-- Generate low-level accessors from type types in IR. {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} module Backends.Raw ( fmtModule ) where import Data.Word import Data.List (sortOn) import Data.Monoid ((<>)) import Data.Ord (Down(..)) import Data.String (IsString(..)) import Text.PrettyPrint.Leijen.Text (hcat, vcat) import Text.Printf (printf) import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Text.PrettyPrint.Leijen.Text as PP import IR import Util import Backends.Common (dataFieldSize, fmtPrimWord) indent = PP.indent 4 -- | Sort varaints by their tag, in decending order (with no tag at all being last). sortVariants = sortOn (Down . variantTag) fmtModule :: Module -> [(FilePath, PP.Doc)] fmtModule thisMod@Module{modName=Namespace modNameParts,..} = [ ( T.unpack $ mintercalate "/" humanParts <> ".hs" , mainContent ) , ( printf "Capnp/ById/X%x.hs" modId , vcat [ "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-unused-imports #-}" , "{- |" , hcat [ "Module: ", machineMod ] , hcat [ "Description: machine-addressable alias for '", humanMod, "'." ] , "-}" , hcat [ "module ", machineMod, " (module ", humanMod, ") where" ] , hcat [ "import ", humanMod ] ] ) ] where machineMod = fromString (printf "Capnp.ById.X%x" modId) humanMod = fmtModRef $ FullyQualified $ Namespace humanParts humanParts = "Capnp":modNameParts modFileText = PP.textStrict modFile mainContent = vcat [ "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-unused-imports #-}" , "{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}" , "{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}" , "{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}" , "{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}" , "{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}" , "{- |" , "Module: " <> humanMod , "Description: Low-level generated module for " <> modFileText , "" , "This module is the generated code for " <> modFileText <> ", for the" , "low-level api." , "-}" , "module " <> humanMod <> " where" , "" , "-- Code generated by capnpc-haskell. DO NOT EDIT." , "-- Generated from schema file: " <> modFileText , "" , "import Data.Int" , "import Data.Word" , "" , "import GHC.Generics (Generic)" , "" , "import Data.Capnp.Bits (Word1)" , "" , "import qualified Data.Bits" , "import qualified Data.Maybe" -- The trailing ' is to avoid possible name collisions: , "import qualified Data.Capnp.Classes as C'" , "import qualified Data.Capnp.Basics as B'" , "import qualified Data.Capnp.GenHelpers as H'" , "import qualified Data.Capnp.TraversalLimit as TL'" , "import qualified Data.Capnp.Untyped as U'" , "import qualified Data.Capnp.Message as M'" , "" , vcat $ map fmtImport modImports , "" , vcat $ map (fmtDecl thisMod) (M.toList modDecls) ] fmtModRef :: ModuleRef -> PP.Doc fmtModRef (ByCapnpId id) = fromString $ printf "Capnp.ById.X%x" id fmtModRef (FullyQualified (Namespace ns)) = mintercalate "." (map PP.textStrict ns) fmtImport :: Import -> PP.Doc fmtImport (Import ref) = "import qualified " <> fmtModRef ref -- | format the IsPtr instance for a list of the struct type with -- the given name. fmtStructListIsPtr :: PP.Doc -> PP.Doc fmtStructListIsPtr nameText = vcat [ hcat [ "instance C'.IsPtr msg (B'.List msg (", nameText, " msg)) where" ] , indent $ vcat [ hcat [ "fromPtr msg ptr = List_", nameText, " <$> C'.fromPtr msg ptr" ] , hcat [ "toPtr (List_", nameText, " l) = C'.toPtr l" ] ] ] -- | Generate declarations common to all types which are represented -- by 'Untyped.Struct'. -- -- parameters: -- -- * thisMod - the module that we are generating. -- * name - the name of the type. -- * dataSz - the size of the data section, in words. -- * ptrSz - the size of the pointer section. fmtNewtypeStruct :: Module -> Name -> Word16 -> Word16 -> PP.Doc fmtNewtypeStruct thisMod name dataSz ptrSz = let typeCon = fmtName thisMod name dataCon = typeCon <> "_newtype_" in vcat [ hcat [ "newtype ", typeCon, " msg = ", dataCon, " (U'.Struct msg)" ] , hcat [ "instance C'.FromStruct msg (", typeCon, " msg) where" ] , indent $ vcat [ hcat [ "fromStruct = pure . ", dataCon ] ] , hcat [ "instance C'.ToStruct msg (", typeCon, " msg) where" ] , indent $ vcat [ hcat [ "toStruct (", dataCon, " struct) = struct" ] ] , hcat [ "instance C'.IsPtr msg (", typeCon, " msg) where" ] , indent $ vcat [ hcat [ "fromPtr msg ptr = ", dataCon, " <$> C'.fromPtr msg ptr" ] , hcat [ "toPtr (", dataCon, " struct) = C'.toPtr struct" ] ] , fmtStructListElem typeCon , hcat [ "instance B'.MutListElem s (", typeCon, " (M'.MutMsg s)) where" ] , indent $ vcat [ hcat [ "setIndex (", dataCon, " elt) i (List_", typeCon, " l) = U'.setIndex elt i l" ] , hcat [ "newList msg len = List_", typeCon, " <$> U'.allocCompositeList msg " , fromString (show dataSz), " " , fromString (show ptrSz), " len" ] ] , hcat [ "instance U'.HasMessage (", typeCon, " msg) msg where" ] , indent $ vcat [ hcat [ "message (", dataCon, " struct) = U'.message struct" ] ] , hcat [ "instance U'.MessageDefault (", typeCon, " msg) msg where" ] , indent $ vcat [ hcat [ "messageDefault = ", dataCon, " . U'.messageDefault" ] ] , hcat [ "instance C'.Allocate s (", typeCon, " (M'.MutMsg s)) where" ] , indent $ vcat [ hcat [ "new msg = ", dataCon , " <$> U'.allocStruct msg " , fromString (show dataSz), " " , fromString (show ptrSz) ] ] , fmtStructListIsPtr typeCon ] -- | Generate an instance of ListElem for a struct type. The parameter is the name of -- the type constructor. fmtStructListElem :: PP.Doc -> PP.Doc fmtStructListElem nameText = vcat [ hcat [ "instance B'.ListElem msg (", nameText, " msg) where" ] , indent $ vcat [ hcat [ "newtype List msg (", nameText, " msg) = List_", nameText, " (U'.ListOf msg (U'.Struct msg))" ] , hcat [ "length (List_", nameText, " l) = U'.length l" ] , hcat [ "index i (List_", nameText, " l) = U'.index i l >>= ", fmtRestrictedFromStruct nameText ] ] ] -- | Output an expression equivalent to fromStruct, but restricted to the type -- with the given type constructor (which must have kind * -> *). fmtRestrictedFromStruct :: PP.Doc -> PP.Doc fmtRestrictedFromStruct nameText = hcat [ "(let {" , "go :: U'.ReadCtx m msg => U'.Struct msg -> m (", nameText, " msg); " , "go = C'.fromStruct" , "} in go)" ] -- | Generate a call to 'H'.getWordField' based on a 'DataLoc'. -- The first argument is an expression for the struct. fmtGetWordField :: PP.Doc -> DataLoc -> PP.Doc fmtGetWordField struct DataLoc{..} = mintercalate " " [ " H'.getWordField" , struct , fromString (show dataIdx) , fromString (show dataOff) , fromString (show dataDef) ] -- | @'fmtSetWordField' struct value loc@ is like 'fmtGetWordField', except that -- it generates a call to 'H'.setWordField'. The extra value parameter corresponds -- to the extra parameter in 'H'.setWordField'. fmtSetWordField :: PP.Doc -> PP.Doc -> DataLoc -> PP.Doc fmtSetWordField struct value DataLoc{..} = mintercalate " " [ "H'.setWordField" , struct , value , fromString (show dataIdx) , fromString (show dataOff) , fromString (show dataDef) ] -- | Format the various accessors @(set_*, get_*, has_*, new_*)@ for a field. -- . -- Parameters (in order): -- . -- * @thisMod@: the module we're generating. -- * @typeName@: the name of the type to which the field belongs. -- * @variantName@: the name of the variant of @typeName@. -- * @field@: the field to format. fmtFieldAccessor :: Module -> Name -> Name -> Field -> PP.Doc fmtFieldAccessor thisMod typeName variantName Field{..} = vcat [ fmtGetter , fmtHas , fmtSetter , fmtNew thisMod accessorName typeCon fieldLocType ] where accessorName prefix = fmtName thisMod $ prefixName prefix (subName variantName fieldName) getName = accessorName "get_" hasName = accessorName "has_" setName = accessorName "set_" newName = accessorName "new_" typeCon = fmtName thisMod typeName dataCon = typeCon <> "_newtype_" fmtGetter = let getType fieldType = typeCon <> " msg -> m " <> fmtType thisMod "msg" fieldType typeAnnotation fieldType = hcat [ getName, " :: U'.ReadCtx m msg => ", getType fieldType ] getDef def = hcat [ getName, " (", dataCon, " struct) =", def ] in case fieldLocType of DataField loc ty -> vcat [ typeAnnotation (WordType ty) , getDef $ fmtGetWordField "struct" loc ] PtrField idx ty -> vcat [ typeAnnotation (PtrType ty) , getDef $ PP.line <> indent (vcat [ hcat [ "U'.getPtr ", fromString (show idx), " struct" ] , hcat [ ">>= C'.fromPtr (U'.message struct)" ] ]) ] HereField ty -> vcat [ typeAnnotation (CompositeType ty) , getDef " C'.fromStruct struct" ] VoidField -> vcat [ typeAnnotation VoidType , getDef " Data.Capnp.TraversalLimit.invoice 1 >> pure ()" ] fmtHas = let hasType = typeCon <> " msg -> m Bool" in vcat [ hcat [ hasName, " :: U'.ReadCtx m msg => ", hasType ] , hcat [ hasName, "(", dataCon, " struct) = ", case fieldLocType of DataField DataLoc{dataIdx} _ -> "pure $ " <> fromString (show dataIdx) <> " < U'.length (U'.dataSection struct)" PtrField idx _ -> "Data.Maybe.isJust <$> U'.getPtr " <> fromString (show idx) <> " struct" HereField _ -> "pure True" VoidField -> "pure True" ] ] fmtSetter = let setType fieldType = typeCon <> " (M'.MutMsg s) -> " <> fmtType thisMod "(M'.MutMsg s)" fieldType <> " -> m ()" typeAnnotation fieldType = setName <> " :: U'.RWCtx m s => " <> setType fieldType in case fieldLocType of DataField loc@DataLoc{..} ty -> vcat [ typeAnnotation (WordType ty) , hcat [ setName, " (", dataCon, " struct) value = " , fmtSetWordField "struct" ("(fromIntegral (C'.toWord value) :: Word" <> fromString (show $ dataFieldSize ty) <> ")") loc ] ] VoidField -> vcat [ typeAnnotation VoidType , setName <> " _ = pure ()" ] PtrField idx ty -> vcat [ typeAnnotation (PtrType ty) , hcat [ setName, " (", dataCon, " struct) value = " , "U'.setPtr (C'.toPtr value) ", fromString (show idx), " struct" ] ] HereField _ -> -- We don't generate setters for these fields; instead, the -- user should call the getter and then modify the child in-place. "" -- | format a @new_*@ function for a field. -- . -- Parameters (in order): -- . -- * @thisMod@: The module we're generating. -- * @accessorName@: function getting the accessor for a specific prefix; -- takes an argument that is @"set_"@, @"get_"@, etc. -- * @typeCon@: The name of the type constructor for the type owning the -- field. -- * @fieldLocType@: the field location and type. fmtNew thisMod accessorName typeCon fieldLocType = case fieldLocType of PtrField _ fieldType -> let newType = hcat [ typeCon , " (M'.MutMsg s) -> m (" , fmtType thisMod "(M'.MutMsg s)" (PtrType fieldType) , ")" ] in case fieldType of ListOf _ -> fmtNewListLike newType "C'.newList" PrimPtr PrimText -> fmtNewListLike newType "B'.newText" PrimPtr PrimData -> fmtNewListLike newType "B'.newData" PrimPtr (PrimAnyPtr _) -> "" PtrComposite _ -> vcat [ hcat [ newName, " :: U'.RWCtx m s => ", newType ] , hcat [ newName, " struct = do" ] , indent $ vcat [ hcat [ "result <- C'.new (U'.message struct)" ] , hcat [ setName, " struct result" ] , "pure result" ] ] _ -> "" where newName = accessorName "new_" setName = accessorName "set_" fmtNewListLike newType allocFn = vcat [ hcat [ newName, " :: U'.RWCtx m s => Int -> ", newType ] , hcat [ newName, " len struct = do" ] , indent $ vcat [ hcat [ "result <- ", allocFn, " (U'.message struct) len" ] , hcat [ setName, " struct result" ] , "pure result" ] ] -- Generate setters for union variants, plus new_* functions where the argument -- is a pointer type. fmtUnionSetter :: Module -> Name -> DataLoc -> Variant -> PP.Doc fmtUnionSetter thisMod parentType tagLoc Variant{..} = go variantTag where accessorName prefix = prefix <> fmtName thisMod variantName setName = "set_" <> fmtName thisMod variantName parentTypeCon = fmtName thisMod parentType parentDataCon = parentTypeCon <> "_newtype_" fmtSetTag = fmtSetWordField "struct" (hcat [ "(" , case variantTag of Just tagValue -> fromString (show tagValue) Nothing -> "tagValue" , " :: Word16)" ]) tagLoc go Nothing = vcat -- this is the unknown' variant; we just accept the tag as an argument. [ hcat [ setName, " :: U'.RWCtx m s => ", parentTypeCon, " (M'.MutMsg s) -> Word16 -> m ()" ] , hcat [ setName, "(", parentDataCon, " struct) tagValue = ", fmtSetTag ] ] go (Just _) = case variantParams of Record _ -> -- Variant is a group; we return a reference to the group so the user can -- modify it. let childTypeCon = fmtName thisMod (subName variantName "group'") childDataCon = childTypeCon <> "_newtype_" in vcat [ hcat [ setName, " :: U'.RWCtx m s => ", parentTypeCon, " (M'.MutMsg s) -> " , "m (", childTypeCon, " (M'.MutMsg s))" ] , hcat [ setName, " (", parentDataCon, " struct) = do" ] , indent $ vcat [ fmtSetTag , hcat [ "pure $ ", childDataCon, " struct" ] ] ] Unnamed _ (DataField loc typ) -> vcat [ hcat [ setName, " :: U'.RWCtx m s => ", parentTypeCon, " (M'.MutMsg s) -> " , fmtType thisMod "(M'.MutMsg s)" (WordType typ), " -> m ()" ] , hcat [ setName, " (", parentDataCon, " struct) value = do" ] , indent $ vcat [ fmtSetTag , let size = dataFieldSize typ in fmtSetWordField "struct" ("(fromIntegral (C'.toWord value) :: Word" <> fromString (show size) <> ")") loc ] ] Unnamed _ fieldLocType@(PtrField index typ) -> vcat [ hcat [ setName, " :: U'.RWCtx m s => ", parentTypeCon, " (M'.MutMsg s) -> " , fmtType thisMod "(M'.MutMsg s)" (PtrType typ), " -> m ()" ] , hcat [ setName, "(", parentDataCon, " struct) value = do" ] , indent $ vcat [ fmtSetTag , hcat [ "U'.setPtr (C'.toPtr value) ", fromString (show index), " struct" ] ] -- Also generate a new_* function. , fmtNew thisMod accessorName parentTypeCon fieldLocType ] Unnamed _ VoidField -> vcat [ hcat [ setName, " :: U'.RWCtx m s => ", parentTypeCon, " (M'.MutMsg s) -> m ()" ] , hcat [ setName, " (", parentDataCon, " struct) = ", fmtSetTag ] ] Unnamed _ (HereField typ) -> vcat [ hcat [ setName, " :: U'.RWCtx m s => ", parentTypeCon, " (M'.MutMsg s) -> " , "m (", fmtType thisMod " (M'.MutMsg s)" (CompositeType typ), ")" ] , hcat [ setName, "(", parentDataCon, " struct) value = do" ] , indent $ vcat [ fmtSetTag , "fromStruct struct" ] ] fmtDecl :: Module -> (Name, Decl) -> PP.Doc fmtDecl thisMod (name, DeclDef d) = fmtDataDef thisMod name d fmtDecl thisMod (name, DeclConst c) = fmtConst thisMod name c -- | Format a constant declaration. fmtConst :: Module -> Name -> Const -> PP.Doc fmtConst thisMod name value = let nameText = fmtName thisMod (valueName name) in case value of WordConst{wordType,wordValue} -> vcat [ hcat [ nameText, " :: " , case wordType of PrimWord ty -> fmtPrimWord ty EnumType tyName -> fmtName thisMod tyName ] , hcat [ nameText, " = C'.fromWord ", fromString (show wordValue) ] ] VoidConst -> vcat [ hcat [ nameText, " :: ()" ] , hcat [ nameText, " = ()" ] ] fmtDataDef :: Module -> Name -> DataDef -> PP.Doc fmtDataDef thisMod dataName DataDef{dataVariants=[Variant{..}], dataCerialType=CTyStruct dataSz ptrSz, ..} = vcat [ fmtNewtypeStruct thisMod dataName dataSz ptrSz , case variantParams of Record fields -> vcat $ map (fmtFieldAccessor thisMod dataName variantName) fields _ -> "" ] fmtDataDef thisMod dataName DataDef{dataCerialType=CTyStruct dataSz ptrSz,dataTagLoc=Just tagLoc,dataVariants} = let unionName = subName dataName "" unionNameText = fmtName thisMod unionName in vcat [ fmtNewtypeStruct thisMod dataName dataSz ptrSz , hcat [ "data ", unionNameText, " msg =" ] , indent $ vcat $ PP.punctuate " |" (map fmtDataVariant dataVariants) , fmtFieldAccessor thisMod dataName dataName Field { fieldName = "" , fieldLocType = HereField $ StructType unionName [] } , vcat $ map (fmtUnionSetter thisMod dataName tagLoc) dataVariants -- Generate auxiliary newtype definitions for group fields: , vcat $ map fmtVariantAuxNewtype dataVariants , hcat [ "instance C'.FromStruct msg (", unionNameText, " msg) where" ] , indent $ vcat [ "fromStruct struct = do" , indent $ vcat [ hcat [ "tag <- ", fmtGetWordField "struct" tagLoc ] , "case tag of" , indent $ vcat $ map fmtVariantCase $ sortVariants dataVariants ] ] ] where fmtDataVariant Variant{..} = fmtName thisMod variantName <> case variantParams of Record _ -> " (" <> fmtName thisMod (subName variantName "group' msg)") Unnamed VoidType _ -> "" Unnamed ty _ -> " " <> fmtType thisMod "msg" ty fmtVariantCase Variant{..} = let nameText = fmtName thisMod variantName in case variantTag of Just tag -> hcat [ fromString (show tag), " -> " , case variantParams of Record _ -> nameText <> " <$> C'.fromStruct struct" Unnamed _ (HereField _) -> nameText <> " <$> C'.fromStruct struct" Unnamed _ VoidField -> "pure " <> nameText Unnamed _ (DataField loc _) -> nameText <> " <$> " <> fmtGetWordField "struct" loc Unnamed _ (PtrField idx _) -> hcat [ nameText," <$> " , " (U'.getPtr ", fromString (show idx), " struct" , " >>= C'.fromPtr (U'.message struct))" ] ] Nothing -> "_ -> pure $ " <> nameText <> " tag" fmtVariantAuxNewtype Variant{variantName, variantParams=Record fields} = let typeName = subName variantName "group'" in vcat [ fmtNewtypeStruct thisMod typeName dataSz ptrSz , vcat $ map (fmtFieldAccessor thisMod typeName variantName) fields ] fmtVariantAuxNewtype _ = "" fmtDataDef thisMod dataName DataDef{dataCerialType=CTyEnum,..} = let typeName = fmtName thisMod dataName in vcat [ hcat [ "data ", typeName, " =" ] , indent $ vcat [ vcat $ PP.punctuate " |" $ map fmtEnumVariant dataVariants , "deriving(Show, Read, Eq, Generic)" ] -- Generate an Enum instance. This is a trivial wrapper around the -- IsWord instance, below. , hcat [ "instance Enum ", typeName, " where" ] , indent $ vcat [ "toEnum = C'.fromWord . fromIntegral" , "fromEnum = fromIntegral . C'.toWord" ] -- Generate an IsWord instance. , hcat [ "instance C'.IsWord ", typeName, " where" ] , indent $ vcat [ "fromWord n = go (fromIntegral n :: Word16) where" , indent $ vcat $ map (("go " <>) . fmtEnumFromWordCase) $ sortVariants dataVariants , vcat $ map (("toWord " <>) . fmtEnumToWordCase) $ sortVariants dataVariants ] , hcat [ "instance B'.ListElem msg ", typeName, " where" ] , indent $ vcat [ hcat [ "newtype List msg ", typeName, " = List_", typeName, " (U'.ListOf msg Word16)" ] , hcat [ "length (List_", typeName, " l) = U'.length l" ] , hcat [ "index i (List_", typeName, " l) = (C'.fromWord . fromIntegral) <$> U'.index i l" ] ] , hcat [ "instance B'.MutListElem s ", typeName, " where" ] , indent $ vcat [ hcat [ "setIndex elt i (List_", typeName, " l) = U'.setIndex (fromIntegral $ C'.toWord elt) i l" ] , hcat [ "newList msg size = List_", typeName, " <$> U'.allocList16 msg size" ] ] , hcat [ "instance C'.IsPtr msg (B'.List msg ", typeName, ") where" ] , indent $ vcat [ hcat [ "fromPtr msg ptr = List_", typeName, " <$> C'.fromPtr msg ptr" ] , hcat [ "toPtr (List_", typeName, " l) = C'.toPtr l" ] ] ] where -- | Format a data constructor in the definition of a data type for an enum. fmtEnumVariant Variant{variantName,variantParams=Unnamed VoidType _,variantTag=Just _} = fmtName thisMod variantName fmtEnumVariant Variant{variantName,variantParams=Unnamed ty _, variantTag=Nothing} = fmtName thisMod variantName <> " " <> fmtType thisMod "msg" ty fmtEnumVariant variant = error $ "Unexpected variant for enum: " ++ show variant -- | Format an equation in an enum's IsWord.fromWord implementation. fmtEnumFromWordCase Variant{variantTag=Just tag,variantName} = -- For the tags we know about: fromString (show tag) <> " = " <> fmtName thisMod variantName fmtEnumFromWordCase Variant{variantTag=Nothing,variantName} = -- For other tags: "tag = " <> fmtName thisMod variantName <> " (fromIntegral tag)" -- | Format an equation in an enum's IsWord.toWord implementation. fmtEnumToWordCase Variant{variantTag=Just tag,variantName} = fmtName thisMod variantName <> " = " <> fromString (show tag) fmtEnumToWordCase Variant{variantTag=Nothing,variantName} = "(" <> fmtName thisMod variantName <> " tag) = fromIntegral tag" fmtDataDef _ dataName dataDef = error $ "Unexpected data definition: " ++ show (dataName, dataDef) -- | @'fmtType ident msg ty@ formats the type @ty@ from module @ident@, -- using @msg@ as the message parameter, if any. fmtType :: Module -> PP.Doc -> Type -> PP.Doc fmtType thisMod msg = \case WordType (EnumType name) -> fmtName thisMod name WordType (PrimWord ty) -> fmtPrimWord ty VoidType -> "()" PtrType (ListOf eltType) -> "(B'.List " <> msg <> " " <> fmtType thisMod msg eltType <> ")" PtrType (PrimPtr PrimText) -> "(B'.Text " <> msg <> ")" PtrType (PrimPtr PrimData) -> "(B'.Data " <> msg <> ")" PtrType (PrimPtr (PrimAnyPtr anyPtr)) -> "(Maybe " <> fmtAnyPtr msg anyPtr <> ")" PtrType (PtrComposite ty) -> fmtType thisMod msg (CompositeType ty) CompositeType (StructType name params) -> hcat [ "(" , fmtName thisMod name , " " , mintercalate " " $ msg : map (fmtType thisMod msg) params , ")" ] fmtAnyPtr :: PP.Doc -> AnyPtr -> PP.Doc fmtAnyPtr msg Struct = "(U'.Struct " <> msg <> ")" fmtAnyPtr msg List = "(U'.List " <> msg <> ")" fmtAnyPtr _ Cap = "Word32" fmtAnyPtr msg Ptr = "(U'.Ptr " <> msg <> ")" fmtName :: Module -> Name -> PP.Doc fmtName Module{modId=thisMod} Name{nameModule, nameLocalNS=Namespace parts, nameUnqualified=localName} = modPrefix <> mintercalate "'" (map PP.textStrict $ parts <> [localName]) where modPrefix = case nameModule of ByCapnpId id | id == thisMod -> "" FullyQualified (Namespace []) -> "" _ -> fmtModRef nameModule <> "."