module Camfort.Specification.Stencils.Model ( Interval(..)
, Bound(..)
, approxVec
, Offsets(..)
, UnionNF
, vecLength
, unfCompare
, optimise
, maximas
, Approximation(..)
, lowerBound, upperBound
, fromExact
, Multiplicity(..)
, Peelable(..)
) where
import qualified Control.Monad as CM
import Algebra.Lattice
import Data.Semigroup
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Data.Foldable
import Data.SBV
import Data.Data
import Data.List (sortBy, nub)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import qualified Data.PartialOrd as PO
import qualified Camfort.Helpers.Vec as V
import System.IO.Unsafe
class Container a where
type MemberTyp a
type CompTyp a
member :: MemberTyp a -> a -> Bool
compile :: a -> (CompTyp a -> SBool)
data Offsets =
Offsets (S.Set Int64)
| SetOfIntegers
deriving Eq
instance Ord Offsets where
Offsets s `compare` Offsets s' = s `compare` s'
Offsets _ `compare` SetOfIntegers = LT
SetOfIntegers `compare` Offsets _ = GT
SetOfIntegers `compare` SetOfIntegers = EQ
instance Container Offsets where
type MemberTyp Offsets = Int64
type CompTyp Offsets = SInt64
member i (Offsets s) = i `S.member` s
member _ _ = True
compile (Offsets s) i = i `sElem` map fromIntegral (S.toList s)
compile SetOfIntegers _ = true
instance JoinSemiLattice Offsets where
(Offsets s) \/ (Offsets s') = Offsets $ s `S.union` s'
_ \/ _ = SetOfIntegers
instance MeetSemiLattice Offsets where
(Offsets s) /\ (Offsets s') = Offsets $ s `S.intersection` s'
off@Offsets{} /\ _ = off
_ /\ o = o
instance Lattice Offsets
instance BoundedJoinSemiLattice Offsets where
bottom = Offsets S.empty
instance BoundedMeetSemiLattice Offsets where
top = SetOfIntegers
instance BoundedLattice Offsets
data Bound = Arbitrary | Standard
data Interval a where
IntervArbitrary :: Int -> Int -> Interval Arbitrary
IntervInfiniteArbitrary :: Interval Arbitrary
IntervHoled :: Int64 -> Int64 -> Bool -> Interval Standard
IntervInfinite :: Interval Standard
deriving instance Eq (Interval a)
instance Show (Interval Standard) where
show IntervInfinite = "IntervInfinite"
show (IntervHoled lb up p) =
"Interv [" ++ show lb ++ "," ++ show up ++ "]^" ++ show p
approxInterv :: Interval Arbitrary -> Approximation (Interval Standard)
approxInterv (IntervArbitrary a b)
| a > b = error
"Interval condition violated: lower bound is bigger than the upper bound."
| a <= 0, b >= 0 = Exact $ IntervHoled a' b' True
| a <= 1, b == 1 = Exact $ IntervHoled a' 0 False
| a == 1, b >= 1 = Exact $ IntervHoled 0 b' False
| a > 1, b > 1 = Bound Nothing $ Just $ IntervHoled 0 b' False
| a < 1, b < 1 = Bound Nothing $ Just $ IntervHoled a' 0 False
| otherwise = error "Impossible: All posibilities are covered."
a' = fromIntegral a
b' = fromIntegral b
approxInterv IntervInfiniteArbitrary = Exact IntervInfinite
approxVec :: forall n .
V.Vec n (Interval Arbitrary)
-> Approximation (V.Vec n (Interval Standard))
approxVec v =
case findApproxIntervs stdVec of
([],_) -> Exact . fmap fromExact $ stdVec
_ -> Bound Nothing (Just $ upperBound <$> stdVec)
stdVec :: V.Vec n (Approximation (Interval Standard))
stdVec = fmap approxInterv v
findApproxIntervs :: forall n . V.Vec n (Approximation (Interval Standard))
-> ([ Int ], [ Int ])
findApproxIntervs v = findApproxIntervs' 0 v ([],[])
findApproxIntervs' :: forall n . Int
-> V.Vec n (Approximation (Interval Standard))
-> ([ Int ], [ Int ])
-> ([ Int ], [ Int ])
findApproxIntervs' _ V.Nil acc = acc
findApproxIntervs' i (V.Cons x xs) (bixs, eixs) =
findApproxIntervs' (i+1) xs $
case x of
Bound{} -> (i:bixs, eixs)
Exact{} -> (bixs, i:eixs)
instance Container (Interval Standard) where
type MemberTyp (Interval Standard) = Int64
type CompTyp (Interval Standard) = SInt64
member 0 (IntervHoled _ _ b) = b
member i (IntervHoled a b _) = i >= a && i <= b
member _ _ = True
compile (IntervHoled i1 i2 b) i
| b = inRange i range
| otherwise = inRange i range &&& i ./= 0
range = (fromIntegral i1, fromIntegral i2)
compile IntervInfinite _ = true
instance JoinSemiLattice (Interval Standard) where
(IntervHoled lb ub noHole) \/ (IntervHoled lb' ub' noHole') =
IntervHoled (min lb lb') (max ub ub') (noHole || noHole')
_ \/ _ = top
instance MeetSemiLattice (Interval Standard) where
(IntervHoled lb ub noHole) /\ (IntervHoled lb' ub' noHole') =
IntervHoled (max lb lb') (min ub ub') (noHole && noHole')
int@IntervHoled{} /\ _ = int
_ /\ int = int
instance Lattice (Interval Standard)
instance BoundedJoinSemiLattice (Interval Standard) where
bottom = IntervHoled 0 0 False
instance BoundedMeetSemiLattice (Interval Standard) where
top = IntervInfinite
instance BoundedLattice (Interval Standard)
type UnionNF n a = NE.NonEmpty (V.Vec n a)
vecLength :: UnionNF n a -> V.Natural n
vecLength = V.lengthN . NE.head
instance Container a => Container (UnionNF n a) where
type MemberTyp (UnionNF n a) = V.Vec n (MemberTyp a)
type CompTyp (UnionNF n a) = V.Vec n (CompTyp a)
member is = any (member' is)
member' is space = and $ V.zipWith member is space
compile spaces is = foldr1 (|||) $ (`compile'` is) spaces
compile' space is =
foldr' (\(set, i) -> (&&&) $ compile set i) true $ space is
instance JoinSemiLattice (UnionNF n a) where
oi \/ oi' = oi <> oi'
instance BoundedLattice a => MeetSemiLattice (UnionNF n a) where
(/\) = CM.liftM2 (V.zipWith (/\))
instance BoundedLattice a => Lattice (UnionNF n a)
unfCompare :: forall a b n . ( Container a, Container b
, MemberTyp a ~ Int64, MemberTyp b ~ Int64
, CompTyp a ~ SInt64, CompTyp b ~ SInt64
=> UnionNF n a -> UnionNF n b -> Ordering
unfCompare oi oi' = unsafePerformIO $ do
thmRes <- prove pred
case thmRes of
ThmResult (ProofError _ msgs) -> fail $ unlines msgs
_ ->
if modelExists thmRes
then do
ce <- counterExample thmRes
case V.fromList ce of
V.VecBox cev ->
case V.proveEqSize (NE.head oi) cev of
Just V.ReflEq ->
if | cev `member` oi -> return GT
| cev `member` oi' -> return LT
| otherwise -> fail
"Impossible: counter example is in \
\neither of the operands"
Nothing -> fail
"Impossible: Counter example size doesn't \
\match the original vector size."
else return EQ
counterExample :: ThmResult -> IO [ Int64 ]
counterExample thmRes =
case getModelAssignment thmRes of
Right (False, ce) -> return ce
Right (True, _) -> fail "Returned probable model."
Left str -> fail str
pred :: Predicate
pred = do
freeVars <- (mkFreeVars . dimensionality) oi :: Symbolic [ SInt64 ]
case V.fromList freeVars of
V.VecBox freeVarVec ->
case V.proveEqSize (NE.head oi) freeVarVec of
Just V.ReflEq -> return $
compile oi freeVarVec .== compile oi' freeVarVec
Nothing -> fail $
"Impossible: Free variables size doesn't match that of the " ++
"union parameter."
dimensionality = V.length . NE.head
instance PO.PartialOrd Offsets where
(Offsets s) <= (Offsets s') = s <= s'
SetOfIntegers <= Offsets{} = False
_ <= SetOfIntegers = True
instance PO.PartialOrd (Interval Standard) where
(IntervHoled lb ub p) <= (IntervHoled lb' ub' p') =
(p' || not p) && lb >= lb' && ub <= ub'
IntervInfinite <= IntervHoled{} = False
_ <= IntervInfinite = True
instance PO.PartialOrd a => PO.PartialOrd (V.Vec n a) where
v <= v' = and $ V.zipWith (PO.<=) v v'
optimise :: UnionNF n (Interval Standard) -> UnionNF n (Interval Standard)
optimise = NE.fromList . maximas . fixedPointUnion . NE.toList
fixedPointUnion unf =
let unf' = unionLemma . maximas $ unf
in if unf' == unf then unf' else fixedPointUnion unf'
sensibleGroupBy :: Eq a =>
(a -> a -> Ordering)
-> (a -> a -> Bool)
-> [ a ]
-> [ [ a ] ]
sensibleGroupBy ord p l = nub . map (\el -> sortBy ord . filter (p el) $ l) $ l
maximas :: [ V.Vec n (Interval Standard) ] -> [ V.Vec n (Interval Standard) ]
maximas = nub
. fmap (head . PO.maxima)
. sensibleGroupBy ord (PO.<=)
ord a b = fromJust $ a `` b
unionLemma :: [ V.Vec n (Interval Standard) ] -> [ V.Vec n (Interval Standard) ]
unionLemma = map (foldr1 (V.zipWith (\/)))
. sensibleGroupBy (\a b -> if a == b then EQ else LT) agreeButOne
agreeButOne :: Eq a => V.Vec n a -> V.Vec n a -> Bool
agreeButOne = go False
go :: Eq a => Bool -> V.Vec n a -> V.Vec n a -> Bool
go _ V.Nil V.Nil = True
go False (V.Cons x xs) (V.Cons y ys)
| x == y = go False xs ys
| otherwise = go True xs ys
go True (V.Cons x xs) (V.Cons y ys)
| x == y = go True xs ys
| otherwise = False
data Approximation a = Exact a | Bound (Maybe a) (Maybe a)
deriving (Eq, Show, Functor, Foldable, Traversable, Data, Typeable)
fromExact :: Approximation a -> a
fromExact (Exact a) = a
fromExact _ = error "Can't retrieve from bounded as if it was exact."
lowerBound :: Approximation a -> a
lowerBound (Bound (Just a) _) = a
lowerBound (Bound Nothing _) = error "Approximation doesn't have a lower bound."
lowerBound (Exact a) = a
upperBound :: Approximation a -> a
upperBound (Bound _ (Just a)) = a
upperBound (Bound _ Nothing) = error "Approximation doesn't have a upper bound."
upperBound (Exact a) = a
class Peelable a where
type CoreTyp a
peel :: a -> CoreTyp a
data Multiplicity a = Mult a | Once a
deriving (Eq, Show, Functor, Foldable, Traversable, Data, Typeable)
instance Peelable (Multiplicity a) where
type CoreTyp (Multiplicity a) = a
peel (Mult a) = a
peel (Once a) = a