module Camfort.Output
, Show'(..)
, refactoring
) where
import qualified Language.Fortran.AST as F
import qualified Language.Fortran.PrettyPrint as PP
import qualified Language.Fortran.Util.Position as FU
import qualified Language.Fortran.ParserMonad as FPM
import Camfort.Analysis.Annotations
import Camfort.Reprint
import Camfort.Helpers
import Camfort.Helpers.Syntax
import System.Directory
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
import Data.Generics
import Data.Functor.Identity
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class
import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Lazy
class Show' s where
show' :: s -> String
instance Show' String where
show' = id
instance (Show' a, Show' b) => Show' (a, b) where
show' (a, b) = "(" ++ show' a ++ "," ++ show' b ++")"
instance (Show a) => Show' a where
show' = show
class OutputFiles t where
mkOutputText :: FileOrDir -> t -> SourceText
outputFile :: t -> Filename
isNewFile :: t -> Bool
outputFiles :: FileOrDir -> FileOrDir -> [t] -> IO ()
outputFiles inp outp pdata = do
outIsDir <- isDirectory outp
if outIsDir then do
createDirectoryIfMissing True outp
putStrLn $ "Writing refactored files to directory: " ++ outp ++ "/"
isdir <- isDirectory inp
let inSrc = if isdir then inp else getDir inp
forM_ pdata (\x -> let f' = changeDir outp inSrc (outputFile x)
in do checkDir f'
putStrLn $ "Writing " ++ f'
B.writeFile f' (mkOutputText outp x))
forM_ pdata (\x -> do
let out = if isNewFile x then outputFile x else outp
putStrLn $ "Writing " ++ out
B.writeFile out (mkOutputText outp x))
changeDir newDir oldDir oldFilename =
newDir ++ listDiffL oldDir oldFilename
listDiffL [] ys = ys
listDiffL _ [] = []
listDiffL (x:xs) (y:ys)
| x==y = listDiffL xs ys
| otherwise = ys
instance OutputFiles (Filename, SourceText) where
mkOutputText _ (_, output) = output
outputFile (f, _) = f
isNewFile _ = True
instance OutputFiles (F.ProgramFile Annotation, SourceText) where
mkOutputText _ (ast@(F.ProgramFile (F.MetaInfo version _) _), input) =
if B.null input
then B.pack $ PP.pprintAndRender version ast (Just 0)
else runIdentity $ reprint (refactoring version) ast input
outputFile (pf, _) = F.pfGetFilename pf
isNewFile (_, inp) = B.null inp
refactoring :: Typeable a
=> FPM.FortranVersion
-> a -> SourceText -> StateT FU.Position Identity (SourceText, Bool)
refactoring v z inp = ((catchAll inp `extQ` refactoringsForProgramUnits v inp) `extQ` refactoringsForBlocks v inp) $ z
catchAll :: SourceText -> a -> StateT FU.Position Identity (SourceText, Bool)
catchAll _ _ = return (B.empty, False)
refactoringsForProgramUnits :: FPM.FortranVersion
-> SourceText
-> F.ProgramUnit Annotation
-> StateT FU.Position Identity (SourceText, Bool)
refactoringsForProgramUnits v inp z =
mapStateT (\n -> Identity $ n `evalState` 0) (refactorProgramUnits v inp z)
refactorProgramUnits :: FPM.FortranVersion
-> SourceText
-> F.ProgramUnit Annotation
-> StateT FU.Position (State Int) (SourceText, Bool)
refactorProgramUnits _ inp (F.PUComment ann span (F.Comment comment)) = do
cursor <- get
if pRefactored ann
then let (FU.SrcSpan lb ub) = span
(p0, _) = takeBounds (cursor, lb) inp
nl = if null comment then B.empty else B.pack "\n"
in (put ub >> return (B.concat [p0, B.pack comment, nl], True))
else return (B.empty, False)
refactorProgramUnits _ _ _ = return (B.empty, False)
refactoringsForBlocks :: FPM.FortranVersion
-> SourceText
-> F.Block Annotation
-> StateT FU.Position Identity (SourceText, Bool)
refactoringsForBlocks v inp z =
mapStateT (\n -> Identity $ n `evalState` 0) (refactorBlocks v inp z)
refactorBlocks :: FPM.FortranVersion
-> SourceText
-> F.Block Annotation
-> StateT FU.Position (State Int) (SourceText, Bool)
refactorBlocks _ inp (F.BlComment ann span (F.Comment comment)) = do
cursor <- get
if pRefactored ann
then let (FU.SrcSpan lb ub) = span
(p0, _) = takeBounds (cursor, lb) inp
nl = if null comment then B.empty else B.pack "\n"
in put ub >> return (B.concat [p0, B.pack comment, nl], True)
else return (B.empty, False)
refactorBlocks v inp b@(F.BlStatement _ _ _ u@F.StUse{}) = do
cursor <- get
case refactored $ F.getAnnotation u of
Just (FU.Position _ rCol _) -> do
let (FU.SrcSpan lb _) = FU.getSpan u
let (p0, _) = takeBounds (cursor, lb) inp
let out = B.pack $ PP.pprintAndRender v b (Just (rCol 1))
added <- lift get
when (newNode $ F.getAnnotation u)
(lift $ put $ added + countLines out)
put $ toCol0 lb
return (p0 `B.append` out, True)
Nothing -> return (B.empty, False)
refactorBlocks v inp (F.BlStatement _ _ _ s@F.StEquivalence{}) =
refactorStatements v inp s
refactorBlocks v inp (F.BlStatement _ _ _ s@F.StCommon{}) =
refactorStatements v inp s
refactorBlocks v inp (F.BlStatement _ _ _ s@F.StDeclaration{}) =
refactorStatements v inp s
refactorBlocks v inp b@F.BlStatement {} = refactorSyntax v inp b
refactorBlocks _ _ _ = return (B.empty, False)
refactorStatements :: FPM.FortranVersion -> SourceText
-> F.Statement A -> StateT FU.Position (State Int) (SourceText, Bool)
refactorStatements = refactorSyntax
refactorSyntax ::
(Typeable s, F.Annotated s, FU.Spanned (s A), PP.IndentablePretty (s A))
=> FPM.FortranVersion -> SourceText
-> s A -> StateT FU.Position (State Int) (SourceText, Bool)
refactorSyntax v inp e = do
cursor <- get
let a = F.getAnnotation e
case refactored a of
Nothing -> return (B.empty, False)
Just (FU.Position _ rCol _) -> do
let (FU.SrcSpan lb ub) = FU.getSpan e
let (pre, _) = takeBounds (cursor, lb) inp
let indent = if newNode a then Just (rCol 1) else Nothing
let output = if deleteNode a then B.empty
else B.pack $ PP.pprintAndRender v e indent
out <- if newNode a then do
numAdded <- lift get
let diff = linesCovered ub lb
let (out, numRemoved) = if numAdded <= diff
then removeNewLines output numAdded
else removeNewLines output diff
lift $ put (numAdded numRemoved)
return out
else return output
put ub
return (B.concat [pre, out], True)
countLines xs =
case B.uncons xs of
Nothing -> 0
Just ('\n', xs) -> 1 + countLines xs
Just (_, xs) -> countLines xs
removeNewLines xs 0 = (xs, 0)
removeNewLines xs n =
case unpackFst (B.splitAt 4 xs) of
("\r\n\r\n", xs) -> (xs', n' + 1)
where (xs', n') = removeNewLines (B.pack "\r\n" `B.append` xs) (n 1)
_ ->
case unpackFst (B.splitAt 2 xs) of
("\n\n", xs) -> (xs', n' + 1)
where (xs', n') = removeNewLines (B.pack "\n" `B.append` xs) (n 1)
_ ->
case B.uncons xs of
Nothing -> (xs, 0)
Just (x, xs) -> (B.cons x xs', n)
where (xs', _) = removeNewLines xs n
unpackFst (x, y) = (B.unpack x, y)