   Copyright 2016, Dominic Orchard, Andrew Rice, Mistral Contrastin, Matthew Danish

   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
   You may obtain a copy of the License at


   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
   limitations under the License.

{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}

module Camfort.Reprint
  ( reprint
  , subtext
  , takeBounds
  ) where

import Data.Generics.Zipper

import Camfort.Helpers

import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
import Data.Data
import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Lazy
import qualified Language.Fortran.Util.Position as FU

 -- type SourceText    = B.ByteString
 -- data FU.Position = FU.Position { posAsbsoluteOffset :: Int,
                                     posColumn :: Int,
                                     posLine   :: Int }

-- A refactoring takes a 'Typeable' value
-- into a stateful SourceText (B.ByteString) transformer,
-- which returns a pair of a stateful computation of an updated SourceText
-- paired with a boolean flag denoting whether a refactoring has been
-- performed.  The state contains a FU.Position which is the "cursor"
-- within the original source text. The incoming value corresponds to
-- the position of the first character in the input SourceText. The
-- outgoing value is a cursor ahead of the incoming one which shows
-- the amount of SourceText that is consumed by the refactoring.

type Refactored = Bool
type Refactoring m =
  forall b . Typeable b
         => b -> SourceText -> StateT FU.Position m (SourceText, Refactored)

-- The reprint algorithm takes a refactoring (parameteric in
-- some monad m) and turns an arbitrary pretty-printable type 'p'
-- into a monadic SourceText transformer.

reprint :: (Monad m, Data p)
        => Refactoring m -> p -> SourceText -> m SourceText
reprint refactoring tree input
  -- If the inupt is null then null is returned
  | B.null input = return B.empty
  -- Otherwise go with the normal algorithm
  | otherwise = do
   -- Create an initial cursor at the start of the file
   let cursor0 = FU.initPosition
   -- Enter the top-node of a zipper for 'tree'
   -- setting the cursor at the start of the file
   (out, cursorn) <- runStateT (enter refactoring (toZipper tree) input) cursor0
   -- Remove from the input the portion covered by the main algorithm
   -- leaving the rest of the file not covered within the bounds of
   -- the tree
   let (_, remaining)  = takeBounds (cursor0, cursorn) input
   return $ out `B.append` remaining

-- The enter, enterDown, enterRight each take a refactoring and a
-- zipper producing a stateful SourceText transformer with FU.Position
-- state.

enter, enterDown, enterRight
  :: Monad m
  => Refactoring m -> Zipper a -> SourceText -> StateT FU.Position m SourceText

-- `enter` applies the generic refactoring to the current context
-- of the zipper
enter refactoring z inp = do

  -- Part 1.
  -- Apply a refactoring
  cursor     <- get
  (p1, refactored) <- query (`refactoring` inp) z

  -- Part 2.
  -- Cut out the portion of source text consumed by the refactoring
  cursor'    <- get
  (_, inp')  <- return $ takeBounds (cursor, cursor') inp
  -- If a refactoring was not output,
  -- Enter the children of the current context
  p2         <- if refactored
                   then return B.empty
                   else enterDown refactoring z inp'

  -- Part 3.
  -- Cut out the portion of source text consumed by the children
  -- then enter the right sibling of the current context
  cursor''   <- get
  (_, inp'') <- return $ takeBounds (cursor', cursor'') inp'
  p3         <- enterRight refactoring z inp''

  -- Conat the output for the current context, children, and right sibling
  return $ B.concat [p1, p2, p3]

-- `enterDown` navigates to the children of the current context
enterDown refactoring z inp =
  case down' z of
    -- Go to children
    Just dz -> enter refactoring dz inp
    -- No children
    Nothing -> return B.empty

-- `enterRight` navigates to the right sibling of the current context
enterRight refactoring z inp =
  case right z of
    -- Go to right sibling
    Just rz -> enter refactoring rz inp
    -- No right sibling
    Nothing -> return B.empty

-- Given a lower-bound and upper-bound pair of FU.Positions, split the
-- incoming SourceText based on the distanceF between the FU.Position pairs
takeBounds :: (FU.Position, FU.Position) -> SourceText -> (SourceText, SourceText)
takeBounds (l, u) = subtext (ll, lc) (ll, lc) (ul, uc)
  where (FU.Position _ lc ll) = l
        (FU.Position _ uc ul) = u

  Split a text.

  Returns a tuple containing:
    1. the bit of input text between upper and lower bounds
    2. the remaining input text

    1. current cursor position
    2. lower bound
    3. upper bound
    4. input text

subtext :: (Int, Int) -> (Int, Int) -> (Int, Int) -> B.ByteString -> (B.ByteString, B.ByteString)
subtext cursor (lowerLn, lowerCol) (upperLn, upperCol) =
    subtext' B.empty cursor
    subtext' acc (cursorLn, cursorCol) input

      | cursorLn <= lowerLn && (cursorCol >= lowerCol ==> cursorLn < lowerLn) =
        case B.uncons input of
          Nothing -> (B.reverse acc, input)
          Just ('\n', input') -> subtext' acc (cursorLn+1, 1) input'
          Just (_, input')    -> subtext' acc (cursorLn, cursorCol+1) input'

      | cursorLn <= upperLn && (cursorCol >= upperCol ==> cursorLn < upperLn) =
        case B.uncons input of
          Nothing -> (B.reverse acc, input)
          Just ('\n', input') -> subtext' (B.cons '\n' acc) (cursorLn+1, 1) input'
          Just (x, input')    -> subtext' (B.cons x acc) (cursorLn, cursorCol+1) input'

      | otherwise =
        (B.reverse acc, input)

-- | Logical implication operator.
(==>) :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool; infix 2 ==>
a ==> b = a <= b