module Camfort.Transformation.CommonBlockElim where
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.State.Lazy
import Debug.Trace
import Data.Data
import Data.List
import Data.Ord
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Generics.Uniplate.Operations
import qualified Language.Fortran.AST as F
import qualified Language.Fortran.Analysis as FA
import qualified Language.Fortran.Analysis.Types as FAT
import qualified Language.Fortran.Util.Position as FU
import qualified Language.Fortran.ParserMonad as PM
import qualified Language.Fortran.PrettyPrint as PP
import Camfort.Helpers
import Camfort.Helpers.Syntax
import Camfort.Analysis.Annotations
type TCommon p = (Maybe F.Name, [(F.Name, F.BaseType)])
type TLCommon p = (Filename, (F.Name, TCommon p))
type A1 = FA.Analysis Annotation
type CommonState = State (Report, [TLCommon A])
commonElimToModules ::
-> [(Filename, F.ProgramFile A)]
-> (Report, [(Filename, F.ProgramFile A)], [(Filename, F.ProgramFile A)])
commonElimToModules d pfs =
(r ++ r', pfs'', pfM)
(pfs', (r, cg)) = runState (analyseAndRmCommons pfs) ("", [])
meta = F.MetaInfo PM.Fortran90 ""
(r', pfM) = introduceModules meta d cg
pfs'' = updateUseDecls pfs' cg
analyseAndRmCommons :: [(Filename, F.ProgramFile A)]
-> CommonState [(Filename, F.ProgramFile A)]
analyseAndRmCommons = mapM analysePerPF
analysePerPF ::
(Filename, F.ProgramFile A) -> CommonState (Filename, F.ProgramFile A)
analysePerPF (fname, pf) = do
let pf' = FA.initAnalysis pf
let (pf'', tenv) = FAT.analyseTypes pf'
pf''' <- transformBiM (analysePerPU tenv fname) pf''
return (fname, fmap FA.prevAnnotation pf''')
analysePerPU ::
FAT.TypeEnv -> Filename -> F.ProgramUnit A1 -> CommonState (F.ProgramUnit A1)
analysePerPU tenv fname p =
transformBiM (collectAndRmCommons tenv fname (F.getName p)) p
collectAndRmCommons :: FAT.TypeEnv -> Filename -> F.ProgramUnitName
-> F.Block A1 -> CommonState (F.Block A1)
collectAndRmCommons tenv fname pname = transformBiM commons
commons :: F.Statement A1 -> CommonState (F.Statement A1)
commons f@(F.StCommon a s@(FU.SrcSpan p1 _) cgrps) = do
mapM_ commonGroups (F.aStrip cgrps)
let a' = onPrev (\ap -> ap {refactored = Just p1, deleteNode = True}) a
return $ F.StCommon a' (deleteLine s) (F.AList a s [])
commons f = return f
punitName (F.Named s) = s
punitName _ = ""
commonGroups :: F.CommonGroup A1 -> CommonState ()
commonGroups (F.CommonGroup a (FU.SrcSpan p1 _) cname exprs) = do
let r' = show p1 ++ ": removed common declaration\n"
let tcommon = map typeCommonExprs (F.aStrip exprs)
let info = (fname, (punitName pname, (commonNameFromAST cname, tcommon)))
modify (\(r, infos) -> (r ++ r', info : infos))
typeCommonExprs :: F.Expression A1 -> (F.Name, F.BaseType)
typeCommonExprs (F.ExpValue _ sp (F.ValVariable v)) =
case M.lookup v tenv of
Just (FA.IDType (Just t) (Just FA.CTVariable)) -> (v, t)
Just (FA.IDType (Just t) (Just FA.CTArray)) -> (v, t)
_ -> error $ "Variable '" ++ show v
++ "' is of an unknown or higher-order type at: " ++ show sp
++ show (M.lookup v tenv)
typeCommonExprs e = error $ "Not expecting a non-variable expression \
\in expression at: " ++ show (FU.getSpan e)
cmpTLConFName :: TLCommon a -> TLCommon a -> Ordering
cmpTLConFName (f1, (_, _)) (f2, (_, _)) = compare f1 f2
cmpTLConPName :: TLCommon a -> TLCommon a -> Ordering
cmpTLConPName (_, (p1, _)) (_, (p2, _)) = compare p1 p2
cmpTLConBNames :: TLCommon a -> TLCommon a -> Ordering
cmpTLConBNames (_, (_, c1)) (_, (_, c2)) = cmpTConBNames c1 c2
cmpTConBNames :: TCommon a -> TCommon a -> Ordering
cmpTConBNames (Nothing, _) (Nothing, _) = EQ
cmpTConBNames (Nothing, _) (Just _, _) = LT
cmpTConBNames (Just _, _) (Nothing, _) = GT
cmpTConBNames (Just n, _) (Just n', _)
| n < n' = LT
| n > n' = GT
| otherwise = EQ
cmpVarName :: TLCommon a -> TLCommon a -> Ordering
cmpVarName (_, (_, (_, vtys1))) (_, (_, (_, vtys2))) =
map fst vtys1 `compare` map fst vtys2
commonName Nothing = "Common"
commonName (Just x) = x
commonNameFromAST (Just (F.ExpValue _ _ (F.ValVariable v))) = Just v
commonNameFromAST _ = Nothing
freshenCommonNames :: TLCommon A -> (TLCommon A, RenamerCoercer)
freshenCommonNames (fname, (pname, (cname, fields))) =
let mkRenamerAndCommon (r, tc) (v, t) =
let v' = caml (commonName cname) ++ "_" ++ v
in (M.insert v (Just v', Nothing) r, (v', t) : tc)
(r, fields') = foldl mkRenamerAndCommon (M.empty, []) fields
in ((fname, (pname, (cname, fields'))), Just r)
groupSortCommonBlock :: [TLCommon A] -> [[[TLCommon A]]]
groupSortCommonBlock commons = gccs
gcs = groupBy (\x y -> cmpEq $ cmpTLConBNames x y) commons
gccs = map (sortBy (\y x -> length x `compare` length y) . group . sortBy cmpVarName) gcs
mkTLCommonRenamers :: [TLCommon A] -> [(TLCommon A, RenamerCoercer)]
mkTLCommonRenamers commons =
case allCoherentCommons commons of
(r, False) -> error $ "Common blocks are incoherent!\n" ++ r
(_, True) -> commons'
gccs = groupSortCommonBlock commons
gcrcs = map (\grp ->
let (com, r) = freshenCommonNames (head (head grp))
in map (\c -> (c, r)) (head grp) ++
map (\c -> (c, mkRenamerCoercerTLC c com)) (concat $ tail grp)) gccs
commons' = sortBy (cmpFst cmpTLConFName) (sortBy (cmpFst cmpTLConPName) (concat gcrcs))
type NameMap = M.Map F.Name F.Name
type RenamerCoercer =
Maybe (M.Map F.Name (Maybe F.Name, Maybe (F.BaseType, F.BaseType)))
applyRenaming :: (Typeable (t A), Data (t A)) => NameMap -> t A -> t A
applyRenaming r = transformBi rename
rename :: F.Value A -> F.Value A
rename vn@(F.ValVariable v) =
case M.lookup v r of
Nothing -> vn
Just v' -> F.ValVariable v'
class Renaming r where
hasRenaming :: F.Name -> r -> Bool
instance Renaming RenamerCoercer where
hasRenaming _ Nothing = False
hasRenaming v (Just rc) = M.member v rc
instance Renaming [RenamerCoercer] where
hasRenaming v = any (hasRenaming v)
updateUseDecls ::
[(Filename, F.ProgramFile A)] -> [TLCommon A] -> [(Filename, F.ProgramFile A)]
updateUseDecls fps tcs = map perPF fps
perPF (f, p@(F.ProgramFile (F.MetaInfo v _) _)) =
(f, transformBi (importIncludeCommons v) $ transformBi (matchPUnit v f) p)
tcrs = mkTLCommonRenamers tcs
inames :: F.Statement A -> Maybe String
inames (F.StInclude _ _ (F.ExpValue _ _ (F.ValString fname))) = Just fname
inames _ = Nothing
importIncludeCommons :: PM.FortranVersion -> F.ProgramUnit A -> F.ProgramUnit A
importIncludeCommons v p =
foldl (flip (matchPUnit v)) p (reduceCollect inames p)
insertUses :: [F.Block A] -> F.ProgramUnit A -> F.ProgramUnit A
insertUses uses = descendBi insertUses'
where insertUses' :: [F.Block A] -> [F.Block A]
insertUses' bs = uses ++ bs
matchPUnit :: PM.FortranVersion -> Filename -> F.ProgramUnit A -> F.ProgramUnit A
matchPUnit v fname p =
removeDecls v (map snd tcrs') p'
pname = case F.getName p of
F.Named pname -> pname
_ -> fname
tcrs' = lookups' pname (lookups' fname tcrs)
pos = getUnitStartPosition p
uses = mkUseStatementBlocks pos tcrs'
p' = insertUses uses p
removeDecls :: PM.FortranVersion -> [RenamerCoercer] -> F.ProgramUnit A -> F.ProgramUnit A
removeDecls v rcs p = addToProgramUnit v p' remainingAssignments
(p', remainingAssignments) = runState (transformBiM (removeDecl rcs) p) []
removeDecl :: [RenamerCoercer]
-> F.Statement A -> State [F.Statement A] (F.Statement A)
removeDecl rcs d@(F.StDeclaration a s@(FU.SrcSpan p1 _) typ attr decls) = do
modify (++ assgns)
return $ F.StDeclaration a' (deleteLine s) typ attr decls'
(F.AList al sl declsA) = decls
decls' = F.AList al' sl declsA'
(assgns, declsA') = foldl matchVar ([],[]) declsA
(a', al') = if length declsA == length declsA'
then (a, al)
else (a {refactored = Just p1, deleteNode = True}
, al {refactored = Just pl1})
where (FU.SrcSpan pl1 _ ) = sl
matchVar :: ([F.Statement A], [F.Declarator A]) -> F.Declarator A
-> ([F.Statement A], [F.Declarator A])
matchVar (assgns, decls)
dec@(F.DeclVariable a s
lvar@(F.ExpValue _ _ (F.ValVariable v)) len init) =
if hasRenaming v rcs
then case init of
Nothing -> (assgns, decls)
Just initExpr ->
((F.StExpressionAssign a' s lvar initExpr) : assgns, decls)
(assgns, dec : decls)
matchVar (assgns, decls) _ = (assgns, decls)
removeDecl _ d = return d
addToProgramUnit ::
PM.FortranVersion -> F.ProgramUnit A -> [F.Statement A] -> F.ProgramUnit A
addToProgramUnit v pu stmnts = descendBi (addAfterDecls (map toBlock stmnts)) pu
addAfterDecls :: [F.Block A] -> [F.Block A] -> [F.Block A]
addAfterDecls [] ys = ys
addAfterDecls [x] ys = x : ys
addAfterDecls (x:(x':xs)) ys
| F.nonExecutableStatementBlock v x && F.executableStatementBlock v x'
= x : (ys ++ (x' : xs))
| F.executableStatementBlock v x = ys ++ (x:(x':xs))
addAfterDecls (x:xs) ys = x : addAfterDecls xs ys
toBlock :: F.Statement A -> F.Block A
toBlock stmnt =
F.BlStatement (F.getAnnotation stmnt) (FU.getSpan stmnt) Nothing stmnt
getUnitStartPosition :: F.ProgramUnit A -> FU.SrcSpan
getUnitStartPosition (F.PUMain _ s _ [] _) = s
getUnitStartPosition (F.PUMain _ _ _ bs _) = FU.getSpan (head bs)
getUnitStartPosition (F.PUSubroutine _ s _ _ _ [] _) = s
getUnitStartPosition (F.PUSubroutine _ _ _ _ _ bs _) = FU.getSpan (head bs)
getUnitStartPosition (F.PUFunction _ s _ _ _ _ _ [] _) = s
getUnitStartPosition (F.PUFunction _ _ _ _ _ _ _ bs _) = FU.getSpan (head bs)
getUnitStartPosition (F.PUBlockData _ s _ []) = s
getUnitStartPosition (F.PUBlockData _ _ _ bs) = FU.getSpan (head bs)
getUnitStartPosition (F.PUComment _ s _) = s
renamerToUse :: RenamerCoercer -> [(F.Name, F.Name)]
renamerToUse Nothing = []
renamerToUse (Just m) = let entryToPair v (Nothing, _) = []
entryToPair v (Just v', _) = [(v, v')]
in M.foldlWithKey (\xs v e -> entryToPair v e ++ xs) [] m
mkUseStatementBlocks :: FU.SrcSpan -> [(TCommon A, RenamerCoercer)] -> [F.Block A]
mkUseStatementBlocks s = map mkUseStmnt
a = unitAnnotation { refactored = Just pos, newNode = True }
(FU.SrcSpan pos pos') = s
s' = FU.SrcSpan (toCol0 pos) pos'
mkUseStmnt x@((name, _), r) = F.BlStatement a s' Nothing $
F.StUse a s' useName F.Permissive useListA
where useName = F.ExpValue a s' (F.ValVariable (caml (commonName name)))
useListA = case useList of [] -> Nothing
us -> Just (F.AList a s' (reverse us))
useList = mkUses pos x
mkUses :: FU.Position -> (TCommon A, RenamerCoercer) -> [F.Use A]
mkUses s ((name, _), r) = map useRenamer (renamerToUse r)
useRenamer (v, vR) = F.UseRename a s' (F.ExpValue a s' (F.ValVariable v))
(F.ExpValue a s' (F.ValVariable vR))
mkRenamerCoercerTLC :: TLCommon A :? source -> TLCommon A :? target -> RenamerCoercer
mkRenamerCoercerTLC x@(fname, (pname, common1)) (_, (_, common2)) =
mkRenamerCoercer common1 common2
mkRenamerCoercer :: TCommon A :? source -> TCommon A :? target -> RenamerCoercer
mkRenamerCoercer (name1, vtys1) (name2, vtys2)
| name1 == name2 =
if vtys1 == vtys2 then Nothing
else Just $ generate vtys1 vtys2 M.empty
| otherwise =
error "Can't generate renamer between different common blocks\n"
generate [] [] theta = theta
generate ((var1, ty1):vtys1) ((var2, ty2):vtys2) theta =
generate vtys1 vtys2 (M.insert var1 (varR, typR) theta)
varR = if var1 == var2 then Nothing else Just var2
typR = if ty1 == ty2 then Nothing else Just (ty1, ty2)
generate _ _ _ = error "Common blocks of different field length\n"
allCoherentCommons :: [TLCommon A] -> (Report, Bool)
allCoherentCommons commons =
foldM (\p (c1, c2) -> coherentCommons c1 c2 >>= \p' -> return $ p && p')
True (pairs commons)
coherentCommons :: TLCommon A -> TLCommon A -> (Report, Bool)
coherentCommons (f1, (p1, (n1, vtys1))) (f2, (p2, (n2, vtys2))) =
if n1 == n2
then coherentCommons' vtys1 vtys2
else error $ "Trying to compare differently named common blocks: "
++ show n1 ++ " and " ++ show n2 ++ "\n"
coherentCommons' :: [(F.Name, F.BaseType)] -> [(F.Name, F.BaseType)] -> (Report, Bool)
coherentCommons' [] [] = ("", True)
coherentCommons' ((var1, ty1):xs) ((var2, ty2):ys)
| af ty1 == af ty2 = let (r', c) = coherentCommons' xs ys
in (r', c && True)
| otherwise = let r = var1 ++ ":"
++ PP.pprintAndRender PM.Fortran90 ty1 Nothing
++ "(" ++ show (af ty1) ++ ")"
++ " differs from " ++ var2
++ ":" ++ PP.pprintAndRender PM.Fortran90 ty2 Nothing
++ "(" ++ show (af ty2) ++ ")" ++ "\n"
(r', _) = coherentCommons' xs ys
in (r ++ r', False)
coherentCommons' _ _ = ("Common blocks of different field lengths", False)
introduceModules ::
F.MetaInfo -> Directory -> [TLCommon A]
-> (Report, [(Filename, F.ProgramFile A)])
introduceModules meta dir cenv =
mapM (mkModuleFile meta dir . head . head) (groupSortCommonBlock cenv)
mkModuleFile ::
F.MetaInfo -> Directory -> TLCommon A -> (Report, (Filename, F.ProgramFile A))
mkModuleFile meta dir (_, (_, (name, varTys))) =
(r, (path, F.pfSetFilename path $ F.ProgramFile meta [mod]))
modname = commonName name
path = dir ++ modname ++ ".f90"
r = "Creating module " ++ modname ++ " at " ++ path ++ "\n"
mod = mkModule modname varTys modname
mkModule :: String -> [(F.Name, F.BaseType)] -> String -> F.ProgramUnit A
mkModule name vtys fname =
F.PUModule a sp (caml fname) decls Nothing
a = unitAnnotation { refactored = Just loc, newNode = True }
loc = FU.Position 0 0 0
sp = FU.SrcSpan loc loc
toDeclBlock (v, t) = F.BlStatement a sp Nothing (toStmt (v, t))
toStmt (v, t) = F.StDeclaration a sp (toTypeSpec t) Nothing (toDeclarator v)
toTypeSpec t = F.TypeSpec a sp t Nothing
toDeclarator v = F.AList a sp
[F.DeclVariable a sp
(F.ExpValue a sp (F.ValVariable (caml name ++ "_" ++ v))) Nothing Nothing]
decls = map toDeclBlock vtys