module Math.NumberTheory.Canon.AurifCyclo (
aurCandDec, aurCandDecCr,
aurDec, aurDecCr,
applyCycloPair, applyCycloPairWithMap,
cyclo, cycloWithMap,
cycloDivSet, cycloDivSetWithMap,
chineseAurif, chineseAurifWithMap, chineseAurifCr,
crCycloAurifApply, applyCrCycloPair, divvy,
CycloMap, fromCycloMap, fromCM, showCyclo, crCycloInitMap
import Math.NumberTheory.Canon.Internals
import Math.NumberTheory.Moduli.Jacobi (JacobiSymbol(..), jacobi)
import Data.Array (array, (!), Array(), elems)
import GHC.Real (numerator, denominator)
import Math.Polynomial( Poly(), poly, multPoly, quotPoly, Endianness(..), polyCoeffs)
import Data.List (sort, sortBy, (\\))
import qualified Data.Map as M
cr2 :: CR_
cr2 = crFromI 2
crCycloAurifApply :: Bool -> CR_ -> CR_ -> CR_ -> Integer -> CycloMap -> (CR_, CycloMap)
crCycloAurifApply b x y g gi m
| (crPrime g) && not (g == cr2 && b)
= eA ([term1, termNM1], m)
| not b = eA (cycA grtx grty g)
| b && not gpwr2 = eA (cycA (oddRoot x) (1 * oddRoot y) odd')
| otherwise = (crSimpleApply op x y, m)
where op = if b then (+) else ()
((gp, _):gs) = g
gpwr2 = gp == 2 && gs == []
gth_root v = crToI $ crRoot v gi
grtx = gth_root x
grty = gth_root y
term1 = integerApply op (crRoot x gi) (crRoot y gi)
termNM1 = div (integerApply op x y) term1
cycA x' y' n = (sort ia, m')
where (ia, m') = applyCrCycloPair x' y' n m
eA (a,mp) = (foldr1 crMult $ map crFromI v, m')
where (v, m') = case aurCandDecU x y gi g b of
Nothing -> auL a mp
Just (a1, a2) -> auL (divvy a a1 a2) mp
auL al ma = case c of
Nothing -> (al, mp')
Just (a3, a4) -> (divvy al a3 a4, mp')
where (c, mp') = chineseAurifCr x y b ma
odd' | gp == 2 = tail g
| otherwise = g
oddRoot v = crToI $ crRoot v (crToI odd')
aurCandDec :: Integer -> Integer -> Bool -> Maybe (Integer, Integer)
aurCandDec xi yi b = aurCandDecCr (crFromI xi) (crFromI yi) b
aurCandDecCr :: CR_ -> CR_ -> Bool -> Maybe (Integer, Integer)
aurCandDecCr xp yp b = aurCandDecU x y n (crFromI n) b
where n = gcd (crMaxRoot $ crAbs x) (crMaxRoot $ crAbs y)
gxy = crGCD xp yp
(x, y) = (crDivStrict xp gxy, crDivStrict yp gxy)
aurCandDecU :: CR_ -> CR_ -> Integer -> CR_ -> Bool -> Maybe (Integer, Integer)
aurCandDecU x y n cr b| (nm4 == 1 && b) || (nm4 /= 1 && not b) ||
(xdg == x && ydg == y) || (m /= 0)
= Nothing
| otherwise = case aurDecI n' cr' of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just (gamma, delta) -> apply gamma delta
(n', cr') | x /= cr1 && y /= cr1 = (n, cr)
| otherwise = (gcd1i, gcd1)
where x1 = if y /= cr1 then y else x
gcd1 = crRadical $ crGCD x1 cr
gcd1i = crToI gcd1
nm4 = mod n' 4
divTry a = case crDiv a (crExp cr' n' False) of
Left _ -> a
Right quotient -> quotient
xdg = divTry x
ydg = divTry y
mrGCD = gcd (crMaxRoot $ crAbs xdg) (crMaxRoot $ crAbs ydg)
m = mod mrGCD (2*n')
(x', ml) | ydg /= y = ( (crDivRational ydg x), if (not b) then (1) else 1)
| otherwise = ( (crDivRational xdg y), 1);
xrtn = crMult cr' (crRoot x' n')
xrtnr = crToRational xrtn
sqrtnxr = crToRational $ crRoot (crMult cr' xrtn) 2
apply gm dt = Just (ml * numerator f1, numerator f2)
where f1 = c sqrtnxr * d
f2 = c + sqrtnxr * d
c = aA gm xrtnr
d = aA dt xrtnr
aA a x'' = f (elems a) 1 0
where f [] _ a' = a'
f (c:cs) m' a' = f cs (m'*x'') (a' + (toRational c)*m')
aurDec :: Integer -> Maybe (Array Integer Integer, Array Integer Integer)
aurDec n | n <= 1 = error "aurifDecomp: n must be greater than 1"
| otherwise = aurDecI n (crFromI n)
aurDecCr :: CR_ -> Maybe (Array Integer Integer, Array Integer Integer)
aurDecCr cr = aurDec (crToI cr)
aurDecI :: Integer -> CR_ -> Maybe (Array Integer Integer, Array Integer Integer)
aurDecI n cr | crHasSquare cr || n < 2 || n' < 2
= Nothing
| otherwise = Just (gamma, delta)
where nm4 = mod n 4
n' = if (nm4 == 1) then n else (2*n)
d = div (totient n') 2
dm2 = mod d 2
mg | dm2 == 1 = div (d1) 2
| otherwise = div d 2
md | dm2 == 1 = div (d1) 2
| otherwise = div (d2) 2
q = array (1, d) ([(i, f i) | i <- [1..d]])
where f i | mod i 2 == 1 = convJacobi $ jacobi n i
| otherwise = eQ
where eQ = moeb (crFromI $ div n' g) * (totient g) * (cos' $ (n1)*i)
g = gcd n' i
moeb cr' | crHasSquare cr' = 0
| mod (length cr') 2 == 1 = 1
| otherwise = 1
cos' c | m8 == 2 || m8 == 6 = 0
| m8 == 4 = 1
| m8 == 0 = 1
| otherwise = error "Logic error: bad/odd value passed to cos'"
where m8 = mod c 8
gamma = array (0, d) ([(0,1)] ++ [(i, gf i) | i <- [1..d]])
where gf k | k > mg = gamma!(dk)
| otherwise = div gTerm (2*k)
where gTerm = sum $ map f [0..k1]
where f j = n * q!(2*k2*j1) * delta!j q!(2*k2*j) * gamma!j
delta = array (0, d1) ([(0,1)] ++ [(i, df i) | i <- [1..d1]])
where df k | k > md = delta!(dk1)
| otherwise = div dTerm (2*k+1)
where dTerm = gamma!k + sum (map f [0..k1])
where f j = q!(2*k2*j+1) * gamma!j q!(2*k2*j) * delta!j
divvy :: [Integer] -> Integer -> Integer -> [Integer]
divvy a x y = d (sortBy rev a) (abs x) (abs y)
where rev a' b' = if (a' > b') then LT else GT
d [] x' y' | x' == 1 && y' == 1 = []
| abs x' == 1 && abs y' == 1 = [x' * y']
| otherwise = error "Empty list passed as first param but x' and y' weren't both 1"
d (c:cs) x' y' | x' == 1 && y' == 1 = c:cs
| otherwise = v ++ d cs (div x' gnx) (div y' gny)
where v = filter (>1) $ [div q gny, gnx, gny]
gnx = gcd c x'
q = div c gnx
gny = gcd q y'
type CycloPair = (Integer, Poly Float)
type CycloMapInternal = M.Map CR_ CycloPair
newtype CycloMap = MakeCM CycloMapInternal deriving (Eq, Show)
fromCM, fromCycloMap :: CycloMap -> CycloMapInternal
fromCM (MakeCM cm) = cm
fromCycloMap = fromCM
crCycloInitMap :: CycloMap
crCycloInitMap = MakeCM $ M.insert cr1 (1, poly LE ([1.0, 1.0] :: [Float])) M.empty
cmLookup :: CR_ -> CycloMap -> Maybe CycloPair
cmLookup c m = M.lookup c (fromCM m)
cmInsert :: CR_ -> CycloPair -> CycloMap -> CycloMap
cmInsert c p m = MakeCM $ M.insert c p (fromCM m)
cyclo :: Integer -> (CycloPair, CycloMap)
cyclo n = crCyclo (crFromI n) crCycloInitMap
cycloWithMap :: Integer -> CycloMap -> (CycloPair, CycloMap)
cycloWithMap n m = crCyclo (crFromI n) m
cycloDivSet :: Integer -> CycloMap
cycloDivSet n = fst $ crCycloDivSet (crFromI n) crCycloInitMap
cycloDivSetWithMap :: Integer -> CycloMap -> (CycloMap, CycloMap)
cycloDivSetWithMap n m = crCycloDivSet (crFromI n) m
crCyclo :: CR_ -> CycloMap -> (CycloPair, CycloMap)
crCyclo cr m | crPositive cr = ((crToI $ crDivStrict cr r, p), m')
| otherwise = error "crCyclo: Positive integer needed"
where r = crRadical cr
((_,p), m') = crCycloRad r m
crCycloDivSet :: CR_ -> CycloMap -> (CycloMap, CycloMap)
crCycloDivSet cr m | crPositive cr = m2
| otherwise = error "crCycloDivSet: Positive integer needed"
where (_,m2) = c
crd = crDivisors cr
c = case cmLookup cr m of
Nothing -> c'
Just p -> (p, (mf, m))
where mf = MakeCM $ M.fromList $ filter (\(n,_) -> elem n crd) $ M.toList $ fromCM m
c' | r == cr = (pr, (pm, pm))
| otherwise = (cm, (mm, mm))
where (cm, mm) = mfn sqFulDivs pm
r = crRadical cr
(pr, pm) = crCycloRad r m
sqFulDivs = crd \\ crDivisors r
mfn [] _ = error "Logic Error in mfn: Empty list is forbidden"
mfn (n:ns) mp | ns == [] = cp
| otherwise = mfn ns mp'
where cp@(_, mp') = crCycloAll n mp
crCycloRad :: CR_ -> CycloMap -> (CycloPair, CycloMap)
crCycloRad cr m = case cmLookup cr m of
Nothing -> c'
Just p -> (p, m)
where c' | cs == [] = (cycpr, cmInsert cr cycpr m)
| otherwise = (cyc_n, cmInsert cr cyc_n mp)
where (_ : cs) = cr
r = fromInteger $ crToI $ crRadical cr
cycpr = (1, poly LE (replicate r 1.0))
xNm1 = poly LE ( (1.0:(replicate (r1) 0.0) ++ [1.0]) :: [Float] )
(cPrd, mp) = mf (init $ crDivisors cr)
cyc_n = (1, quotPoly xNm1 cPrd)
mf (n:ns) = f ns p m'
where ((_,p), m') = crCycloRad n m
f (n':ns') p' mp = f ns' (multPoly p' p'') m''
where ((_,p''), m'') = crCycloRad n' mp
f _ p' mp = (p', mp)
mf [] = error "Logic error: Blank list can't be passed to mf aka crCycloMemoFold"
crCycloAll :: CR_ -> CycloMap -> (CycloPair, CycloMap)
crCycloAll cr m | p == cr1 = case cmLookup cr m of
Nothing -> error "Logic error: Radical value not found for crCycloAll"
Just cb -> (cb, m)
| otherwise = (crp, cmInsert cr crp md)
where (p, d) = crPullSq
((i,y), md) = case cmLookup d m of
Nothing -> crCycloAll d m
Just c -> (c, m)
crp = ((fst $ head p) * i, y)
crPullSq = f [] cr
where f h [] = (cr1, h)
f h (c@(cp,ce):cs) | ce > 1 = ([(cp, 1)], h ++ (cp, ce1):cs)
| otherwise = f (h ++ [c]) cs
applyCrCycloPair :: Integer -> Integer -> CR_ -> CycloMap -> ([Integer], CycloMap)
applyCrCycloPair l r cr m = (applyCrCycloPairI l r cr (M.elems $ fromCM md), mn)
where (md, mn) = crCycloDivSet cr m
applyCrCycloPairI :: Integer -> Integer -> CR_ -> [CycloPair] -> [Integer]
applyCrCycloPairI l r cr cds = map applyPoly cds
where nd = crTotient cr
pA v = a where a = array (0,nd) ([(0,1)] ++ [(i, v*a!(i1)) | i <- [1..nd]])
lpa = pA l
rpa = pA r
applyPoly (m,p) = foldr1 (+) (map f $ zip fmtdCy [0..])
where f (a, b) | a == 0 = 0
| otherwise = a * lpa!(m*b) * rpa!(m*(maxExp b))
fmtdCy = map ceiling $ polyCoeffs LE p
maxExp = toInteger $ length fmtdCy 1
applyCycloPair :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> [Integer]
applyCycloPair x y e = fst $ applyCycloPairWithMap x y e crCycloInitMap
applyCycloPairWithMap :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> CycloMap -> ([Integer], CycloMap)
applyCycloPairWithMap x y e m = applyCrCycloPair x y (crFromI e) m
showCyclo :: CR_ -> CycloMap -> [Char]
showCyclo n m = p $ map (\x -> (ceiling x) :: Integer) $ polyCoeffs LE (snd $ fst $ crCyclo n m)
where p (c:cs) = show c ++ (p' cs (1 :: Int))
p _ = []
p' (c:cs) s | c == 0 = r
| otherwise = (if c > 0 then " + " else " - ") ++ (if ac == 1 then "" else show ac) ++
"x" ++ (if s == 1 then "" else "^" ++ show s) ++ r
where r = p' cs (s+1)
ac = abs c
p' _ _ = []
crSquareFlag :: CR_ -> Bool
crSquareFlag = all (\(_, ce) -> mod ce 2 == 0)
chineseAurif :: Integer -> Integer -> Bool -> Maybe (Integer, Integer)
chineseAurif x y b = fst $ chineseAurifWithMap x y b crCycloInitMap
chineseAurifWithMap :: Integer -> Integer -> Bool -> CycloMap -> (Maybe (Integer, Integer), CycloMap)
chineseAurifWithMap x y b m = chineseAurifCr (crFromI x) (crFromI y) b m
chineseAurifCr :: CR_ -> CR_ -> Bool -> CycloMap -> (Maybe (Integer, Integer), CycloMap)
chineseAurifCr xp yp b m = case c of
Nothing -> chineseAurifI mbyx n myx (crToI myx) b m'
r -> (r, m')
where (c, m') = chineseAurifI mbxy n mxy (crToI mxy) b m
gcdxy = crGCD xp yp
(x, y) = (crDivStrict xp gcdxy, crDivStrict yp gcdxy)
n = gcd (crMaxRoot $ crAbs x) (crMaxRoot $ crAbs y)
ncr = crFromI n
mbxy = crRoot (crDivRational x y) n
mxy = crGCD (crNumer mbxy) ncr
mbyx = crRecip mbxy
myx = crGCD (crNumer mbyx) ncr
chineseAurifI :: CR_ -> Integer -> CR_ -> Integer -> Bool -> CycloMap -> (Maybe (Integer, Integer), CycloMap)
chineseAurifI mbcr n mcr m b mp | mod n 2 == 0 || mod m 2 == 0 ||
m < 3 || km /= 0 ||
(mm4 == 1 && b) ||
(mm4 == 3 && not b) ||
mbdm == cr0 || not (crSquareFlag mbdm)
= (Nothing, mp)
| otherwise = case cv (gd1 * gd2) of
0 -> (Just (gd1, gd2), mp')
_ -> (Nothing, mp)
where mm4 = mod m 4
e = toRational $ if (mm4 == 3) then (1) else mm4
(k, km) = quotRem n m
mbdm = case crDiv mbcr mcr of
Left _ -> cr0
Right q -> q
r = crToRational $ crRoot (crMult mbcr mcr) 2
mb = crToRational mbcr
jR c = toRational $ convJacobi $ jacobi c m
eM = e * mb
v1 = (toRational m) * mb^(div (k * (m + 1)) 2)
v2 = t * s
where t = (jR 2) * r * (mb ^ (div (k1) 2))
s = sum $ map (\c -> (jR c) * eM^(k*c))
$ filter (\c -> gcd c m == 1) [1..m]
ncr = crFromI n
cv = head $ applyCrCycloPairI (numerator eM) (denominator eM) ncr [cp]
(cp, mp') = crCyclo ncr mp
gd1 = gcd cv (numerator $ v1 v2)
gd2 = gcd cv (numerator $ v1 + v2)
convJacobi :: JacobiSymbol -> Integer
convJacobi j = case j of
MinusOne -> 1
Zero -> 0
One -> 1