module Camfort.Specification.Units
(checkUnits, inferUnits, compileUnits, synthesiseUnits, inferCriticalVariables, chooseImplicitNames)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import Data.Data
import Data.List (intercalate, find, sort, group, nub, inits)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, maybeToList, mapMaybe, maybe)
import Data.Binary
import Data.Generics.Uniplate.Operations
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as LB
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Camfort.Helpers
import Camfort.Analysis.Annotations
import Camfort.Input
import Camfort.Reprint (subtext)
import Camfort.Specification.Units.Environment
import Camfort.Specification.Units.Monad
import Camfort.Specification.Units.InferenceFrontend
import Camfort.Specification.Units.Synthesis (runSynthesis)
import qualified Language.Fortran.Analysis.Renaming as FAR
import qualified Language.Fortran.Analysis.Types as FAT
import qualified Language.Fortran.Analysis as FA
import qualified Language.Fortran.AST as F
import qualified Language.Fortran.Util.Position as FU
import Language.Fortran.Util.ModFile
runInference :: UnitOpts
-> F.ProgramFile UA
-> UnitSolver a
-> (Either UnitException a, UnitState, UnitLogs)
runInference uOpts pf runner = runUnitSolver uOpts pf $ do
let compiledUnits = combinedCompiledUnits . M.elems . uoModFiles $ uOpts
modifyTemplateMap . const . cuTemplateMap $ compiledUnits
modifyNameParamMap . const . cuNameParamMap $ compiledUnits
:: UnitOpts
-> F.ProgramFile Annotation
-> (Report, Int)
inferCriticalVariables uOpts pf
| Right vars <- eVars = okReport vars
| Left exc <- eVars = (errReport exc, 1)
fname = F.pfGetFilename pf
okReport [] = (logs ++ "\n" ++ fname
++ ":No additional annotations are necessary.\n", 0)
okReport vars = ( logs ++ "\n" ++ fname ++ ": "
++ show numVars
++ " variable declarations suggested to be given a specification:\n"
++ unlines [ " " ++ declReport d | d <- M.toList dmapSlice ]
, numVars)
varNames = map unitVarName vars
dmapSlice = M.filterWithKey (\ k _ -> k `elem` varNames) dmap
numVars = M.size dmapSlice
declReport (v, (dc, ss)) = vfilename ++ " (" ++ showSrcSpan ss ++ ") " ++ fromMaybe v (M.lookup v uniqnameMap)
where vfilename = fromMaybe fname $ M.lookup v fromWhereMap
unitVarName (UnitVar (v, _)) = v
unitVarName (UnitParamVarUse (_, (v, _), _)) = v
unitVarName _ = "<bad>"
errReport exc = logs ++ "\n" ++ fname ++ ":\n" ++ show exc
(eVars, state, logs) = runInference uOpts pfRenamed runCriticalVariables
pfUA = usProgramFile state
mmap = combinedModuleMap (M.elems (uoModFiles uOpts))
pfRenamed = FAR.analyseRenamesWithModuleMap mmap . FA.initAnalysis . fmap mkUnitAnnotation $ pf
dmap = extractDeclMap pfRenamed `M.union` combinedDeclMap (M.elems (uoModFiles uOpts))
mmap' = extractModuleMap pfRenamed `M.union` mmap
uniqnameMap = M.fromList [
(FA.varName e, FA.srcName e) |
e@(F.ExpValue _ _ (F.ValVariable {})) <- universeBi pfRenamed :: [F.Expression UA]
] `M.union` (M.unions . map (M.fromList . map (\ (a, (b, _)) -> (b, a)) . M.toList) $ M.elems mmap')
fromWhereMap = genUniqNameToFilenameMap . M.elems $ uoModFiles uOpts
checkUnits, inferUnits :: UnitOpts -> F.ProgramFile Annotation -> Report
checkUnits uOpts pf
| Right mCons <- eCons = okReport mCons
| Left exc <- eCons = errReport exc
fname = F.pfGetFilename pf
okReport Nothing = logs ++ "\n" ++ fname ++ ": Consistent. " ++ show nVars ++ " variables checked."
okReport (Just cons) = logs ++ "\n" ++ fname ++ ": Inconsistent:\n" ++ reportErrors cons ++ "\n\n" ++
unlines (map showSrcConstraint constraints)
showSrcConstraint :: (Constraint, FU.SrcSpan) -> String
showSrcConstraint (con, srcSpan) = show srcSpan ++ ": " ++ show con
reportErrors cons = unlines [ maybe "" showSS ss ++ str | (ss, str) <- reports ]
reports = map head . group . sort . map reportError . filter relevantConstraints $ cons
showSS = (++ ": ") . (" - at "++) . showSrcSpan
relevantConstraints c = not (isPolymorphic0 c) && not (isReflexive c)
isPolymorphic0 (ConEq (UnitParamLitAbs {}) _) = True
isPolymorphic0 (ConEq _ (UnitParamLitAbs {})) = True
isPolymorphic0 _ = False
isReflexive (ConEq u1 u2) = u1 == u2
reportError con = (span, pprintConstr (orient (unrename con)) ++ additionalInfo con)
span = findCon con
additionalInfo con =
if null (errorInfo con)
then ""
else "\n instead" ++ intercalate "\n" (mapNotFirst (pad 10) (errorInfo con))
errorInfo con =
[" '" ++ sName ++ "' is '" ++ pprintUnitInfo (unrename u) ++ "'"
| UnitVar (vName, sName) <- universeBi con
, u <- findUnitConstrFor con vName ]
findUnitConstrFor con v = mapMaybe (\con' -> if con == con'
then Nothing
else constrainedTo v con')
(concat $ M.elems templateMap)
constrainedTo v (ConEq (UnitVar (v', _)) u) | v == v' = Just u
constrainedTo v (ConEq u (UnitVar (v', _))) | v == v' = Just u
constrainedTo _ _ = Nothing
mapNotFirst f [] = []
mapNotFirst f (x : xs) = x : (map f xs)
orient (ConEq u (UnitVar v)) = ConEq (UnitVar v) u
orient (ConEq u (UnitParamVarUse v)) = ConEq (UnitParamVarUse v) u
orient c = c
pad o = (++) (replicate o ' ')
srcSpan con | Just ss <- findCon con = showSrcSpan ss ++ " "
| otherwise = ""
findCon :: Constraint -> Maybe FU.SrcSpan
findCon con = lookupWith (eq con) constraints
where eq c1 c2 = or [ conParamEq c1 c2' | c2' <- universeBi c2 ]
constraints = [ (c, srcSpan)
| x <- universeBi pfUA :: [F.Expression UA]
, let srcSpan = FU.getSpan x
, c <- maybeToList (getConstraint x)
] ++
[ (c, srcSpan)
| x <- universeBi pfUA :: [F.Statement UA]
, let srcSpan = FU.getSpan x
, c <- maybeToList (getConstraint x)
] ++
[ (c, srcSpan)
| x <- universeBi pfUA :: [F.Argument UA]
, let srcSpan = FU.getSpan x
, c <- maybeToList (getConstraint x)
] ++
[ (c, srcSpan)
| x <- universeBi pfUA :: [F.Declarator UA]
, let srcSpan = FU.getSpan x
, c <- maybeToList (getConstraint x)
] ++
reverse [ (c, srcSpan)
| x <- universeBi pfUA :: [F.ProgramUnit UA]
, let srcSpan = FU.getSpan x
, c <- maybeToList (getConstraint x)
varReport = intercalate ", " . map showVar
showVar (UnitVar (_, s)) = s
showVar (UnitLiteral _) = "<literal>"
showVar _ = "<bad>"
errReport exc = logs ++ "\n" ++ fname ++ ": " ++ show exc
(eCons, state, logs) = runInference uOpts pfRenamed runInconsistentConstraints
templateMap = usTemplateMap state
pfUA :: F.ProgramFile UA
pfUA = usProgramFile state
nVars = M.size . M.filter (not . isParametricUnit) $ usVarUnitMap state
isParametricUnit u = case u of UnitParamPosAbs {} -> True; UnitParamPosUse {} -> True
UnitParamVarAbs {} -> True; UnitParamVarUse {} -> True
_ -> False
mmap = combinedModuleMap (M.elems (uoModFiles uOpts))
pfRenamed = FAR.analyseRenamesWithModuleMap mmap . FA.initAnalysis . fmap mkUnitAnnotation $ pf
lookupWith :: (a -> Bool) -> [(a,b)] -> Maybe b
lookupWith f = fmap snd . find (f . fst)
chooseImplicitNames :: [(VV, UnitInfo)] -> [(VV, UnitInfo)]
chooseImplicitNames vars = replaceImplicitNames (genImplicitNamesMap vars) vars
genImplicitNamesMap :: Data a => a -> M.Map UnitInfo UnitInfo
genImplicitNamesMap x = M.fromList [ (absU, UnitParamEAPAbs (newN, newN)) | (absU, newN) <- zip absUnits newNames ]
absUnits = nub [ u | u@(UnitParamPosAbs _) <- universeBi x ]
eapNames = nub $ [ n | u@(UnitParamEAPAbs (_, n)) <- universeBi x ] ++
[ n | u@(UnitParamEAPUse ((_, n), _)) <- universeBi x ]
newNames = filter (`notElem` eapNames) . map ('\'':) $ nameGen
nameGen = concatMap sequence . tail . inits $ repeat ['a'..'z']
replaceImplicitNames :: Data a => M.Map UnitInfo UnitInfo -> a -> a
replaceImplicitNames implicitMap = transformBi replace
replace u@(UnitParamPosAbs _) = fromMaybe u $ M.lookup u implicitMap
replace u = u
inferUnits uOpts pf
| Right [] <- eVars = checkUnits uOpts pf
| Right vars <- eVars = okReport vars
| Left exc <- eVars = errReport exc
fname = F.pfGetFilename pf
okReport vars = logs ++ "\n" ++ fname ++ ":\n" ++ unlines [ expReport ei | ei <- expInfo ] ++ show vars
expInfo = [ (ei, u) | ei@(ExpInfo _ vname sname) <- declVariableNames pfUA
, u <- maybeToList ((vname, sname) `lookup` vars) ]
expReport (ExpInfo ss vname sname, u) = " " ++ showSrcSpan ss ++ " unit " ++ show u ++ " :: " ++ sname
errReport exc = logs ++ "\n" ++ fname ++ ": " ++ show exc
(eVars, state, logs) = runInference uOpts pfRenamed (chooseImplicitNames <$> runInferVariables)
pfUA = usProgramFile state
mmap = combinedModuleMap (M.elems (uoModFiles uOpts))
pfRenamed = FAR.analyseRenamesWithModuleMap mmap . FA.initAnalysis . fmap mkUnitAnnotation $ pf
combinedCompiledUnits :: ModFiles -> CompiledUnits
combinedCompiledUnits mfs = CompiledUnits { cuTemplateMap = M.unions tmaps
, cuNameParamMap = M.unions nmaps }
cus = map mfCompiledUnits mfs
tmaps = map cuTemplateMap cus
nmaps = map cuNameParamMap cus
unitsCompiledDataLabel = "units-compiled-data"
mfCompiledUnits :: ModFile -> CompiledUnits
mfCompiledUnits mf = case lookupModFileData unitsCompiledDataLabel mf of
Nothing -> emptyCompiledUnits
Just bs -> case decodeOrFail (LB.fromStrict bs) of
Left _ -> emptyCompiledUnits
Right (_, _, cu) -> cu
genUnitsModFile :: F.ProgramFile UA -> CompiledUnits -> ModFile
genUnitsModFile pf cu = alterModFileData f unitsCompiledDataLabel $ genModFile pf
f _ = Just . LB.toStrict $ encode cu
compileUnits :: UnitOpts -> [FileProgram] -> (String, [(Filename, B.ByteString)])
compileUnits uOpts fileprogs = (concat reports, concat bins)
(reports, bins) = unzip [ (report, bin) | fileprog <- fileprogs
, let (report, bin) = compileUnits' uOpts fileprog ]
compileUnits' :: UnitOpts -> FileProgram -> (String, [(Filename, B.ByteString)])
compileUnits' uOpts pf
| Right cu <- eCUnits = okReport cu
| Left exc <- eCUnits = errReport exc
fname = F.pfGetFilename pf
okReport cu = ( logs ++ "\n" ++ fname ++ ":\n" ++ if uoDebug uOpts then debugInfo else []
, [(fname ++ modFileSuffix, encodeModFile (genUnitsModFile pfTyped cu))] )
debugInfo = unlines [ n ++ ":\n " ++ intercalate "\n " (map show cs) | (n, cs) <- M.toList (cuTemplateMap cu) ] ++
unlines ("nameParams:" : (map show . M.toList $ cuNameParamMap cu))
errReport exc = ( logs ++ "\n" ++ fname ++ ": " ++ show exc
, [] )
(eCUnits, state, logs) = runInference uOpts pfTyped runCompileUnits
pfUA = usProgramFile state
mmap = combinedModuleMap (M.elems (uoModFiles uOpts))
tenv = combinedTypeEnv (M.elems (uoModFiles uOpts))
pfRenamed = FAR.analyseRenamesWithModuleMap mmap . FA.initAnalysis . fmap mkUnitAnnotation $ pf
pfTyped = fst . FAT.analyseTypesWithEnv tenv $ pfRenamed
synthesiseUnits :: UnitOpts
-> Char
-> F.ProgramFile Annotation
-> (Report, F.ProgramFile Annotation)
synthesiseUnits uOpts marker pf
| Right [] <- eVars = (checkUnits uOpts pf, pf)
| Right vars <- eVars = (okReport vars, pfFinal)
| Left exc <- eVars = (errReport exc, pfFinal)
fname = F.pfGetFilename pf
okReport vars = logs ++ "\n" ++ fname ++ ":\n" ++ unlines [ expReport ei | ei <- expInfo ]
expInfo = [ (ei, u) | ei@(ExpInfo _ vname sname) <- declVariableNames pfUA
, u <- maybeToList ((vname, sname) `lookup` vars) ]
expReport (ExpInfo ss vname sname, u) = " " ++ showSrcSpan ss ++ " unit " ++ show u ++ " :: " ++ sname
errReport exc = logs ++ "\n" ++ fname ++ ": " ++ show exc
(eVars, state, logs) = runInference uOpts pfRenamed (runInferVariables >>= (runSynthesis marker . chooseImplicitNames))
pfUA = usProgramFile state
pfFinal = fmap prevAnnotation . fmap FA.prevAnnotation $ pfUA
mmap = combinedModuleMap (M.elems (uoModFiles uOpts))
pfRenamed = FAR.analyseRenamesWithModuleMap mmap . FA.initAnalysis . fmap mkUnitAnnotation $ pf
unrename :: Data a => a -> a
unrename = transformBi $ \ x -> case x of
UnitVar (u, s) -> UnitVar (s, s)
UnitParamVarAbs ((_, f), (_, s)) -> UnitParamVarAbs ((f, f), (s, s))
UnitParamVarUse ((_, f), (_, s), i) -> UnitParamVarUse ((f, f), (s, s), i)
UnitParamEAPAbs (_, s) -> UnitParamEAPAbs (s, s)
UnitParamEAPUse ((_, s), i) -> UnitParamEAPUse ((s, s), i)
u -> u
showSrcSpan :: FU.SrcSpan -> String
showSrcSpan (FU.SrcSpan l u) = show l
data ExpInfo = ExpInfo { expInfoSrcSpan :: FU.SrcSpan, expInfoVName :: F.Name, expInfoSName :: F.Name }
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Typeable, Data, Generic)
declVariableNames :: F.ProgramFile UA -> [ExpInfo]
declVariableNames pf = sort . M.elems $ M.unionWith (curry fst) declInfo puInfo
declInfo = M.fromList [ (expInfoVName ei, ei) | ei <- declVariableNamesDecl pf ]
puInfo = M.fromList [ (expInfoVName ei, ei) | ei <- declVariableNamesPU pf ]
declVariableNamesDecl :: F.ProgramFile UA -> [ExpInfo]
declVariableNamesDecl pf = flip mapMaybe (universeBi pf :: [F.Declarator UA]) $ \ d -> case d of
F.DeclVariable _ ss v@(F.ExpValue _ _ (F.ValVariable _)) _ _ -> Just (ExpInfo ss (FA.varName v) (FA.srcName v))
F.DeclArray _ ss v@(F.ExpValue _ _ (F.ValVariable _)) _ _ _ -> Just (ExpInfo ss (FA.varName v) (FA.srcName v))
_ -> Nothing
declVariableNamesPU :: F.ProgramFile UA -> [ExpInfo]
declVariableNamesPU pf = flip mapMaybe (universeBi pf :: [F.ProgramUnit UA]) $ \ pu -> case pu of
F.PUFunction _ ss _ _ _ _ (Just v@(F.ExpValue _ _ (F.ValVariable _))) _ _ -> Just (ExpInfo ss (FA.varName v) (FA.srcName v))
F.PUFunction _ ss _ _ _ _ Nothing _ _ -> Just (ExpInfo ss (puName pu) (puSrcName pu))
_ -> Nothing