before_script: # Report the versions of varioius software, to make diagnosing problems # easier: - ghc --version - cabal --version - capnp --version - stylish-haskell --version - hlint --version # Update the hackage databse: - cabal update test:alltests: image: zenhack/haskell-capnp-ci variables: CXX_CALCULATOR_CLIENT: /usr/local/bin/c++-calculator-client CXX_CALCULATOR_SERVER: /usr/local/bin/c++-calculator-server script: # First build the code generator plugin. - cabal new-build capnpc-haskell # Then, regenerate the schema modules, and make sure they're in-sync # with what was committed. This is also necessary to generate the # Schema modules used by the test suite, which are not committed. - ./scripts/ - git diff --exit-code # Now build everything else (incl. examples): - cabal new-build all # the tests. We use new-run so we can pass rts options # to the test binary -- these tell it to parallelize the tests. - cabal new-run test:tests -- +RTS -N # Linting: - ./scripts/ # Run stylish-haskell, and fail if it changes anything: - ./scripts/ - git diff --exit-code