module Camfort.Specification.Stencils.Generate
, Neighbour(..)
, extractRelevantIVS
, assocsSequence
, genSpecifications
, genSubscripts
, isArraySubscript
, neighbourIndex
, isVariableExpr
, convIxToNeighbour
, indicesToRelativisedOffsets
, indicesToSpec
, neighbourToOffset
, relativise
) where
import Control.Monad (void, when, zipWithM)
import Control.Monad.State.Strict (get, put, runState, State)
import Control.Monad.Writer.Strict (tell, Writer)
import Data.Data (Data)
import Data.Foldable (foldrM)
import Data.Generics.Uniplate.Operations (transformBi, universeBi)
import Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph (lab, pre)
import qualified Data.IntMap as IM
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Maybe (fromJust, fromMaybe, isJust, mapMaybe)
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import qualified Data.Set as S
import qualified Language.Fortran.Analysis as FA
import qualified Language.Fortran.Analysis.DataFlow as FAD
import qualified Language.Fortran.AST as F
import qualified Language.Fortran.Util.Position as FU
import Camfort.Analysis.Annotations (A, Annotation)
import Camfort.Helpers (collect)
import qualified Camfort.Helpers.Vec as V
import Camfort.Specification.Stencils.Model
(Approximation(..), Multiplicity(..))
import Camfort.Specification.Stencils.Annotation ()
import Camfort.Specification.Stencils.Syntax
( absoluteRep
, fromBool
, groupKeyBy
, hasDuplicates
, isEmpty
, isUnit
, setLinearity
, Specification(..)
, Variable)
import Camfort.Specification.Stencils.CheckBackend
import Camfort.Specification.Stencils.InferenceBackend
type EvalLog = [(String, Variable)]
data Neighbour = Neighbour Variable Int
| Constant (F.Value ())
| NonNeighbour deriving (Eq, Show)
isArraySubscript :: F.Expression (FA.Analysis A) -> Maybe [F.Index (FA.Analysis A)]
isArraySubscript (F.ExpSubscript _ _ (F.ExpValue _ _ (F.ValVariable _)) subs) =
Just $ F.aStrip subs
isArraySubscript (F.ExpDataRef _ _ e e') =
isArraySubscript e <> isArraySubscript e'
isArraySubscript _ = Nothing
neighbourIndex :: FAD.InductionVarMapByASTBlock -> [F.Index (FA.Analysis A)] -> Maybe [Neighbour]
neighbourIndex ivs ixs =
if NonNeighbour `notElem` neighbours
then Just neighbours
else Nothing
neighbours = map (\ix -> convIxToNeighbour (extractRelevantIVS ivs ix) ix) ixs
genSpecifications ::
FAD.FlowsGraph A
-> [Variable]
-> [Neighbour]
-> F.Block (FA.Analysis A)
-> Writer EvalLog ([([Variable], Specification)], [Int])
genSpecifications flowsGraph ivs lhs block = do
let (subscripts, visitedNodes) = genSubscripts flowsGraph [block]
varToSpecs <- assocsSequence $ mkSpecs subscripts
case varToSpecs of
[] -> do
tell [("EVALMODE: Empty specification (tag: emptySpec)", "")]
return ([], visitedNodes)
_ -> do
let varsToSpecs = groupKeyBy varToSpecs
return (splitUpperAndLower varsToSpecs, visitedNodes)
mkSpecs = M.mapWithKey (\v -> indicesToSpec ivs v lhs)
splitUpperAndLower = concatMap splitUpperAndLower'
splitUpperAndLower' (vs, Specification (Mult (Bound (Just l) (Just u))) isStencil)
| isUnit l =
[(vs, Specification (Mult (Bound Nothing (Just u))) isStencil)]
| otherwise =
[(vs, Specification (Mult (Bound (Just l) Nothing)) isStencil),
(vs, Specification (Mult (Bound Nothing (Just u))) isStencil)]
splitUpperAndLower' (vs, Specification (Once (Bound (Just l) (Just u))) isStencil)
| isUnit l =
[(vs, Specification (Mult (Bound Nothing (Just u))) isStencil)]
| otherwise =
[(vs, Specification (Once (Bound (Just l) Nothing)) isStencil),
(vs, Specification (Once (Bound Nothing (Just u))) isStencil)]
splitUpperAndLower' x = [x]
genSubscripts ::
FAD.FlowsGraph A
-> [F.Block (FA.Analysis A)]
-> (M.Map Variable [[F.Index (FA.Analysis A)]], [Int])
genSubscripts flowsGraph blocks =
(subscripts, visitedNodes)
(maps, visitedNodes) = runState (mapM (genSubscripts' True flowsGraph) blocks) []
subscripts = M.unionsWith (++) maps
genSubscripts' ::
-> FAD.FlowsGraph A
-> F.Block (FA.Analysis A)
-> State [Int] (M.Map Variable [[F.Index (FA.Analysis A)]])
genSubscripts' False _ (F.BlStatement _ _ _ (F.StExpressionAssign _ _ e _))
| isJust $ isArraySubscript e
= return M.empty
genSubscripts' _ flowsGraph block = do
visited <- get
case FA.insLabel $ F.getAnnotation block of
Just node
| node `elem` visited ->
pure M.empty
| otherwise -> do
put $ node : visited
let blocksFlowingIn = mapMaybe (lab flowsGraph) $ pre flowsGraph node
let blockG = case (lab flowsGraph node) of
Nothing -> block
Just b -> b
dependencies <- mapM (genSubscripts' False flowsGraph) blocksFlowingIn
return $ M.unionsWith (++) (genRHSsubscripts blockG : dependencies)
Nothing -> error $ "Missing a label for: " ++ show block
extractRelevantIVS :: (FU.Spanned (ast (FA.Analysis A)), F.Annotated ast) =>
-> ast (FA.Analysis A)
-> [Variable]
extractRelevantIVS ivmap f = ivsList
ivsList = S.toList $ fromMaybe S.empty $ IM.lookup label ivmap
label = case (FA.insLabel . F.getAnnotation $ f) of
Just label -> label
Nothing -> error errorMsg
errorMsg = show (FU.getSpan f)
++ " get IVs associated to labelled index "
convIxToNeighbour :: [Variable] -> F.Index (FA.Analysis Annotation) -> Neighbour
convIxToNeighbour _ (F.IxRange _ _ Nothing Nothing Nothing) = Neighbour "" 0
convIxToNeighbour _ (F.IxRange _ _ Nothing Nothing
(Just (F.ExpValue _ _ (F.ValInteger "1")))) = Neighbour "" 0
convIxToNeighbour ivs (F.IxSingle _ _ _ exp) = expToNeighbour ivs exp
convIxToNeighbour _ _ = NonNeighbour
assocsSequence :: Monad m => M.Map k (m (Maybe a)) -> m [(k, a)]
assocsSequence maps = do
assocs <- mapM strength . M.toList $ maps
return . mapMaybe strength $ assocs
strength :: Monad m => (a, m b) -> m (a, b)
strength (a, mb) = mb >>= (\b -> return (a, b))
indicesToSpec :: [Variable]
-> Variable
-> [Neighbour]
-> [[F.Index (FA.Analysis Annotation)]]
-> Writer EvalLog (Maybe Specification)
indicesToSpec ivs a lhs ixs = do
mMultOffsets <- indicesToRelativisedOffsets ivs a lhs ixs
return $ do
(mult, offsets) <- mMultOffsets
spec <- relativeIxsToSpec offsets
let spec' = setLinearity (fromBool mult) spec
return $ setType lhs spec'
genRHSsubscripts ::
F.Block (FA.Analysis A)
-> M.Map Variable [[F.Index (FA.Analysis A)]]
genRHSsubscripts b = genRHSsubscripts' (transformBi replaceModulo b)
replaceModulo :: F.Expression (FA.Analysis A) -> F.Expression (FA.Analysis A)
replaceModulo (F.ExpFunctionCall _ _
(F.ExpValue _ _ (F.ValIntrinsic iname)) subs)
| iname `elem` ["modulo", "mod", "amod", "dmod"]
, Just (F.Argument _ _ _ e':_) <- fmap F.aStrip subs = e'
replaceModulo e = e
genRHSsubscripts' b =
collect [ (FA.srcName exp, e)
| F.ExpSubscript _ _ exp subs <- FA.rhsExprs b
, isVariableExpr exp
, let e = F.aStrip subs
, not (null e)]
expToNeighbour :: forall a. Data a
=> [Variable] -> F.Expression (FA.Analysis a) -> Neighbour
expToNeighbour ivs e@(F.ExpValue _ _ v@(F.ValVariable _))
| FA.varName e `elem` ivs = Neighbour (FA.varName e) 0
| otherwise = Constant (void v)
expToNeighbour _ (F.ExpValue _ _ val) = Constant (void val)
expToNeighbour ivs (F.ExpBinary _ _ F.Addition
e@(F.ExpValue _ _ (F.ValVariable _))
(F.ExpValue _ _ (F.ValInteger offs)))
| FA.varName e `elem` ivs = Neighbour (FA.varName e) (read offs)
expToNeighbour ivs (F.ExpBinary _ _ F.Addition
(F.ExpValue _ _ (F.ValInteger offs))
e@(F.ExpValue _ _ (F.ValVariable _)))
| FA.varName e `elem` ivs = Neighbour (FA.varName e) (read offs)
expToNeighbour ivs (F.ExpBinary _ _ F.Subtraction
e@(F.ExpValue _ _ (F.ValVariable _))
(F.ExpValue _ _ (F.ValInteger offs)))
| FA.varName e `elem` ivs =
Neighbour (FA.varName e) (if x < 0 then abs x else ( x))
where x = read offs
expToNeighbour ivs e =
if null ivs' then Constant (F.ValInteger "0") else NonNeighbour
ivs' = [i | e@(F.ExpValue _ _ F.ValVariable{})
<- universeBi e :: [F.Expression (FA.Analysis a)]
, let i = FA.varName e
, i `elem` ivs]
indicesToRelativisedOffsets :: [Variable]
-> Variable
-> [Neighbour]
-> [[F.Index (FA.Analysis Annotation)]]
-> Writer EvalLog (Maybe (Bool, [[Int]]))
indicesToRelativisedOffsets ivs a lhs ixs = do
let rhses = map (map (\ix -> convIxToNeighbour ivs ix) ) ixs
let (rhses', mult) = hasDuplicates rhses
if not (consistentIVSuse lhs rhses')
then do tell [("EVALMODE: Inconsistent IV use (tag: inconsistentIV)", "")]
return Nothing
if hasNonNeighbourhoodRelatives rhses'
then do tell [("EVALMODE: Non-neighbour relative subscripts\
\ (tag: nonNeighbour)","")]
return Nothing
else do
let rhses'' = relativise lhs rhses'
when (rhses' /= rhses'') $
tell [("EVALMODE: Relativized spec (tag: relativized)", "")]
let offsets = padZeros $ map (fromJust . mapM neighbourToOffset) rhses''
tell [("EVALMODE: dimensionality=" ++
show (if null offsets then 0 else length . head $ offsets), a)]
return (Just (mult, offsets))
where hasNonNeighbourhoodRelatives = any (elem NonNeighbour)
relativeIxsToSpec :: [[Int]] -> Maybe Specification
relativeIxsToSpec ixs =
if isEmpty exactSpec then Nothing else Just exactSpec
where exactSpec = inferFromIndicesWithoutLinearity . V.fromLists $ ixs
setType :: [Neighbour] -> Specification -> Specification
setType [] (Specification spec _) = Specification spec False
setType _ (Specification spec _) = Specification spec True
relativise :: [Neighbour] -> [[Neighbour]] -> [[Neighbour]]
relativise lhs rhses = foldr relativiseRHS rhses lhs
relativiseRHS (Neighbour lhsIV i) rhses =
map (map (relativiseBy lhsIV i)) rhses
relativiseRHS _ rhses = rhses
relativiseBy v i (Neighbour u j) | v == u = Neighbour u (j i)
relativiseBy _ _ x = x
isVariableExpr :: F.Expression a -> Bool
isVariableExpr (F.ExpValue _ _ (F.ValVariable _)) = True
isVariableExpr _ = False
consistentIVSuse :: [Neighbour] -> [[Neighbour]] -> Bool
consistentIVSuse [] _ = True
consistentIVSuse _ [] = True
consistentIVSuse lhs rhses =
isJust rhsBasis
&& (all (`consistentWith` lhs) (fromJust rhsBasis)
|| all (`consistentWith` fromJust rhsBasis) lhs)
cmp (Neighbour v i) (Neighbour v' _) | v == v' = Just $ Neighbour v i
| otherwise = Nothing
cmp n@Neighbour{} (Constant _) = Just n
cmp (Constant _) n@Neighbour{} = Just n
cmp NonNeighbour{} Neighbour{} = Nothing
cmp Neighbour{} NonNeighbour{} = Nothing
cmp _ _ = Just $ Constant (F.ValInteger "")
rhsBasis = foldrM (zipWithM cmp) (head rhses) (tail rhses)
consistentWith :: Neighbour -> [Neighbour] -> Bool
consistentWith (Neighbour rv _) ns = any (matchesIV rv) ns
consistentWith _ _ = True
matchesIV :: Variable -> Neighbour -> Bool
matchesIV v (Neighbour v' _) | v == v' = True
matchesIV v Neighbour{} | v == "" = True
matchesIV _ (Neighbour v' _) | v' == "" = True
matchesIV _ _ = False
padZeros :: [[Int]] -> [[Int]]
padZeros ixss = let m = maximum (map length ixss)
in map (\ixs -> ixs ++ replicate (m length ixs) 0) ixss
neighbourToOffset :: Neighbour -> Maybe Int
neighbourToOffset (Neighbour _ o) = Just o
neighbourToOffset (Constant _) = Just absoluteRep
neighbourToOffset _ = Nothing