   Copyright 2016, Dominic Orchard, Andrew Rice, Mistral Contrastin, Matthew Danish

   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
   You may obtain a copy of the License at


   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
   limitations under the License.
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}

module Camfort.Analysis.Types where

import Data.List
import Data.Char
import Data.Data
import Control.Monad.State.Lazy

import Data.Generics.Uniplate.Operations

import Camfort.Analysis.Syntax
import Language.Fortran

import Debug.Trace

type TypeEnv t = [(Variable, Type t)]
type TypeEnvStack t = [TypeEnv t] -- stack of environments

typeAnnotations :: (Show a, Typeable a, Data a) => Program a -> State (TypeEnv a) (Program a)
typeAnnotations = mapM (descendBiM buildTypeEnv)

typeEnv :: (Show a, Typeable a, Data a) => Block a -> TypeEnv a
typeEnv x = snd $ runState (buildTypeEnv x) []

tenvLookup :: Variable -> TypeEnv t -> Maybe (Type t)
tenvLookup v = lookup (lowercase v)

buildTypeEnv :: (Show a, Typeable a, Data a) => Block a -> State (TypeEnv a) (Block a)
buildTypeEnv x = do tenv <- get
                    tenv' <- return $ gtypes x
                    put (tenv ++ tenv')
                    return x

eqType :: Variable -> Variable -> TypeEnv t -> Bool
eqType v1 v2 vs = case lookup v1 vs of
                    Nothing -> False
                    Just t1 -> case lookup v2 vs of
                                 Nothing -> False
                                 Just t2 -> (AnnotationFree t1 == AnnotationFree t2)

gtypes :: forall a t . (Show a, Data (t a), Typeable (t a), Data a, Typeable a) => t a -> TypeEnv a
gtypes x = let decAndTypes :: [([(Expr a, Expr a, Maybe Int)], Type a)]
               decAndTypes = [(d, t) | (Decl _ _ d t) <- (universeBi x)::[Decl a]]
           in concatMap (\(d, t) ->
                            [(lowercase v, toArrayType t es)
                               | (Var _ _ vs, _, _) <- d, (VarName _ v, es) <- vs]) decAndTypes

lowercase = map toLower

quicktest t = case t of
                (ArrayT _ _ _ _ _ _) -> True
                _ -> False

isArrayType :: (TypeEnv t) -> Variable -> Bool
isArrayType env v = case (lookup v env) of
  Nothing -> False -- probably a primitive
  Just t -> case t of
              (ArrayT _ _ _ _ _ _) -> True
              (BaseType _ _ attrs _ _) -> any (\x -> case x of Dimension _ _ -> True
                                                               _             -> False) attrs
              -- _                    -> False -- overlap

toArrayType (BaseType x b as e1 e2) es
                  | boundsP es = ArrayT x (bounds es) b as e1 e2
                  | otherwise = BaseType x b as e1 e2
toArrayType t es = t

arrayElementType :: Type p -> Type p
arrayElementType (ArrayT a dims t attrs kind len) = BaseType a t attrs kind len
arrayElementType t = t

boundsP [] = False
boundsP ((Bound _ _ _ _):es) = True || (boundsP es)
boundsP _ = False

bounds [] = []
bounds ((Bound _ _ e1 e2):es) = (e1, e2) : (bounds es)
bounds _ = error "Bound expression is of the wrong form"

{- OLD
 predBounds [] = False
 predBounds [(Bound _ _ _)] = True
 predBounds ((Bound _ _ _):bs) = True || predBounds bs
 predBounds _ = False

 declsWithBounds :: forall a .  (Data a, Typeable a) => [Program a] -> [String]
 declsWithBounds x = [v | (VarName _ v, b) <- (universeBi ((universeBi x)::[Decl a]))::[(VarName a, [Expr a])], predBounds b]
