{- Copyright 2016, Dominic Orchard, Andrew Rice, Mistral Contrastin, Matthew Danish Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. -} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {- | Defines the monad for the units-of-measure modules -} module Camfort.Specification.Units.Monad ( UA, VV, UnitSolver, UnitOpts(..), unitOpts0, UnitLogs, UnitState(..), LiteralsOpt(..), UnitException , whenDebug, modifyVarUnitMap, modifyGivenVarSet, modifyUnitAliasMap , VarUnitMap, GivenVarSet, UnitAliasMap, TemplateMap, CallIdMap , modifyTemplateMap, modifyNameParamMap, modifyProgramFile, modifyProgramFileM, modifyCallIdRemapM , runUnitSolver, evalUnitSolver, execUnitSolver , CompiledUnits(..), NameParamMap, NameParamKey(..), emptyCompiledUnits ) where import Control.Monad.RWS.Strict import Control.Monad.Trans.Except import Data.Binary (Binary) import Data.Typeable (Typeable) import Data.Char (toLower) import Data.Data (Data) import Data.List (find, isPrefixOf) import GHC.Generics (Generic) import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M import qualified Data.IntMap.Strict as IM import qualified Data.Set as S import qualified Language.Fortran.Analysis.Renaming as FAR import qualified Language.Fortran.AST as F import Language.Fortran.Util.ModFile import Camfort.Specification.Units.Environment (UnitInfo, Constraints(..), VV, PP) import Camfort.Analysis.Annotations (UA) -- | Some options about how to handle literals. data LiteralsOpt = LitPoly -- ^ All literals are polymorphic. | LitUnitless -- ^ All literals are unitless. | LitMixed -- ^ The literal "0" or "0.0" is fully parametric -- polymorphic. All other literals are monomorphic, -- possibly unitless. deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Data) instance Read LiteralsOpt where readsPrec _ s = case find ((`isPrefixOf` map toLower s) . fst) ms of Just (str, con) -> [(con, drop (length str) s)] Nothing -> [] where ms = [ ("poly", LitPoly), ("unitless", LitUnitless), ("mixed", LitMixed) , ("litpoly", LitPoly), ("litunitless", LitUnitless), ("litmixed", LitMixed) ] -- | Options for the unit solver data UnitOpts = UnitOpts { uoDebug :: Bool -- ^ debugging mode? , uoLiterals :: LiteralsOpt -- ^ how to handle literals , uoModFiles :: M.Map String ModFile -- ^ map of included modules } deriving (Show, Data, Eq, Ord) unitOpts0 :: UnitOpts unitOpts0 = UnitOpts False LitMixed M.empty -- | Function/subroutine name -> associated, parametric polymorphic constraints type TemplateMap = M.Map F.Name Constraints -- | Things that can be exported from modules data NameParamKey = NPKParam PP Int -- ^ Function/subroutine name, position of parameter | NPKVariable VV -- ^ variable deriving (Ord, Eq, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic) instance Binary NameParamKey -- | mapped to a list of units (to be multiplied together) type NameParamMap = M.Map NameParamKey [UnitInfo] -- | The data-structure stored in 'fortran-src mod files' data CompiledUnits = CompiledUnits { cuTemplateMap :: TemplateMap , cuNameParamMap :: NameParamMap } deriving (Ord, Eq, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic) instance Binary CompiledUnits emptyCompiledUnits :: CompiledUnits emptyCompiledUnits = CompiledUnits M.empty M.empty -------------------------------------------------- -- | The monad type UnitSolver a = ExceptT UnitException (RWS UnitOpts UnitLogs UnitState) a -------------------------------------------------- -- Not in use, but might be useful someday. type UnitException = () -------------------------------------------------- -- Read-only options for the unit solver. -- | Only run the argument if debugging mode enabled. whenDebug :: UnitSolver () -> UnitSolver () whenDebug m = fmap uoDebug ask >>= \ d -> when d m -------------------------------------------------- -- Track some logging information in the monad. type UnitLogs = String -------------------------------------------------- -- | Variable => unit type VarUnitMap = M.Map VV UnitInfo -- | Set of variables given explicit unit annotations type GivenVarSet = S.Set F.Name -- | Alias name => definition type UnitAliasMap = M.Map String UnitInfo -- | Map of CallId to CallId type CallIdMap = IM.IntMap Int -- | Working state for the monad data UnitState = UnitState { usProgramFile :: F.ProgramFile UA , usVarUnitMap :: VarUnitMap , usGivenVarSet :: GivenVarSet , usUnitAliasMap :: UnitAliasMap , usTemplateMap :: TemplateMap , usNameParamMap :: NameParamMap , usLitNums :: Int , usCallIds :: Int , usCallIdRemap :: CallIdMap , usConstraints :: Constraints } deriving (Show, Data) unitState0 pf = UnitState { usProgramFile = pf , usVarUnitMap = M.empty , usGivenVarSet = S.empty , usUnitAliasMap = M.empty , usTemplateMap = M.empty , usNameParamMap = M.empty , usLitNums = 0 , usCallIds = 0 , usCallIdRemap = IM.empty , usConstraints = [] } -- helper functions modifyVarUnitMap :: (VarUnitMap -> VarUnitMap) -> UnitSolver () modifyVarUnitMap f = modify (\ s -> s { usVarUnitMap = f (usVarUnitMap s) }) modifyGivenVarSet :: (GivenVarSet -> GivenVarSet) -> UnitSolver () modifyGivenVarSet f = modify (\ s -> s { usGivenVarSet = f (usGivenVarSet s) }) modifyUnitAliasMap :: (UnitAliasMap -> UnitAliasMap) -> UnitSolver () modifyUnitAliasMap f = modify (\ s -> s { usUnitAliasMap = f (usUnitAliasMap s) }) modifyTemplateMap :: (TemplateMap -> TemplateMap) -> UnitSolver () modifyTemplateMap f = modify (\ s -> s { usTemplateMap = f (usTemplateMap s) }) modifyNameParamMap :: (NameParamMap -> NameParamMap) -> UnitSolver () modifyNameParamMap f = modify (\ s -> s { usNameParamMap = f (usNameParamMap s) }) modifyProgramFile :: (F.ProgramFile UA -> F.ProgramFile UA) -> UnitSolver () modifyProgramFile f = modify (\ s -> s { usProgramFile = f (usProgramFile s) }) modifyProgramFileM :: (F.ProgramFile UA -> UnitSolver (F.ProgramFile UA)) -> UnitSolver () modifyProgramFileM f = do pf <- fmap usProgramFile get pf' <- f pf modify (\ s -> s { usProgramFile = pf' }) modifyCallIdRemapM :: (CallIdMap -> UnitSolver (a, CallIdMap)) -> UnitSolver a modifyCallIdRemapM f = do idMap <- gets usCallIdRemap (x, idMap') <- f idMap modify (\ s -> s { usCallIdRemap = idMap' }) return x -------------------------------------------------- -- | Run the unit solver monad. runUnitSolver :: UnitOpts -> F.ProgramFile UA -> UnitSolver a -> (Either UnitException a, UnitState, UnitLogs) runUnitSolver o pf m = runRWS (runExceptT m) o (unitState0 pf) evalUnitSolver :: UnitOpts -> F.ProgramFile UA -> UnitSolver a -> (Either UnitException a, UnitLogs) evalUnitSolver o pf m = (ea, l) where (ea, _, l) = runUnitSolver o pf m execUnitSolver :: UnitOpts -> F.ProgramFile UA -> UnitSolver a -> Either UnitException (UnitState, UnitLogs) execUnitSolver o pf m = case runUnitSolver o pf m of (Left e, _, _) -> Left e (Right _, s, l) -> Right (s, l)