal sz len) = (fromIntegral (fromEnum sz) `shiftL` 32) .|. (fromIntegral len `shiftL` 35) serializeEltSpec (EltComposite words) = (7 `shiftL` 32) .|. fromHi (fromI29 words)