   Copyright 2016, Dominic Orchard, Andrew Rice, Mistral Contrastin, Matthew Danish

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  Units of measure extension to Fortran: backend

{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}

module Camfort.Specification.Units.InferenceBackend
  ( inconsistentConstraints, criticalVariables, inferVariables
  -- mainly for debugging and testing:
  , shiftTerms, flattenConstraints, flattenUnits, constraintsToMatrix, constraintsToMatrices
  , rref, isInconsistentRREF, genUnitAssignments )

import Data.Tuple (swap)
import Data.Maybe (maybeToList)
import Data.List ((\\), findIndex, partition, sortBy, group, tails)
import Data.Generics.Uniplate.Operations (rewrite)
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.ST
import Control.Arrow (first, second)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import qualified Data.Array as A

import Camfort.Specification.Units.Environment

import Numeric.LinearAlgebra (
    atIndex, (<>), rank, (?), rows, cols,
    takeColumns, dropRows, subMatrix, diag, fromBlocks,
import qualified Numeric.LinearAlgebra as H
import Numeric.LinearAlgebra.Devel (
    newMatrix, readMatrix, writeMatrix, runSTMatrix, freezeMatrix, STMatrix


-- | Returns just the list of constraints that were identified as
-- being possible candidates for inconsistency, if there is a problem.
inconsistentConstraints :: Constraints -> Maybe Constraints
inconsistentConstraints [] = Nothing
inconsistentConstraints cons
  | null inconsists = Nothing
  | otherwise       = Just [ con | (con, i) <- zip cons [0..], i `elem` inconsists ]
    (_, _, inconsists, _, _) = constraintsToMatrices cons


-- | Identifies the variables that need to be annotated in order for
-- inference or checking to work.
criticalVariables :: Constraints -> [UnitInfo]
criticalVariables [] = []
criticalVariables cons = filter (not . isUnitRHS) $ map (colA A.!) criticalIndices
    (unsolvedM, _, colA) = constraintsToMatrix cons
    solvedM                       = rref unsolvedM
    uncriticalIndices             = concatMap (maybeToList . findIndex (/= 0)) $ H.toLists solvedM
    criticalIndices               = A.indices colA \\ uncriticalIndices
    isUnitRHS (UnitName _)       = True; isUnitRHS _ = False


-- | Returns list of formerly-undetermined variables and their units.
inferVariables :: Constraints -> [(VV, UnitInfo)]
inferVariables cons = unitVarAssignments
    unitAssignments = genUnitAssignments cons
    -- Find the rows corresponding to the distilled "unit :: var"
    -- information for ordinary (non-polymorphic) variables.
    unitVarAssignments            =
      [ (var, units) | ([UnitPow (UnitVar var)                 k], units) <- unitAssignments, k `approxEq` 1 ] ++
      [ (var, units) | ([UnitPow (UnitParamVarAbs (_, var)) k], units)    <- unitAssignments, k `approxEq` 1 ]

-- | Raw units-assignment pairs.
genUnitAssignments :: [Constraint] -> [([UnitInfo], UnitInfo)]
genUnitAssignments cons
  | null inconsists = unitAssignments
  | otherwise       = []
    (unsolvedM, inconsists, colA) = constraintsToMatrix cons
    solvedM                       = rref unsolvedM
    cols                          = A.elems colA

    -- Convert the rows of the solved matrix into flattened unit
    -- expressions in the form of "unit ** k".
    unitPows                      = map (concatMap flattenUnits . zipWith UnitPow cols) (H.toLists solvedM)

    -- Variables to the left, unit names to the right side of the equation.
    unitAssignments               = map (fmap (foldUnits . map negatePosAbs) . partition (not . isUnitRHS)) unitPows
    isUnitRHS (UnitPow (UnitName _) _)        = True
    isUnitRHS (UnitPow (UnitParamEAPAbs _) _) = True
    -- Because this version of isUnitRHS different from
    -- constraintsToMatrix interpretation, we need to ensure that any
    -- moved ParamPosAbs units are negated, because they are
    -- effectively being shifted across the equal-sign:
    isUnitRHS (UnitPow (UnitParamPosAbs _) _) = True
    isUnitRHS _                               = False

    foldUnits units
      | null units = UnitlessVar
      | otherwise  = foldl1 UnitMul units


simplifyUnits :: UnitInfo -> UnitInfo
simplifyUnits = rewrite rw
    rw (UnitMul (UnitMul u1 u2) u3)                          = Just $ UnitMul u1 (UnitMul u2 u3)
    rw (UnitMul u1 u2) | u1 == u2                            = Just $ UnitPow u1 2
    rw (UnitPow (UnitPow u1 p1) p2)                          = Just $ UnitPow u1 (p1 * p2)
    rw (UnitMul (UnitPow u1 p1) (UnitPow u2 p2)) | u1 == u2  = Just $ UnitPow u1 (p1 + p2)
    rw (UnitPow _ p) | p `approxEq` 0                        = Just UnitlessLit
    rw (UnitMul UnitlessLit u)                               = Just u
    rw (UnitMul u UnitlessLit)                               = Just u
    rw _                                                     = Nothing

flattenUnits :: UnitInfo -> [UnitInfo]
flattenUnits = map (uncurry UnitPow) . M.toList
             . M.filterWithKey (\ u _ -> u /= UnitlessLit)
             . M.filter (not . approxEq 0)
             . M.fromListWith (+)
             . map (first simplifyUnits)
             . flatten
    flatten (UnitMul u1 u2) = flatten u1 ++ flatten u2
    flatten (UnitPow u p)   = map (second (p*)) $ flatten u
    flatten u               = [(u, 1)]

approxEq a b = abs (b - a) < epsilon
epsilon = 0.001 -- arbitrary


-- Convert a set of constraints into a matrix of co-efficients, and a
-- reverse mapping of column numbers to units.
constraintsToMatrix :: Constraints -> (H.Matrix Double, [Int], A.Array Int UnitInfo)
constraintsToMatrix cons = (augM, inconsists, A.listArray (0, length colElems - 1) colElems)
    -- convert each constraint into the form (lhs, rhs)
    consPairs       = flattenConstraints cons
    -- ensure terms are on the correct side of the equal sign
    shiftedCons     = map shiftTerms consPairs
    lhs             = map fst shiftedCons
    rhs             = map snd shiftedCons
    (lhsM, lhsCols) = flattenedToMatrix lhs
    (rhsM, rhsCols) = flattenedToMatrix rhs
    colElems        = A.elems lhsCols ++ A.elems rhsCols
    augM            = if rows rhsM == 0 || cols rhsM == 0 then lhsM else fromBlocks [[lhsM, rhsM]]
    inconsists      = findInconsistentRows lhsM augM

constraintsToMatrices :: Constraints -> (H.Matrix Double, H.Matrix Double, [Int], A.Array Int UnitInfo, A.Array Int UnitInfo)
constraintsToMatrices cons = (lhsM, rhsM, inconsists, lhsCols, rhsCols)
    -- convert each constraint into the form (lhs, rhs)
    consPairs       = filter (uncurry (/=)) $ flattenConstraints cons
    -- ensure terms are on the correct side of the equal sign
    shiftedCons     = map shiftTerms consPairs
    lhs             = map fst shiftedCons
    rhs             = map snd shiftedCons
    (lhsM, lhsCols) = flattenedToMatrix lhs
    (rhsM, rhsCols) = flattenedToMatrix rhs
    augM            = if rows rhsM == 0 || cols rhsM == 0 then lhsM else fromBlocks [[lhsM, rhsM]]
    inconsists      = findInconsistentRows lhsM augM

-- [[UnitInfo]] is a list of flattened constraints
flattenedToMatrix :: [[UnitInfo]] -> (H.Matrix Double, A.Array Int UnitInfo)
flattenedToMatrix cons = (m, A.array (0, numCols - 1) (map swap uniqUnits))
    m = runSTMatrix $ do
          m <- newMatrix 0 numRows numCols
          -- loop through all constraints
          forM_ (zip cons [0..]) $ \ (unitPows, row) -> do
            -- write co-efficients for the lhs of the constraint
            forM_ unitPows $ \ (UnitPow u k) -> do
              case M.lookup u colMap of
                Just col -> readMatrix m row col >>= (writeMatrix m row col . (+k))
                _        -> return ()
          return m
    -- identify and enumerate every unit uniquely
    uniqUnits = flip zip [0..] . map head . group . sortBy colSort $ [ u | UnitPow u _ <- concat cons ]
    -- map units to their unique column number
    colMap    = M.fromList uniqUnits
    numRows   = length cons
    numCols   = M.size colMap

negateCons = map (\ (UnitPow u k) -> UnitPow u (-k))

negatePosAbs (UnitPow (UnitParamPosAbs x) k) = UnitPow (UnitParamPosAbs x) (-k)
negatePosAbs u                               = u

colSort (UnitLiteral i) (UnitLiteral j)         = compare i j
colSort (UnitLiteral _) _                       = LT
colSort _ (UnitLiteral _)                       = GT
colSort (UnitParamPosAbs x) (UnitParamPosAbs y) = compare x y
colSort (UnitParamPosAbs _) _                   = GT
colSort _ (UnitParamPosAbs _)                   = LT
colSort x y                                     = compare x y


-- Units that should appear on the right-hand-side of the matrix during solving
isUnitRHS (UnitPow (UnitName _) _)        = True
isUnitRHS (UnitPow (UnitParamEAPAbs _) _) = True
isUnitRHS _                               = False

-- | Shift UnitNames/EAPAbs poly units to the RHS, and all else to the LHS.
shiftTerms :: ([UnitInfo], [UnitInfo]) -> ([UnitInfo], [UnitInfo])
shiftTerms (lhs, rhs) = (lhsOk ++ negateCons rhsShift, rhsOk ++ negateCons lhsShift)
    (lhsOk, lhsShift) = partition (not . isUnitRHS) lhs
    (rhsOk, rhsShift) = partition isUnitRHS rhs

-- | Translate all constraints into a LHS, RHS side of units.
flattenConstraints :: Constraints -> [([UnitInfo], [UnitInfo])]
flattenConstraints = map (\ (ConEq u1 u2) -> (flattenUnits u1, flattenUnits u2))

-- Matrix solving functions based on HMatrix

-- | Returns True iff the given matrix in reduced row echelon form
-- represents an inconsistent system of linear equations
isInconsistentRREF a = a @@> (rows a - 1, cols a - 1) == 1 && rank (takeColumns (cols a - 1) (dropRows (rows a - 1) a))== 0

-- | Returns given matrix transformed into Reduced Row Echelon Form
rref :: H.Matrix Double -> H.Matrix Double
rref a = snd $ rrefMatrices' a 0 0 []

-- worker function
-- invariant: the matrix a is in rref except within the submatrix (j-k,j) to (n,n)
rrefMatrices' a j k mats
  -- Base cases:
  | j - k == n            = (mats, a)
  | j     == m            = (mats, a)

  -- When we haven't yet found the first non-zero number in the row, but we really need one:
  | a @@> (j - k, j) == 0 = case findIndex (/= 0) below of
    -- this column is all 0s below current row, must move onto the next column
    Nothing -> rrefMatrices' a (j + 1) (k + 1) mats
    -- we've found a row that has a non-zero element that can be swapped into this row
    Just i' -> rrefMatrices' (swapMat <> a) j k (swapMat:mats)
      where i       = j - k + i'
            swapMat = elemRowSwap n i (j - k)

  -- We have found a non-zero cell at (j - k, j), so transform it into
  -- a 1 if needed using elemRowMult, and then clear out any lingering
  -- non-zero values that might appear in the same column, using
  -- elemRowAdd:
  | otherwise             = rrefMatrices' a2 (j + 1) k mats2
    n     = rows a
    m     = cols a
    below = getColumnBelow a (j - k, j)

    erm   = elemRowMult n (j - k) (recip (a @@> (j - k, j)))

    -- scale the row if the cell is not already equal to 1
    (a1, mats1) | a @@> (j - k, j) /= 1 = (erm <> a, erm:mats)
                | otherwise             = (a, mats)

    -- Locate any non-zero values in the same column as (j - k, j) and
    -- cancel them out. Optimisation: instead of constructing a
    -- separate elemRowAdd matrix for each cancellation that are then
    -- multiplied together, simply build a single matrix that cancels
    -- all of them out at the same time, using the ST Monad.
    findAdds _ m ms
      | isWritten = (new <> m, new:ms)
      | otherwise = (m, ms)
        (isWritten, new) = runST $ do
          new <- newMatrix 0 n n :: ST s (STMatrix s Double)
          sequence [ writeMatrix new i' i' 1 | i' <- [0 .. (n - 1)] ]
          let f w i | i >= n            = return w
                    | i == j - k        = f w (i + 1)
                    | a @@> (i, j) == 0 = f w (i + 1)
                    | otherwise         = writeMatrix new i (j - k) (- (a @@> (i, j)))
                                          >> f True (i + 1)
          isWritten <- f False 0
          (isWritten,) `fmap` freezeMatrix new

    (a2, mats2) = findAdds 0 a1 mats1

-- Get a list of values that occur below (i, j) in the matrix a.
getColumnBelow a (i, j) = concat . H.toLists $ subMatrix (i, j) (n - i, 1) a
  where n = rows a

-- 'Elementary row operation' matrices
elemRowMult :: Int -> Int -> Double -> H.Matrix Double
elemRowMult n i k = diag (H.fromList (replicate i 1.0 ++ [k] ++ replicate (n - i - 1) 1.0))

elemRowSwap :: Int -> Int -> Int -> H.Matrix Double
elemRowSwap n i j
  | i == j          = ident n
  | i > j           = elemRowSwap n j i
  | otherwise       = extractRows ([0..i-1] ++ [j] ++ [i+1..j-1] ++ [i] ++ [j+1..n-1]) $ ident n


-- Worker functions:

findInconsistentRows :: H.Matrix Double -> H.Matrix Double -> [Int]
findInconsistentRows coA augA = [0..(rows augA - 1)] \\ consistent
    consistent = head (filter (tryRows coA augA) (tails ( [0..(rows augA - 1)])) ++ [[]])

    -- Rouché–Capelli theorem is that if the rank of the coefficient
    -- matrix is not equal to the rank of the augmented matrix then
    -- the system of linear equations is inconsistent.
    tryRows coA augA ns = (rank coA' == rank augA')
        coA'  = extractRows ns coA
        augA' = extractRows ns augA

extractRows = flip (?) -- hmatrix 0.17 changed interface
m @@> i = m `atIndex` i