{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-| Hoare-logic-based invariant annotation and automated checking for Fortran. = Annotations Programs must be annotation in order to check them. Annotations are of the form == Static assertions @ != static_assert () @ The possible keywords are [@pre@] program unit preconditions. [@post@] program unit postconditions. [@seq@] invariants between program statements. [@invariant@] loop invariant annotations. == Logical Expressions A logical expression is an expression formed from quoted Fortran expressions combined with an arbitrary combination of the logical operators [ @&@ ] conjunction [ @|@ ] disjunction [ @->@ ] implication [ @\<-\>@ ] bi-implication, equivalence [ @!@ ] negation For example, @ "x >= 3" & ("y = 7" | "y = z") @ is a valid logical expression. == Variables In logical expressions, you may use any Fortran variables that are declared in the associated program unit, and you may use an annotated function's return variable as long as it has a declared type (i.e. the function's name unless otherwise specified). In addition, you may declare auxiliary variables using the syntax @ != decl_aux("\" :: \) @ [@\@] an arbitrary Fortran type specification, such as @integer@ or @real(kind=8,dimensions=(3,4))@ [@\@] any string (case-insensitive) that is a valid Fortran identifier, such as @my_var123@. Using any undeclared variables will result in an error. == Necessary Annotations Annotations are required at the following program points: * Between any two statements @S1@ and @S2@, where @S2@ is not an assignment. * On the line after @do ...@. == Unsupported Program Constructs Many parts of Fortran are currently unsupported. You will receive a helpful error message if you try to use something that's unsupported. Notable unsupported constructs are: * Standard @do@ loops (@do while@ loops /are/ supported) * Multi-dimensional arrays * User-defined data types * Program sub-units * Intrinsic functions * @write@, @read@, etc * Subroutine and function calls == Example Here's an example of a properly annotated Fortran program: @ != decl_aux("integer" :: x_) != decl_aux("integer" :: y_) != static_assert pre("x == x_" & "y == y_") != static_assert post("multiply == x_ * y_") integer function multiply(x, y) implicit none integer :: x, y integer :: r, n if (x < 0) then x = -x y = -y end if r = 0 n = 0 != static_assert seq("x * y == x_ * y_" & "n == 0" & "r == 0" & "n <= x") do while (n < x) != static_assert invariant("x * y == x_ * y_" & "r == n * y" & "n <= x") r = r + y n = n + 1 end do multiply = r end function multiply @ -} module Camfort.Specification.Hoare (check, HoareCheckResults(..), PrimReprOption(..)) where import Control.Monad.Except import Data.List (intersperse) import qualified Language.Fortran.Analysis as FA import qualified Language.Fortran.Analysis.BBlocks as FAB import qualified Language.Fortran.Analysis.Renaming as FAR import qualified Language.Fortran.AST as F import qualified Language.Fortran.Util.Position as F import Camfort.Analysis import Camfort.Analysis.Annotations import Camfort.Analysis.ModFile import Camfort.Helpers import Camfort.Input import Camfort.Specification.Hoare.Annotation import Camfort.Specification.Hoare.CheckBackend import Camfort.Specification.Hoare.CheckFrontend import Camfort.Specification.Hoare.Parser import Language.Fortran.Model.Repr.Prim -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Types -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- newtype HoareCheckResults = HoareCheckResults [HoareCheckResult] instance ExitCodeOfReport HoareCheckResults where exitCodeOf (HoareCheckResults rs) = exitCodeOfSet rs instance Describe HoareCheckResults where describeBuilder (HoareCheckResults rs) = mconcat . intersperse "\n" . map describeBuilder $ rs -- TODO: Give more control here data PrimReprOption = PROIdealized | PROPrecise -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Checking -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {-| The main entry point for the invariant checking analysis. Runs invariant checking on every annotated program unit in the given program file. The 'PrimReprOption' argument controls how Fortran data types are treated symbolically. See the documentation in "Language.Fortran.Model.Repr.Prim" for a detailed explanation. -} check :: PrimReprOption -> F.ProgramFile Annotation -> HoareAnalysis HoareCheckResults check pro = fmap HoareCheckResults . invariantChecking (fromPrimReprOption pro) . getBlocks -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Internal -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- getBlocks :: F.ProgramFile A -> F.ProgramFile (FA.Analysis (HoareAnnotation A)) getBlocks = FAB.analyseBBlocks . FAR.analyseRenames . FA.initAnalysis . fmap hoareAnn0 defaultSymSpec :: PrimReprSpec defaultSymSpec = prsIdealized fromPrimReprOption :: PrimReprOption -> PrimReprSpec fromPrimReprOption PROIdealized = prsIdealized fromPrimReprOption PROPrecise = prsPrecise -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Testsing -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- testOn :: FilePath -> IO () testOn fp = do (mfs, pfsSources) <- loadModAndProgramFiles Nothing simpleCompiler () fp fp [] describePerFileAnalysis "invariant checking" (check PROIdealized) (logOutputStd True) LogDebug False mfs pfsSources return () testHoare = do testOn "camfort/samples/invariants/arrays.f90" testOn "camfort/samples/invariants/invariants.f90"