module Camfort.Specification.Stencils.Synthesis where
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Camfort.Specification.Stencils.Syntax
import Camfort.Analysis.Annotations
import qualified Language.Fortran.AST as F
import qualified Language.Fortran.Analysis as FA
import qualified Language.Fortran.Analysis.Renaming as FAR
import qualified Language.Fortran.Util.Position as FU
import Language.Fortran.Util.Position
formatSpec ::
Maybe String
-> FAR.NameMap
-> (FU.SrcSpan, Either [([Variable], Specification)] (String,Variable))
-> String
formatSpec prefix nm (span, Right (evalInfo,name)) =
++ evalInfo
++ (if name /= "" then " :: " ++ realName name else "") ++ "\n"
realName v = v `fromMaybe` (v `M.lookup` nm)
prefix' = case prefix of
Nothing -> show span ++ " "
Just pr -> pr
formatSpec _ _ (_, Left []) = ""
formatSpec prefix nm (span, Left specs) =
(intercalate "\n" $ map (\s -> prefix' ++ doSpec s) specs)
prefix' = case prefix of
Nothing -> show span ++ " "
Just pr -> pr
commaSep = intercalate ", "
doSpec (arrayVar, spec) =
show (fixSpec spec) ++ " :: " ++ commaSep (map realName arrayVar)
realName v = v `fromMaybe` (v `M.lookup` nm)
fixSpec s = s
a = (head $ FA.initAnalysis [unitAnnotation]) { FA.insLabel = Just 0 }
s = SrcSpan (Position 0 0 0) (Position 0 0 0)
offsetToIx :: F.Name -> Int -> F.Index (FA.Analysis A)
offsetToIx v o
| o == absoluteRep
= F.IxSingle a s Nothing (F.ExpValue a s (F.ValInteger "0"))
| o == 0 = F.IxSingle a s Nothing (F.ExpValue a s (F.ValVariable v))
| o > 0 = F.IxSingle a s Nothing (F.ExpBinary a s F.Addition
(F.ExpValue a s (F.ValVariable v))
(F.ExpValue a s (F.ValInteger $ show o)))
| otherwise = F.IxSingle a s Nothing (F.ExpBinary a s F.Subtraction
(F.ExpValue a s (F.ValVariable v))
(F.ExpValue a s (F.ValInteger $ show (abs o))))